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Öğe Forecasting daily total pollen concentrations on a global scale(John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2024) Makra, László; Coviello, Luca; Gobbi, Andrea; Jurman, Giuseppe; Furlanello, Cesare; Brunato, Mauro; Özaslan, CumaliBackground: There is evidence that global anthropogenic climate change may be impacting floral phenology and the temporal and spatial characteristics of aero-allergenic pollen. Given the extent of current and future climate uncertainty, there is a need to strengthen predictive pollen forecasts. Methods: The study aims to use CatBoost (CB) and deep learning (DL) models for predicting the daily total pollen concentration up to 14 days in advance for 23 cities, covering all five continents. The model includes the projected environmental parameters, recent concentrations (1, 2 and 4 weeks), and the past environmental explanatory variables, and their future values. Results: The best pollen forecasts include Mexico City (R2(DL_7) ≈.7), and Santiago (R2(DL_7) ≈.8) for the 7th forecast day, respectively; while the weakest pollen forecasts are made for Brisbane (R2(DL_7) ≈.4) and Seoul (R2(DL_7) ≈.1) for the 7th forecast day. The global order of the five most important environmental variables in determining the daily total pollen concentrations is, in decreasing order: the past daily total pollen concentration, future 2 m temperature, past 2 m temperature, past soil temperature in 28–100 cm depth, and past soil temperature in 0–7 cm depth. City-related clusters of the most similar distribution of feature importance values of the environmental variables only slightly change on consecutive forecast days for Caxias do Sul, Cape Town, Brisbane, and Mexico City, while they often change for Sydney, Santiago, and Busan. Conclusions: This new knowledge of the ecological relationships of the most remarkable variables importance for pollen forecast models according to clusters, cities and forecast days is important for developing and improving the accuracy of airborne pollen forecasts.Öğe Lethal and sublethal effects of various insecticides on the immature stages of the solitary egg parasitoid, Telenomus busseolae(Elsevier B.V., 2024) Tonğa, Adil; Bayram, AhmetTelenomus busseolae Gahan (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is the most effective egg parasitoid of corn borers, Sesamia spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). A balanced pest management requires the use of insecticides compatible with T. busseolae since relying solely on the parasitoid may prove inadequate in controlling pest outbreaks. This study investigated the lethal and sublethal effects of chlorantraniliprole, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, lambda-cyhalothrin, lufenuron, malathion, and thiamethoxam + lambda-cyhalothrin, at various concentrations on emergence rate and fecundity of treated generation as well as emergence rate and sex ratio of offspring generation. The experiments were performed by immersing the host eggs with the parasitoid, encompassing its early larval, late larval, and pupal stages into the insecticide solutions. All concentrations of the insecticides reduced emergence rate in the treated generation, with the pupal stage being most vulnerable except for controversial effects of lambda-cyhalothrin and immature stage-independent effects of imidacloprid. The insecticides, at least one of the concentrations, negatively affected parasitoid fecundity regardless of a consistent pattern across immature stages. The insecticides did not affect the tested attributes of offspring generation except for that imidacloprid reduced female offspring numbers, and malathion decreased emergence rates. This study provides insights into immature stage-specific susceptibility and fecundity responses of treated generation along with potential impacts on subsequent generation, highlighting the necessity of prudent insecticide usage within the context of integrated pest management strategies (IPMs) in maize fields. Additionally, it underscores the urgency of performing field studies to ascertain actual toxicological scenarios.Öğe Current status of herbicide resistance of wild oats (Avena spp) in wheat fields in Mardin and Şanlıufa provinces of Türkiye(Namik Kemal University - Agricultural Faculty, 2024) Süer, İslam Emrah; Ateş, Erdal; Tursun, Nihat; Özaslan, Cumali; Uludaǧ, AhmetWheat is a strategic crop with its role in human nutrition. In Türkiye, it has importance in agriculture and economy as well as being a staple crop. Mardin and Şanlıurfa provinces of Türkiye approximately produces 1.6 million tons of wheat on 600 thousand ha fields. One of the important factors limiting wheat production is weeds. Weeds compete with the wheat plant and cause significant yield and quality loss. Wild oat (Avena spp.) species are an important problem in wheat fields in both provinces. Herbicide applications are widely used to control wild oats due to their ease of use, short duration of action and low cost. Wheat fields were surveyed to supply data for strategies to be followed via determining the current situation of herbicide resistance in these provinces where herbicide resistant wild oats had been reported. Out of 95 fields visited, 65 fields had significant wild oat populations of which 61 A. sterilis and four A. fatua. Then these populations were tested to find out herbicide resistance levels against clodinafop-propargyl (ACCase inhibitor) and formulated mix of mesosulfuron-methyl and iodosulfuron-methyl sodium (ALS inhibitors). Only two populations, one low level and the other medium level were found to be resistant to the formulated mix of mesosulfuron and iodosulfuron while 11 populations were resistant to clodinafop, one high level, three medium level and the remaining low level. It was assumed that longer use history and wider use of clodinafop as well as herbicides used in winter rotational crops might cause more clodinafop resistant populations. It was concluded that a strategy to prevent or delay herbicide resistance in these provinces should be prepared because herbicide resistance has continued evolving.Öğe Methyl jasmonate affects population densities of phytophagous and entomophagous insects in wheat(Corvinus University of Budapest, 2018) Bayram, Ahmet; Tonğa, AdilMethyl jasmonate (MEJA), a well-known herbivore-induced plant volatile, promotes plant defences against various stress factors. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different doses of exogenously applied MEJA on the population densities of wheat insect pests and their natural enemies by employing three sampling methods (direct visual sampling, sweep net, sticky traps) in 2012 and 2013 under semi-arid conditions. MEJA treatments had repellent effects on aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae), phytophagous thrips species (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae and Thripidae) and hoverfly species (Diptera: Syrphidae), whereas it was attractive to wheat stem sawflies (Hymenoptera: Cephidae), lady beetle species (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Collyria coxator (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). MEJA treatments had no effect on aphid parasitoids abundances (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The experimental outcomes varied, depending on plant phenology and sampling method. MEJA treatment also led to reductions in wheat yield and plant height. MEJA treatment could be beneficial as a natural pest control tool when certain species are targeted.Öğe Assessment of right atrial function with speckle tracking echocardiography after percutaneous closure of an atrial septal defect(Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 2017) Öztürk, Önder; Öztürk, Ünal; Öztürk, ŞengülIntroduction: Speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) for two-dimensional (2D) strain analysis is a new tool to assess myocardial function. The aim of this study was to assess right atrial (RA) function using STE in patients with an atrial septal defect (ASD) before and one month after percutaneous closure. Methods: We prospectively examined 32 consecutive patients (nine male, 23 female) who underwent percutaneous transcatheter closure of a secundum ASD between June 2013 and December 2015. Echocardiography was performed on admission, prior to cardiac catheterization and then one month after ASD closure. Peak global RA longitudinal strain was analyzed by 2D-STE. Results: Patients’ mean age was 34.6±8.2 years. The mean diameter of the occlusive devices was 18.5±7.5 mm. Right ventricular (RV) end-diastolic diameters were significantly increased but decreased significantly after ASD closure (43±5 vs. 38±4 mm, p<0.05). Left atrial (LA) diameters (40±8 vs. 37±6 mm, p<0.05) decreased significantly after the intervention, whereas left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic diameters (45±5 vs. 46±4 mm, NS) remained unchanged. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion increased significantly (17.6±5.4 vs. 22.3±8.1 mm, p<0.05). After closure of the defect, a significant increase was observed in longitudinal RA strain (26.5±9.6% vs. 35.3±10.5%, p<0.001). Conclusions: After percutaneous transcatheter closure of a secundum ASD, there was an increase in RA longitudinal strain. 2D-STE strain analysis appears to be helpful for the assessment of RA function and of response to correction of volume overload after percutaneous transcatheter closure of a secundum ASD.Öğe The influence of environmental factors on seed germination of Polygonum perfoliatum L.: Implications for management(MDPI AG, 2021) Farooq, Shahid; Önen, Hüseyin; Özaslan, Cumali; Tad, Sonnur; Mahmoud, Samy F.; Brestic, Marian; Zivcak, MarekPolygonum perfoliatum L. is an aggressive vine, currently invading the Black Sea region, Turkey. However, information about the seed germination biology of this species is scanty. The objective of the current study was to determine the seed germination biology of three naturalized populations of this species. Chemical scarification with 98% sulfuric acid for 30 min followed by cold-wet stratification at 4◦C for 4 weeks effectively released seed dormancy in tested populations. Seeds of all populations required a 12 h photoperiod for the highest germination, while germination under continuous dark and light remained similar. The seeds were able to germinate under a wide range of constant (5–40◦C) and alternating temperatures, pH (3–11), osmotic potential (0 to −1.4 MPa) and salinity (0–500 mM NaCl). However, the peak germination was observed under 20◦C constant and 20/15◦C alternating day/night temperature, and pH 6.8. Seeds of all populations were able to withstand 200 mM salinity and −0.6 MPa osmotic potential. Increasing seed burial depth initially stimulated seedling emergence and then a sharp decline was observed for the seeds buried below >2 cm depth. More than 90% of the seeds were unable to emerge when buried >6 cm depth. Polygonum perfoliatum has a large potential for range expansion; therefore, immediate management of the naturalized populations is warranted. This weed species in agricultural fields can be managed by burying the seeds in deeper soil layers (6 cm), while post-emergence management strategies need to be developed for roadside populations.Öğe Band herbicide application combined with inter-row cultivation as a sustainable weed management strategy for reducing herbicide use: A meta-analysis(Elsevier Ltd., 2024) Özaslan, Cumali; Gürsoy, Songül; DiTommaso, AntonioReducing herbicide use in cropping systems is an increasingly important objective in many regions of the world. Band herbicide application combined with mechanical cultivation in wide-row crop production reduces production costs, and the environmental and health hazards associated with herbicide use. This meta-analysis aimed to investigate the effects of band herbicide application on weed control efficacy and crop yields. The meta-analysis was conducted using 217 and 254 observations for weed control and crop yield, respectively, from 36 studies around the world. The selected effect size (ES) was the logn of the response ratio (RR), which is the mean of the band herbicide application divided by the mean of the broadcast (control) treatment. Weed density (weeds m−2), weed biomass (kg ha−1), weed cover (%), and crop yield (kg ha−1) were used to evaluate the effectiveness of band herbicide application. Data were analyzed using the OpenMee Meta-Analysis software. The meta analysis results showed that the band application of herbicides significantly lowered weed control (resulted in increased weed presence) and decreased crop yield when compared with the broadcast application of herbicide. However, the effect of band herbicide application varied by crop species, herbicide application timing and rate, band spraying width, and inter-row cultivation pattern and frequency. Band herbicide application systems integrated with inter-row cultivation did not increase weed presence or reduce crop yield; thus, this practice has the potential for wider use in crop production systems.Öğe New records of microfungi and chromista from anatolian peninsula of Turkey(Sociedade Brasileira da Ciencia das Plantas Daninha, 2018) Özaslan, Cumali; Hüseyin, Elşad; Farooq, Shahid; Önen, HüseyinThis article presents new records of fungi and downy mildews in Turkey on different weeds of agrophytocoenosis. These records include Plectosphaerella alismatis (Oudem.) A.J.L. Phillips, Carlucci & M.L. Raimondo (on Alisma plantago-aquatica L.), Pyricularia grisea Sacc. (on Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv.), Phakopsora artemisiae Hirats. (on Artemisia dracunculus L.), Puccinia rubefaciens Johanson (on Galium sp.), Ustilago trichophora (Link) Kunze (on Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.), Peronospora astragalina Syd. (on Astragalus homosus L.) and P. myagri Mayor (on Myagrum perfoliatum L.). Plectosphaerella and Phakopsora as generic level and others as species are new records from Turkey. Description and illustrations of the identified fungi are presented, which all are based on Turkish specimens. The identified fungi could be potential biological control agents; however, detailed studies are needed in this regard.Öğe Contributions to curculionidae (coleoptera) fauna of Southeastern Anatolia Region of Türkiye with a new record(Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, 2023) Bolu, Halil; Erbey, Mahmut; Çelik, HakanIn this study, individuals belonging to the Curculionidae family collected from the Southeastern Anatolia Region were examined. Samples were collected by namely the knocking and sweep net method between 1993-2019 dates. The collected specimens were identified by the second author after they were turned into standard museum material. As a result of the study, 11 genera belonging to 5 subfamilies of the Curculionidae (Coleoptera) family and 18 species belonging to these genera were determined. Among these species, 1 species (Coniocleonus hollbergii Fåhraeus, 1842) has been reported as a new record for the fauna of Türkiye. In addition, 9 species were reported as new records from the region. The distribution of the species in the world and Türkiye, as well as their regional distribution and hosts, are given.Öğe Predatory mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) on vegetable fields in Diyarbakır, Elazığ and Muş provinces, Turkey(Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, 2023) Kara, Berna Kaymak; Çobanoğlu, Sultan; Bayhan, Selime ÖlmezBu çalıĢma Diyarbakır, Elazığ ve MuĢ illerinde 2018-2019 yıllarında; biber, domates, fasulye, hıyar, kabak, karpuz, kavun ve patlıcan yapraklarından predatör akar türlerini tespit etmek amacı ile yapılmıĢtır. Sebzelerden alınan 1063 adet bitki örneğinin 676 adedi akarlar ile bulaĢık olarak tespit edilmiĢtir. Bu bitki örneklerinin %10,65' nde ise Phytoseiidae familyasına ait predatör akar türleri tespit edilmiĢtir. Tespit edilen faydalı akarlar; Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes, Neoseiulus bicaudus Wainstein, Neoseiulus marginatus (Wainstein), Neoseiulus zwoelferi (Dosse), Neoseiulus sp., Phytoseius finitimus Ribaga, Proprioseiopsis messor (Wainstein), Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) rhenanus (Oudemans) ve Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) recki (Wainstein) türleridir. Neoseiulus barkeri ise bu türler içerisinde %57.44 oranı ile tespit edilen en yaygın tür olmuĢtur. AraĢtırmada Phytoseiidae akarlarının en çok saptandığı kültür bitkileri ise %60,59 ve %15.94 ile sırasıyla Cucumis sativus ve ve Solanum melongena L.’ dır. En az akar saptanan sebze ise % 1.06 ile Capsicum annuum L.' dur.Öğe Determining the efficiency of mass trapping of yellow sticky traps in different wavelengths agains pistachio psyllid in Siirt province [Agonescena pistaciae Burc. and Laut. (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)](Niyazi ÖZDEMİR, 2020) Özgen, İnanç; Bolu, Halil; Ayaz, Tarkan; Koç, İbrahim; Mutlu, Çetin; Altun, Ayçin AksuThis study was conducted in gardens infested with pistachio psylla in Siirt Province between 2007 and 2010. It was detected that pistachio psylla forms were the highest populations in the pistachio gardens in the Central District of Siirt Province. It causes important damages particularly on young leaves in mid-June and in the maturing period of fruits in mid- and late-August. The yellow sticky trap coded 1016 B was found to be more effective than other coded traps. It was concluded that these traps were important for decreasing of the population of the pest in cases where the population is low. It was found that traps provided positive contribution if combined with other control methods. One of the best promising results was gathered when used in 4 traps for each tree and 7-day periods of hangingÖğe Population development of twig borer moth, kermania pistaciella amsel, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Oinophilidae) and its pupae parasitoid microchelonus fissilis tobias, 1964 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on pistachio in Turkey(Niyazi ÖZDEMİR, 2020) Bolu, HalilTwig borer moth, Kermania pistaciella Amsel, 1964 is an important of pistachio pest in Turkey. This study was conducted done in four pistachio orchards from 1992-1993 in the Şanlıurfa province of Turkey. The objective was to quantify damage caused by K. pistaciella in pistachio and measure and population development of K. pistaciella and its specific pupae parasitoid Microchelonus fissilis Tobias, 1964. K. pistaciella overwinter as mature larvae in galleries in 1-2 yr old shoots; beginning in March, larvae leave galleries and pupae on the shoots in which they overwintered. Adult flight occurred in April and May. First flight of M. fissilis occurred 1-2 wks after first flight of K. pistaciella. One hundred shoots were inspected in each experiment orchard and maximums of 35 pupae were observed in 1992 in Tülmen village, and 40 pupae 1993 in Altınova village. The maximum rate of parasitism was 45% in 1992 in Ayran village and 57% in 1993 in Altınova village. The maximum damage caused by each generation of K. pistaciella larvae was determined as 45% in 1992 in Altınova village and 38% in 1993 at the same village.Öğe Microfungi species observed on various weed species in the Yüksekova Basin, Türkiye(Plant Protection Central Research Institute, 2023) Sırrı, Mesut; Özaslan, CumaliStudies on biological control for the sustainable management of weeds that exert serious ecological, economic, and human health problems are attracting increasing attention. Detection of potential biological control agents (pests, pathogens, etc.) on target weed species is the first step in the biological control program. This study aimed to determine the microfungi species found on noxious weed species in the Yüksekova basin situated in Hakkari province, Türkiye. Continued traditional agricultural practices, minimum or no use of pesticides and fertilizers, and better protection of natural flora/fauna compared to other parts of Türkiye were reasons for the selection of the basin in the current study. Field surveys were carried out in different periods during 2020 and 2021. A total of 101 microfungi species were recorded on 79 weed species belonging to 29 families in the basin. The most common fungi species in the basin were in genera Puccinia (29 species), Alternaria (18 species), Uromyces (14 species), and Curvularia (4 species). Weed hosts of the above-mentioned fungi species mostly belonged to Asteraceae (20 species), Fabaceae (7 species), Poaceae (7 species), and Lamiaceae (6 species) families. While 84 microfungi species were recorded on a single host, and the remaining 17 were found on more than one weed species. It has been observed that Puccinia cyani (Schleich.) Pass., Puccinia chondrillina Bub & Syd., and Uromyces polygoni-aviculariae (Pers.) P. Karsten significantly inhibited the growth and development of their host weed species (Centaurea spp., Chondrilla juncea L., and Polygonum aviculare L.) and were able to suppress the populations of the weeds in the fields. The results revealed that it would be beneficial to review the recorded pathogens in terms of biological activity and to carry out detailed field studies in the region.Öğe Bitlis ili ceviz yetiştiriciliği yapılan tarım alanlarında görülen ceviz antraknozu (Ophiognomonia leptostyla) hastalığının morfolojik ve moleküler karakterizasyonu(Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020) Koç, İbrahim; Çelik, Ali; Durak, Emre Demirer; Demir, İbrahim; Bayman, Serkan; Mirtagioğlu, Hamit; Demir, SemraBitlis, ceviz üretiminde ülkemizde öne çıkan illerimiz arasında yer almaktadır. Ceviz insan beslenmesi açısından oldukça yüksek besin değerlerine sahiptir. Ceviz antraknozu (Ophiognomonia leptostyla) hastalığı dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de cevizin en önemli fungal hastalıkları arasında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmada Bitlis il genelinde (Adilcevaz, Ahlat, Güroymak, Hizan, Merkez, Mutki ve Tatvan) sürveyler yapılmış ve gözle görülür simptomların çıkış zamanının Haziran sonu (Temmuz başı) olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bahsi geçen ceviz üretimi yapılan alanlardan hastalık etmeninin kültür ortamına izolasyonu yapılmış olup, besi ortamında meydana getirdiği kolonial özelliklere göre hastalık etmeni morfolojik olarak doğrulanmıştır. Ayrıca gelişen kolonilerden DNA izolasyonu yapılarak etmene ait ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) bölgeleri PCR ile çoğaltılmıştır. PCR sonucu elde edilen yaklaşık 560 bp uzunluğundaki amplikonlar dizilenmiştir. Etmenin ITS bölgesine ait diziler diğer dünya izolatları dikkate alınarak “Blastn” analizine tabi tutulmuş ve Genbank veri tabanına erişim numaraları (MK685678 ve MK685679) altında kaydedilmiştir. Çalışma ülkemizde hastalık etmeninin moleküler düzeyde incelendiği ilk araştırma özelliğindedir.Öğe Peach–potato aphid myzus persicae: Current management strategies, challenges, and proposed solutions(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023) Ali, Jamin; Bayram, Ahmet; Mukarram, Mohammad; Zhou, Fanrui; Karim, Muhammad Fazal; Hafez, Mogeda Mohammed Abdel; Mahamood, MohammadThe peach–potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), is one of the most important pests of economic crops. It damages the plant directly by consuming nutrients and water and indirectly by transmitting plant viruses. This pest has the unenviable title of having resistance to more insecticides than any other herbivorous insect pest. Due to the development of its resistance to chemical pesticides, it is necessary to find other control options. Consequently, increased efforts worldwide have been undertaken to develop new management approaches for M. persicae. In this review, we highlight the problems associated with the peach–potato aphid, its economic importance, and current management approaches. This review also describes the challenges with current management approaches and their potential solutions, with special focus given to the evolution of insecticidal resistance and sustainable pest management strategies, such as biocontrol agents, entomopathogens, the use of natural plant-derived compounds, and cultural methods. Furthermore, this review provides some successful approaches from the above eco-friendly pest management strategies that show high efficacy against M. persicae.Öğe Common ragweed: An emerging threat for sunflower production and human health in Turkey(Blackwell Publishing, 2016) Özaslan, Cumali; Önen, Hüseyin; Farooq, Shahid; Günal, Hikmet; Akyol, NihatCommon ragweed invasion poses serious risks to human health, biodiversity and agricultural production throughout the world. Although ragweed has an enormous potential to expand its range in Turkey, studies on ragweed have only concentrated on the Black Sea region. An exploratory survey was conducted to observe the level of ragweed occurrence on the nodes of predecided 10×10km grids in the Thrace region of Turkey. Ragweed populations were observed in 44 out of 129 sites in a wide range of habitats, including roadsides, pastures, agricultural fields and non-agricultural areas. The highest levels of ragweed infestation were recorded in the agricultural fields, followed by the roadsides. The most-invaded crop was sunflower. The sunflower fields had the highest ragweed coverage as well and invasion even resulted in crop failure alongside the field borders. A spatial analysis of the data indicated that ragweed exhibited an aggregated pattern over the Thrace region. Ragweed distribution was not associated with the characteristics of the soils, which had a varying range of pH, electrical conductivity and texture. The results revealed that ragweed invasion can arise as a serious weed problem, interfering with the sustainability of sunflower production in Thrace and other sunflower-producing regions of the country. A high degree of ragweed infestation also will contribute to the pollen level counts for the most crowded cities in the region, posing a serious danger to human health.Öğe Weed control and crop production practices in cotton production in Diyarbakır province of Turkey(Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 2015) Özaslan, Cumali; Akın, Songül; Gürsoy, SongülCotton agriculture is very important in South Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Weeds are amajor problem in cotton farming systems. In this study, a survey was conducted in Diyarbakır Province ofTurkey to evaluate weed management practices being opted, crop production methods in use, mostimportant weed species and major production problems in the region. Moreover, effect of agriculturalextension activities on weed control was investigated. For this purpose, over 75 cotton growers weresurveyed by a questionnaire. The questionnaire included 15 questions about crop rotation, tillage systems,irrigation and weed management methods being applied by these growers in cotton production. Moreover,growers were surveyed about the most common weeds that they faced in cotton fields. The survey resultsshowed that the most common weeds in cotton production fields were Xanthium strumarium L. (commoncoclebur), Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (johnsongrass), Amaranthus retrof lexus L. (common amaranth),Cynodon dactylon (bermudagrass), Physalis spp. (ground cherry) [Physalis philadelphica Lam. (mexicangroundcherry) and Physalis angulata L. (cutleaf groundcherry)] , Solanum nigrum L. (black nightshade),Portulaca oleracea L. (purslane), Cyperus rotundus L. (nutgrass). Most growers used pre-emergence andpost emergence herbicides before planting and in the season. The preceding crops of cotton were cotton(63.4%), wheat (18.3%) and maize (16.9%). The tillage system used was commonly conventional tillagemethod including moldboard plough in the autumn and two times cultivator and planking before planting.Over 70% of growers stated that tillage system significantly influenced the weed population. This studysuggests that it is very important to research and choose the suitable crop production and weedmanagement practices for region conditions.Öğe Natural parasitism of maize stemborers, Sesamia spp. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs by Trichogramma evanescens (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in Southeastern Turkey(Gültekin Özdemir, 2021) Tonğa, Adil; Bayram, AhmetMaize, Zea mays L., is currently among the leading cultivated crops in Turkey. Several lepidopteran stemborer species especially, Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvre and S. cretica Lederer (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) may cause high maize yield losses. This study is the first to report parasitism of Sesamia spp. eggs by Trichogramma evanescens (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in Southeastern Turkey. During our extensive 3-years region-wide survey program (2018-2020), we collected Sesamia spp. eggs laid between leaf sheets and cobs/stalks. T. evanescens adults hatched from the host eggs collected from two locations in Diyarbakır: one in the central county (L10) and the other in Bismil county (L11). The discovery efficiency, parasitism efficiency, and parasitoid impact indexes of T. evanescens were 77.5%, 38.92%, and 32.87% in L10 and 50.0%, 33.45%, and 12.42% for L11, respectively. Sesamia spp. eggs collected from other counties of Diyarbakır province and other provinces such as Batman, Mardin, and Şanlıurfa did not yield in T. evanescens emergence. To our best knowledge, this study is the first to report the presence of T. evanescens in Southeastern Turkey. Possible factors involved in the restriction of T. evanescens are discussed. Special attention should be devoted to increase the potential of conservative biological control strategies to support egg parasitoids.Öğe Diyarbakır ili pamuk ekim alanlarında bulunan Yeşilkurt, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)’un popülasyon dalgalanmasının belirlenmesi(Harran Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 2018) Akyıldız, Merve; Bayhan, ErolPamuk alanlarının önemli zararlılarından biri olan Yeşilkurt, Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ve özellikle generatif organlarda zarar yaparak önemli ürün kayıplarına neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışma H. armigera'nın ergin popülasyon değişimini saptamak amacıyla Delta tipi eşeysel çekici tuzakların yerleştirildiği pamuk tarlalarında 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında Diyarbakır ilinde (Bismil, Çınar ve Sur) yürütülmüştür. Bismil (Kazancı), Çınar (Karalar), Sur (Tanoğlu) ilçelerinde üç pamuk tarlası belirlenmiş ve her tarlaya üçer adet feromon tuzaklar yerleştirilmiştir. Tuzaklarda yakalanan erginler haftalık yapılan sayımlarla takip edilmiştir. Çalışmalardan elde edilen verilere göre H. armigera’nın popülasyon dalgalanması 2014 ve 2015 yıllarında genel olarak aylara ve yıllara göre farklılık göstermiştir. Deneme kurulan tarlalarda 2014 yılında yapılan sayımlarda tuzaklarda daha fazla kelebek yakalanmasının olduğu görülürken 2015 yılında geçen yıla oranla tuzaklarda daha az yakalanma olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yeşilkurt ergin popülasyon dalgalanmasına bakıldığı zaman 2014 yılında Bismil (Kazancı)’de (28 birey/tuzak) ve Çınar (Karalar)’da (23 birey/tuzak) mayıs ayı sonunda en yüksek popülasyon yoğunluğuna ulaştığı görülürken aynı yıl Sur (Tanoğlu)’da (13 birey/tuzak) haziran ayı başında en yüksek popülasyon yoğunluğu görülmüştür. 2015 yılında ise eşeysel çekici feromon tuzaklarda Sur (Tanoğlu)’da (6 birey/tuzak) temmuz ayı başında, Bismil (Kazancı)’de (19 birey/tuzak) ve Çınar (Karalar)’da (15 birey/tuzak) temmuz ayı ortalarında en yüksek popülasyon yoğunluğuna ulaştığı görülmüştür.Öğe Mardin ili bağ alanlarında bulunan yabancı otlar ve yabancı otlar üzerinde tespit edilen Thrips türleri(Zirai Mücadele Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2016) Kaplan, Mehmet; Bayhan, ErolBu çalışma, Mardin ili bağ alanlarında bulunan yabancı otlar ve bu otlar üzerindeki thrips türlerini belirlemek amacıyla 2012-2013 yıllarında 8 ilçede toplam 22 bağda yürütülmüştür. Örneklemler mart ayı ile kasım ayları arasında bitkinin fenolojik dönemlerine göre üç haftada bir bağ alanlarına gidilerek yapılmıştır. Bağ plantasyonlarındaki yabancı ot ve thrips türlerinin belirlenmesinde, bitki örneklemesinin yanı sıra atrap ve vakumlu böcek toplama aleti (D-vac) kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma sonucunda bağ alanlarında 42 adet yabancı ot türü ve bu yabancı otlar üzerinde Thysanoptera takımına bağlı 3 familyaya ait 14 adet thrips türü tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmaların yapıldığı alanlardaki yabancı otlar çiçeklenme döneminde iken thrips türlerinin yoğunluğu belirlenmiştir. Bağ içerisinde ve çevresindeki yabancı otlar thripsler için iyi bir beslenme ve barınma ortamı oluşturduğu için yabancı otların özellikle çiçeklenme döneminden önce yok edilmeleri popülasyonun düşürülmesi bakımından önemlidir
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