Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Managing the saline irrigation water to decrease water gap under climate changes effects
    (International Information and Engineering Technology Association, 2024) Ghani, Emad Telfah Abdel; Abdelhameed, Isam Mohammed; Yaman, Neşe
    The use of salt water for irrigation purposes has become widespread in the last fifty years, as it is available in many countries. The use of saline water as drainage water and saline groundwater is increasing because of climate change effects on both the quantity and quality of irrigation water, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. This research examined the effect of effective rainfall and leaching fraction on the productivity of four strategic crops when irrigated with medium salinity water from two different sources, groundwater was approved from two wells with a salt concentration of 5.43 dS m-1, and 8.39 dS m-1. Understanding the relationship between saline water use and relative yield under various field conditions of climate change, like effective rainfall ratio and leaching fraction, is very important to expand using saline water and decrease the water gap between demand and available water resources. A computer program was built to estimate the productivity of wheat, barley, maize, and cotton when irrigated by each of the two water sources mentioned under three values of leaching fraction and four ratios of effective rainfall. It was noticed that crop productivity is associated with a linear relationship with rainfall ratios, and nonlinear relationships with leaching fraction, as climate changes affects both the rainfall depth and the water quality, these relationships of crop yield must be taken into consideration for managing the agriculture projects in arid zones.
  • Öğe
    Sustainability and modernization of agricultural irrigation: A comparative assessment of two irrigation schemes
    (John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2023) Çetin, Öner; Fayrap, Aynur; Yolcu, Ramazan
    In this study, two different irrigation schemes in Turkey were evaluated. One is Devegeçidi irrigation, which was put into operation in 1972. The command area is 5800 ha, and farmers used surface irrigation. Ergani irrigation, a modern irrigation scheme using drip and/or sprinkler irrigation systems with an irrigation area of 1866 ha, was put into operation in 2021. The average total water use (TWU), irrigation efficiency (IE), water economic productivity (WEP) and net income (NI) were 11,728 m3 ha−1, 45%, $0.21 m−3 and $2354 ha−1 in the Devegecidi irrigation, respectively, and all the same criteria results were 6189 m3 ha−1, 81%, $0.78 m−3 and $4789 ha−1 in the Ergani irrigation, respectively. In addition, irrigation water productivities (IWPs) in wheat, cotton and corn for the Devegeçidi irrigation were 0.78, 0.47 and 1.21 kg m−3, while those values were 0.89, 0.89 and 2.26 kg m−3 in the Ergani irrigation scheme, respectively. The study results show that the modernization of irrigation systems is significantly important in saving irrigation water and increasing the income of farmers and water productivity. These indicators can guide decision makers in the modernization of irrigation systems.
  • Öğe
    Possibilities of using dual Kc approach in predicting crop evapotranspiration of second-crop silage maize
    (Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2018) Üzen, Neşe; Çetin, Öner; Yolcu, Ramazan
    The purposes of this study were to develop a dual crop coefficient (Kc) using FAO-56 methodologies and to compare crop evapotranspiration (ETKc) measured under field conditions for second-crop silage maize in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey with the ETc estimated using FAO-56 dual Kc methodologies. For this study, field experiments were conducted in the 2011 and 2012 growing seasons, and the results were evaluated. To compute dual Kc (Kcb and Ke), all climatological data involving the seedling and harvesting dates, growth stages, water holding of soil at field capacity and at wilting point, soil evaporation layer, and crop characteristics were input into a spreadsheet program. The crop stages observed were 15, 25, 40, and 12 days for the initial, crop development, midseason, and late-season stages, respectively, in 2011, and 12, 23, 43, and 13 days, respectively, for the same stages in 2012. The reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was computed daily using the Penman-Monteith equation. All main and intermediate calculations for the dual Kc and its components Kcb and Ke were based on the FAO-56 guidelines. The Kcb values were computed as 0.15, 1.27, and 0.62 for the initial, midseason, and late-season stages, respectively. However, these figures were 0.15, 1.15, and 0.5 in the FAO-56 in the same order. The dual Kc was 0.64, 1.27, and 0.67 in this study for the initial, midseason, and late-season stages, respectively. The maximum ETc rate occurred in midseason, which had an average maximum value of 10.8 mm day-1. The ETc of silage maize for optimal dry matter during the growing season in the years of the study was 519 mm as the average of two growing seasons. The FAO methodology thus insignificantly overestimated the seasonal ETc (536 mm) for silage maize. Thus, the FAO-56 dual Kc methodology can be used to estimate the crop ETc.
  • Öğe
    Pamuk bitkisinde yüzey ve yüzeyaltı damla sulamanın toprak sıcaklığı ve toplam kuru madde (Biomass) miktarına etkisi
    (Toprak Gübre ve Su Kaynakları Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2020) Çetin, Öner
    Bu araştırma Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi, Diyarbakır ilinde 2016-2017 yıllarında yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, yüzey (YD) ve yüzeyaltı damla (YAD) sulama ile sulanan pamukta farklı sulama suyu miktarlarının bitki kök bölgesi sıcaklık değişimi ile toprak üstü toplam kuru madde (biomass) miktarına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Deneme, tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak, ana parseller I1:Yüzey damla, I2:Yüzeyaltı damla-30 cm ve I3:Yüzeyaltı damla-40 cm; alt parseller ise, FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (FAO-56 PM) yöntemine göre tahmin edilen referans bitki su tüketimine dayalı ve bundan yararlanarak, bitki Kc yaklaşımı ile farklı sulama suyu uygulamaları, K1:1.25xETc, K2:1.00xETc ve K3:0.75xETc’den oluşmuştur. Sulama aralığı 5 gündür. Lateralin 10 cm yakınında farklı derinliklerde yapılan sıcaklık ölçümlerinde, YAD sulamada YD sulamaya göre, sulama öncesinde 35 cm derinlikte 1.47 OC, 30 cm derinlikte 1.53 OC, 20 cm derinlikte 1.25 OC ve 10 cm derinlikte ise 0.69 OC daha yüksek olduğu ölçülmüştür. Bu durum, YD sulamada toprağın üst katmanlarının daha fazla ıslatılması nedeniyle buharlaşma sonucu ortamın serinlemesine bağlanabilir. Ayrıca, damlatıcıların 40 cm derinde olması bu derinlik ve daha aşağılarda su hareketi olduğu düşünülürse, üst katmanların daha serin bir ortam olduğundan sıcaklık değerlerinin de YAD sulamada daha yüksek olmasına neden olmuştur. Bu durum YAD sulamasında, bitki kök sistemi ile birlikte toprak üstü aksamının da daha iyi geliştiği görülmüştür. En yüksek ortalama kuru madde (biomas) miktarı (8.79 t ha-1) ve lif veriminin (1865 kg ha-1) 40 cm derinliğe yerleştirilen YAD sulama sisteminde, FAO-56 PM yöntemine göre tahmin edilen bitki su tüketim değerinin 1.25 katının uygulandığı sulama suyu uygulamasından elde edilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Response of some physiological components of cotton to surface and subsurface drip irrigation using different irrigation water levels
    (Gültekin Özdemir, 2020) Çetin, Öner
    This study was carried out to determine the leaf water potential (LWP), stomatal conductance (SC) and leaf area index (LAI) of cotton crop using subsurface drip irrigation (SSDI) and surface drip irrigation (SDI) and different irrigation water levels based on the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (PM) during the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. The critical LWPs in vegetative period, flowering stage and boll formation stage in SDI for irigation time were -24, -23 and -24 bar, respectively. Considering the same putting in order for the crop development stages in SSDI-40 cm, those were -23, -23 and -24 bar, respectively. The values of LWP in SSDI-30 cm were the same levels in SSD-40 cm. LWP in the boll formation stage were, in general, lower (bigger in minus numerical number) compared to the first two development stages of the crop. The critical SCs in vegetative period, flowering stage and boll formation stage in SDI were 312.8, 201.8 and 198.9 mmol m-2 s-1, respectively. The values of SC in the same putting in order for the crop development stages in SSDI-30 cm and SSDI-40 cm were 368.8, 182.6 and 221.8 mmol m-2 s1; and 371.7, 185.9 and 186.8 mmol m-2 s-1, respectively. SC decreased from the vegetative period through generative period of the crop. The SCs increased together with increasing amount of irrigation water and it decreased with increasing water stress conditions. The LAIs were 2.99, 3.11 and 3.45 in SDI, SSDI-30 cm and SSDI-40 cm, respectively. The values of LAI increased from the surface drip irrigation and lower irrigation water level applied through subsurface drip irrigation and highest level of amount of irrigation water. Although some plant physiological indicators such as LWP and SC might be used for irrigation scheduling and irrigation time, these indicators are highly affected by soil water status, temperature, light, air humidity and calibration of the devices used.
  • Öğe
    Critical threshold temperatures and rainfall in declining grain yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) during crop development stages
    (National Agricultural Research & Development Institute, 2022) Çetin, Öner; Yıldırım, Mehmet; Akıncı, Cuma; Yarosh, Anna
    The effects of maximum temperature, rainfall and growing degree day on grain yield of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) were studied during the period of available years (2005-2017) in the study sites. A polynomial equation was described the relationship between grain yield, maximum temperature and rainfall for four growing stages of winter wheat. The nonlinear relationships were used from time-series variations in temperatures, rainfall and yields. The maximum positive effects of rainfall (R2 =0.72*) on grain yield was in the mid-season stage (heading, anthesis and grain filling) of the crop. However, there was a negative effect of temperature more than 30°C on grain yield. The highest negative effects (R2 =0.31 through 0.86*) of maximum temperatures were in the crop development stages (vernalization and tillering). The yield might decrease about 2.5% for every 1°C increase in the growth period based on the daily mean temperature of 12.4°C for all the study locations. The critical maximum temperatures on threshold values declining yield and positive effects of rainfall on grain yield varied according to the altitudes and longitudes
  • Öğe
    Yüzey ve yüzeyaltı damla sulamanın toprakta nem değişimi ve toprak su tansiyonuna etkisi
    (Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 2018) Çetin, Öner; Üzen, Neşe
    Bu araştırma, pamukta yüzey damla (YD) ve yüzeyaltı damla (YAD) sulamada, bitkinin günlük FAO-Penman-Monteith (PM) yöntemine göre tahmin edilen su tüketimine dayalı sulama uygulamalarına göre, farklı toprak derinliklerine yerleştirilen tansiyometrelerin sulama zamanının ve eşik toprak su tansiyon değerinin tespit edilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Deneme 2016 ve 2017 yılında Diyarbakır ilinde yürütülmüştür. YD ve 40 cm derinlikteki YAD sulamada PM yöntemine göre günlük bitkinin tahmin edilen su tüketiminin tamamının sulama suyu olarak uygulandığı parsellerde 15 ve 45 derinliğe yerleştirilen tansiyometrelerde sulama öncesi ve sonrası her 5 günde bir okumalar yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, YD sulamada, eğer tansiyometre 15 cm derinliğe yerleştirilirse 55 cb, 45 cm derinliğe yerleştirilirse 47 cb olduğunda sulama zamanının geldiği ve sulamanın yapılması gerektiği tespit edilmiştir. YAD sulamada ise, eğer tansiyometre 15 cm derinliğe yerleştirilirse 52 cb, 45 cm derinliğe yerleştirilirse 45 cb olduğunda sulama zamanının geldiği ve sulamanın yapılması gerektiği söylenebilir. Her iki sulama yönteminde de tüketilmesine izin verilen su düzeyinin yaklaşık % 40 olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Water and economic productivity using different planting and irrigation methods under dry and wet seasons for wheat
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) Çetin, Öner; Akıncı, Cuma
    This study aims to evaluate the water and economic productivity of wheat using different planting and irrigation methods under dry and wet seasons. They were carried out in randomized blocks according to the split-plot design with three replications for two growing seasons. The main plots were P-1: Conventional flat planting (CFP), P-2: Raised-bed planting (RBP); sub-plots were; I-0: Rainfed conditions (RFC), I-1: Surface irrigation (SI); basin irrigation (BI) and/or furrow irrigation (FI) and I-2: drip irrigation (DI). The highest grain yield (4.61 t ha(-1)) was in the CFP and BI. Irrigation water productivity (IWP) in the CFP and RBP were 1.31 and 1.60 kg m(-3), respectively. DI resulted in 1.82 kg m(-3) compared to the SI (1.09 kg m(-3)). The highest net income, 828 $ ha(-1), was in the CFP and BI and the second (749 $ ha(-1)) was in the RBP and FI. Water economic productivity (WEP) was 0.171 $ m(-3) in the CFP compared to 0.151 $ m(-3) in the RBP. The SI resulted in more WEP (0.164 $ m(-3)) than DI (0.159 $ m(-3)). Thus DI and RBP were not feasible in the study region. All data evaluated were much higher in the wet season.
  • Öğe
    Threshold rangeland condition for rangeland restoration investments and the financial equivalent of liveweight losses due to rangeland degradation
    (Corvinus University of Budapest, 2019) Kara, Abdurrahman
    In this paper, the relations between live weight (LW) gain of the grazing cows and rangeland condition (RC), LW gain and concentrate supplement and LW gain and genetics of the grazing cows were investigated to quantify LW and body condition score (BCS) losses driven by rangeland degradation to estimate the threshold RC over which rangelands can compensate these losses. This study was conducted in Erzurum Province, Turkey. LW gains were estimated using farmer- animal- and rangeland-related variables during June-August and June-October periods. RC was calculated employing the classical condition assessment method. Ordinary least squares (OLS) were used in data analyses. The results show that a 10% enhancement or setback in RC can result in about 10 kg LW gain or loss per head. The financial equivalent of these LW gain or losses was 314.6 Turkish lira (TRY) or 59.0 USD (I TRY = 0.1875 USD) per farm, which accounts 15.5 TRY or 2.9 USD per hectare of rangeland. It is concluded that rangeland with an RC value below 4.3 requires restoration and that cows of higher genetic merit more than crossbred genotypes are not suitable for extensive production in the study area and areas sharing similar agroecological conditions.
  • Öğe
    Improvement of water saving and economic productivity based on quotation with sugar content of sugar beet using linear move sprinkler irrigation
    (Elsevier, 2021) Uygan, Demet; Çetin, Öner; Alveroğlu, Volkan; Sofuoğlu, Aytuğ
    This study was aimed to improve water saving and economic productivity based on quotation with sugar percentage of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) using linear move sprinkler system (LMSS). The experiments were carried out in Western Central Anatolia Region of Turkey during the growing seasons of 2012-2014 for 3 years. The irrigation treatments were applied as I1: full irrigation, I2: I1 x 0.80, I3: I1 x 0.60, I4:I1 x 0.40 and I5: I1 x 0.20 using 4 replications and systematically arranged due to the feature of LMSS. The I1 was based on deficit soil moisture in the soil depth of 90 cm according to the field capacity for each 7 days. Different regulated deficit irrigation levels were, thus, created for each irrigation cycle based on I1. The seasonal yield-response factor (Ky) was 0.50. The main reason of the lower of the Ky could be because of frequent irrigation and climatic characteristics. Full irrigation (842 mm) resulted in the highest sugar beet yield (77.8 t ha- 1) but did not provide the highest net margin. The main reason for this was that the sugar content of sugar beet decreased with increasing irrigation water, and the sugar beet sales price was determined according to the sugar content. This also enabled the lower amount of irrigation water (687 mm) of 20% lower than full irrigation (842 mm). Irrigation water, yield, sugar content and net margin were, thus, 687 mm, 73.5 t ha- 1, 16.5% and 1221 US $ ha- 1, respectively. Sugar beet could be irrigated using LMSS in high profitability in irrigation interval of 7-10 days and applying water of 45-65 mm for each irrigation cycle. An appropriate net margin (1074 US $ ha- 1) could be obtained using irrigation water less than 40% of full irrigation in case of limited water because net income was still more than about 40% of total cost. The quotation of the sugar beet sales price according to the sugar content and the increase in the sugar content in the lower irrigation showed that significant water savings can be practiced in irrigation water without much loss of income.