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Öğe Airway management in a pediatric patient with post-burn neck contracture using i-gel(Modestum Publishing Ltd., 2014) Çiftçi, Taner; Daşkaya, Hayrettin; Selçuk, Caferi Tayyar; Durğun, Mustafa; Salık, Fikret; Yıldırım, Mehmet BeşirBoyunda var olan yanık sonrası gelişmiş kontraktürler, hava yolu yönetiminde ciddi problemlere yol açabilmektedir. Bu olguda alev yanığı sonrasında ciddi boyun kontraktürüne bağlı gelişen ekstansiyon kısıtlılığı ve kısıtlı ağız açıklığı olan 12 yaşındaki erkek çocuk hastadaki zor hava yolu yönetimi sunulmuştur. Hastada no:2.5 i-gel supraglottic airway ile ventilasyon sağlandı. Bu yeni hava yolu aracı hava yolu yönetimi zor olan asimetrik hava yolu olan olgularda uygundur.Öğe Cep telefonu bataryası patlaması sonucu çocuk hastanın el parmaklarında amputasyon ve diş fraktürü: Bir olgu raporu(2012) Toptancı, İsmet Rezani; Ağaçkıran, Engin; Selçuk, Caferi TayyarÇocuk diş hekimleri sportif yaralanmalar ve trafik kazası sonucu diş travmaları gibi yaralanmalarla sık karşılaşmakla birlikte patlayıcı maddelerle meydana gelen yaralanmalarla nadiren karşılaşmaktadır. Patlama yaralanmaları sonucu oluşan doku hasarı, blast yaralanma, penetran yaralanma ve termal yanık hasarı sonucu oluşmaktadır. Bu tip yaralanmalar genellikle yetişkin popülasyonda görülmekle birlikte nadiren pediatrik olgularda da görülebilmektedir. Çalışmamızda, cep telefonu bataryasının patlaması sonucu yüz ve el bölgesinde travma gelişen 11 yaşında pediatrik olgu sunulmaktadır. Travma sonrası sol maksiller santral kesici diş kırığı ve her iki elde multipl parmak yaralanması gelişen hastaya, parmakların onarımı sonrası tarafımızca fraktüre diş kompozit restorasyonu uygulandı. Operasyon sonrası parmak onarımında yeterli yumuşak doku desteği sağlandı. Diş restorasyonu sonrası 6. ay yapılan kontrollerde hastanın restorasyonunda herhangi bir renk değişikliği ve kırık görülmedi. Çalışmamızın sonucunda blast yaralanmalar sonucu nadiren gözlenen pediatrik diş travmalarının uygun restorasyon ile etkili biçimde onarılabileceğini düşünmekteyiz.Öğe Dosimetric results of postoperative tomodirect radiotherapy of keloid on ear cartilage(Kare Publ, 2016) Teke, Fatma; Doğan, Mehmet Hakan; Selçuk, Caferi TayyarIn radiotherapy following surgical excision of a keloid, radiation has been delivered using various techniques, doses, and fractions. TomoDirect (TD) is a static delivery mode of TomoTherapy (Accuray, Sunnyvale, CA, USA), allowing for the use of a fixed gantry angle in place of rotational beam delivery. Described in the present report is the first instance of TD used for postoperative radiotherapy of keloid scar. A 21-year-old woman presented with keloid scar that had developed and gradually progressed on the left ear cartilage following a piercing 2 years prior. The patient underwent TD radiotherapy with 2 tangential beams 33 hours after excision. Dose to planning target volume (PTV) was 15 Gy in 3 fractions of 5.0 Gy daily, every other day, and V95 was 100%. Mean dose of left parotid was 0.21 Gy, and maximum doses of brain and left lens were 0.34 Gy and 0.02 Gy, respectively. Optimal dose and technique for safe and effective postoperative keloid radiation therapy are unclear and depend upon keloid area and size. Treatment of keloid on ear or other sites with TD radiotherapy may be an optimal strategy.Öğe An experimental study on the effect of platelet-rich plasma application on skin graft healing(Ortadoğu Reklam Tanıtım Yayıncılık, 2022) Gülsün, Niyazi; Akkoç, Mehmet Fatih; Kapı, Emin; Selçuk, Caferi Tayyar; Bozkurt, Mehmet; Akpolat, Veysi; Çelik, Yusuf; Alabalık, Ulaş; Yıldız, İsmailObjective: There is new information increasingly added about wound healing, which is one of the most complex physiological processes. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the effect of plateletrich plasma on the wound healing process in pursuit of creation of skin defect on the back skin of the rat and application of graft to it. Material and Methods: The study was planned on 30 randomly selected inbred Sprague-Dawley rats. In the rats in the experimental group, 3x2 cm full-thickness skin defect was created after the back area was shaved. The skin taken from the defected area was thinned and turned into a full-thickness skin graft and sutured again to the area where it was taken. Platelet-rich plasma was applied under the graft to the rats in the 1st group, and physiological saline was applied to the 2nd group. The 3rd group did not undergo any surgical procedure, and it was created as the control group. Results: Significant differences were observed in glucose, lactate, glycerol, and pyruvate values in the tissue in Group 1, compared to other groups. In the histopathological evaluation, a significant decrease was detected in the rate of inflammation and edema in the Group 1, in comparison with the other groups. Conclusion: Based on the data obtained from this study, it was taken into consideration by us that platelet-rich plasma application is a method that can be applied in addition to the classical wound care, especially in the cases with wound healing problems.Öğe Free flap surgery in a patient with essential tremor(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014) Özalp, Burhan; Selçuk, Caferi Tayyar; Durgun, MustafaDear Sir, Tremor is the most common involuntary disease that is characterized by swinging of a body part caused by contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles in a sequential order.1 Free flap surgery needs immobilization for the high rates of success especially when there is a potential risk of pedicle torsion, kinking, or predictable pressure.2 Microsurgery including vascular anastomosis makes itself elegance to some factors like friction, tissue pressure, thrombosis, torsion, and mobilization.3 In this letter, we present a free flap surgery for reconstruction of soft tissue defect in a patient with essential tremor.Öğe Geriatrik hastalarda bası yaralarına yaklaşım(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2012) İnözü, Emre; Özakpınar, Hülda Rıfat; Durgun, Mustafa; Eryılmaz, Avni Tolga; Selçuk, Caferi Tayyar; Tellioğlu, Ali TeomanAmaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı bası yarası nedeniyle kabul edilen geriatrik hastalara gerekli beslenme desteği sağlandıktan sonra planlanan tedavi ve sonuçlarını değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmaya 2006 ile 2011 yılları arasında bası yarası nedeniyle servisimize kabul edilen geriatrik hastalar dahil edildi. Hastaların vücut kitle indeksleri hesaplandı, albumin değerleri kaydedildi. Hastalarda protein-enerji malnütrisyonu değerlendirilerek gerekli beslenme desteği verildi. Malnütrisyonu düzelen hastalarda tedaviye başlandı. Bulgular: Kliniğe kabul edilen hastaların ortalama albumin değerleri 2,53 ± 0,25 g/dL iken beslenme desteği sonrası 3,95 ± 0,42 g/dL idi. Hastaların %75’inin genel durumu uygun olduğunda bası yaraları cerrahi olarak onarıldı, kalan %25’i ise eşlik eden sistemik sorunlarına bağlı olarak yüksek riskli oldukları için ameliyat edilmedi ve konservatif yöntemlerle takip edildi. Ameliyat sonrası ortalama taburculuk süresi 12 (8-21) gündü. Gerek cerrahi, gerekse konservatif yöntemler kullanılarak hastaların %78,6’sının bası yaraları başarı ile tedavi edildi. Sonuç: Geriatrik hastalarda bası yarasının tedavi başarısı, eşlik eden malnutrisyon gibi patolojilerin beslenme desteğiyle düzeltilmesine bağlıdır. Operasyon öncesi yapılan beslenme desteği ile sağlıklı granülasyon dokusu oluşumuyla birlikte aynı zamanda hızlı ve güvenilir yara iyileşmesi sağlanmıştır. Kronik birçok hastalığı olmasına rağmen hastaların çoğu opere edilerek bası yaraları kapatılmıştır.Öğe Orthophenylphenol in healthcare environments: a trial related to a new administration method and a review of the literature*(2013) Hoşoğlu, Salih; Deveci, Özcan; Mete, Mahmut; Tekin, Alicem; Dal, Tuba; Dayan, Saim; Selçuk, Caferi TayyarAim: To investigate antibacterial and antifungal effectiveness of orthophenylphenol (Fumispore, LCB, La Salle, France) with a new administration method in healthcare environments. Materials and methods: This study was performed in 3 units of the Dicle University Hospital. Surface swab and ambient air samples were collected just before the application of Fumispore and 6 h later. All samples were inoculated onto plate count agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar. The total aerobic colony count (ACC) was determined by using the standard method based on quantitative bacterial measurement. Results: In total, 30 surface swabs and 6 ambient air samples were collected. The mean values of the total ACC were determined on surface swabs: 12.1 colony CFU/cm2 for total microorganisms and 2.9 CFU/cm2 for fungi before application, and 1.6 CFU/cm2 for total microorganisms and 0.4 CFU/cm2 for fungi after application. The mean values of the total ACC were detected in ambient air samples: 258 CFU/m3 for total microorganisms and 208 CFU/m3 for fungi before application, and 20 CFU/m3 for total microorganisms and 15 CFU/m3 for fungi after application. Conclusion: The total ACC values obtained before and after applications have shown that orthophenylphenol (Fumispore) is suitable for adequate disinfection in healthcare environments.Öğe Reconstruction of large meningomyelocele defects with rotation- transposition fasciocutaneous flaps(2012) Selçuk, Caferi Tayyar; Civelek, Birol; Bozkurt, Mehmet; Kapı, Emin; Kuvat, Samet VasfiMeningomyelocele is one of the most common congenital defects of the central nervous system. Reconstruction of these defects must be performed immediately after delivery to prevent complications such as primary meningitis and to protect the neural tissues. The most important factors in the surgical treatment of meningomyelocele defects are the size of the defect, its location, the presence of kyphosis, and the quality of the surrounding tissue. The chosen method must be a simple one that causes minimal blood loss, requires a short duration of surgery, and covers the surface of the neural defect with a soft-tissue mass enabling closure without tension. In our study, satisfactory results have been obtained using 1 or 2 fasciocutaneous flaps based on the midline in 20 patients with large meningomyelocele defects where primary closure was not possible. A single flap based superiorly on the midline was sufficient to close the defects in patients without kyphosis. In patients with concurrent kyphosis, a second flap based inferiorly on the midline has been used. All flaps survived, except for a distal partial necrosis observed in 1 patient. In the method we used, we adopted a defect reconstruction that is similar to the normal anatomic structures and resistant to trauma and infections, and does not sacrifice any muscle tissue. According to our clinical experiences, this method is useful for large meningomyelocele defects that are unsuitable for primary closure.