In-vitro anti-alzheimer activity of kırktekesakalı (Scorzonera pygmaea Sibth.&Sm.)
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Asos Yayınevi
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Scorzonera L. cinsinin 50‘den fazla türü Türkiye‘de doğal olarak yetiĢmektedir. Asteraceae familyasına
ait bu cinsin üyeleri dünyanın birçok bölgesinde hem gıda hem de halk ilacı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalıĢmada Türkiye‘nin endemik bitkilerinden olan Scorzonera pygmaea Sibth.&Sm. türünün anti-Alzheimer aktivitesi konu edilmiĢtir. Bitkinin kök (SPR) ve toprak üstü (SPH) kısımlarından elde edilen etanol ekstresi artan polariteye dayalı olarak sırasıyla petrol eteri (PE), kloroform (CH), etil asetat (EA) ve n-butanol (BU) ile tüketilmiĢtir. Elde edilen bu ekstrelerin in-vitro asetilkolin esteraz (AChE) ve butirilkolin esteraz (BChE) enzimlerini inhibisyonları Ellman yöntemi ile araĢtırılmıĢtır. Her iki enzim için pozitif standart olarak galantamin (G) kullanılmıĢtır. Hem AChE hem de BChE inhibisyonunda en potent ekstre sırasıyla % 59,72 (G: % 88,21) ve % 64,10 (G: % 81,80) inhibisyon ile SPR-CH olarak bulunmuĢtur. Ayrıca CH ekstreleri BChE‘a karĢı az da olsa daha spesifik iken kalan tüm ekstrelerin daha çok AChE‘a karĢı daha aktif olduğu gözlenmiĢtir. Bunlar içinde özellikle PE ekstrelerinin bu iki enzime karĢı olan afinitelerindeki fark kayda değerdir. Ayrıca bitkiden yaklaĢık 5 yıl önce elde edilmiĢ olan aynı ekstrelerin 4-8 °C‘deki stabilitelerini test etmek için yeni hazırlanan ekstrelerle beraber eski ekstrelerin de AChE inhibisyonları ölçülmüĢtür. Yeni ekstrelerin aksine bunların hiçbirinin aktivite göstermediği belirlenmiĢtir. Bu bağlamda bitkinin kurutulmuĢ halde, oda sıcaklığında, nem, ısı ve ıĢıktan korunarak saklanmasının AChE inhibisyonu açısında daha uygun olduğu anlaĢılmıĢtır. Sonuç olarak bitki orta derecede AChE, BChE inhibitör aktivitesine sahiptir ve bu etkilerden sorumlu bileĢiklerin tespit edilmesi için CH ekstreleri üzerinde ileri fitokimyasal çalıĢmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır.
More than 50 species of the genus Scorzonera L. grow naturally in Turkey. Members of this genus, belonging to the Asteraceae family, are used both as food and folk medicine in many regions of the world. In this study, anti-Alzheimer activity of Scorzonera pygmaea Sibth. & Sm., one of Turkey's endemic plant, has been subjected. Ethanol extract from root (SPR) and above ground-herba (SPH) parts of the plant were extracted with petroleum ether (PE), chloroform (CH), ethyl acetate (EA) and n-butanol (BU), respectively, based on increased polarity. In-vitro inhibition of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) and butyrylcholine esterase (BChE) enzymes of these extracts were investigated by Ellman method. Galantamine (G) was used as positive standard for both enzymes. The most potent extract in both AChE and BChE inhibition was SPRCH with 59.72% (G: 88.21%) and 64.10% (G: 81.80%) inhibition, respectively. In addition, while the CH extracts were slightly more specific to BChE, it was observed that all the remaining extracts were more active against AChE. Among these, the differences in the affinities of the PE extracts to these two enzymes are particularly noteworthy. In addition, to test the stability of the same extracts stored at 4-8 °C, which were obtained from the plant about 5 years ago, AChE inhibition of the old extracts was measured together with the fresh prepared extracts. Unlike the fresh extracts, none of these were found to show activity. In this context, these results show that keeping the air-dried plant at room temperature by protecting from moisture, heat and light, is more suitable in terms of AChE inhibition. As a result, the plant has moderate AChE, BChE inhibitory activity and further phytochemical studies on CH extracts are needed to identify the compounds responsible for these effects.
More than 50 species of the genus Scorzonera L. grow naturally in Turkey. Members of this genus, belonging to the Asteraceae family, are used both as food and folk medicine in many regions of the world. In this study, anti-Alzheimer activity of Scorzonera pygmaea Sibth. & Sm., one of Turkey's endemic plant, has been subjected. Ethanol extract from root (SPR) and above ground-herba (SPH) parts of the plant were extracted with petroleum ether (PE), chloroform (CH), ethyl acetate (EA) and n-butanol (BU), respectively, based on increased polarity. In-vitro inhibition of acetylcholine esterase (AChE) and butyrylcholine esterase (BChE) enzymes of these extracts were investigated by Ellman method. Galantamine (G) was used as positive standard for both enzymes. The most potent extract in both AChE and BChE inhibition was SPRCH with 59.72% (G: 88.21%) and 64.10% (G: 81.80%) inhibition, respectively. In addition, while the CH extracts were slightly more specific to BChE, it was observed that all the remaining extracts were more active against AChE. Among these, the differences in the affinities of the PE extracts to these two enzymes are particularly noteworthy. In addition, to test the stability of the same extracts stored at 4-8 °C, which were obtained from the plant about 5 years ago, AChE inhibition of the old extracts was measured together with the fresh prepared extracts. Unlike the fresh extracts, none of these were found to show activity. In this context, these results show that keeping the air-dried plant at room temperature by protecting from moisture, heat and light, is more suitable in terms of AChE inhibition. As a result, the plant has moderate AChE, BChE inhibitory activity and further phytochemical studies on CH extracts are needed to identify the compounds responsible for these effects.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Scorzonera, AChE, BChE, anti-Alzheimer
6th International Hippocrates Congress on Medical and Health Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şahin, H., Boğa, M. ve Sarı, A. (2021). In-vitro anti-alzheimer activity of kırktekesakalı (Scorzonera pygmaea Sibth.&Sm.). A. Pakdemirli ve M. Eraslan. (Ed.). 6th International Hippocrates Congress on Medical and Health Sciences, April 30th- May 1st, 2021 Proceeding Book içinde. (pp. 728-734). Elazığ: Asos Yayınevi.