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Öğe Bird diversity at the Adiyaman-Golbasi Lakes Important Bird Area (IBA), in southeast Turkey(Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, 2022) Buyuk, Gokhan; Karakas, RecepThe diversity of avian species at three lakes (I.nekli, Azapli and Golbasi) in the Adiyaman-Golbasi Lakes Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA), a unique karst landscape in southeast Turkey, was studied for the first time during 2018-2019. A total of 73 different bird species were detected, from 34 families in 18 orders, of which c. 30% were waterbirds. Fifty species potentially breed at the IBA, whilst 23 occur only in winter or during migration. One - the European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur - is of global conservation concern, classed as Vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in its Red List of threatened species, and 14 are threatened at the national level. The results suggest that these natural lakes are of great importance for birds. Although the Adiyaman-Golbasi Lakes IBA was declared a Nature Park in 2008, illegal hunting, harvesting and reed burning are still major problems in the area. An innovative management approach is required to the protect the habitat, water quality, avian diversity and water flow dynamics in the catchment, in order to protect these natural wetlands and ensure that human activity does not impinge on the integrity of the site.Öğe Bird diversity in Bismil Plain IBA'S with new records for South-eastern Anatolia, Turkey(Springer, 2010) Karakas, RecepThe birds of Bismil Plain were surveyed between October 2002-June 2004 periods, and evaluations were made for the effects of agriculture on the bird diversity. During the observation period, 147 bird species belonging to 13 orders and 42 families were determined and listed. Among those species defined, 47 were certainly breeding in the area, 22 probably and six possibly, while 72 of them were transitory migrating or wintering birds for the region. Of the recorded species, 11 have not previously been recorded in the South-east of Turkey. Amongst the recorded species, nine are globally threatened, while 36 are threatened for Turkey without least concern species. The intensive agricultural activities affect bird diversity in the area. And also, if the IlA +/- su Dam project put in to practice, the existing diversity of the avifauna may be change. The regional distribution of bird species in the plain is presented together with comments on the relation of agricultural intensification. The available information suggests that the region is in the path of an important flyway for migrant species. The determination of bird species will help to evaluate and compare the changes in the bird fauna and conservation efforts in the future.Öğe Birds of Hasankeyf (South-eastern Anatolia, Turkey) Under the Threat of a Big Dam Project(Natural Areas Assoc, 2012) Biricik, Murat; Karakas, RecepThe birds at the vicinity of the ancient town Hasankeyf (South-eastern Turkey) have been documented by a systematic survey spanning nearly one and a half years and also by casual observations afterward. A total of 133 bird species have been detected in the study area, about 60% of which were observed in spring. Nearly two-thirds of the bird species are native or summer migrants and 72 are at least potential breeders in the area. Twenty-one species of diurnal raptors were detected. Five globally and 25 regionally threatened species have been recorded. Main habitats used are the river and riparian zone, shrub, steppe, and steep rocky mountain; and around 33% of the breeding species use rocky slopes and cliffs while 11% use riverine formations for their nesting. The area still has special natural habitats for birds, whose breeding are largely dependent on rocks which form steep walls on the river. In spite of all this richness, the wildlife in the area is strongly threatened by a highly debated big dam project, which is part of the most comprehensive regional development project of Turkey.Öğe BLACK KITES (MILVUS MIGRANS) WINTER IN SOUTHEASTERN ANATOLIA, TURKEY(Raptor Research Foundation Inc, 2011) Biricik, Murat; Karakas, Recep[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Changes in eggshell thickness, shell conductance and pore density during incubation in the Peking Duck (Anas platyrhynchos f. dom.)(Birdlife Finland, 2006) Balkan, Mahmut; Karakas, Recep; Biricik, MuratShell thickness, shell conductance (water-vapour conductance), and pore density are important properties of eggs that influence the success of embryonic development. We determined these properties in the blunt end, the equator and the sharp end of both unincubated and hatched eggs of Peking ducks. In unincubated eggs, we found that shell thickness increased from the blunt end to the sharp end, water-vapour conductance was the highest in the blunt region and lowest in the equatorial region. Analysis of hatched eggs showed that during incubation the equatorial and sharp end regions became thinner (due to calcium uptake by the embryo), resulting in nearly similar eggshell thickness in all regions after hatching. Pore density and shell conductance, however, increased during incubation both in the equator and blunt end. Our results suggest that the increase in shell conductance during incubation is in this species due to an increase in pore density and not due to thinning of the eggshell.Öğe Contribution on the Status and Distribution of Shrike Species in South-Eastern Anatolia, Turkey(Zoological Soc Pakistan, 2011) Karakas, RecepThe status and distribution of four shrike species (Lanius collurio, L. minor, L. senator and L. nubicus) belonging to Laniidae family in South-eastern Anatolia is presented on the basis of personal observations and available records. L. minor is a passage migrant while the others are summer visitors and regularly breed in the region. Expanding agricultural production system under the Southeast Anatolia Project (GAP) is the main threat to the shrike and other bird species populations in the region. The use of fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides used to boost agricultural production also impact the birds population adversely.Öğe Does Black-Winged Kite Elanus caeruleus (Desfontaines, 1789) Have an Expansion in its Range in Turkey?(Inst Zoology, Bas, 2012) Karakas, RecepThe status and distribution of Black-winged kite Elanus caeruleus (Desfontaines, 1789), which has an expansion in its range, were analysed in Turkey. The long-term records were analyzed as breeding and non-breeding season and main areas were mapped by GIS (Geographical Information System) programme together with habitat data's for determination of distribution in Turkey. For showing the expansion, regression analysis has been used for showing the increase of species observations for three time periods. The results indicated two regions, mainly after 1990s; Mediterranean and South-eastern Anatolia where this expansion was evident. Comparison of the historic and recent distribution of Black-winged kite records in Turkey shows a change in their distribution. It was concluded that there is a little increase in its expansion in southern part of country; mainly in South-eastern Anatolia region, related to breeding population in Iraq and Iran. Species has showed an expansion on its range, and probably this will be continuing in future. Further investigations and observations are needed.Öğe The Namaqua Dove Oena capensis (L., 1766) (Columbidae) Spreads Further North: A New Record from Turkey(Inst Zoology, Bas, 2018) Biricik, Murat; Karakas, Recep; Turga, SemsettinAn observation of a single female Namaqua dove Oena capensis (L.) in the late spring of 2015 from South-eastern Turkey is reported. This constitutes one of the most northern locations of the species currently known, where apparently free ranging birds have been spotted. No sign of breeding could be identified. The landscape properties of the detection site are consistent with those described for former findings in the Middle East. The records in several countries in the region suggest a northern expansion of the species' geographical range of about 28.8 km/year across the Arabian Peninsula.Öğe New breeding sites of the Black-winged Kite (Elanus caeruleus) in Turkey (Aves: Falconiformes)(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Karakas, Recep; Biricik, Murat[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Observations on the breeding ecology of Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni (Fleischer 1818) at a new breeding site in southeastern Turkiye(Ornithological Soc Japan, Univ Tokyo, Sch Agr, 2024) Karakas, RecepA new breeding site for Lesser Kestrel was identified and the nesting area was monitored between 2019- 2022 at Diyarbakir, Turkiye. Birds arrive at the nesting site at the end of March and breeding commences with courtship behaviour and copulation at the beginning of April. Incubation starts in mid April and lasts until mid-May when the eggs hatch. The juveniles fledge at the end of June, and begin to practice hunting with adults in early July. Further monitoring of the population is recommended.Öğe OBSERVATIONS ON THE WINTERING OF WHITE-STORK CICONIA CICONIA (LINNAEUS, 1758) FROM SOUTH-EASTERN PART OF TÜRKİYE(Bilal GÜMÜŞ, 2024) Karakas, RecepBetween the December 2003 and January 2023 periods, 119 individuals of White-stork Ciconia ciconia (Linnaeus, 1758) have been recorded during winter seasons that covering only December and January months. White-storks determined between Diyarbakır and Batman provinces from 12 different locations and also nearly all of the records obtained within the boundaries of the Bismil Plain IBA’s between Diyarbakır and Batman provinces. The wintering of species in this part of Türkiye and Diyarbakır province have been firstly documented. The availability of suitable habitat's together with food possibilities and mild climate conditions may have been supports the population increase in the area during all year round. This study showed that White-storks have found the favourable conditions for wintering in our region and have now started to wintering. Monitoring of the wintering population in the region is recommended for evaluate changes in size of population and range expansion of species in the area by a comprehensive field study in this part of country.Öğe On the Occurrence of White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala (SCOPOLI, 1769) in South-eastern Anatolia, Turkey(Inst Zoology, Bas, 2011) Biricik, Murat; Karakas, RecepDuring their occasional observations at wetlands in the region spanning last two decades, the authors detected for first time small groups of White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala in a single day at two distinct dam reservoirs. As there was another single record previously, the scarcity of reports indicates that the species could be considered as a relatively rare migrant for SE Turkey, probably on their route between the breeding areas in northern parts of the country or other northern countries, and Middle East as wintering area. The appearance of birds and general properties of the habitat have been discussed.Öğe On the status and distribution of the Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca in Southeast Anatolia, Turkey(Univ Oradea Publ House, 2018) Karakas, Recep; Biricik, MuratThe Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) is globally threatened duck species, and in Turkey the population is in decline. Records of the species were obtained during field excursions carried out in different localities of Southeast Anatolia between 1998 and 2015. These data were evaluated to gain a clearer understanding about the local status of the species. Five areas arose as possible breeding sites, while Karkamis Dam is the most significant wetland both for breeding and the wintering of the species. The main threats are the alteration of wetlands, reed destruction, illegal hunting, and aquatic pollution.Öğe Ornithological importance of artificial ponds: a case study at KabaklA± Pond, south-eastern Anatolia, Turkey(Springer Heidelberg, 2017) Karakas, RecepThe birds of KabaklA1 Pond and its near surrounding were surveyed between October 2014 and December 2015 periods. During the study period, 105 bird species that belong to 12 orders and 34 families were detected and represented. Among these species determined, 17 of them certainly, 19 probably and 11 possibly breed in the area, while 58 of them are wintering or transitory migrating birds for the area. Among the recorded species, seven are globally threatened, while 20 are threatened for Turkey without least concern species. Obtained information suggests that this small artificial area has a great importance for many bird species related to habitat that have. Habitat preferences of species were analysed, and it was determined that the most preferred habitats are pond (water surface), wooded and agricultural zones, respectively. Also, the maximum bird number obtained during April and December, while maximum bird species richness observed during April. Results suggest that artificial ponds can be important for birds as feeding, resting and breeding area due to rapidly decline in natural wetland areas. Effective protection of the area requires the prevention of illegal hunting, fishing, human disturbance and pasturing. Also, in order to extend the existing reed and meadow areas, convenient plantation of natural plants at around of pond has a critic role for waterfowl.Öğe Recent status and distribution of the Great Bustard, Otis tarda, in Turkey (Aves: Otidae)(Max Kasparek Verlag, 2009) Karakas, Recep; Akarsu, FerdiThe records of the Great Bustard, Otis tarda (Linnaeus, 1758), in Turkey from the period 1989-2008 were compiled and analysed to update a previous assessment published in 1989. Despite a sharply increased birdwatching activity in Turkey, only 106 records could be found from published and unpublished sources for this 20-year period. 870 of the total of 1066 individuals were recorded during the breeding season and 196 in the non-breeding season. The population is split into two subpopulations; one focused in Inner Anatolia and the other in East and South-cast Anatolia, with the latter exceeding the Inner Anatolian population in numbers. Both subpopulations have declined significantly since the 1989 assessment, although, in the absence of comprehensive field surveys, it is not possible to quantity the degree. As several breeding sites have been abandoned, the size of the distribution area has shrunk in recent decades. In particular, the species is no longer present at several sites situated at the edge of the distribution area. The species winters in south-eastern Anatolia and in small numbers also in the large river deltas on the Black Sea and Mediterranean coasts. However, the winter population is also sharply decreasing. The Turkish Great Bustard population is much smaller than predicted, and apparently comprises 200-300 breeding pairs at the most,Öğe Status and Distribution of Red-wattled Lapwing Vanellus indicus (Boddaert, 1783) (Charadriiformes: Charadriidae) in Turkey(Inst Zoology, Bas, 2016) Karakas, RecepThe status and distribution of the red-wattled lapwing, Vanellus indicus (Boddaert, 1783) in Turkey as well as observations on a breeding population at Garzan Stream, South-eastern Anatolia, are described. Despite the records of some wintering individuals, the species is a summer migrant for Turkey. It arrives to the breeding grounds in mid-February. The breeding period starts at end of March and the incubation period is between mid-May and mid-June. In addition, all available records of the species are analysed in order to determine its distribution range in Turkey. Our results indicate a change in the distribution range of V. indicus in Turkey while there is not an increase of the number of records based on the available literature. The most important breeding areas of this species in Turkey are threatened by the Ilisu dam project. The loss of the current suitable habitats may affect the occurrence of this species in the region. This species has shown a moderate expansion of its range and probably this is to continue in future if the suitable habitats are protected. Accurate population assessment is required together with an ecological study to determine the key factors in the main areas for conservation of the red-wattled lapwing in Turkey.