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Öğe Atorvastatinin sıçan iskelet kasında oluşturduğu yapısal değişikliklerin ışık mikroskobu ile değerlendirilmesi(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2008) Taşdemir, M. Serhan; Akkuş, Murat; Nergiz, Yusuf; Tunik, Selçuk; Kaplanoğlu, İskenderÇalışmamızda, bir statin türevi olan atorvastatinin sıçan iskelet kasında oluşturduğu yapısal değişikliklerin ışık mikroskobu düzeyinde incelenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı.40 adet erişkin erkek wistar albino rat; biri kontrol ve dokuzu deney grupları olmak üzere 10 eşit gruba bölündü. . Deneyin başlamasından sonra 5. 10. ve 15. günlerde sakrifiye edilen ratların quadriceps femoris kasları ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Kontrol grubundan elde edilen kasların histopatolojik incelemelerinde herhangi bir yapısal değişikliğe rastlanmazken, diğer 9 deney grubundan elde edilen kas örneklerinde değişen derecelerde histopatolojik bulgular elde edildi. Genel olarak kaslarda dejenerasyon, kontraksiyon, nekroz, bağdoku artışı, mononükleer hücre infiltrasyonu, kas lifleri arasında vakuoler yapılar ve sentral nükleus belirgin artış göstermekteydi. Çalışmamızda bulgularımız, doz ve zaman arttıkça değişikliklerin belirgin olduğu gözlendi. Atorvastatinin iskelet kaslarında göstermiş olduğu toksik etki ile birlikte, klinik açıdan doz ve zaman baz alınarak, hasta tedavilerine ışık tutacağı kanaatine varıldı.Öğe The changes in Hoffbauer and syncytiotrophoblast cells in serious preeclampsia complicated with hellp syndrome (Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study)(INESEG Yayıncılık, 2022) Nergiz, Yusuf; Nergiz, Şebnem; Aşır, Fırat; Deveci, Engin; Sak, Erdal; Evsen, Sıddık; Tunik, Selçuk; Şeker, UğurHELLP syndrome is a syndrome characterized by hemolytic anemia, increased liver enzymes, and thrombopenia and can be seen in 1% of all pregnancies, 10-20% of pregnancies with pain, preeclampsia, and eclampsia. HELLP syndrome usually develops in the third trimester and its pathogenesis is not clear. Human placental villus stroma contains macrophages called Hoffbauer cells (HC), which are thought to be involved in many processes. HC is also called placental macrophage and has a role in many placental events. This study aimed to evaluate the immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural of syncytiotrophoblast and Hoffbauer cells in the placental villi of HELLP syndrome patients. In our study, placental tissues obtained from human normal and HELLP syndrome pregnancies were prepared for light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies. Immunohistochemistry techniques were applied to placenta sections. HC localizations were determined with CD68 (Hoffbauer cell marker). Fine structure properties of HC and syncytiotrophoblasts were examined by TEM. When the HELLP group fetal placental sections were examined under the light microscope, intracytoplasmic edema in syncytiotrophoblast, degenerative vacuoles, and degenerative findings on cell surface membranes were observed. Moreover, villous edema was remarkable. The increase in the number of Hoffbauer cells per villus in the HELLP group was statistically significant (p<0.00). Compared with the control group, there was a significant increase in the number of Hoffbauer cells and syncytiotrophoblast in HELLP group, and also degenerative changes were observed in the ultrastructural structure of these cells.Öğe Çok düşük frekanslı manyetik alanın ratlarda lens üzerine etkileri(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2008) Keklikçi, Uğur; Akpolat, Veysi; Özekinci, Selver; Ünlü, Kaan; Çelik, M. Salih; Tunik, SelçukBu çalışmanın amacı çok düşük frekanslı manyetik alanın (ELF MF) lens fibrilleri ve lens epitel hücreleri üzerine etkisini değerlendirmektir. Yirmi adet erişkin, dişi Spraque Dawley rat, her birisi 10 rattan oluşan 2 grupa ayrıldı. Deney grubu, günde 2 saat olmak üzere 7 gün ELF MF aldı. İkinci grup standart laboratuar şartlarına alınarak, kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı. Materyaller lenste kataraktöz değişiklik ve lens epitel hücrelerinde histolojik değişiklikler yönünden değerlendirildi. Biomikroskopik muayenede lenste patoloji saptanmadı. Materyallerin mikroskopik incelemesinde, kontrol grubunda lens fibrilleri ve lens epitel hücrelerinde değişiklik saptanmadı. Deney grubunda ise yüzeyel epitel hücre konturlarında hafif pleomorfizm dışında patoloji saptanmadı. Çalışmada, ELF MF’nin lens fibrillerinde ve epitelinde belirgin bir histopatolojik değişikliğe yol açmayabileceği sonucuna varıldı.Öğe The effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field on heart tissue iron density(Modestum Publishing Ltd., 2011) Söker, Sevda; Sert, Cemil; Deniz, Mustafa; Ayaz, Ercan; Tunik, Selçuk; Nergiz, YusufAmaç: Bu histolojik çalışmanın amacı; aşırı düşük frekanslı, düşük yoğunluklu manyetik alanın kalp dokusu demir yoğunluğu üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmada; sham, kontrol ve deney grubu olarak üçe bölünen 45 Spraque Dawley erkek rat kullanıldı. Deney grubu günde üç saat 14 gün boyunca metakrilat kutularda 0.25 mT oldukça düşük frekanslı manyetik alana (ELF-MF) maruz bırakıldı. Sham grubu, ELF-MF uygulaması dışında deney grubuna benzer şekilde uygulamaya maruz bırakıldı. Kontrol grubu ratlara hiçbir şey uygulanmadı ve fareler çalışma peryodu boyunca yaşam sikluslarını kafes içinde tamamladı. Yapılan işlem sonrasında, 50 mg/kg intramuskuler ketalar anestezisi uygulanarak ratlar sakrifiye edildi Kalp dokuları hemen %10 nötral formalinde fikse edilerek parafin bloklara gömüldü. Kalp dokusunun histolojik örnekleri Hematoksilen-Eosin ve demir pigmentleri için Perls’ Prussian blue boyası ile boyandı. Nikon DS-2MV fotomikroskopta histolojik preparatlar fotoğraflandı. Bulgular: Kontrol, sham ve deney grubumuzun histolojik yapısı normal gözlendi. Kontrol, sham ve deney grubu arasında kalp dokusu demir boyaması açısından farklılık gözlenmedi. Sonuç: Çalışmamız sonucunda, kontrol ve ELF-MF (deney) grubu arasında farklılık saptamadık. Bu çalışmada, ELF-MF’ye maruz kalan farelerin kalp dokusunda demir boyaması ile değişiklik olmadığı saptandı. Klin Deney Ar Derg 2011;2(2):144-8.Öğe Effects of local vibration and pulsed electromagnetic field on bone fracture: A comparative study(Wiley, 2017) Bilgin, Hakkı Murat; Çelik, Ferhat; Gem, Mehmet; Akpolat, Veysi; Yıldız, İsmail; Ekinci, Aysun; Özerdem, Mehmet Siraç; Tunik, Selçuk; 0000-0002-6040-9989; 0000-0003-2585-9981; 0000-0002-2435-7800; 0000-0002-0547-4139; 0000-0001-5505-838X; 0000-0002-9368-8902; 0000-0002-0549-8472The effectiveness of various therapeutic methods on bone fracture has been demonstrated in several studies. In the present study, we tried to evaluate the effect of local low-magnitude, high-frequency vibration (LMHFV) on rat tibia fracture in comparison with pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) during the healing process. Mid-diaphysis tibiae fractures were induced in 30 Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were assigned into groups such as control (CONT), LMHFV (15 min/day, 7 days/week), and PEMF (3.5 h/day, 7 days/week) for a three-week treatment. Nothing was applied to control group. Radiographs, serum osteocalcin levels, and stereological bone analyses of the three groups were compared. The X-rays of tibiae were taken 21 days after the end of the healing process. PEMF and LMHFV groups had more callus formation when compared to CONT group; however, the difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.375). Serum osteocalcin levels were elevated in the experimental groups compared to CONT (P <= 0.001). Stereological tests also showed higher osteogenic results in experimental groups, especially in LMHFV group. The results of the present study suggest that application of direct local LMHFV on fracture has promoted bone formation, showing great potential in improving fracture outcome. (C) 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Öğe Investigation of two new grafting techniques for dorsal augmentation rhinoplasty: An experimental study with New Zealand white rabbits(Springer, 2024) Özdemir, Mehmet; Akkoç, Mehmet Fatih; Tunik, SelçukIntroduction Cartilage is an important source in supporting the structure of the nose for dorsal augmentation rhinoplasty. However, it is known that its viability is not always on the ideal level. Various wrapping materials are used to increase the strength of cartilage. Donor site morbidity, which develops following the harvesting of both cartilage and fascia as one such cover material, has attracted interest in recent years. Objective In this study, we aimed to investigate the potential of dermis and tendon autografts as alternatives to fascia and cartilage. Material and Method The sample of the study included 16 New Zealand white rabbits. The right auricular cartilage of all rabbits was amputated, and it was transformed into diced cartilage autografts. The dermis autografts from the right gluteal areas of the rabbits were deepithelialized, and lumbosacral fascia autografts were harvested from the same incision. Additionally, the Achilles tendon of each rabbit was harvested and transformed into diced tendon autografts. Four different autografts were embedded under the skin of each rabbit from 4 different pouches opened in the back of the rabbit. These autografts included diced cartilage alone (Intervention 1), fascia-wrapped cartilage (Intervention 2), dermis-wrapped cartilage (Intervention 3) and fascia-wrapped tendon (Intervention 4) autografts. Results Intervention 1 had the most irregular appearance, the outcomes in Intervention 4 were volumetrically smaller and softer. Connective tissue formed between the diced pieces in all interventions, and it was observed that the dermis and fascia had a capsule-like appearance, and their viability was preserved. The differences between the initial and final measurements of the volumes of interventions 1, 2 and 3 were statistically significant (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between the initial and final volumetric measurements of intervention 4 (p > 0.05). More peripheral proliferation was observed in the interventions of fascia-wrapped and dermis-wrapped diced cartilage compared to the other interventions. The intervention including fascia-wrapped diced tendon grafts had displayed more fibrosis, fragmentation and collagen fibers, while it showed a lower amount of elastic fiber. There were no significant differences among the intervention in terms of other histological parameters. Conclusion Tendon autografts may be a good option for dorsal augmentation rhinoplasty as they are easily harvested and have minimal donor site morbidity. Dermis autograft usage is more advantageous than fascia usage in terms of accessibility and convenience.Öğe Severe preeclampsia complicated by HELLP syndrome alters the structure of Hofbauer and syncytiotrophoblast cells: ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study(Sciendo, 2023) Nergiz, Yusuf; Deveci, Engin; Sak, Erdal; Evsen, Sıddık; Tunik, Selçuk; Nergiz, Şebnem; Aşır, Fırat; Şeker, UğurBackground: Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome is generally considered to be a variant or complication of preeclampsia. It is a life-threatening obstetric complication. Objectives: To evaluate the immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural of syncytiotrophoblastand Hoffbauer cells in placental villi of patients with HELLP syndrome. Methods: Two groups of patients with a total of 50 full-term human placentas (n = 25 in each group) were assigned as the control (normotensive) and HELLP syndrome. Placental tissue samples were fixed in 10% neutral formalin and paraffin-embedding protocol was performed. We prepared 5 μm sections for histological and immunohistochemical staining. Sections were immunostained with Hoffbauer cell marker CD68. For transmission electron microscopy (TEM), placental tissue samples were fixed in 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde and then, in 1% osmium tetroxide for routine ultrastructural examinations. Results: When the HELLP group fetal placental sections were examined, intracytoplasmic edema in syncytiotrophoblast, degenerative vacuoles, and degenerative findings on cell surface membranes were observed. Moreover, villous edema was remarkable. The number of CD68-positive Hoffbauer cells per villus control group sections was 0.23 ± 0.02 and the number of CD68-positive cells per villus in HELLP group placenta sections was 0.83 ± 0.12. The increase in the number of Hoffbauer cells per villus in the HELLP group was significant (P < 0.001). Compared with the control group, there was a significant increase in the number of Hoffbauer cells and syncytiotrophoblasts in the HELLP group, and degenerative changes were also observed in the ultrastructure of these cells. Conclusions: Pathology of the HELLP syndrome is in relation to CD68-positive placental macrophages.