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Öğe Alloksan İle oluşturulan deneysel diyabetin kardiyo-vasküler sistem üzerindeki akut etkilerinin ışık mikroskobik düzeyde incelenmesi(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2007) Bahçeci, Selen; Canoruç, Naime; Nergiz, Yusuf; Söker, Sevda; Gökalp, Deniz; Akbalık, Mehmet Erdem; Tutşi, YekbunDiyabetik kardiyomiyopati diyabetin en önemli komplikasyonlarından biridir. Diyabetin kalp ve aorta üzerindeki akut dönem etkileri yeteri kadar bilinmemektedir. Biz bu çalışmamızda diyabetin kardiyo-vasküler sistem üzerindeki akut etkilerini ışık mikroskobik düzeyde incelenmesini amaçladık. Çalışmamızda 20 adet Spraque-Dawley rat kullandık ve diyabet oluşturmak için 150 mg/kg alloksan intraperitoneal, kontrol grubuna ise 1ml SF, İP uyguladık. Yirmidört saat sonra sıçanların kuyruk veninden kan glikoz düzeyleri ölçüldü. Kan glikoz düzeyleri 250 mg/dl’den fazla olan sıçanlar diyabetik olarak kabul edildi ve 4 IU/d human insülinle tedavi edildiler. Yedi gün sonra ketamin anestezisi altında sakrifiye edildiler. Kalp ve aort dokusu % 10’luk nötral formalinde tesbit edildi. Kesitler parafine gömüldü, 5 µm kalınlığında seri kesitler alındı, Hematoksilen-Eozin ve Heidenhein’ın Azan modifikasyonu ile boyandı. Kontrol grubunun kalp kası hücrelerinde herhangi bir patolojiye rastlanmadı. Diabetik grupta; kalp kası hücrelerinde yer yer heterojen bir görünüm, bazı kalp kası hücrelerinde hidropik değişiklikler, perivasküler ve interstisiyel alanda minimal düzeyde fibrozis izlendi. Kontrol grubunda aort normal histolojik yapıda izlendi. Diyabetik grupta aortun tunika media tabakasında düz kas hücrelerinde belirgin anizostosiz, düz kas hücre çekirdeklerinde bir azalma gözlendi. Diabetes Mellitus’un erken dönemlerinde kalp kası ve aort kas hücrelerinde minimal düzeyde de olsa değeneratif değişikliğe ve fibrozise neden olduğu sonucuna varıldı.Öğe Alloksan ile oluşturulan deneysel diyanetin kardiyo-vasküler sistem üzerindeki akut etkilerinin ışık mikroskobik düzeyde incelenmesi(2007) Canoruç, Naime; Gökalp, Deniz; Tutşi, Yekbun; Söker, Sevda; Bahçeci, Selen; Akbalık, Mehmet Erdem; Nergiz, YusufDiyabetik kardiyomiyopati diyabetin en önemli komplikasyonlarından biridir. Diyabetin kalp ve aorta üzerindeki akut dönem etkileri yeteri kadar bilinmemektedir. Biz bu çalışmamızda diyabetin kardiyo-vasküler sistem üzerindeki akut etkilerini ışık mikroskobik düzeyde incelenmesini amaçladık. Çalışmamızda 20 adet Spraque-Dawley rat kullandık ve diyabet oluşturmak için 150 mg/kg alloksan intraperitoneal, kontrol grubuna ise 1ml SF, İP uyguladık. Yirmidört saat sonra sıçanların kuyruk veninden kan glikoz düzeyleri ölçüldü. Kan glikoz düzeyleri 250 mg/dl’den fazla olan sıçanlar diyabetik olarak kabul edildi ve 4 IU/d human insülinle tedavi edildiler. Yedi gün sonra ketamin anestezisi altında sakrifiye edildiler. Kalp ve aort dokusu % 10’luk nötral formalinde tesbit edildi. Kesitler parafine gömüldü, 5 µm kalınlığında seri kesitler alındı, Hematoksilen-Eozin ve Heidenhein’ın Azan modifikasyonu ile boyandı. Kontrol grubunun kalp kası hücrelerinde herhangi bir patolojiye rastlanmadı. Diabetik grupta; kalp kası hücrelerinde yer yer heterojen bir görünüm, bazı kalp kası hücrelerinde hidropik değişiklikler, perivasküler ve interstisiyel alanda minimal düzeyde fibrozis izlendi. Kontrol grubunda aort normal histolojik yapıda izlendi. Diyabetik grupta aortun tunika media tabakasında düz kas hücrelerinde belirgin anizostosiz, düz kas hücre çekirdeklerinde bir azalma gözlendi. Diabetes Mellitus’un erken dönemlerinde kalp kası ve aort kas hücrelerinde minimal düzeyde de olsa değeneratif değişikliğe ve fibrozise neden olduğu sonucuna varıldı.Öğe Atorvastatin Has no Effects on Kidney Tissues of Wistar Albino Rats in the Long-Term Intake: An Electron Microscopic Study(Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2011) Aktas, Ayfer; Tasdemir, M. Serhan; Tuncer, M. Cudi; Nergiz, Yusuf; Akkus, Murat; Bagriyanik, Husnu AlperIn this study, we evaluated the ultrastructural findings of kidney with systemic administration of different doses of atorvastatin in a rat model. Statins may have anti-inflammatory effects that would play a role in preventing the cellular damage. The aim of this study was to investigate how atorvastatin could play a role in kidney tissues. Forty adult male Wistar albino rats (200-250 g) were randomly divided into 4 groups of ten rats each (A1, A2, A3 and Control). Three different doses of atorvastatin were used to determine the effects on kidney tissues during 90 day period. The kidneys of A1 (0.1-mg group), A2 (0.5-mg group) and A3 (1-mg group) group were excised and the tissues were examined after the 90 days by transmission electron microscopy. Despite increasing the dose of atorvastatin intake, the histological structures of atorvastatin groups were appeared normal in the same period. In conclusion, long-term use of atorvastatin was not found to have an adverse effect on kidney tissue.Öğe Atorvastatinin sıçan iskelet kasında oluşturduğu yapısal değişikliklerin ışık mikroskobu ile değerlendirilmesi(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2008) Taşdemir, M. Serhan; Akkuş, Murat; Nergiz, Yusuf; Tunik, Selçuk; Kaplanoğlu, İskenderÇalışmamızda, bir statin türevi olan atorvastatinin sıçan iskelet kasında oluşturduğu yapısal değişikliklerin ışık mikroskobu düzeyinde incelenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı.40 adet erişkin erkek wistar albino rat; biri kontrol ve dokuzu deney grupları olmak üzere 10 eşit gruba bölündü. . Deneyin başlamasından sonra 5. 10. ve 15. günlerde sakrifiye edilen ratların quadriceps femoris kasları ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Kontrol grubundan elde edilen kasların histopatolojik incelemelerinde herhangi bir yapısal değişikliğe rastlanmazken, diğer 9 deney grubundan elde edilen kas örneklerinde değişen derecelerde histopatolojik bulgular elde edildi. Genel olarak kaslarda dejenerasyon, kontraksiyon, nekroz, bağdoku artışı, mononükleer hücre infiltrasyonu, kas lifleri arasında vakuoler yapılar ve sentral nükleus belirgin artış göstermekteydi. Çalışmamızda bulgularımız, doz ve zaman arttıkça değişikliklerin belirgin olduğu gözlendi. Atorvastatinin iskelet kaslarında göstermiş olduğu toksik etki ile birlikte, klinik açıdan doz ve zaman baz alınarak, hasta tedavilerine ışık tutacağı kanaatine varıldı.Öğe The changes in Hoffbauer and syncytiotrophoblast cells in serious preeclampsia complicated with hellp syndrome (Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study)(INESEG Yayıncılık, 2022) Nergiz, Yusuf; Nergiz, Şebnem; Aşır, Fırat; Deveci, Engin; Sak, Erdal; Evsen, Sıddık; Tunik, Selçuk; Şeker, UğurHELLP syndrome is a syndrome characterized by hemolytic anemia, increased liver enzymes, and thrombopenia and can be seen in 1% of all pregnancies, 10-20% of pregnancies with pain, preeclampsia, and eclampsia. HELLP syndrome usually develops in the third trimester and its pathogenesis is not clear. Human placental villus stroma contains macrophages called Hoffbauer cells (HC), which are thought to be involved in many processes. HC is also called placental macrophage and has a role in many placental events. This study aimed to evaluate the immunohistochemistry and ultrastructural of syncytiotrophoblast and Hoffbauer cells in the placental villi of HELLP syndrome patients. In our study, placental tissues obtained from human normal and HELLP syndrome pregnancies were prepared for light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies. Immunohistochemistry techniques were applied to placenta sections. HC localizations were determined with CD68 (Hoffbauer cell marker). Fine structure properties of HC and syncytiotrophoblasts were examined by TEM. When the HELLP group fetal placental sections were examined under the light microscope, intracytoplasmic edema in syncytiotrophoblast, degenerative vacuoles, and degenerative findings on cell surface membranes were observed. Moreover, villous edema was remarkable. The increase in the number of Hoffbauer cells per villus in the HELLP group was statistically significant (p<0.00). Compared with the control group, there was a significant increase in the number of Hoffbauer cells and syncytiotrophoblast in HELLP group, and also degenerative changes were observed in the ultrastructural structure of these cells.Öğe Combining platelet rich fibrin with different bone graft materials: An experimental study on the histopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of bone healing(Churchill Livingstone, 2019) Karayurek, Fatih; Kadiroglu, Ela Tules; Nergiz, Yusuf; Akcay, Neslihan Coskun; Tunik, Selcuk; Kanay, Berna Ersoz; Uysal, ErsinAim: The current study was based on the hypothesis that the use of PRF with bone graft materials might increase bone regeneration and focus on the histopathological and immunohistochemical aspects following application of PRF with autogenous graft, xenograft and B-TCP in a rabbit model. Material and methods: This study was performed on the twenty-eight male New Zealand divided into four group. Two defects with a diameter 10 mm were opened in calvarium. After PRF preparation, right defects were evaluated as empty defect or graft group, and left defects were evaluated as PRF test group. All animals were sacrificed at the end of 8 weeks and specimens were examined histopathologically and immunohistochemically. Results: The most superior histopathological results were obtained in the autograft group. The combination of beta-TCP-PRF could not provide superiority over the beta-TCP group. The immunohistochemical results showed that, in the PRF/BTCP group, the expression of osteopontin and osteonectin was relatively higher compared to the only-BTCP group. Conclusion: In terms of new bone formation, autograft combined with PRF yielded superior results but the combination of beta-TCP-PRF had no effect compared to the only-BTCP group. However, further experimental and clinical studies might be beneficial to clarify the exact mechanism and results of combining PRF with bone grafts on bone healing process. (C) 2019 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe The comparison of endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors in normotensive and preeclamptic placentas: an immunohistochemical study(Informa Healthcare, 2014) Ayaz, Ercan; Nergiz, Yusuf; Tunik, Selcuk; Yalinkaya, AhmetObjective: Recently, it has been reported that endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors play a key role in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Thrombospondin-1, angiostatin and vasostatin are endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors and so far have not been shown in placenta at the immunohistochemical level. The aim of this study was to compare staining patterns of these endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors immunohistochemically in placentas of preeclamptic and normotensive pregnant women. Methods: Into the study, placentas from 20 preeclamptic and 20 normotensive pregnant women were included. Central and peripheral tissues were taken from both sides of placentas. Paraffin tissue blocks were prepared and stained for immunohistochemical analysis. Slides were evaluated for syncytiotrophoblasts, cytotrophoblasts, extra-villous throphoblasts and decidual cells. The degree of staining of slides were classified as negative, weak, moderate and strong. Results: Samples from preeclamptic patients were compared with those of normotensive. Staining of thrombospondin-1 was observed to increase in decidual cells, syncytiotrophoblasts in chorionic and stem villi and stroma of stem villi. Increased staining of thrombospondin-1 was only significant in the amniotic epithelium of the central sections. In addition, increased staining intensity of angiostatin was detected in the amniotic epithelium and chorionic plate of central sections of placenta. In peripheral sections, staining of angiostatin also increased in decidual cells but decreased in chorionic plate. Vasostatin staining in decidual cells, decidual stroma and chorionic villous stroma from peripheral sections decreased, but any difference was not observed in the central sections. Conclusion: Our results suggest that thrombospondin-1, angiostatin and vasostatin may play a role in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Further molecular studies are required to understand this role.Öğe Comparison of the anti-diabetic and nephroprotective activities of vitamin E, metformin, and Nigella sativa oil on kidney in experimental diabetic rats(Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, 2023) Ayaz, Hayat; Kaya, Seval; Şeker, Uğur; Nergiz, YusufObjective(s): In this study, we aimed to evaluate and compare the nephroprotective and possible anti-diabetic effects of vitamin E, metformin, and Nigella sativa. Materials and Methods: Thirty male Wistar Albino rats were randomly divided into control, experimental diabetes (DM), vitamin E + DM, Metformin + DM, and N. sativa + DM. For experimental diabetes induction, IP 45 mg/kg streptozotocin was administered. Rats in vitamin E + DM, Metformin + DM, and N. sativa + DM received 100 mg/kg vitamin E, 100 mg/kg metformin, and 2.5 ml/kg N. sativa oil for 56 days. After the experiment, all animals were sacrificed, and blood and kidney samples were collected. Results: The blood urea level of the DM group was significantly higher (P[removed]0.05) but significantly different from the DM group (P[removed]0.05). Bcl-2 immunopositivity density was highest in the N. sativa group, similar to the control group in terms of percentile area (P>0.05). Conclusion: When all three treatment methods were compared in terms of their effectiveness in alleviating DM and DN, it was determined that the most successful result was obtained with N. sativa oil.Öğe Conjunctival impression cytology and bulbar surface epithelium changes in patients with psoriasis(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2007) Söker, Sevda; Çakmak, Sevin; Aytekin, Sema; Nergiz, YusufIn this study, we evaluated bulbar surface epithelium changes with conjunctival impression cytology (IC) in patients with psoriasis. Our study group consisted of 32 psoriatic patients (64 eyes), who were followed up at Dermatology Department of Dicle University Hospital. Control group comprised 32 healthy volunteers (64 eyes) who had no abnormality on routine ophthalmological examination and were in the same age and sex distribution. Specimens for conjunctival IC were obtained with a cellulose acetate filter paper from the upper bulbar conjunctiva and fixed with 70 % ethyl alcohol, 37 % formaldehyde and 20:1:1 glicial asetic acid solution. Specimens were stained with periodic acid Schiff’s and Hematoxylin-eosin. The grades of Nelson system were evaluated with light microscopy. Of the patients with psoriasis, 39 % had grade 0, 36 % grade I, and 25 % grade II conjunctival IC differentiation compared with 78, 22, and 0 %, respectively in the control group (p< 0.001). Snake-like appearance of nuclear chromatin in conjunctival epithelial cells was demonstrated in 3 % of eyes in group I but in no eyes in group II. In conclusion, we showed that there could be early conjunctival changes and squamose metaplasia as well as increased goblet cell density in patients with psoriasis when compared with control group.Öğe Conjunctival impression cytology and correlation with vitamin a levels in children with Down Syndrome(2010) Bahçeci, Selen; Çakmak, Sevin; Söker, Sevda; Söker, Murat; Nergiz, YusufAmaç: Down sendromlu(DS) hastalarda bulbar yüzey epitel değişikliklerini konjunktival impresyon sitolojisi tekniği ile saptamak ve serum vitamin A düzeyi ile korelasyonunu araştırmak Gereç ve Yöntem: Hasta grubunu, hastanemiz pediatri kliniğinde takip edilen 18 DS’lu hasta (36 göz), kontrol grubunu ise aynı yaş grubundaki 20 sağlıklı çocuk (40 göz) oluşturdu. Üst bulbar konjuktivaya uygulanan impresyon sitolojisi yöntemi ile sellüloz asetat kağıdı yüzeyine alınan örnekler (% 70’lik etil alkol, % 37’lik formaldehit ve glisial asetik asitin 20:1:1 oranındaki) solüsyonunda fikse edildi. Örnekler Periodik Asid Schiff ve Hematoksilen-eosin ile boyandı. Işık mikroskobisi ile oluşan okuler yüzey değişiklikleri değerlendirildi. DS hastalarda serum vitamin A düzeyi HPLC ile ölçüldü. Bulgular: DS'lu grupta goblet hücre yoğunluğu (73.2±21.2 mm2) kontrol grubuna göre (113.5±30.1 mm2) azalmış olarak saptandı (p<0.01). DS’lu grupta serum vitamin A düzeyi 1.32±0.6 mumol/l olarak saptandı. DS’lu grupta goblet hücre yoğunluğu ve vitamin A düzeyi arasında pozitif korelasyaon saptandı (p<0.05). Sonuç: DS’lu hastalarda ortalama goblet hücre yoğunluğunun azaldığını gösterdik. Bu sonuç, konjunktival impresyon sitolojisinin DS’lu hastalarda erken göz problemlerinin tanısında basit, objektif, tanısal tarayıcı olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir. Yine DS’lu hastalarda okuler yüzey anormallikleri erken vitamin A desteği ile önlenebilir.Öğe Conjunctival impression cytology in patients with ectodermal dysplasia(Galenos Yayincilik, 2012) Soker, Sevda; Keklikci, Ugur; Mese, Ayse; Akkus, Murat; Nergiz, YusufEctodermal dysplasia is a group of symptoms affecting tissues and organs of ectodermal origin. In this study, conjunctival impression cytology technique which is a non-invasive method was performed in patients with ectodermal dysplasia to evaluate the affects on conjunctiva. Six eyes of three patients with ectodermal dysplasia who were followed up by the Ophthalmology Clinic of Dicle University Faculty of Medicine and Prosthetic Dentistry Departments were included in the study. Bulbar conjunctiva impression cytology method was applied to the upper surface of the bulbar conjunctiva and the cell groups taken to the surface of cellulose acetate paper were fixed by a solution containing 70% ethyl alcohol, 37% formaldehyde and glicial acetic acid with a ratio of 20:1:1 and later stained by periodic acid-schiff and haematoxylin-eosin. Using impression cytology method a decrease in integrity of the cells, picnotic changes in the nucleus, epithelial cell-like changes and loss of goblet cells were observed in patients with ectodermal dysplasia. The findings of eye dryness in patients with ectodermal dysplasia were supported by the impression cytology technique. Impression cytology can be used as a non-invasive method in ophthalmologic follow-up of patients with ectodermal dysplasia. (Turk Arch Ped 2012; 47: 69-72)Öğe Cycle loading tissue expansion of rat jejunum(Springer-Verlag, 1994) Arıtürk, Ender; Nergiz, Yusuf; Güzel, Aslan; Aydın, Gazi; 0000-0002-9896-9607Cycle loading was applied to 40 Sprague-Dawley rat jejunums to increase their diameters using a balloon catheter filled with saline over a 30-min period, with each load lasting 3 min at 1-min intervals. The dilations were performed using 0.2 ml saline in group I, 0.4 ml saline in group II, 0.6 ml saline in group III, and no dilation in the control group. The percentage increments of increase in external jejunal diameter were 10.52 in group I, 48.38 in group II, and 68.08 in group III. Histologic changes were reversible in groups I and II and irreversible in group III. It is suggested that cycle-loading tissue expansion could be used as an alternative method for the treatment of intestinal atresias to correct discrepancies in the caliber of gastrointestinal lunens.Öğe The Demonstration of Changes in Bulbar Conjunctiva Surface Epithelium in the Psoriatic Patients Treated With PUVA(Amer Soc Contemporary Medicine Surgery & Ophthalmology, 2008) Soker, Sevda; Nergiz, Yusuf; Cakmak, Sevin; Bahceci, Selen; Aytekin, SemaWe investigated the effects of disease itself and PUVA treatment on surface epithelium of conjunctiva in psoriatic patients (PP) before PUVA and after PUVA therapy and in 32 healthy volunteers. Squamous metaplasia was detected in PP both before and after PUVA therapy. We concluded that PUVA treatment applied together with preventive measures, would lead to less severe ocular side effects.Öğe Deneysel Diyabetik Sıçanlarda Metformin, E Vitamini ve Çörek Otu Yağının Karaciğer Dokusu Üzerine Hepatoprotektif Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması(Harran Üniversitesi, 2022) Ayaz, Hayat; Kaya, Seval; Nergiz, YusufÖZET Amaç: Amacımız, diyabetik ratlarda gelişen karaciğer hasarına karşı Metformin, E vitamini ve Çörek otu yağının hepotoprotektif etkilerini karşılaştırmaktır. Materyal ve Metod: 30 adet Wistar Albino rat, Kontrol (n:6), Diyabet (n:6), Diyabet + Çörek Otu Yağı (n:6), Diyabet + E Vitamini (n:6) ve Diyabet + Metformin (n:6) olarak 5 gruba ayrıldı. Diyabeti indüklemek amacıyla tek doz 45 mg/kg Streptozotosin (STZ) intraperitoneal yolla uygulandı. Diyabet + E vitamini grubuna 100 mg/kg/gün E vitamini, Diyabet + Metformin grubuna 100 mg/kg/gün metformin ve Diyabet + Çörek otu yağı grubuna 2.5 ml/kg/gün çörek otu yağı oral yollarla uygulandı. Karaciğer dokularından elde edilen parafin kesitler Hematoksilen-Eozin, Masson Trikrom ve PAS boyaları ile boyandı. Bulgular: Diyabet grubu karaciğer kesitlerinde vakuolizasyon, piknotik çekirdek, sinüzoidlerde dilatasyon, azalan glikojen içeriği ve konjesyon izlendi. Metformin grubunda hasar bulgularında kısmen ve E vitamini grubunda ise minimal iyileşme görüldü. Çörek otu yağı grubunun bulguları ise kontrol grubuna benzerdi. Sonuç: Diyabette gelişen karaciğer hasarına karşı çörek otu yağının etkili olabileceği belirlendi.Öğe The effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field on heart tissue iron density(Modestum Publishing Ltd., 2011) Söker, Sevda; Sert, Cemil; Deniz, Mustafa; Ayaz, Ercan; Tunik, Selçuk; Nergiz, YusufAmaç: Bu histolojik çalışmanın amacı; aşırı düşük frekanslı, düşük yoğunluklu manyetik alanın kalp dokusu demir yoğunluğu üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışmada; sham, kontrol ve deney grubu olarak üçe bölünen 45 Spraque Dawley erkek rat kullanıldı. Deney grubu günde üç saat 14 gün boyunca metakrilat kutularda 0.25 mT oldukça düşük frekanslı manyetik alana (ELF-MF) maruz bırakıldı. Sham grubu, ELF-MF uygulaması dışında deney grubuna benzer şekilde uygulamaya maruz bırakıldı. Kontrol grubu ratlara hiçbir şey uygulanmadı ve fareler çalışma peryodu boyunca yaşam sikluslarını kafes içinde tamamladı. Yapılan işlem sonrasında, 50 mg/kg intramuskuler ketalar anestezisi uygulanarak ratlar sakrifiye edildi Kalp dokuları hemen %10 nötral formalinde fikse edilerek parafin bloklara gömüldü. Kalp dokusunun histolojik örnekleri Hematoksilen-Eosin ve demir pigmentleri için Perls’ Prussian blue boyası ile boyandı. Nikon DS-2MV fotomikroskopta histolojik preparatlar fotoğraflandı. Bulgular: Kontrol, sham ve deney grubumuzun histolojik yapısı normal gözlendi. Kontrol, sham ve deney grubu arasında kalp dokusu demir boyaması açısından farklılık gözlenmedi. Sonuç: Çalışmamız sonucunda, kontrol ve ELF-MF (deney) grubu arasında farklılık saptamadık. Bu çalışmada, ELF-MF’ye maruz kalan farelerin kalp dokusunda demir boyaması ile değişiklik olmadığı saptandı. Klin Deney Ar Derg 2011;2(2):144-8.Öğe Effect of fully charged and discharged batteries on esophageal tissue: an experimental study(E-Century Publishing Corp, 2016) Oruc, Menduh; Yilmaz, Ahmet; Ekin, Nazim; Durkan, Atilla; Sahin, Atalay; Nergiz, YusufThe aim of this study was to compare the effect of charged and discharged alkaline batteries on esophageal tissue, and to determine the impact of duration due to the exposure to alkaline batteries. Thirty-five rabbits were divided into 5 groups each containing 7 rabbits. Alkaline batteries were ingested by rabbits [except for the control group [Group 1]]. Rabbits in Group 2 were exposed to discharged alkaline batteries for 180 minutes. In Group 3-5, the fully charged batteries were left in esophagus for 60, 120, and 180 minutes, respectively. Macroscopic appearance of esophageal mucosa as well as histopathologic examination of battery induced esophageal injury and pH of environment were compared. Battery capsules were intact in each group. No color change was observed in the anode pole of batteries for Group 2. Color change was evident in the anode pole of batteries for 3 rabbits in Group 3, in 4 rabbits in Group 4, and in 7 rabbits from Group 5; while no significant change was observed in any rabbit from Group 2. Histopathologically, mucosal erosion was observed in 7 rabbits of Group 3. In Group 4, mucosal erosion extended to the internal muscular layer. Necrosis was exceeding external muscular layer in Group 5. Alkaline batteries may cause erosion as a result of electrical currency without corrosive substrate leakage. Duration of exposure is an important determinant of tissue injury.Öğe The effect of l-carnitine on testicular ischemia- reperfusion ınjury due to testicular torsion in rats(2012) Deliktaş, Hasan; Gedik, Abdullah; Bircan, Mehmet Kamuran; Nergiz, YusufYapılan bu deneysel çalışmada testis torsiyonu sonucu gelişen iskemi ve detorsiyon sonrasında gelişecek olan reperfüzyonun tes- tiste neden olacağı hasarı önlemede L-Karnitinin etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ratlarda oluşturulan tek taraflı torsiyon ve detorsiyonu takiben, torsiyone testiste ve karşı testiste gelişebilecek olan reperfüzyon hasarı üzerine L-Karnitinin etkilerini araştırmaktır. Toplam 20 yetişkin erkek rat kontrol grubu, (Grup 1) iskemi / reperfüzyon grubu (Grup 2) ve iskemi / re- perfüzyon + L-Karnitin grubu ( Grup 3) olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrıldı. Dört saatlik torsiyon periyodundan sonra yapılan detorsiyondan hemen sonra ikinci gruba 1 ml serum fizyolojik, 3. gruba ise 500 mg/kg L-Karnitin intraperitoneal olarak verildi. Ve bu dozlar 8 saat sonra tekrarlandı. Histolojik olarak L-Karnitinin torsiyone testiste ve karşı testiste gelişen iskemi / reperfüzyon hasarını düzelttiği görülmüştür.Öğe The Effect of L-Carnitine on Testicular Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury due to Testicular Torsion in Rats(Modestum Ltd, 2012) Deliktas, Hasan; Gedik, Abdullah; Nergiz, Yusuf; Bircan, Mehmet KamuranThis experimental was study designed to examine the efficacy of L-carnitine in preventing reperfusion injury following testicular torsion. We aimed to evaluate the effects of L-carnitine, administered during the reperfusion period, on the torsed and contralateral non- torsed testes in cases of unilateral testicular torsion in rats. This experimental study was performed in the research laboratory Dicle University, School of Medicine, between March 1, 2007 and May 31 2007. The study included 20 adult male rats those 6 months old that were divided into 3 groups: a sham group (group 1), ischemia/reperfusion group (group 2), and ischemia/reperfusion + L-carnitine group (group 3). In group 2 one ml of serum physiologic was injected intraperitoneally versus 500 mg/kg of L-carnitine in group 3 immediately after detorsion following a 4-h torsion period; the doses were repeated after 8 h later. Histologically, Sections of the left testes in group 2 showed irregularities in germinal epithelial cell configuration and degeneration in several cells, and all the samples of the right testes in group 2 had arrested sperm maturation and primary spermatocytes had a dusky appearance in some tubules, while all remaining groups were normal. L-carnitine had a positive effect on ipsilateral and contralateral testes. The positive effect of L-carnitine in reducing reperfusion damage in ipsilateral and also in contralateral testis was histopathologically observed. We think L-carnitine should always be apllied immediately after repurfusion period and should be repeated after 8 hours in testicular torsion cases.Öğe Effect of low-intensity microwave radiation on rat kidney: An ultrastructural study(2000) Akdağ, Zülküf; Ersay, Ahmet Reşit; Çelik, M. Salih; Ketani, M. Aydın; Nergiz, YusufExposure to low-intensity microwave radiation for prolonged periods is known to be a potential factor inducing visceral damage. There are several studies in the literature demonstrating the harmful effects of such radiation on the kidney of laboratory animals. Our aim was to determine the effect of low intensity microwave radiation on rat kidney at the light and electron microscopic level. Animals (28 rats) in the experiment group were exposed to 2.65 mW/cm 2 radition (9450 MHz) for 1 h per day during 26 and 52 days respectively and tissue samples of these animals were examined and compared with those of the control group. At the light microscopic level most significant changes were observed in the 52.0-days exposure group. In the renal tubular epithelium there was extensive apical vesiculation almost totally obliterating the lumen. Cytoplasmic vacuolization of the epithelial cells was not prominent in the 26.0-day group but also became most significant in the 52.0-day group. Degenerative changes in the kidne y glomeruli were also most prominent in the 52.0-day group at light and electron microscopic levels. At the ultrastructural level renal tubular epithelium and glomeruli reflected features of early necrotic changes gradually increasing as the exposure period increased. Glomerular sclerosis was the end stage of these degenerative changes as clearly outlined at the ultrastructural level. Our findings clearly demonstrate the harmful effects of low-intensity microwave radiation on kidney parenchyma in an exposure-period dependent manner.Öğe The effect of melatonin on ductus epididymis. Unilateral testicular torsion in rats(Saudi Med J, 2007) Yildirim, Ayse; Akkus, Murat; Ersay, Ahmet R.; Nergiz, Yusuf; Baran, Ozlem P.[Abstract Not Available]