Atatürk Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Beslenme ve Diyetetik Bölümü Koleksiyonu
Recent Submissions
“The association between HALP score and infection in acute ischemic stroke patients”
(W.B. Saunders, 2024)Background and purpose: Stroke-associated infection (SAI) is related to increased mortality in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) cases. The HALP index is used to evaluate nutrition and inflammation. Our research aimed to assess ... -
Assessment of micronutrient intakes, anxiety states and risk factors affecting disease development in individuals with hypothyroidism
(Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas, 2024)Objective This study aimed to assessment the risk factors affecting development of hypothyroidism and to examine the selected dietary micronutrient intakes of primary hypothyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism and euthyroid ... -
Evaluation of Hedera species as herbal medicine raw materials
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)This study aimed to evaluate the potential of Hedera colchica as an alternative to Hedera helix species for the treatment of mild inflammatory conditions of the upper respiratory tract and chronic inflammatory bronchial ... -
Which is the best diet to reduce cardiometabolic risk: dietary counseling or home-delivered diet?
(Swedish Nutrition Foundation, 2023)Background: Non-compliance with medical nutrition therapy can lead to an increase in cardiometabolic risk factors, resulting in an increase in the frequency of morbidity and mortality. Objective: This study aims to compare ... -
Nutritional status and risk of sarcopenia among hospitalized older adults residing in a rural region in Turkey
(Korean Geriatrics Society, 2023)Background: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of sarcopenia and its associated factors in community-dwelling older adults at risk of malnutrition based on the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), Prognostic ... -
Comparison between laser and transobturator tape therapy in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence and role of overweight in treatment: a prospective observational study
(Institute for Ionics, 2023)Introduction and hypothesis: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is treated with transobturator tape (TOT) sling procedures, but problems arise with artificial mesh in certain instances. Hence, non-invasive laser therapy may ... -
Adolesan dönemde premenstrual sendromun obezite ile ilişkisi
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2023)Bu kesitsel çalışma ile, adolesan dönemde premenstrual sendromun obezite ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Kesitsel olarak yürütülen bu çalışma Çocuk Adolesan Polikliniği’ne başvuran 12-18 yaş grubu araştırmaya ... -
Identifying phenolics by UPLC–MS/MS in some Prangos Lindl. species and ?-glucosidase inhibitory activities
(Elsevier B.V., 2023)Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder associated with biochemical, physiological, and pathological changes in the liver and characterized by some deficiencies in insulin secretion or insulin action. Prangos ... -
The relationship between body mass index, anthropometric measurements and GRACE risk score in acute coronary syndrome
(Emerald Publishing, 2023)Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) risk score in patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and to evaluate ... -
Relationship between catheter related cerebrospinal fluid infections and systemic immune-inflammation index
(PeerJ Inc., 2023)Background. This study investigated the relationship between the systemic immune inflammation index (SII) and catheter-related infections and their effects on prognosis in pediatric patients. Methods. A total of 56 ... -
Nutritional status of Syrian female migrants in Turkey: a cross-sectional study
(Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama, 2023)It is known that individuals who are immigrants experience malnutrition due to various reasons. The present study was conducted to compare the nutritional status of immigrant women, who arrive in Turkey from Syria, before ... -
The impact of prognostic nutritional index on mortality in patients with COVID-19
(Emerald Publishing, 2023)Purpose: Malnutrition has a significant effect on the onset and progression of infective pathology. The malnutrition status in COVID-19 cases are not understood well. Prognostic Nutritional Index (PNI) is a new and detailed ... -
Orthorexia and eating attitudes in health sciences students
(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2023)Background: The prevalence of eating disorders and orthorexia nervosa has steadily increased and this situation may lead to severe physical, psychological, and social disorders. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate ... -
Association of cardiometabolic risks with body composition in hemodialysis patients
(Verduci Editore s.r.l, 2023)OBJECTIVE: High body fat ratio is known as one of the main reasons that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This study examined the relationship between body composition and cardiometabolic risks in hemodialysis ... -
The effect of prognostic nutritional index on infection in acute ischemic stroke patients
(MDPI, 2023)Objectives: Malnutrition is frequently seen in stroke patients. Malnutrition worsens the prognosis and increases the mortality rate in acute ischemic stroke patients. Malnutrition is a significant factor not only in the ... -
Factors affect the quality of sleep in elderly people with metabolic syndrome
(Galenos Yayınevi, 2023)Aim: As more studies are conducted on the effects of metabolic syndrome (MetS) on the elderly, it becomes clear that these individuals suffer from worse sleep. In this study, we examined the factors affecting sleep quality ... -
Farklı protein kaynakları içeren besinlerin kısa süreli tokluk belirteçleri, serum insülin ve glukoz düzeyleri üzerine etkisi
(Kılıçhan BAYAR, 2023)Amaç: Proteinlerin besin kaynağından dolayı tokluk üzerine etkileri de farklı olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada iki farklı protein kaynaklı kahvaltının tokluk belirteçleri, serum insülin ve glikoz üzerine etkisini incelemek ... -
Examination of the relationship between eating behavior disorder and emotional eating behavior in university students
(Gaziosmanpaşa Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2023)Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the eating habits, eating attitudes, and behaviors of university students and to determine the relationship between binge eating disorder and emotional eating. Method: This ... -
Depression and alexithymia’s effects on emotional eating in people with type 2 diabetes
(İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2023)Aim: Examining the impact of depression and alexithymia related to emotional eating in people with type 2 diabetes is the goal. Materials and Methods: The study included 180 people with type 2 diabetes be- tween the ages ... -
The relationship between sustainable nutrition and healthy food choice: a cross-sectional study
(Prusa Medical Publishing, 2023)Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate university students' attitudes toward sustainable nutrition, their level of knowledge in this area, and the associations between these variables and food preferences. ...