Iron deficiency, anemia and intestinal parasitic infection in children with pica
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Türkiye Klinikleri
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Pikası olan okul öncesi dönemi çocuklarda demir eksikliği, anemi ve bağırsak parazitleri sıklığım tespit amacıyla 1-6 yaşları arasında (ortalama yaş 29.54 ± 12.73 ay) olan 107 çocuk incelendi. Kontrol grubu olarak aynı yaş grubunda ve pika hikayesi olmayan 60 çocuk alındı. En sık yenilen maddeler; toprak (%85.9), duvar sıvaları (%15.9), kömür (%9.3), taş parçaları ve kum (%7.5), ve kül (%5.6 vakada) olarak bulundu. Vakaların %21 inin birden fazla madde yediği tesbit edildi. Pikalı çocukların %57sinde anemi, %76.6sında demir eksikliği bulunurken, kontrol grubunda anemi %21.7, demir eksikliği %35.0 oranlarında görüldü. İki grup arasındaki bu farklılıklar anlamlıydı (p<0.01 ve p<0.01). Pika ve anemisi olan çocuklarda demir eksikliği ise %85.2 oranında bulundu. Çocukların %62sinde bağırsak paraziti görüldü ve poliparazitizm oranı %27.5 idi. Demir eksikliği ve aneminin ağırlığı ile pika süresi ve poliparazitizm arasında önemli bir ilişki bulundu. Demir eksikliği olan çocukların %,79unda demir preparatları ile tedaviden sonra pika kayboldu. Bu çalışma, okul öncesi pikalı çocuklarda demir eksikliği ve aneminin oldukça yaygın bulunduğunu ve belki de pikanın en önemli sebebi olduğunu, fakat tek sebebi olmadığını göstermiştir.
In order to determine iron deficiency, anemia and intestinal parasitic infections incidence in preschool children with pica, 107 children among 1-6 years of age (Mean age 29.54±12.73 months) were investigated. Sixty children in same age group without pica were taken as control group. Soil was the most frequently ingested substance (in 85.9% of cases); followed by wall plaster (in 15.9%), coal (in 9.3%), sand and stone (in 7.5%), and ashes (in 5.6%). Twenty one percent of the cases were found to ingest more than one substance. Anemia was found in 57% and iron deficiency in 76.6% of the children with pica. In control group without pica, anemia and iron deficiency were found in 21.7% and 35.0% of the children, respectively. The differences between two groups were significant p<0.01 and p<0.01). The iron deficiency rate was 85.2% in anemic children with pica. Intestinal parasitic infections were found in 62% of the children and polyparasitism rate was 27.5%. There were important relationships between severity of anemia, duration of pica and polyparasitism. Treatment with iron supplements led to cessation of pica in 79% of children with pica and iron deficiency. This study indicated that iron deficiency and anemia are more prevalent and perhaps the main causes of pica in preschool children with pica.
In order to determine iron deficiency, anemia and intestinal parasitic infections incidence in preschool children with pica, 107 children among 1-6 years of age (Mean age 29.54±12.73 months) were investigated. Sixty children in same age group without pica were taken as control group. Soil was the most frequently ingested substance (in 85.9% of cases); followed by wall plaster (in 15.9%), coal (in 9.3%), sand and stone (in 7.5%), and ashes (in 5.6%). Twenty one percent of the cases were found to ingest more than one substance. Anemia was found in 57% and iron deficiency in 76.6% of the children with pica. In control group without pica, anemia and iron deficiency were found in 21.7% and 35.0% of the children, respectively. The differences between two groups were significant p<0.01 and p<0.01). The iron deficiency rate was 85.2% in anemic children with pica. Intestinal parasitic infections were found in 62% of the children and polyparasitism rate was 27.5%. There were important relationships between severity of anemia, duration of pica and polyparasitism. Treatment with iron supplements led to cessation of pica in 79% of children with pica and iron deficiency. This study indicated that iron deficiency and anemia are more prevalent and perhaps the main causes of pica in preschool children with pica.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pika, Demir eksikliği, Anemi, Bağırsak paraziti, Pica, Iron deficiency, Anemia, Intestinal parasite
Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koç, Ö., Erel, Ö., Kösecik, M., Ataş, A. ve Haspolat, Y. K. (1999). Iron deficiency, anemia and intestinal parasitic infection in children with pica. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Case Reports, 17(2), 65-69.