Sanata ödül verilebilir mi?
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Sanat eseri teorik aklın ürünü değildir. Bu yüzden onu teorik akılla değerlendirmek mümkün olamaz. Bu anlamda Sanat eseri eleştirilemez. Sanat eseri ancak ona muhatap olanda uyandırdığı estetik heyecan ile anlam kazanır. Bu da sübjektif bir durumdur. Bu yüzden sanata ödül verilemez. Sanata ödül verebileceğimiz bir kriter yoktur. O halde ödül sanatçıya verilebilir. Bu da bazen siyasi bazen ideolojik, bazen de ekonomik olabilir. Bu anlamda sanatçıyla verilen ödülün estetik bir değeri ödüllendirdiği söylenemez. Bu ödül en iyimser ifadeyle “sanatçının çabalarını ve alın terini ödüllendirmek” adına verilebilir. Ancak sanatçının ödülü büyük ölçüde hayata katılma coşkusunu yaşamaktan ve bu coşkuyu dışa vurmaktan doğan üretmenin sağladığı içsel huzur olacaktır. Sanata ödül vermek isteyenler sanatı bir bilim gibi algılama yanılgısı içinde olabilirler. Ancak sanatı değerlendireceğimiz kesin kriterler yoksa sanata ödül verme çabası da beyhude bir çaba olacaktır.
The work of art is not the product of a theoretical mind. Therefore it is not possible to judged and criticize it with the theoretical eye. The work of art finds its meaning only those people who have an eye for art. This is a subjective situation. Therefore art can not be given an award but its creator is awarded for his work. And this is sometimes for a political, economical or ideological situation. However this award does not value the aesthetics of his work. So to say the artist` s efforts and power which he put in his work is awarded. Especially this award will be the artist` s joy of life and his complete inner satisfaction. If art should be given an award then it is important not to consider it as science. However, if there are no criteria for this special piece of art, then it will be an ineffective attempt to award it. The prize is given in return of valuable things. We can not give an award directly to Art, because it is on an emotional basis. Therefore it can’t be criticized. Because The criticism depends on an intellectual basis. We can’t estimate it as an intellectual approach. As it hasn’t appearance from intellectual part. Though what is the evaluation of the Award for Art? Who can decide to award Art? How can an award be given to Art?
The work of art is not the product of a theoretical mind. Therefore it is not possible to judged and criticize it with the theoretical eye. The work of art finds its meaning only those people who have an eye for art. This is a subjective situation. Therefore art can not be given an award but its creator is awarded for his work. And this is sometimes for a political, economical or ideological situation. However this award does not value the aesthetics of his work. So to say the artist` s efforts and power which he put in his work is awarded. Especially this award will be the artist` s joy of life and his complete inner satisfaction. If art should be given an award then it is important not to consider it as science. However, if there are no criteria for this special piece of art, then it will be an ineffective attempt to award it. The prize is given in return of valuable things. We can not give an award directly to Art, because it is on an emotional basis. Therefore it can’t be criticized. Because The criticism depends on an intellectual basis. We can’t estimate it as an intellectual approach. As it hasn’t appearance from intellectual part. Though what is the evaluation of the Award for Art? Who can decide to award Art? How can an award be given to Art?
Sanat eseri, Teorik akıl, Estetik değer, Sanat, Eleştiri, Ödül, Bilim, The work of art, Theoretical reason, Aesthetic value, The art, Criticism, Award, Science
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Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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Sönmez, B. (2007). Sanata ödül verilebilir mi?. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(20), 63-82.