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Güncel Gönderiler
Öğe Status of English speaking skills in Turkish ELT departments: A nationwide survey(Hacettepe University, 2021) Dağtan, Emrullah; Cabaroğlu, NeşeThe situation of spoken English in both formal and informal settings in Turkey seems to be far from satisfactory. Additionally, the legal arrangements devoted to ameliorate this predicament have proven unsuccessful as far as an acceptable level of competence is concerned. The present study aimed to investigate the situation of English speaking skills at the English Language Teaching (ELT) departments in Turkey, in attempts to attain a descriptive outline for the problems, perceptions, needs, and solutions proposed by lecturers and pre-service teachers. To achieve this, a questionnaire and semi-structured interview were administered to the lecturers and pre-service teachers at seven ELT departments across Turkey, with one department from each of the seven geographical regions. The results indicated that although they had been studying English for more than 6 years, a great majority of the participants could not speak English as proficiently as they were supposed to do. It was also revealed that the participants had difficulty achieving fluency and maintaining confidence when speaking English mainly because they had no appropriate contexts that would allow them to master English speaking skills. On the other hand, an extensive policy change in foreign language education was the most commonly proposed solution. (C) 2021 EJAL & the Authors. Published by Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics (EJAL).Öğe Üniversite öğrencilerinin kariyer algıları: Metaforik bir analiz çalışması(Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2016) Korkut, Ali; Keskin, İsmailKariyer, yükseköğretim kurumları sonrasında öğrencilerin karşı karşıya kalacakları iş yaşantısının ‘sık kullanılan’ ifadelerinden biri olarak dikkatleri çekmektedir. Öğrencilerin bireyin iş yaşamı boyunca kazanımları veya deneyimlerinin bir bütününü ifade eden bütüncül bir kavram olarak kariyere ilişkin algıları, onların iş yaşantısına yaklaşımlarını, iş ortamındaki ilişkilerini ve yönetsel eylemlere bakış açılarını etkileyebilir ve örgütsel verimlilikleri üzerinde işlevsel rol oynayabilir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin kariyer kavramına ilişkin algılarını metaforlar aracılığıyla belirlemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Dicle Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi İşletme Bölümü farklı sınıflarda öğrenim gören 125 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada nitel veri toplama teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma verileri, katılımcıların “Kariyer...........gibidir, çünkü.......” ifadesini tamamlamaları ile elde edilmiştir. Metaforun konusu ve kaynağı arasındaki ilişki “gibi” kelimesi ile belirlenmeye çalışılmış; ‘çünkü’ ifadesi ise metaforlara yüklenen anlamın arka planına ilişkin olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada, nitel araştırma yöntemi ile olgubilim deseni kullanılmıştır. Metaforların analiz edilmesi ve yorumlanması süreci (1) metaforların belirlenmesi, (2) metaforların sınıflandırılması, (3) kategori geliştirme, (4) geçerlik ve güvenirliği olmak üzere dört aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde ise içerik analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Toplanan verilerin sonucunda öğrencilerin 5 temaya bağlı 10 kategori altında toplam 70 metafor geliştirdikleri görülmüştür. Katılımcılar, kariyer kavramını ‘verimlilik’, gelişme ve olgunlaşma’, ‘yol’ ve ‘hedef’ ile ilişkili bir kavram olarak düşünmektedirler. ‘Yılan’, ‘deniz’ ve ‘böcek’ rekabete, belirsizliğe ve zorluğa işaret eden olumsuz metaforlar olarak bulunmuştur.Öğe The perceptions of the students about the English Language Test implemented as a component of university entrance exam(Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayıncilik Merkezi, 2019) Günes, SevimThis study aims to reveal students’ perceptions about the Foreign (English) Language Test implemented as a component of University Entrance Exam. There were two groups as the participants of the study: the first group included pre-service English teachers studying in the English language teaching (ELT) Department and the second group consisted of cram school students preparing for the English Language Test. A questionnaire was implemented to both groups in order to reveal their perceptions about the English Language Test. The data derived from the questionnaires were analysed in a descriptive way through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and the results were presented in a comparative manner. The results revealed that the rate of pre-service English teachers who think that English Language Test should include all of the language skills is higher than the rate of cram school students. In addition to that most of the pre-service English teachers are not pleased with the content of the test as they have faced with the problems related to the language skills after the onset of studying in ELT Department.Öğe What are the perceptions of the students about asynchronous distance learning and blended learning?(Sciencepark Research Organization and Counseling, 2019) Güneş, SevimThis study aims to reveal the perceptions of the students about asynchronous distance learning (ADL) and blended learning (BL). Two groups of freshmen were included in the current study; the first group was taught English through ADL and the second group was taught English through BL which refers to the combination of face-to-face instruction and ADL process in the current study. In order to collect data, seven students were chosen from the ADL group and six students were chosen from the BL group. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 13 students one by one. The results showed that the students in the ADL group were not pleased with being taught at a distance. On the other hand, the BL process was favoured by all of the BL students included in the interviews.