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Öğe Bazı Yerli Tip Üzüm (Vitis Vinifera L.) Çeşitlerinin Budama Sürgünlerinin Kesme Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi(2020) Pekitkan, Fatih Göksel; Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Sessiz, AbdullahBağcılıkta budama ve hasat işlemleri işgücü temini, zamanın etkin kullanımı, ürün kayıpları, kalite veüretim maliyetleri açısından en kritik olanlardır. Bağ budama işlerinde kullanılacak mekanik araçlar veyabudama makaslarının tasarımı ve enerjinin etkin kullanımı için budaması yapılacak asma çeşidinin sürgün kesmekuvveti, kesme gerilmesi ve kesme enerjisi gibi özelliklerinin bilinmesi önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, bağçubuklarının kesme işlerinde kullanılabilecek bir makinanın tasarımında veya bir budama makasının, kesmedetemel parametreler olan kesme kuvveti, kesme gerilmesi ve enerji gereksiniminin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Buamaç doğrultusunda başta Diyarbakır ili ve çevresi olmak üzere Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yetiştirilenŞire, Öküzgözü ve Boğazkere üzüm çeşitlerinin bıçak tipi, kesme açısı ve kesme hızına bağlı olarak asmalarınsürgün kesme özellikleri incelenmiştir. Deneylerde kullanılan asmaların sürgünleri Diyarbakır ilindeki şaraplıküzüm üreten üreticilere ait bağlardan temin edilmiştir. Sürgünlerin kesme özelliklerinin belirlenmesinde LlyodLRX plus, 2500 N kapasiteli biyolojik malzeme test cihazı kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, her üç çeşitiçin kesme özellikleri, bıçak tipi, kesme açısı ve yükleme durumuna göre değişikliklikler göstermiştir. Kesmekuvveti ve enerji gereksinimi her çeşit ve bıçak tipi için ayrı olmuştur. Genel olarak tırtıklı ağza sahip bıçaklardakesme kuvveti ve enerji değeri düz-ince ağza sahip olan bıçak tipinde daha yüksek olmuştur. Bıçak kesme açısıarttıkça kesme kuvveti ve kesme enerjisi azalmıştır. En yüksek kesme kuvveti ve enerji değerleri 0º düşey yöndeyapılan kesmede gerçekleşmiştir. Kesme hızlarının artışı kesme kuvveti, kesme gerilmesi, kesme enerjisi vespesifik kesme enejisini hafif bir şekilde arttırmıştır. Tüm çeşitlerde en düşük değerler 2 mm s-1’lik yüklemehızlarında elde edilmiştir.Öğe Biyoyakıt amaçlı mikroalg üretimi için bazı yetiştirme parametrelerinin belirlenmesi(2012) Gezici, Mustafa; Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Gürhan, RecaiAlgler, farklı kimyasal ve biyolojik bileşikleri üretme özelliği nedeniyle ticari önemi olan organizmalardır. Küçük tek hücreli türlerden, karmaşık çok hücreli yapılara kadar çeşitlilik gösterirler. Aynı zamanda, biyokütlenin en önemli birincil üreticileri olup, organizmalar içinde en değerli ekolojik gruplardan biridir. Özellikle, mikroalgler üzerinde yapılan son biyoteknolojik ve teknik incelemeler, gıda, ziraat, yem, çevre ve kozmetik gibi alanlarda kullanımlarını arttırmaya yöneliktir.Bu çalışmada, biyoyakıt üretimine uygunluk, farklı yağ oranı miktarına sahip olabilme, kolay bulunabilirlik, kontaminasyonadayanıklık ve farklı sıcaklık gereksinimleri gibi faktörler göz önüne alınarak, Chlorophyceae sınıfına ait Palmellopsismuralisve yine Chlorophyceae sınıfına ait Dunaliellasalina sp. türleri incelenmiştir. İncelenmeye alınan bu türlerin; farklı dalga boylarına sahip ışık kaynakları (mavi, sarı, kırmızı ve beyaz), farklı aydınlanma süreleri (12/12, 18/6, 6/18 ve 24/0), farklı sıcaklıklar (21 oC, 28 oC ve 35 oC ) ve farklı ışık şiddetleri (172 lux, 186 lux ve 265 lux) gibi yetiştirme parametrelerinin;hücre sayıları, pH ve iletkenlik değerleri üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, her iki türde de en iyi yetiştirme parametrelerine beyaz ışık kaynağı, 24 saat aydınlanma süresi ve en yüksek ışık şiddeti değerlerinde ulaşıldığı, sıcaklık değerlerinde ise, türlerin farklı yetiştirme davranışları gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.Öğe Coherent fertilization regimes boost productivity and nutritional quality of Soybean (Glycine max. L. Merrill)(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2021) Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Öztürk, Ferhat; Kızılgeçi, Ferhat; Koca, Yakup Kenan; Iqbal, Muhammad AamirEnvironmental pollution sed by leaching and gaseous issions from chemical fertilizers necessitates evluation and optimization of organic sources of plant nutrition for soybean production under changing climate scenario. A field study was executed to test different fertilization regimes including chemical fertilizers (CF) (80 kg N and 80 kg P2O5 ha(-1)), sheep barn manure (SBM) (5161 kg ha(-1)). cattle barn manure (CBM) (4878 kg ha(-1)), liquid cattle barn manure (LCBM) (27580 kg ha(-1)) and vermicompost (VC) (4000 kg ha(-1)). The yield attributes, grain yield and fatty acid composition of soybean were taken as response variables in this investigation. The experimental design was randomized complete block design with three replications. The results revealed that SBM and CF recorded the tallest plants and first pod height respectively at both R1 and R5 growth stages, In addition, SBM remained superior for recording significantly higher leaf number at R1 and R5 and node number at R5 stage along with maximum pod number and seeds per pod. The maximum 1000 grain weight and grain yield were exhibited by LCBM which was followed by SBM. In addition, CBM gave the highest protein content while LCBM recorded the maximum oil percentage along with linoleic, mysteric and behenic acid contents, Furthermore, LCBM outperformed other fertilization regimes in terms of palmitoleic, stearic, linolenic and arachidic acids percentages along with oleic: linoleic acid ratio.Öğe Conjuncted fertilization regimes boost seed yield and chemical composition of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2022) Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Öztürk, Ferhat; Koca, Yakup Kenan; Kızılgeçi, Ferhat; Asan, Nihan Tazebay; Iqbal, Muhammad AamirIn the frame of sustainable farming systems to decrease chemical fertilizers use and protect the environment , organic fertilization regimes hold potential as an alternative strategy to supply essential nutrients to crops. A field trial was conducted to sort out the most superior fertilization regime for boosting sunflower production and quality under semi-arid conditions. Treatments included chemical fertilizer (Cf) (80 kg N ha(-1) and 80 kg P205 ha(-1)), manure from sheep barn manure (MSB) (5161 kg ha(-1)), manure from cattle barn (MCB) (4878 kg ha(-1)), liquid manure from cattle barn (LMCB) (27580 kg ha(-1)) and vermicompost (VCm) (4000 kg ha(-1)), while a control treatment was kept for comparison purpose. The randomized complete block design (RCBD) with regular arrangement was implied to execute the experiment having three replications. The results exhibited that MSB outperformed rest of fertilization regimes for plant height and leaf number. In contrast, the maximum 1000 seed weight and seed yield were recorded by LMCB. The MCB remained unmatched for protein content, while no significant effect of fertilization regimes was recorded for oil content. Regarding chemical composition, control exhibited the maximum palmitic and stearic acids, while MSB gave the highest arachidic acidÖğe Determination of energy usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in artichoke production(Gültekin ÖZDEMİR, 2024) Demir, Cihan; Baran, Mehmet Fırat; Eliçin, Ahmet KonuralpThis study has been conducted with the purpose of determining the energy usage (EU) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of artichoke production. It has been conducted in Efeler district of Aydın province of Türkiye during the 2022 production period. According to the results of the study, total input energy (EI) was calculated to be 32 211.48 MJ/ha and output energy (OE) was calculated to be 5 460 MJ/ha. EI in artichoke production were 15 718.20 MJ/ha (48.80%) chemical fertilizers energy, 8 896.98 (27.62%) diesel fuel energy, 3 832.27 (11.90%) machinery energy, 1 958.40 (6.08%) electricity energy, 1 036.35 (3.22%) irrigation water energy, 329.55 (1.02%) human labour energy, 294 MJ/ha (0.91%) plant energy and 145.73 (0.45%) chemicals energy, respectively. Energy use efficiency (EUE), specific energy (SE), energy productivity (EP) and net energy (NE) values were found as 0.17, 4.72 MJ/kg, 0.21 kg/MJ and -26 751.48 MJ/ha, respectively. The total energy inputs that were involved in artichoke production were classified as: 37.94% (12 221.28 MJ/ha) direct (IE), 62.06% (19 990.20 MJ/ha) indirect (IDE), 5.15% (1 659.90 MJ/ha) renewable (RE) and 94.85% (30 551.58 MJ/ha) non-renewable (NRE). Total GHG emission was calculated as 1 401.64 kgCO2eq/hafor artichoke production with the greatest share for diesel fuel (31.11%). GHG ratio value was calculated as 0.21 kgCO2eq/kg in artichoke production.Öğe Determination of energy usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in artichoke production(2024) Demir, Cihan; Baran, Mehmet Fırat; Eliçin, Ahmet KonuralpThis study has been conducted with the purpose of determining the energy usage (EU) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of artichoke production. It has been conducted in Efeler district of Aydın province of Türkiye during the 2022 production period. According to the results of the study, total input energy (EI) was calculated to be 32 211.48 MJ/ha and output energy (OE) was calculated to be 5 460 MJ/ha. EI in artichoke production were 15 718.20 MJ/ha (48.80%) chemical fertilizers energy, 8 896.98 (27.62%) diesel fuel energy, 3 832.27 (11.90%) machinery energy, 1 958.40 (6.08%) electricity energy, 1 036.35 (3.22%) irrigation water energy, 329.55 (1.02%) human labour energy, 294 MJ/ha (0.91%) plant energy and 145.73 (0.45%) chemicals energy, respectively. Energy use efficiency (EUE), specific energy (SE), energy productivity (EP) and net energy (NE) values were found as 0.17, 4.72 MJ/kg, 0.21 kg/MJ and -26 751.48 MJ/ha, respectively. The total energy inputs that were involved in artichoke production were classified as: 37.94% (12 221.28 MJ/ha) direct (IE), 62.06% (19 990.20 MJ/ha) indirect (IDE), 5.15% (1 659.90 MJ/ha) renewable (RE) and 94.85% (30 551.58 MJ/ha) non-renewable (NRE). Total GHG emission was calculated as 1 401.64 kgCO2eq/hafor artichoke production with the greatest share for diesel fuel (31.11%). GHG ratio value was calculated as 0.21 kgCO2eq/kg in artichoke production.Öğe Developing a model using neural networks to predict wheat production in the Kirkuk governorate(University of Mosul College of Agriculture and Forestry, 2023) Hilal, Yousif Yakoub; Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Sedeeq, Arkan M. A.; Shahin, Ahmed I.AbedWheat is one of the most strategically essential crops in the world and one of Iraq's most important crops. The objective of the present study was to analyze energy and examine the application of a multilayer perceptron for predicting wheat yield production in the Kirkuk governorate. The research data were collected with a face-to-face inquiry made with the farmers at two fields that include the types of equipment used for the production of wheat, the number of hours worked, fuel, oil, workers, and the style of agricultural processes for the wheat crop production. The research results showed that total energy consumption in wheat was 13315.21 and 29016.27 MJha-1, while the output energy was 24867.5 and 88641 MJha-1 for the first and second fields, respectively. Seed and diesel fuel consumption are considered essential variables in wheat plantation operations, it’s the highest input energy values being the relative values of 30.2 and 61.97 %. These variables impacted wheat operation during the 2021 to 2022 years at 4020 and 17982.44 MJha-1 for the first and second fields, respectively. Finally, the results concluded that the neural network model is helpful for predicting wheat production—the neural network architecture 7-4-1 and 5-7-1 for the first and second field systems. The research shows that the trained models produced a minimum error, indicating that the test model can predict wheat yield production in the Kirkuk governorate.Öğe The effect of rice milling time and feed rate on head rice yield and color properties(Gültekin Özdemir, 2022) Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Esgici, Reşat; Sessiz, AbdullahThis study has been carried out to evaluate the head rice yield, kernel broken and the chance of color depend on milling time and feed rate. In this study, threshed rice kernels by combine-harvester at different cylinder speeds, rice harvesting season in 2018, were used for experiment test. According to results, head rice yield decreased slightly as the cylinder speed increased, with yields varying between 71.40 % and 70.28 %. Processing time was found to have a highly significant effect (p<0.01) on the quantities of unbroken kernel, broken kernel, bran, yield and husk. The highest rate of broken kernel was obtained at a processing time of 25 seconds, and the lowest values were obtained at a processing time of 10 seconds. With a processing time of 10 seconds, the quantities of unbroken kernel, broken kernel, bran, yield and husk were 70.74, 3.260, 0.810, 74.37 and 24.82 %, respectively. When the processing time was 25 seconds, the quantity of broken kernel decreased from 70.74 percent to 62.86 percent, and yield decreased from 74.37 % to 67.58 %. The broken kernel ratio increased from 3.26 percent to 4.633 percent and bran ratio increased from 0.8642 percent to 1.822 percent. Husk ratio, on the other hand, increased from 24.82 % to 30.60 %. In other words, as the processing time increased, so did the bran ratio and husk ratio. The highest whiteness value of 70.92 was obtained at a processing time of 25 seconds; while the lowest whiteness value of 63.81 was obtained at a processing time of 10 seconds. There were declines in a and b values as processing time increased, although the differences were not statistically significant. The highest a and b values were obtained at a processing time of 10 seconds, with -0.690 and 15.01, respectively. In conclusion, when processing paddy to rice, processing time needs to be increased to obtain a whiter rice; to have fewer broken kernels and a higher head rice yield, on the other hand, the processing time needs to be short.Öğe Effect of various knife type, cutting angle and speed on cutting force and energy of grape cane(Osman SAĞDIÇ, 2019) Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Sessiz, Abdullah; Pekitkan, Fatih GökselIn this study, some cutting and energy properties of canes of local grapes varieties Okuzgozu (Vitis vinifera L. cv.) were determineddepend on knife type, cutting angle and cutting speed during the spring pruning in 2018. The canes of grapes were obtained from acommercial farm in the Diyarbakir province. Cutting properties were measured by a material testing machine. According to test results,the significant differences were found between the knives types at 1 % probability level. The best results were determined at the flatknife knife type, followed by serrated 2 and serrated 1, respectively. While the lowest cutting force and cutting strength values wereobtained at flat type (knife edge flat) as 234.50 N, 8.299 MPa, 1.783 J and 0.06307 J mm−2respectively, the highest values cutting forces,cutting strength, cutting energy and specific cutting energy were obtained at serrated type 1 (knife edge thin) knife as 303.8 N, 10.75MPa, 2.136 J and 0.075610 J mm−2respectively. The cutting force and energy values decreased with increasing knife-cutting angle from0° to 40°. The maximum cutting force, cutting strength, cutting energy and specific cutting energy were observed at 0° cutting angle as319.3 N, 11.30 MPa, 2.393 N and 0.08464 J mm−2respectively. The effect of the knife loading speed on the cutting forces, cuttingstrength, cutting energy and specific cutting energy were found significant statistically (p<0.01). The lowest cutting force, cuttingstrength, cutting energy and specific cutting energy were obtained at the 1 m s−1 as 246.1 N, 8.705 MPa, 1.273 J and 0.04502 J mm−1,respectively.Öğe Energy balance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of sauceboat pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) production in Türkiye(Gültekin Özdemir, 2022) Baran, Mehmet Fırat; Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Bellitürk, Korkmaz; Çelik, AhmetIn this study, the efficiency of energy consumption and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from the cultivation of sauceboat pepper were determined. The experiments and research data are based on the 2020 growing season and were conducted in the Karaisali district of Adana province, Turkey. The primary data used in this study, such as the financial system, labor efficiency, fuel consumption levels, weights of tools and machinery used in sauceboat pepper production, fertilizer, and seedling quantities, were obtained from existing calculations, previous studies, and various sources. The energy ratio, specific energy, energy productivity, and net energy in sauceboat pepper were calculated as 0.82, 0.98 MJ kg-1, 1.02 kg MJ-1, and -6845.51 MJ ha-1, respectively. In the case of the sauceboat peppers, the energy of the fuel oil had the highest share of the total energy input, 31.65%. It was followed by energy for planting seedlings, energy for fertilizer, water energy for irrigation, energy for human labour, energy for spraying, and energy for machinery, with 21.55%, 19.64%, 12.55%, 8.59%, 4.45%, and 1.87%, respectively. Total GHG emissions were estimated as 3703.54 kgCO2-eq ha-1 for sauceboat pepper highest-quality production portion in human labour (31.18%). Human labour was followed by diesel fuel consumption (25.79%), machine (0.08%), seedling planting (15.90%), nitrogen fertilizer (15.88%), phosphate fertilizer (4.09%), herbicides (3.68%), fungicides (1.93%), calcium consumption (0.09%), magnesium application (0.08%) and iron (0.52%). In addition, the GHG value for the production of sauceboat peppers was calculated to be 0.096 kgCO2-eq kg-1.Öğe Investigation of haematococcus pluvialis for microalgae cultivation using the flashing light method(Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, 2017) Eliçin, Ahmet KonuralpBu çalışmada, biyoyakıt üretimine uygunluk, yağ oranı miktarının fazla olması, kolay bulunabilirlik ve kontaminasyona dayanıklılık gibi faktörler göz önüne alınarak, Chlorophyta sınıfına ait Haematococcus pluvialis mikroalg türü seçilmiştir. İncelenmeye alınan bu türün; flashing (yanıp sönen) yöntemi ile zamana dayalı voltaj, voltaja bağlı ışık yoğunluğu kalibrasyon çalışması ve zamana bağlı hücre yoğunluğundaki artış miktarları belirlenmiştir. Deneme yönteminde yapılan voltaj kalibrasyon çalışmaları sonucunda flashing uygulaması ışık şiddeti 850 µE.m-2s-1olarak belirlenmiştir. Sürekli ve eş yoğunlukta ışık şiddeti uygulayabilmek için FMT-150 tipi fotobiyoreaktör kullanılmış ve mikroalg türünün fotobiyoreaktöre verildiği ilk gün 350 mg.ml-1hücre sayımı yapılmıştır. Başlangıç süreci ile birlikte her 48 saatte bir 25oC sabit sıcaklıkta hücre sayımları yapılarak büyüme süreci incelenmiştir. Tüm parametreler uygulandıktan sonra 350 mg.ml-1hücre yoğunluğuna sahip Haematococcus pluvialis türü 32. günün sonuna kadar büyüme eğilimi göstermiştir. En yüksek hücre sayısına 32. günde 565 mg.ml-1 ile ulaşılırken, 32. günden sonra populasyonda düşme görülmeye başlanmış, 38. günde deneme sonlandırılmıştır.Öğe Shear tests of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) canes(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024) Sessiz, Abdullah; Özdemir, Gültekin; Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; 0000-0002-3883-0793; 0000-0002-4450-0811; 0000-0003-3240-4547In this study, shearing force, energy, strength and specific shearing energy values of the pruned branches of three local grape (Vitis vinifera L.) varieties (Öküzgözü, Boğazkere and Şire) were determined and compared. The aim of the study is to obtain appropriate data for the design of a machine that can be used in shredding vineyard pruning residues. In accordance with this purpose, the shear tests were carried out with three different knife shapes, two of them are serrated type (serrated 1 -knife-edge thick, serrated 2 -knife-edge thin) and flat (knife-edge flat) with five knife edge angles (50°, 60°, 70°, 80° and 90°). The shear tests were made by Instron Universal Materials Testing Machine, Lloyd LRX Plus. According to test results, maximum shearing force, strength and energy values were obtained at knife of serrated 1 (knife-edge thick) type, the lowest average value was observed at serrated 2 type knife as 382.77 N. The shearing force slowly decreased with increasing knife-cutting angle from 0° to 40°. The maximum shearing force was observed at 0° knife cutting angle as 426.90 N. The lowest values were obtained at 30° and 40° cutting angle. However, when all interaction of Duncan test results is considered, maximum shearing force was observed at serrated 1 knife, 10° shearing angle, and the cane of Öküzgözü grape variety as 669 N, the lowest value of cutting force was observed at Flat-edge knife type, 40° cutting angle and the Şire grape variety as 205.50 N.Öğe Soybean (Glycine max. (L.) Merrill) vegetative growth performanceunderchemical and organic manures nutrient management system(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2021) Eliçin, Ahmet Konuralp; Öztürk, Ferhat; Kızılgeçi, Ferhat; Koca, Yakup Kenan; Iqbal, Muhammad Aamir; Imran, MuhammadOptimization of fertilizers sources and doses occupies pivotal position for triggering crops growth along with reducing a halt to environmental pollution caused by excessive use of mineral fertilizers. This field research was conducted to determine the effect of chemical and organic fertilizers on vital vegetative growth parameters including leaf area index and chlorophyll content of soybean (cv. Nova).Treatments included four different sources of fertilizers manures from sheep and cattle barns, liquid manure from cattle barn, chemical fertilizers and a control treatment was kept for comparison purpose. The chlorophyll contents of plants at different growing stages Beginning bloom (R1) and Beginning seed (R5) were measured using SPAD-502 and CM 1000 chlorophyll meter. The results indicated that physiological growth parameters including leaf area index and chlorophyll content of soybean differed significantly at stage R1 and R5 growth stages under varying fertilization regimes. The chemical fertilizers remained unmatched for recording the maximum physiological growth, while liquid manure from cattle barn performed superiorly by exhibiting the maximum leaf area index and chlorophyll content. It is recommended to use liquid manure from cattle barn for boosting physiological growth of soybean and these research findings also necessitate evaluation of different doses of liquid cattle manure to sort out the best performing dose for soybean production under changing climate.Öğe Şırnak ili koşullarında soya bitkisinin II. ürün olarak yetiştirilebilme olanaklarının araştırılması(Bingöl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2021) Öztürk, Ferhat; Kızılgeçi, Ferhat; Eliçin, Ahmet KonuralpSoya bünyesinde ihtiva ettiği besinler nedeniyle, insanların ve hayvanların beslenmesinde oldukça önemli bir besin maddesidir. Bu çalışma Şırnak ilinin ikinci ürün soya yetiştiriciliğine uygunluğunun belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada farklı olgunlaşma grubunda yer alan 13 soya çeşidi tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak 2019 yılında İdil ilçesinde kurulmuştur. Çalışmada tohum sayısı, 100 tohum ağırlığı, protein oranı, tohum verimi, yağ oranı, ve yağ asit içerikleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın varyans analizi sonuçlarına göre incelenen tüm özellikler yönünden çeşitler arasında %1 düzeyinde önemli farklılıklar belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada, tane verimi yönünden Gapsoy 16, Planet ve Lider ön plana çıkan çeşitler olmuştur. Blaze ve Gapsoy 16 çeşitleri yüksek protein ihtiva ederken, Atakişi çeşidi en yüksek yağ oranına sahip olmuştur. Oleik asit içeriği Bravo çeşidinden, linoleik asit içeriği ise Lider çeşitlerinde en yüksek değere sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Soya fasulyesinin Dünya verim ortalaması 249 kg/da olduğu göz önüne alındığında, araştırmamızda ortalamanın yaklaşık olarak iki katı verim elde edilebilen soya çeşitlerine sahip olmamızdan ötürü Şırnak ilinde 2. ürün soya tarımının yapılabileceğini göstermiştir. Bu nedenle araştırmada kullanılan soya çeşitlerin, yetişme periyodu ve verim miktarları bakımından Şırnak ili koşullarında ikinci ürün olarak başarıyla yetiştiriciliğinin yapılabileceği kanısına varılmıştır.