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Öğe 3D SURREALISM AND EXAMPLES IN VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN(2024) Demirel, Mehmet RemziThe main purpose of this research is to discuss the concept of 3D surrealism, which has become an important trend in the field of visual communication design in recent years, and some related visual works. With its ability to evoke subconscious emotions, surrealism is treated as a theme in various fields. However, here the topic of surrealism is limited to three-dimensional design and animation examples in the field of visual communication design. Document analysis is the preferred research method. A literature review is carried out using digital resources on the internet on the subject. In addition, examples of surreal images and animations created in 3D design software are included. The research concludes that the audience’s interaction with the product takes longer when visual communication products use 3D surrealism. Elements such as the visualization of subconscious elements, including objects with different functions in the same composition, and the uncertainty between the real and the virtual effectively create this time-based difference.Öğe 3D Surrealism and Examples in Visual Communication Design(Mugla Sitki Kocman University, 2024) Demirel, Mehmet RemziThe main purpose of this research is to discuss the concept of 3D surrealism, which has become an important trend in the field of visual communication design in recent years, and some related visual works. With its ability to evoke subconscious emotions, surrealism is treated as a theme in various fields. However, here the topic of surrealism is limited to three-dimensional design and animation examples in the field of visual communication design. Document analysis is the preferred research method. A literature review is carried out using digital resources on the internet on the subject. In addition, examples of surreal images and animations created in 3D design software are included. The research concludes that the audience’s interaction with the product takes longer when visual communication products use 3D surrealism. Elements such as the visualization of subconscious elements, including objects with different functions in the same composition, and the uncertainty between the real and the virtual effectively create this time-based difference.Öğe Examining shared experience in visual design in three categories(Genç Bilge Yayıncılık, 2024) Demirel, Mehmet RemziThe concept of the shared experience plays an important role in human life as well as in the arts and sciences. Because users communicate with the objects in the environment they are in, depending on the time, and as a result of this communication they can be psychologically affected in a positive or negative way. In this sense, it is necessary to study what kind of structure the objects have in the shared experience space in which the user is located. The main purpose of the research is to examine the concept of shared experience in visual design by considering the relationship between user, object and time in three different worlds: real, artificial and virtual. The method used for the article was document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods. In this context, a search process was carried out in various sources, based on the keywords experience and common experience concept. At the centre of these different worlds, which are treated in three different categories, are the user and the object. It is concluded that the shared experience resulting from the different ways in which users communicate with the object has certain limitations in all three categories. In the real world, due to the unique structures of natural objects, shared experience means unlimited diversity for users, while in the artificial world, objects have more limitations due to their imitation or similar structure. It was found that the virtual world simulates the real world and therefore has certain limitations in terms of originality and creativity. It was also found that all three worlds are different from each other in terms of structural aspects and user experience. As a result, it was concluded that real, artificial and virtual worlds have intertwined relationships with each other in the context of shared experience; the real world can be defined as the universe, the artificial world is a subset of the real world, and the virtual world is a subset of the artificial world. It was also concluded that these defined the worlds have the potential to show variability in the context of object-time relationships.Öğe Investigation of Success Levels of Visual Arts Students in Computer-Aided Design Course(2024) Demirel, Mehmet RemziThe aim of this research is to examine the design course end-of-semester success levels of undergraduate students studying in the visual arts department of art and design faculty and taking the computer-aided design course in terms of gender, age, having a personal computer, educational status and being employed. In this respect, the research model is a descriptive survey. For this purpose, the data obtained from 42 students were analysed with Mann Whitney U Test. Although it was concluded that male students were more successful than female students in terms of end-of-semester scores according to the gender variable, it was understood that this was not statistically significant. The result obtained from the age variable was found to be statistically significant and it was observed that students in the 25-34 age range were more successful than students in the 19-24 age range. According to the findings regarding the variable of having a personal computer, it was understood that although the average score of students who had computers was higher than those who did not, this difference was not statistically significant. According to the findings related to the educational status variable, although it was observed that the mean scores of the students studying at the second university were higher than those studying at the first university, it was concluded that this was not statistically significant. According to the findings regarding the working variable, it was determined that the average score of working students was higher than that of unemployed students, but this difference was not statistically significant. Upon overall evaluation of the findings, it has been concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in students’ achievement levels only with respect to the age variable. However, the observed difference in other demographic variables is not statistically significant.Öğe Investigation of Success Levels of Visual Arts Students in Computer-Aided Design Course(Durmuş GÜNAY, 2024) Demirel, Mehmet RemziThe aim of this research is to examine the design course end-of-semester success levels of undergraduate students studying in the visual arts department of art and design faculty and taking the computer-aided design course in terms of gender, age, having a personal computer, educational status and being employed. In this respect, the research model is a descriptive survey. For this purpose, the data obtained from 42 students were analysed with Mann Whitney U Test. Although it was concluded that male students were more successful than female students in terms of end-of-semester scores according to the gender variable, it was understood that this was not statistically significant. The result obtained from the age variable was found to be statistically significant and it was observed that students in the 25-34 age range were more successful than students in the 19-24 age range. According to the findings regarding the variable of having a personal computer, it was understood that although the average score of students who had computers was higher than those who did not, this difference was not statistically significant. According to the findings related to the educational status variable, although it was observed that the mean scores of the students studying at the second university were higher than those studying at the first university, it was concluded that this was not statistically significant. According to the findings regarding the working variable, it was determined that the average score of working students was higher than that of unemployed students, but this difference was not statistically significant. Upon overall evaluation of the findings, it has been concluded that there is a statistically significant difference in students’ achievement levels only with respect to the age variable. However, the observed difference in other demographic variables is not statistically significant.Öğe Öncü kadın tasarımcılardan Elaine Lustig Cohen’in 1974-1990 yılları arasında tasarladığı ekslibrislerin görsel tasarım prensipleri bağlamında incelenmesi(Marmara Üniversitesi, 09.05.2023) Demirel, Mehmet RemziAraştırmada, Elaine Lustig Cohen’in yaşantısı ve bazı tasarımlarının konu olarak ele alınmasının temel nedenlerinden biri kadına yönelik ön yargılardır. Bu çalışmayla kadın grafik tasarımcıların görünürlüğünün arttırılması ve bilimsel araştırmalara konu olması bağlamında katkı sunması hedeflenmektedir. Makalede öncelikle kadınların geçmişten günümüze toplum içinde yaşamış oldukları zorluklar ele alınmış ve Cohen’in iş hayatında cinsiyete dayalı karşılaştığı ön yargılara değinilmiştir. Cohen’in hayatı ve eğitimi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Cohen, ilk zamanlar ünlü grafik tasarımcı Alvin Lustig ile birlikte çalışmalar yapmış ve önemli tecrübeler kazanmıştır. Sonrasında ise akademisyen, yazar ve aynı zamanda yayıncı olan Artur Cohen’le birlikte Ekslibris isimli kitapçıyı açmış ve kitaplar için ekslibris tasarımları yapmıştır. Çalışmanın devamında Cohen’in 1974-1990 yılları arasında yapılmış birçok ekslibris tasarımı arasından dört örnek seçilmiş ve bu örnekler tasarım prensipleri bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç kısmında ise Cohen’in eserleri arasından seçilmiş ekslibris çalışmalarının başarılı olup olmadığına dair birtakım çıkarımlar yapılmış ve buna bağlı olarak tasarımlardaki baskın prensiplere işaret edilmiştir.Öğe The Importance and Applications of Augmented Reality in Outdoor Advertising(Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, 2024) Akın, Tuğba; Demirel, Mehmet RemziThe aim of this study is to highlight the impact and significance of augmented reality applications, which combine real and virtual objects, in outdoor advertising through practical examples. As technology advances, alternative applications are being developed in the advertising sector. In this context, outdoor advertising supported by Augmented Reality (AR) technology is attracting particular attention. The use of this technology adds a new dimension to advertising visuals. The interaction of the advertised product with the target audience is enhanced, and the viewer's perspective on the product can be manipulated more easily. As a result, as technology evolves, so do the applications of advertising. Looking at outdoor advertisements, those created using the augmented reality method have a higher attention effect compared to traditional applications, and thus reach the target audience more easily. The advertisements prepared with the augmented reality method are of great interest and appreciation to people. Supporting the Augmented Reality advertisements to expand the application area in parallel with the development of technology will be an important contribution to the development of other application methods in the future.