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Öğe Differential Diagnosis of Amniotic Band and Intrauterine Synechiae in Second Trimester Pregnancy: Case Report(2020) Kahveci, Gaye; Doğan, Yasemin Pekin; Bademkıran, Muhammet Hanifi; Kahveci, BekirAmniotic band sequence describes highly variable spectrum of congenital anomalies that occur in as-sociation with amniotic bands. İntrauterine synechiae is a condition in which scar tissue develops within the uterine cavity. We aim to present a case of amniotic band sequence and a case of intrauterine synechiae and compare their ultrasonographic findings. Ultrasonography revealed contraction ring in the right groin area of the first fetus but second fetus was healthy. The diagnosis of amniotic band sequence is based upon the presence of characteristic structural findings on prenatal ultrasound or postnatal phys-ical examination. The diagnosis of intrauterine adhesions is based upon visualization of intrauterine ad-hesions either directly by hysteroscopy or indirectly by other imaging studies. The floor of the intrauter-ine adhesions is widely and lateral of the uterine cavity and occurs from four layers while the amniotic band is a thin layer and forms fluctuations in the amniotic fluid. Amniotic bands may cause variable spec-trum of congenital anomalies whereas intrauterine adhesions do not increase the probability of fetal anomaly because it is out of the amniotic cavity.Öğe Diyarbakır Gazi Yaşargil Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde doğum yapan kadınlarda doğum sonrası depresyon sıklığı ve risk faktörlerinin Edinburgh doğum sonrası depresyon ölçeği kullanılarak değerlendirilmesi(Dicle Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, 2019) Kahveci, Gaye; Aslanhan, HamzaAmaç:Doğum sonrası depresyon (DSD) diğer adıyla postpartum depresyon doğumdan sonra başlayan psikotik belirtileri olmayan majör depresif ataktır.Bu çalışma, Diyarbakır il merkezinde doğum yapan kadınlarda doğum sonu depresyon prevalansını ve ilişkili risk faktörlerini,Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası Depresyon Ölçeğikullanarak değerlendirilmesi amacı ile yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem:Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tipteki bu çalışmanın evrenini, Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Diyarbakır Gazi Yaşargil E.A.H. kadın hastalıkları ve doğum polikliniğine, doğum sonrası başvuran kadınlar oluşturmaktadır.Çalışma verileri, 2018 yılı, nisan-haziran aylarında kadınlara 44 sorudan oluşan sosyodemografik veri formu ve 10 sorudan oluşan Edinburgh Postpartum Depresyon Ölçeği(EPDÖ) hekim tarafından uygulanarak toplanmıştır. Araştırmamızakriterlere uyan toplam 311 kadındahil edilmiştir. Bulgular:DSD prevalansı %15,1 olarak saptanmıştır.Gebeliği planlı olanlarda DSD riski, planlı olmayanlara göre daha düşük bulunmuştur (p=0,010). Gebelik öncesi depresyon yaşayanlarda DSD riskinin daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür (p=0,001).NVD yapanlarda DSD riski %10,9 iken, sezaryen ile doğum yapanlarda bu oran %20,4 idi (p=0,025). Kız cinsiyet isteyen grupta DSD riski, erkek isteyen gruba göre daha düşük saptanmıştır (p=0,029). Emziren kadınlarda DSD riski daha düşük bulundu (p=0,001). Ekonomik durumu orta-iyi olanlarda DSD riski ekonomik durumu kötü olanlara göre daha fazla saptandı (p=0,008). DSD taraması pozitif olan grupta düşük ortalaması 0,64±0,91 iken, DSD taraması negatif olan grupta 0,27±0,68 idi (p<0,001). Doğum öncesi depresyon yaşayanlarda DSD riski %37 olarak saptandı (p<0,001). Yenidoğan bebeğinde sağlık sorunu olan annelerde DSD riski, bebeğinde sağlık sorunu bulunmayan annelerdeki DSD riskinden daha fazla görüldü (p<0,001). Sonuç:DSDbaşta anne ve çocuk olmak üzere tüm aileyi etkileyebilen bir sağlık sorunu olup, sağlık sistemi üzerinde de önemli bir yük teşkil etmektedir. Bu nedenle anne adayının ve/veya annenin duygu durum değişikliklerini yakından izlemeli ve risk faktörleri açısından da değerlendirmeliyiz. Semptomların erken tanısı ve zamanında tedaviye başlanmasının depresyon gelişimini ya da ağırlaşmasını önleyebileceği görüşündeyiz.Öğe Evaluation and Management of Patients with Hematoma After Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery(2021) Uzundere, Osman; Ege, Serhat; Kahveci, Bekir; Budak, Mehmet Sukru; Kahveci, Gaye; Peker, Nurullah; Sucu, MeteOBJECTIVE: Postoperative hematoma following abdominal surgery is relatively rare and mainly depends on the type of surgery. Specific treatment including surgery or interventional radiology is sometimes necessary. The aim of this study is to evaluate the cases of postoperative hematoma after gynecologic and obstetric surgery.STUDY DESIGN: This is a retrospective cohort study of 30 patients with hematoma developed after gynecologic and obstetric surgery. We included the patients who hospitalized with the diagnosis of a postoperative hematoma between June 2017 and April 2019 at Gazi Yasargil Training and ResearchHospital of Health Sciences University. Hematomas occurring after endoscopic surgery and episiotomywere not included. The diagnosed cases were divided into three groups as wound hematoma, rectussheath hematoma and intra-abdominal hematoma (intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal). All cases wereassessed by patient demographics and clinical findings, hematoma of characteristics, treatment methods and results.RESULTS: A total of 30 patients were included in the study with a mean age of 33.0±8.6 years.Incidence of hematoma account for 0.2%. The mean c-reactive protein was 37.9±47.4 mg/dL at admission and 14.6±25.8 mg/dL at discharge, respectively. The decrease was statistically significant (p <0.001). The mean hemoglobin was 10.6±2.1 g/dL at admission and 10.7±1.5 g/dL at discharge. Feverwas detected in 7 (23.3%) patients. Only 12 patients (40%) were followed up by observation and symptom management. In 10 (33.3%) patients, antibiotics were included in the treatment due to infection. Inaddition, 4 patients (13.3%) had relaparotomy, 5 patients (16.7%) underwent percutaneous radiologicaldrainage and 8 (26.7%) received blood transfusion. The mean time of resorption of the hematoma was4.6 ± 2.0 days. The evaluation of the hematoma locations revealed that 14 patients (46.7%) had woundhematoma, 7 patients (23.3%) had rectus sheath hematoma (Type I: 2 cases, type II: 3 cases, type III:2 cases), 8 patients (26.7%) had pelvic hematoma and 2 patients (6.7%) had a retroperitonealhematoma. The mean hematoma size was 68.1±15.18 mm.CONCLUSIONS: In cases of hematoma resistant to antibiotic treatment and non-resorbable hematoma,we can consider percutaneous catheter drainage as an alternative to surgical interventionÖğe Evaluation of Prevalence and Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression Using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale: A Cross-Sectional Analytic Study(2021) Kahveci, Gaye; Kahveci, Bekir; Bucaktepe, Pakize Gamze ErtenOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence and associated risk factors for postpartum depression using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale. STUDY DESIGN: The population of this cross-sectional analytic study consisted of 311 women who were admitted to our hospital at 4-6 weeks after birth. The data were collected between April-June 2018 by applying a sociodemographic data form consisting of 44 questions and the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale consisting of 10 questions. We used the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale in the postpartum period to divide parturients into those with (n=47) and without (n=264) postpartum depression using a cut-off score of ? 13. The primary outcome is the prevalence of postpartum depression, while the secondary outcomes are associated-risk factors. RESULTS: The postpartum depression prevalence was 15.1% (n=47). In the postpartum depression group, the difference was highly significant in terms of abortion, antenatal depression, inadequate care for the baby, and health problem in the newborn ?0.6±0.9 vs. 0.2±0.6, 13 (37.1%) vs. 27 (10.5%), 9 (56.3%) vs. 38 (12.9%), 12 (36.4%) vs. 35 (12.6%), respectively? (p<0.001). The Logistic regression analysis revealed that abortion by 1.64 fold (1.13-2.37% at 95% CI), antenatal depression by 5.04 fold (2.38-10.68% at 95% CI), inadequate baby care by 6.28 fold (1.89-20.86% at 95% CI), and health problem in the newborn by 3.59 fold (1.43-8.99% at 95% CI) increased postpartum depression. CONCLUSION: postpartum depression is a health problem that can affect primarily mother and child. Therefore, it is important to determine highly predictable risk factors using a scale (e.g. Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale) for early diagnosis and timely treatment of symptoms.