Browsing by Author "Devecioğlu, Atilla G."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Drop-in assessment of plug-in R404A refrigeration equipment using low-global warming potential mixtures
Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Oruç, Vedat (Oxford University Press, 2022)This study analyzes the performance of plug-in refrigeration equipment, which has the condenser on the system and delivers heat to the indoor medium, using mixtures with low-global warming potential (GWP). The theoretical ... -
Experimental assessment of the retrofit of an internal heat exchanger in refrigeration systems: The effect on energy performance and system operation
Oruç, Vedat; Devecioğlu, Atilla G. (Pergamon-Elsevier Science LTD, 2020)The aim of this experimental study is to retrofit a refrigeration system with an internal heat exchanger (IHX) and to assess its effect on the energy performance of the system. The separate IHX cases in the investigation ... -
Experimental comparison of R404A and R452A in refrigeration systems
Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Oruç, Vedat (Taylor & Francis, 2021)In this study, R404A and R452A refrigerants used in refrigeration systems were compared experimentally. The energy performance of the system was investigated for widely used evaporation temperatures (−5, 0, +5 °C) and ... -
Experimental investigation of a solar air heater with copper wool on the absorber plate
Biçer, Ayşe; Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Oruç, Vedat; Tuncer, Zafer (Taylor & Francis, 2020)The thermal performance of a novel solar air heater was experimentally studied in this paper. For this aim, a new solar air collector was designed using copper wool on its absorber plate to be a selective surface. Hence, ... -
Experimental investigation of thermal performance of a new solar air collector with porous surface
Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Oruç, Vedat (Elsevier Ltd, 2017)In this study, thermal performance of a new solar air collector with porous absorber plate was investigated. The porous surface was accomplished by laying out the copper meshing on the absorbing plate. Hence, it was aimed ... -
Experimental investigation on the low-GWP HFC/HFO blends R454A and R454C in a R404A refrigeration system
Oruç, Vedat; Devecioğlu, Atilla G. (Elsevier SCI LTD., 2021)This study experimentally compares the high-GWP R404A with two low-GWP HFC/HFO blends, R454A (35% R32 + 65% R1234yf) and R454C (21.5% R32 + 78.5% R1234yf). Three evaporation temperatures ( -5, 0 and + 5 degrees C) and three ... -
Genleştirilmiş kil agregalı betonların ısıl özelliklerinin incelenmesi
Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Biçer, Yaşar (Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, 2012)Tüketilen enerjinin büyük bölümü yapıların ısıtılması için harcanmaktadır. Bu nedenle yapı bileşenlerinin düşük ısıl iletkenliğe sahip malzemelerden üretilmesi son derece önemlidir. Yapılardaki ısı kayıplarını azaltmak ... -
İklimlendirme sistemlerinde R22 yerine R442A kullanılmasının enerji parametrelerine etkisinin incelenmesi
Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Oruç, Vedat; Berk, Uğur; Ender, Sertaç (Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi, 2016)Bu çalışmada buhar sıkıştırmalı iklimlendirme cihazında R22 soğutucu akışkanı yerine R442A kullanılması deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Sistemde sadece kompresör yağı değiştirilmiştir. R22 ile çalışırken mineral yağ ... -
On the satisfaction of EU F-Gas regulation using R455A as an alternative to R404A in refrigeration systems
Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Oruç, Vedat (Elsevier, 2022)The aim of this study is to investigate the possibilities for satisfying F-Gas regulation of European Union (EU) using R455A with low-global warming potential (GWP) in refrigeration systems. Hence an experimental work was ... -
Retrofitting of R-22 Air-conditioning system with R1234ze(E)
Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Oruç, Vedat (Springer International Publishing Ag, 2020)In this study, the effect on energy parameters and total equivalent warming impact (TEWI) using R1234ze(E) as a substitute for R22 in an air-conditioning device was investigated. The R22 system was retrofitted with R1234ze(E) ... -
Soğutma sistemlerinde R454C kullanılmasının deneysel incelenmesi
Devecioğlu, Atilla G.; Oruç, Vedat (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2023)Bu çalışmanın amacı, yüksek GWP değerine sahip R404A soğutucu akışkanı yerine hidrofloroolefin/hidroflorokarbon (HFO/HFC) karışımı düşük GWP değerine sahip R454C soğutucu akışkanın kullanılmasının incelenmesidir. Deneysel ... -
Thermodynamic analysis of a refrigeration system operating with R1234yf refrigerant
Oruç, Vedat; Devecioğlu, Atilla G. (Springer, 2018)[Abstract Not Available]