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Öğe ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING EFFECTIVENESS OF RANGELAND-DEPENDENT DAIRY CATTLE FARMS IN ERZURUM PROVINCE(Univ Agronomic Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest - Usamv, 2014) Kara, Abdurrahman; Kiziloglu, SemihaWith a special emphasis on the rangeland condition, factors affecting effectiveness of the farms were researched in this study. Study area covers Erzurum Province, Turkey. Villages were purposively selected from those of which rangeland conditions had been studied previously. Stratified sampling method was employed in determination of the sample size. Data were collected from the randomly selected farmers through face to face interviews, resulted in 99 completed questionnaires. Collected data by structured questionnaires were of 2004-2005 production year. Farms were studied under three farm size groups of 0-12, 12,1-25 and 25+ ha. In analysis of the data stepwise regression and multiple linear and log-linear regression models were used. As farm success criteria, net product and gross margin were calculated for every studied farm. According to the results, rangeland condition, stable type, number of cattle, size of cultivated land, amount of labour per farm and small ruminant flock existence in the village and number of small ruminant were found to be the most important factors affecting farm effectiveness. It was concluded that more robust and long-term studies should be conducted using a wider variation in rangeland condition to confirm the study findings.Öğe Assesment of water productivity using different drip irrigation systems for cotton(Elsevier, 2019) Cetin, Oner; Kara, AbdurrahmanThe aim of this study is to evaluate water productivity (WP), economic water productivity (EWP) and land economic productivity (LEP) using different amount of irrigation water and different drip irrigation (surface drip irrigation, SDI) and subsurface drip irrigation, SSDI) for cotton. For that, the results of the experiment carried out in cotton growing season of 2016 and 2017 were evaluated. The maximum WPIrrig (0.84 kg m(-3)) occurred in the SSDI system at the lateral pipe depth of 40 cm. However, the net LEP (US$1109.9 ha(-1)) was in which the irrigation application (551.3 mm) had a calculated crop water requirement of 1.00 times using Penman-Monteith method. The maximum EWP (US$0.19 m(-3)) occurred also in the SSDI system with the lateral pipe depth of 40 cm. SSDI under the depth of 40 cm resulted in reducing water use and greater water productivity using an amount of irrigation water based on 1.0xCrop water requirement. Thus, this treatment was found to be more applicable in terms of farmer practices. WPIng, WP, EWP and LEP should be considered jointly for an optimization of water productivity and water saving in terms of farmers and irrigation schemes.Öğe Assessment of agricultural practices and machinery use in pistachio nut orchards in Siirt province of Turkey(Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitesti, 2021) Gürsoy, Songül; Aygün, Metin; Kara, Abdurrahman; Akın, SongülAs is the case in all type of orchards, agricultural practices should be done on regular and timely basis in Pistachio orchards to get abundant and high-quality products. The agricultural practices applied mainly in pistachio orchards include tillage, irrigation, pruning, fertilization, plant protection, harvesting and post-harvest handling and processing. In this study, the use of machinery and the problems encountered in the application of agricultural practices in pistachio orchards were evaluated in Siirt province of Turkey. Study data were collected with the structured questionnaires during the face-to-face farmer interview, which was conducted in 165 pistachio farms in 2019. The sample size was determined by Stratified sampling method. For analysis of the data, descriptive statistics methods and Chi-square test were employed. It was revealed that the mechanization applications and problems encountered in pistachio production were connected with the processes from soil cultivation to harvest and post-harvest. The results showed that the use of machine power in the pistachio farms in Siirt province is very limited with tillage, spraying and transportation. It was also revealed that the orchard acreage had a statistically significant relationship with the machinery use for almost all agricultural practices except tillage and irrigation methods.Öğe Determination of the factors affecting utilization rate of Eastern Anatolian semiarid public rangelands in Turkey(2020) Kara, AbdurrahmanRangelands are important natural resources for the nations with a various measurable and immeasurable outputssuch as forage for farm animals, biological diversity, soil and water conservation and ecosystem functions. However,unconscious exploitation has resulted in weakening, deterioration and exhaustion of these natural resources in time.In achieving an effective, sustainable use at a minimum environmental cost without foregoing economic and socialdevelopment, policy measures towards conscious utilization, conservation and restoration of these resources are ofvital importance. Furthermore, user-friendly, robust policy measures require correct scientific information on theactual utilization of rangelands. The effects of various natural and human induced factors on the rangeland forageyield and its utilization rate were researched in this study. Data were collected from the rangelands of 11 villagesin five districts of Erzurum province, Turkey. Descriptive statistics and mixed effect panel regression models wereused in data analysis. According to the results it was concluded that 1) because of heavy grazing pressure versus lowforage production, high-altitude sites, east and southwest slopes should specifically be given the priority in rangelandrehabilitation studies, 2) drought resistant species should be preferred for the overseeding practices due to the xericnature of southerly slopes, 3) to avoid excessive exploitation and to realize balanced utilization in all rangeland sites,grazing plans should be developed and strictly followed by each village authority, and 4) Heavy grazing pressure onrangelands gets even worse in drought seasons. Therefore, rangelands should be relatively lightly utilized in suchseasons not to cause herbage yield losses and other unwanted outcomes in subsequent years.Öğe Determination of the factors effective in reaching the objectives of agricultural support: Example of the wire trellis systems in viticulture farming in Diyarbakır(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023) Akın, Songül; Kara, AbdurrahmanAgricultural support is used to increase product diversity, sustainability, productivity, and quality in agricultural production. In 2011, agricultural support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) was given to 79 farmers in Dicle, Hani, Kulp, and Silvan districts to disseminate the wire trellis vineyard system in Diyarbakır province, Türkiye. In this study, based on the willingness of the viticulture farmers to continue the wire trellis system, factors affecting the success of agricultural support were investigated. Study data were obtained from the viticulture farmers, who received the support to establish wire trellis systems, through structured and semi-structured questionnaires during face-to-face interviews in 2020. In the data analysis, descriptive statistics and logistic regression methods were used. Data analysis revealed that 62% of the respondents were willing to continue with wire trellis system in viticulture farming. According to logistic regression results, along with the significant (p < 0.05) and positive effect of education at secondary or higher schooling, the knowledge level and satisfaction status of the respondent farmers had positive and statistically highly significant effects on their willingness to use wire trellis systems, while the existence of off-farm income sources had a marginally significant but negative effect. In order to harvest the expected outcomes from the support policies, we conclude that it is beneficial to direct the support to young and educated farmers for whom agriculture is the primary source of income, and to accompany this with the relevant extension work so as to enhance the knowledge level of the target farmers.Öğe Diyarbakır damızlık sığır yetiştiricileri ve damızlık koyun keçi yetiştiricileri birliği özelinde hayvancılık destekleri hakkında üretici görüşlerinin belirlenmesi(Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018) Akın, Songül; Kara, Abdurrahman; Tutkun, MuhittinDünyadaki bütün ülkeler, tarımsal ürünlerin stratejik öneminden dolayı tarım sektörlerini herhangi birşekilde desteklemektedirler. Çünkü tarım yaşamın sürdürülmesinde stratejik bir sektördür. Tarım sektörünün gelişmesi ve sürdürülebilirliği için örgütlenme ve desteklemeler olmazsa olmazlar arasındadır. Tarımsal desteklemeler üretimde istikrar, kalitede iyileşme ve verimliliğin artırılması nedeniyle tarımsal gelirin artırılmasında önemli bir role sahiptir. Tarımsal destekler işletmelerin üretim ve gelir seviyelerinde önemli bir role sahip olmakla birlikte çeşitli üretim şubelerinde arz miktarına yansımada farklılıklar söz konusudur. Desteklenmelerin dağıtım şekli, türü ve üreticilerin bu desteklemelere ulaşabilmeleri nispetinde, başarısı da değişmektedir. Bu çalışmada Diyarbakır Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri (DSYB) ve Damızlık Koyun Keçi Yetiştiricileri Birliği’ne(DKKYB)üye 383 adetüye ve herhangi bir birliğe üye olmayan 379 hayvancılık yapan üreteciolmak üzere toplamda 765 üreticiden anket yoluyla elde edilen veriler, analiz edilmiştir. Bu araştırmayla, faydalanılan hayvancılık destekleri, hayvancılık destek ödemelerinde karşılaşılan sorunlar, hayvancılık destek ödemelerinin etkin olması için öneriler araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada DSYB’ne üye üreticilerin % 82.90’ı,DKKYB’ne üye üreticilerin % 92.61’i gelirlerinin artmasında birliğin bir rolünün olamadığı görüşünde oldukları tespit edilmiştir. AyrıcaDSYB, DKKYB’ne üye ve üye olmayan üreticilerin etkin bir destekleme için en önemli noktanın destek miktarlarının artırılması noktasında aynı önem derecesinde hem fikir oldukları görülmektedir.Öğe Diyarbakır'da sera işletmelerinin durum analizi(Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018) Akın, Songül; Kara, Abdurrahman; Pirinç, Vedat; Aktürk, ZaferÖrtü altı yetiştiriciliği, birim alandan daha fazla ürün alınması, üreticinin daha küçük alanlardan geçimini sağlayabilmesi, üretimin kış aylarında yapılabilmesi nedeniyle, koşulları uygun olan birçok ülkede üreticiler tarafından tercih edilmektedir. Ülkemizde seracılık Akdeniz ve Ege Bölgelerinde yoğunlukla yapılmakla birlikte 2000’li yıllardan itibaren diğer bölgelerde de yaygınlaştırılması düşüncesi tarım politikası haline gelmiştir. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığının 2005 yılından itibaren kooperatiflerin seracılık yatırımlarını kredilendirmesi, ardından 2006 yılında Kırsal Kalkınma Yatırımlarını Destekleme Programlarıyla verdiği hibe destekleri sayesinde seracılık Diyarbakır ilinde ivme kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Diyarbakır’da kurulan sera işletmelerinin mevcut durumları ve yapısal özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Projelendirme aşamasında güneş enerjili sera olarak desteklenen seraların %95.7’nin kalorifer, %4.3’ünün fan ısıtma sistemiyle sıcaklık dengesinin sağlamaya çalıştıkları görülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamına alınan işletmelerin %90’nın tek ürün yetiştirdikleri, %10’nun çift ürün yetiştirdikleri görülmüştür.Öğe Effects of Farmer and Vineyard Attributes and Farming Practices on the Success of Viticulture in Turkiye: The Case of Dicle District of Diyarbakir Province(Springer, 2022) Kara, Abdurrahman; Ozdemir, Gultekin; Aksoy, OzlemSuccessful vineyard production requires consideration of farmer and vineyard attributes as well as management practices. However, none of the previous studies evaluated these factors together for their effects on grape yield and economic performance. Conducted in the Dicle district of the Diyarbakir province of Turkiye, this study aimed to address this gap. Study data were collected using structured questionnaires from vineyard farms in 2018. Demographic variables, vineyard attributes, viticultural practices, and grape processing were examined regarding their effects on the success of viticulture. Descriptive statistical methods and logistic regression models were used in the data analysis. The study revealed that labor force, geographic aspects, hoeing, fertilization, irrigation, and processing significantly affected the success of viticulture in the study area regarding both grape yield and the gross margin of viticulture. Another striking result was that plant protection practices did not yield positive significant effects on the success of viticulture despite the well-known and top-ranking farmer complaints about vineyard pests and diseases. A negative and insignificant effect of fertilization on gross margin despite its positive and significant effect (P < 0.05) on grape yield implies cost-ineffective fertilization. It was concluded that considerably low yielding and overaged vineyards should be rejuvenated, and farmers should be trained in management practices. Moreover, old but still productive vineyards of the region can be turned into opportunities by registering them as heritage vineyards, and the products made from their grapes should be certified and supported by the geographical indication to verify their authenticity.Öğe Erzurum'da meraya dayalı üretim yapan hayvancılık işletmelerinin sosyoekonomik analizi(Tarım Ekonomisi Derneği, 2012) Kara, Abdurrahman; Kızıloğlu, SemihaBu çalışma ile Erzurum'da meraya dayalı hayvancılık yapan tarım işletmelerinin sosyoekonomik yapılan incelenmiş ve işletme faaliyetleri teknik ve ekonomik yönden analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın yürütüldüğü köyler, mera kalite dereceleri önceden belirlenmiş olan köyler arasından seçilmiştir, örnek büyüklüğünün belirlenmesinde tabakalı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma verileri 2004-2005 yılı üretim dönemine aittir. Çiftçilerle yüz yüze gerçekleştirilen anket çalışmaları 99 anket ile sonuçlanmıştır, işletmeler 0-120, 121-250 ve 251 da ve yukarısı olmak üzere üç grupta ele alınmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistik yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre konut ve hayvan barınaklarının genellikle geleneksel yöntemlerle inşa edildiği ve eski binalar olduğu belirlenmiştir. Oldukça parçalı ve dağınık olan işletme arazisinin %26,7'si sulanabilmektedir. Tarla arazisinin %65.9'unu ekilen araziler ve %21 'ini nadasa bırakılan araziler teşkil etmektedir. Ekili tarla arazisinin %69.9'unu hububat ve %25.3lünü yem bitkileri oluşturmaktadır. En fazla kullanılan gübre DAP olup, Özellikle büyük işletme gruplarında ihtiyaçtan fazla azotlu gübre kullanılmaktadır. Dekara ürün verimleri düşüktür. Hayvan yemlerinin %81 'i kaba yemdir ve kaba yemlerin ana unsurunu saman oluşturmaktadır. Kesif yem olarak ilk sırada fabrika yemleri gelmekte, bunu dane yemler izlemektedir. Gayri safı hasılanın en önemli bileşeni hayvansal üretimdir. Diğer gruplara göre 2. grup işletmelerin daha fazla saf hasıla elde ettikleri tespit edilmiştir. İşletmelerde gereğinden fazla işgücü bulunması, işletme sermayesinin yetersiz ve diğer sermaye unsurlarının da dengesiz dağılımı, tarım işletmelerinin rantabilitesini olumsuz etkilemektedir.Öğe Evaluation of the Community-based Animal Genetic Improvement Studies: Kilis Goat(Avrasya Tarım Ekonomistleri Derneği, 2024) Kara, AbdurrahmanThis study examines the economic and technical impacts of the genetic improvement studies on Kilis Goat, commenced in Kilis, Türkiye in 2009 within the context of Community-based Animal Genetic Improvement National Scheme. This study also aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Kilis goat farming, and to establish a baseline for future assessments in this breed. The National scheme was first launched in 2006 and has since been extended in five-year intervals. Because genetic improvement studies commenced in 2009 in Kilis Goat, this study focuses only the first six years and considers the firstly included Kilis goat breeders into the scheme, excluding the later inclusions. The complete counts of the scheme-participating farmers (PFs) and randomly selected non-scheme-participating farmers (non-PFs) were the sources of the study data. Kilis goat breeders were interviewed face-to-face during 17 - 22 January 2015, resulting in 59 completed questionnaires (43 participants and 16 non-participant farmers). Descriptive statistics, t-tests, chi-square tests and Mann Whitney U tests were used for two group comparisons as one-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test and Krusskal Wallis tests were used for multiple group comparisons in data analysis. The results showed that PFs performed better but this was not enough to produce a significant difference in gross profit per female. The study concluded that own feed production, effective control of goat diseases and parasites and improvement of housing conditions are crucial for successful genetic improvement and overall goat production.Öğe Factors affecting the farmers’ decision on artificial insemination: A case study of Diyarbakir province, Turkey(Corvinus University of Budapest, 2019) Akın, Songül; Kara, AbdurrahmanThe objective of this study was to determine the factors affecting farmers’ decision-making on artificial insemination (AI) to improve milk and beef yields of low-yielding local cattle breeds in Diyarbakir province of Turkey. Primary data were obtained from 546 breeders randomly selected among members and non-members of the Cattle Breeders Association of Diyarbakir Province (DCBA) through structured questionnaires completed during face to face farmer interviews. Descriptive statistical analysis and logistic regression methods were used in the analysis of the data. A significant relationship was found between membership status and AI. However, there was no statistically significant difference between DCBA members and non-members on the willingness to apply AI in case of no government support. Government incentives, number of cross- and purebred cattle, and DCBA as the source of information have a positive significant effect on the willingness of the farmers to employ AI, while breeder age, distance from the closest city centre, farm family size, and share of the crop revenue in the total revenue have a negative effect on the adoption of AI.Öğe Factors effective on reaching goals and target groups of agricultural supports: a case study in Diyarbakir Province, Turkey(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2021) Akın, Songül; Kara, AbdurrahmanIn this study, factors affecting the willingness to continue organic almond production in Eğil and Dicle districts of Diyarbakır were investigated. A semi-structured interview method was used in data collection. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression were used in data analysis. According to the results, it was reported that the association membership status and agricultural supports are very important (P<0.01) and the size of the almond establishment (acres) (p<0.01). Association membership status significantly increases the desire to continue organic production by approximately 11%. Conversely, 24.2 percent of the participants who claim that support is needed for almond production is willing to produce organic. However, one hectare increase in almond plantation reduced the probability of continuing organic almond production in the ceteris paribus by 1%, suggesting that organic farming awareness is not sufficiently developed. It turns out that support payments are the main driving force for farmers to continue organic production, and the underlying reason for association membership is access to support payments.Öğe How long does it take to pay back rangeland improvement investments? A case study from Erzurum Province in Turkey(Csiro Publishing, 2014) Kara, Abdurrahman; Kadioglu, Sibel; Dumlu, S. Emre; Aksakal, Erdal; Ozgoz, M. Merve; Uzun, Mustafa; Cakal, SerafettinThe aim of the study was to estimate the payback period of rangeland improvement investments made under the coordination of the Eastern Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute (EAARI) in the Eastern Anatolia region, Turkey. Farm data were collected from randomly selected rangeland-dependent dairy cattle farms through face-to-face interviews, which resulted in 99 completed questionnaires. Additionally, the data for rangeland improvement studies were obtained from the EAARI. The villages of study were selected from those for which rangeland condition had been determined previously. The data collected by structured questionnaires were for the 2004-05 production year. The farms were studied under three farm size groups of 0-12, 12.1-25 and 25+ ha. Gross margins were calculated for each studied farm. In the analysis of the data, stepwise regression, multiple linear regression and descriptive statistical methods were used. Of the 17 variables considered, only four variables entered to the log-linear livestock gross margin model. These were the type of building used by livestock in winter, cattle and sheep numbers and rangeland condition. Using estimates of the average values of the unit costs of rangeland improvement and additional incomes due to the improvements, it was estimated that on average each Turkish lira invested in rangeland improvement studies could be amortised in three grazing seasons.Öğe Knowledge level of vegetable growng farmers on organic production in Diyarbakır province(Gültekin Özdemir, 2018) Pirinç, Vedat; Kara, Abdurrahman; Aktürk, Zafer; Akın, SongülAs was the case n the World, ntensve nput use was seen the only remedy to ncrease agrcultural productvty so that to meet the needs for food and raw materal n the second half of the last century n Turkey. Accordngly, chemcal fertlzer and pestcde use were supported and encouraged. Unconscous chemcal use ncreased the plant producton but resulted n poor qualty products and human health dsorders. As a result of foodborn and envronmental health problems, a new type of agrcultural producton was urged and encouraged by the conscous customers all over the World. Ths s called organc or ecologc farmng whch ams to restore the unwanted outcomes of ntensve or conventonal agrculture and produce healthy food to satsfy customer demands. In achevng the goals of organc producton and ncreasng organc food producton t s of great mportance to unvel the knowledge level, problems and requests of the producers snce culture, customs, socal envronment and the knowledge accumulated over years shape the agrcultural producton. In ths study, t s amed to reveal the knowledge level and producton customs of the organic vegetable producers in Diyarbakır province. Study data was collected from the vegetable growng farmers wth structured questonnares through face to face ntervews. Sample sze was determned usng smple randomzed samplng method. In analyss of the data descrptve statstcs method and Ch-Square test was employed. Study results revealed that about 61% of the respondents dd not have ther sols tested. It was also determned that of all respondents 81% act accordng to ther own knowledge when coverng the plant nutrent requrements of the sols as 7,5% consult ther frends or neghbours and only about 2% followed the recommendatons of agrcultural experts. The most strkng result, on the other hand, was that only about 27% of the respondents accepted that they had adequate knowledge on organc farmng whle the rest not.Öğe Meraya dayalı hayvancılık yapan işletmelerde optimum ürün bileşiminin belirlenmesi: Erzurum ili örneği(2013) Kızıloglu, Semiha; Kara, AbdurrahmanBu çalışma ile meraya dayalı üretim yapan tarım işletmelerinde optimum işletme organizasyonları belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın yürütüldüğü köyler gayeli olarak mera kalite dereceleri önceden belirlenmiş olan köyler arasından seçilmiştir. Örnek büyüklüğünün belirlenmesinde tabakalı örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler 2004-2005 yılı üretim dönemine aittir. Çiftçilerle yüz yüze gerçekleştirilen anket çalışmaları 99 anket ile sonuçlanmıştır. İşletmeler 0-120, 121-250 ve 251 da ve yukarısı olmak üzere üç grupta ele alınmıştır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistik yöntemleri ve doğrusal programlama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre mevcut organizasyonda %16,5 kalite derecesi farkı bulunan köylerdeki işletmelerin brüt kârlarında ortalama 5313 TL fark hesaplanmıştır. Dekara en yüksek brüt kâr 1. grup işletmeler, en düşük brüt kâr ise 3. grup işletmeler tarafından elde edilmiştir. Planlarda bitkisel üretim deseni hayvansal üretimi destekleyecek şekilde şekillenmiştir. Planlama neticesinde işletmelerin elde ettiği brüt kârlarda, birinci, ikinci ve üçüncü grup işletmelerde sırasıyla %71.2, %93,1 ve %132,2 oranlarında artış sağlanabileceği hesaplanmıştır. Plana göre birinci, ikinci ve üçüncü grup işletmelerde işgücü varlığının sırasıyla %48,0, %18,5 ve %23,3’ü değerlendirilememiştir. Ahır yerinin ise birinci ve ikinci grup işletmelerde sırasıyla %63,8 ve %47,9’u kullanılamamış, üçüncü grup işletmelerde ise tamamı değerlendirilmiştir. Bu sonuç, büyükbaş hayvancılığın büyük işletme gruplarında daha kârlı olduğu, küçük işletme gruplarında koyunculuğa ağırlık verilmesi gerektiği şeklinde anlaşılabilir.Öğe Problems encountered in organic almond farming: The case of Dicle and Eğil districts(Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, 2021) Akın, Songül; Kara, AbdurrahmanHard-shelled fruits including almonds have a special place in healthy eating due to their richest nutritional content. Diyarbakır province has some 3.9 per cent of total almond tree asset of Turkey. Dicle and Eğil districts that selected as the study area have some 13.8 per cent of almond tree asset of Diyarbakır province. For the diffusion of organic almond farming, almond farmers in these districts have been supported by various institutions since the year 2011. The problems encountered in organic almond farming in these districts were examined in a field study. It was determined that almond worm was the most important cause of the economic losses. Moreover, the difficulties in access to labour was the most important restriction limiting organic almond production.Öğe Sebze üreticilerinin tarımsal yayım çalışmalarından faydalanma düzeyleri ve karşılaştıkları sorunlar: Diyarbakır örneği(Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017) Akın, Songül; Pirinç, Vedat; Gökova, Seval; Kara, AbdurrahmanTarımsal yayım eğitimi, tarımsal üretimde toplam üretim miktarı, üretim deseninin çeşitlenmesi ve üretici gelirinin yükseltilmesi gibi hızlandırıcı fonksiyonlara sahiptir. Tarımsal yayımın konuları ve ilgi alanları dinamik ve çeşitlidir. Bu çalışmada Diyarbakır ilinde sebze üreticilerinin tarımsal yayım çalışmalarından faydalanma düzeyleri ve karşılaştıkları sorunların tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada üreticilerin %39.1' i tarım teşkilatı ile irtibatlı olmadıkları görülmüştür. İrtibatlı olan % 60.6 üreticinin sadece % 11.9' unun bilgi almak için tarım teşkilatına gittiği görülmüştür. Tarım teşkilatına bilgi almak için giden üretici sayısı yüksek olmamakla birlikte üreticiler bilgi almak istedikleri kurumlar sıralamasında ilk sıraya %38.8 oranla ziraat fakültesini, ikinci sıraya %36.2 oranla tarım teşkilatını koydukları görülmüştür. Bu durum tarım teşkilatının eğitim yayım hizmetlerini etkin bir şekilde yerine getirmesi konusunda bir talebin var olduğu şeklinde yorumlanmıştır.Öğe Threshold rangeland condition for rangeland restoration investments and the financial equivalent of liveweight losses due to rangeland degradation(Corvinus University of Budapest, 2019) Kara, AbdurrahmanIn this paper, the relations between live weight (LW) gain of the grazing cows and rangeland condition (RC), LW gain and concentrate supplement and LW gain and genetics of the grazing cows were investigated to quantify LW and body condition score (BCS) losses driven by rangeland degradation to estimate the threshold RC over which rangelands can compensate these losses. This study was conducted in Erzurum Province, Turkey. LW gains were estimated using farmer- animal- and rangeland-related variables during June-August and June-October periods. RC was calculated employing the classical condition assessment method. Ordinary least squares (OLS) were used in data analyses. The results show that a 10% enhancement or setback in RC can result in about 10 kg LW gain or loss per head. The financial equivalent of these LW gain or losses was 314.6 Turkish lira (TRY) or 59.0 USD (I TRY = 0.1875 USD) per farm, which accounts 15.5 TRY or 2.9 USD per hectare of rangeland. It is concluded that rangeland with an RC value below 4.3 requires restoration and that cows of higher genetic merit more than crossbred genotypes are not suitable for extensive production in the study area and areas sharing similar agroecological conditions.Öğe Twofold excessive utilization rate yields high financial equivalent but seriously threatens public rangelands in Turkey(Gültekin Özdemir, 2019) Kara, Abdurrahman; Dumlu, Emre Sureyya; Uzun, Mustafa; Çakal, ŞerafettinThe aim of this study was to estimate the utilization rate and financial equivalent of the utilized rangeland forage to quantify the extent of grazing pressure on the semiarid Turkish rangelands, and to attract the public attention to the importance of rangelands in national economy. The study was conducted in Erzurum province of Turkey. In permanent 12 representative sites in each of village rangelands, cages of 1 m height and 1 m × 1 m floor area, were placed and forage under cages was clipped to the ground at the end of the grazing seasons in 2007 and 2008. Simultaneously, the forage outside the cages was sampled with random quadrats. Financial equivalent of the utilized rangeland forage was estimated using surrogate market valuation method. In data analysis were employed descriptive statistical methods and one-way ANOVA test. According to the results, the average rangeland dry forage yield was 1012 kg.ha–1 and rangeland utilization rate was 69 per cent, roughly two-fold higher than suggested rates. Under the prevailing conditions, the financial equivalent of the utilized rangeland forage is about 526 TRY or 92 USD per hectare. It was concluded that utilization rate or grazing period should be deflated by 50% for sustainable resource use by allowing rangeland plants to regenerate.