Browsing by Author "Güzel A."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Cystic meningiomas: Report of three cases
Tatli M.; Güzel A.; Göksel H.M. (Turkish Neurosurgical Society, 2006)Although intracranial meningiomas are usually solid and firm tumours, some are associated with diagnostically confusing cysts. In this article, we present our experience from three of our patients with cystic meningiomas ... -
Intracranial hemorrhage in newborns due to vitamin K deficiency
Katar S.; Özbek M.N.; Güzel A.; Devecioğlu C.; Ecer S. (2006)The late hemorrhagic disease of the newborn results from vitamin K deficiency and the bleeding in these patients is usually intracranial. In this study, clinical and laboratory findings of 10 cases with intracranial bleeding ... -
Intradiploic meningioma with inward and outward extensions in a rheumatoid arthritis patient
Background: Meningiomas usually arise from clusters of arachnoidal cap cells. Originating of a meningioma in an intraosseous region is rare condition. There are several theories about occurrence of these types of meningiomas. ... -
Oral ketamine administration for radiation therapy in children
Doğan E.; Güzel A.; Zincircioğlu S.B.; Arslan M.Ş.; Çelik F.; Yildirim M.B.; Yildirim Z.B. (Scientific Publishers of India, 2017)Background: Radiotherapy is a reliable and effective treatment for various malignancies and can be used for both curative and palliative/prophylactic ends. In order to achieve accuracy, reliability and success in the ... -
Retrograde intubation in the patient with cystic tumor located at the base of tongue
Retrograde intubation is one of the methods used to maintain an airway in the event of a difficult intubation. Retrograde intubation has been successfully carried out on patient for whom intubation was not possible with a ... -
Simultaneous choriocarcinoma metastases to brain, spine and lung
Cerebral metastasis of choriocarcinoma is well documented. However, multifocal metastasis of choriocarcinoma is an extremely rare event. A 20-year-old married woman was admitted through A & E presented with spastic ...