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Öğe Dicle Nehri’nde yaşayan carasobarbus luteus, capoeta trutta ve garra variabilis türlerinin biyolojisi üzerine araştırmalar(2014) Bilici, SerbestBu çalışmada Dicle Nehir sistemi içindeki Bismil lokalitesinde yaygın dağılım gösteren bıyıklı balık türlerinden Carasobarbus luteus (Heckel, 1843), Capoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) ve Garra variabilis (Heckel, 1843)’in eşey dağılımı, boy ve ağırlık olarak büyüme ile büyüme oranları, kondisyon faktörü, eşeysel olgunluk yaşı ve boyu, üreme zamanı, yumurta verimi gibi bazı biyolojik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. C. luteus’un incelenen örnekleri II-IX yaş grupları arasında dağılım göstermiştir. Örnekler % 45 oranında dişi ve % 55 oranında erkek bireylerden oluşmuş olup, dişi-erkek oranı 1 : 1,22 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çatal boy uzunlukları ile vücut ağırlıkları dişilerde 104-271 mm ve 22-354 g, erkeklerde ise 103-200 mm ve 20-182 g arasında değişmektedir. Boy-ağırlık ilişkisi dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla; Log W = -4,7314 +3,0113 Log FL (r2 = 0,9274) P < 0,001, ile Log W = -4,7631 +3,0263 Log FL (r2 = 0,9390) P < 0,001 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kondisyon faktörü değerleri dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla; K = 1,52 ± 2,62, K = 1,51 ± 2,41 olarak belirlenmiştir. von Bertalanffy yaş-boy ilişkisi denklemi dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla; Lt = 40,09 [1-e-0,087036 (t+1,55004)], Lt = 38,14 [1-e-0,080056 (t+2,34838)] şeklinde hesaplanmıştır. Üreme zamanının mayıs ve temmuz ayları arasında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu periyotta su sıcaklığı 21,4 oC ile 31 oC arasındadır. Yakalanan örneklerin yumurta sayısı 5266 – 78416 arasında, yumurta çapı ise 0,24 mm (Ağustos 2012) ile 1,45 mm (Mayıs 2013) arasında değişmektedir. Araştırma boyunca elde edilen C. luteus bireylerinin dişi ve erkek bireylerine ait hesaplanan ortalama GSI değerleri sırasıyla 0,9 - 8,72 ile 0,85 - 7,05 arasında değişmektedir. Eşeysel olgunluğa ulaşma yaşı ile boyu; dişilerde III yaş ve 16,5 cm ,erkeklerde ise II yaş ve 21,2 cm olarak bulunmuştur. C. trutta’nın incelenen örnekleri I-VI yaş grupları arasında dağılım göstermiştir. Örnekler % 68,3 oranında dişi ve % 31,7 oranında erkek bireylerden oluşmuş olup, dişi-erkek oranı 1 : 0,47 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çatal boy uzunlukları ile vücut ağırlıkları dişilerde 127-270 mm ve 28-280 g, erkeklerde ise 135-235 mm ve 28-212 g arasında değişmektedir. Boy-ağırlık ilişkisi dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla Log W = -4,6845 + 2,9303 Log FL (r2 = 0,9142) P < 0,001, Erkek : Log W = -4,7784 + 2,9746 Log FL (r2 = 0,8897) P < 0,001 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kondisyon faktörü değerleri dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla; K = 1,47 ± 1,537, K = 1,334 ± 1,524 olarak belirlenmiştir. von Bertalanffy yaş-boy ilişkisi denklemi dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla; Lt = 35,36 [1-e-0,082817 (t+4,82738)], Lt = 28,82 [1-e-0,12380 (t+4,40235)] şeklinde hesaplanmıştır. Üreme zamanının mayıs ve haziran ayları arasında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu periyotta su sıcaklığı 21,4oC ile 31 oC arasındadır. Yakalanan örneklerin yumurta sayısı 1730 – 9227 arasında, yumurta çapı ise 0,18 mm (Ekim 2012) ile 0,62 mm (Haziran 2013) arasında VII değişmektedir. Araştırma boyunca elde edilen C. trutta bireylerinin dişi ve erkek bireylerine ait hesaplanan ortalama GSİ değerleri sırasıyla 0,7 - 2,95 ile 0,9 - 14,5 arasında değişmektedir. Eşeysel olgunluğa ulaşma yaşı ile boyu; dişilerde III yaş ve 18,2 cm, erkeklerde ise II yaş ve 13,8 cm olarak bulunmuştur. G. variabilis’in incelenen örnekleri II-VII yaş grupları arasında dağılım göstermiştir. Örnekler % 85 oranında dişi ve % 15 oranında erkek bireylerden oluşmuş olup, dişi-erkek oranı 1 : 0,18 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çatal boy uzunlukları ile vücut ağırlıkları dişilerde 95-162 mm ve 14-76 g, erkeklerde ise 105-151 mm ve 14-54 g arasında değişmektedir. Boy-ağırlık ilişkisi dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla : Log W = -5,1080 + 3,15558 Log FL (r2 = 0,7489) P < 0,001, Log W = -4,8392 + 3,0153 Log FL (r2 = 0,6159) P < 0,001 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Kondisyon faktörü değerleri dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla; K = 1,17 ± 3,28, K = 1,02 ± 2,46 olarak belirlenmiştir. von Bertalanffy yaş-boy ilişkisi denklemi dişi ve erkek bireylerde sırasıyla; Lt = 33,75 [1-e-0,04001 (t+7,34612)], Lt = 35,17[1-e-0,034345(t+21,6588)] şeklinde hesaplanmıştır. Üreme zamanının mayıs ve haziran ayları arasında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu periyotta su sıcaklığı 21,4 oC ile 31 oC arasındadır. Yakalanan örneklerin yumurta sayısı 2877,7– 999,7 arasında, yumurta çapı ise 0,29 mm (Ağustos 2012) ile 1,75 mm (Nisan 2013) arasında değişmektedir. Araştırma boyunca elde edilen C. trutta bireylerinin dişi ve erkek bireylerine ait hesaplanan ortalama GSİ değerleri sırasıyla 2 - 27 ile 0,9 - 12,5 arasında değişmektedir. Eşeysel olgunluğa ulaşma yaşı ile boyu; dişilerde IV yaş ve 18,9 cm, erkeklerde ise IV yaş ve 14,6 cm olarak bulunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dicle Nehri, Garra variabilis, Capoeta trutta, Carasobarbus luteus, In this study, some biological characteristics such as sex distribution, growth and growth rate of length and weight, condition factor, age and length of sexual maturity, egg production rate in species of Carasobarbus luteus (Heckel, 1843), Capoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) and Garra variabilis (Heckel, 1843) which are commonly distributed around Bismil locality in Tigris River system. The examined samples of C. luteus were distributed between II-IX years age. The % 45 of the samples were female and % 55 of the samples were male and female-male rate was calculated as 1:1.22. mid-caudal length and weight of females variated between 103-271 mm and 22-354 g and between 103-200 mm and 20-182 g in males. The correlation of length-weigth between males and females were calculated as Log W = -4.7314 +3.0113 Log FL (r2 = 0.9274) P < 0.001, and Log W = -4.7631 +3.0263 Log FL (r2 = 0.9390) P < 0.001.The condition factor in female and male individuals were determined as; C = 1.52 ± 2.62, C = 1.51 ± 2.41 respectively. The von Bertalanffy correlation between age-length in female-male individuals was; Lt = 40.09 [1-e-0.087036 (t+1.55004)], Lt = 38.14 [1-e-0.080056 (t+2.34838)] respectively. It was determined that the reproduction period was between May and July. The water temperature at this period was between 21.4oC and 31oC. The egg number of captured samples varieted between 5266-78416 and egg diameter varieted between 0.24 mm (August 2012) and 1.45 (May 2013). The average GSI value of female and male C. luteus individuals varieted between 0.9 - 8.72 and 0.85 - 7.05 respectively. It was determined that Sexual maturity age and length for females were age III and 16.5 cm length and for males were age II and 21.2 cm length. The examined samples of C. trutta were distributed between I-VI years age. The % 68.3 of the samples were female and % 31.7 of the samples were male and female-male rate was calculated as 1:0.47. mid-caudal length and weight of females variated between 127-270 mm and 28-280 g and between 135-235 mm and 28-212 g in males. The correlation of length-weigth between males and females were calculated as Log W = -4.6845 + 2.9303 Log FL (r2 = 0.9142) P < 0.001, Log W = -4.7784 + 2.9746 Log FL (r2 = 0.8897) P < 0.001, respectively. The condition factor in female and male individuals were determined as; C = 1.47 ± 1.537, C = 1.334 ± 1.524 respectively. The von Bertalanffy correlation between age-length in female-male individuals was; Lt = 35.36 [1-e-0.082817 (t+4.82738)], Lt = 28.82 [1-e-0.12380 (t+4.40235)] respectively. It was determined that the reproduction period was between May and June. The water temperature at this period was between 21.4 oC and 31 oC. The egg number of captured samples varieted between 1730 – 9227 and egg diameter varieted between 0.18 mm (October 2012) and 0.62 mm (June 2013). The average GSI value of female and male C. trutta individuals varieted between IX 0.7 - 2.95 and 0.9 - 14.5 respectively. It was determined that Sexual maturity age and length for females were age III and 18.2 cm length and for males were age II and 13.8 cm length. The examined samples of G. variabilis were distributed between II-VII years age. The % 85 of the samples were female and % 15 of the samples were male and female-male rate was calculated as 1:0.18. mid-caudal length and weight of females variated between 95-162 mm and 14-76 g and between 105-151 mm and 14-54 g in males. The correlation of length-weigth between males and females were calculated as Log W = -5.1080 + 3.15558 Log FL (r2 = 0.7489) P < 0.001, Log W = -4.8392 + 3.0153 Log FL (r2 = 0.6159) P < 0.001, respectively. The condition factor in female and male individuals were determined as; C = 1.17 ± 3.28, C = 1.02 ± 2.46 respectively. The von Bertalanffy correlation between age-length in female-male individuals was; Lt = 33.75 [1-e-0.04001 (t+7.34612)], Lt = 35.17[1-e-0.034345(t+21.6588)] respectively. It was determined that the reproduction period was between May and June. The water temperature at this period was between 21.4 oC and 31 oC. The egg number of captured samples varieted between 2877.7– 999.7 and egg diameter varieted between 0.29 mm (August 2012) and 1.75 mm (April 2013). The average GSI value of female and male G. variabilis individuals varieted between 2 - 27 and 0.9 - 12.5 respectively. It was determined that Sexual maturity age and length for females were age IV and 18.9 cm length and for males were age IV and 14.6 cm length. Keywords: Tigris River, Garra variabilis, Capoeta trutta, Carasobarbus luteus, reproductive,Öğe The effect of vitamin E supplementation on ovary and testis histopathology in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to deltamethrin(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Bayar, Ahmet Serhat; Bilici, Serbest; Cengiz, Elif Ipek; Satar, Ali; Yanar, MahmutThe effects of deltamethrin on the histology of Oreochromis niloticus testis and ovary and the protective effect of vitamin E supplementation were investigated. The fish were divided into four groups, i.e. a control group, a vitamin-E-treated group, a deltamethrin-treated group and a vitamin E+deltamethrin-treated group. In the control and vitamin-E-treated groups, the ovaries and testes were normal at the end of 7, 14, and 21 days. In the deltamethrin-treated group, deformed oocytes, atretic oocytes, melanomacrophage centers, and focal necrotic areas were noted in the ovaries. Deltamethrin also caused cell necrosis, nuclear pycnosis, decreasing number of spermatogenic cells, decreasing spermatozoa within the lumen of tubule, decreasing number of spermatocyte cells, hypertrophy and degeneration of spermatogonia cells, and increasing number of macrophages in testis. Vitamin E decreased some histopathological changes induced by deltamethrin, but did not confer complete protection.Öğe MORPHOLOGICAL AND MERISTIC DIFFERENCES AMONG FRESHWATER FISH, CYPRINION KAIS (CYPRINIDAE) POPULATIONS IN TIGRIS RIVER OF SOUTHEAST TURKEY(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2016) Bilici, Serbest; Baysal, Arif; Cicek, Tarik; Uysal, Ersin; Unlu, ErhanIn this study, morphometric and meristic characteristics of Cyprinion kais samples which is obtained from different locality in Tigris River were carried out. In order to determine the morphological and meristic variation among populations, discriminant function can be detected, intergroup discrimination with the help of this function are the most distinctive variables affecting the availability of discriminant analysis, has benefited from the descriptive features. Success rate of classifying the groups according to the result of discriminant analysis of morphometric characteristics of C. kais individuals belonging to 3 different locality of Tigris River is manifested as 96.1%. According to the results of classifications, morphometric characteristics of the individuals of Kulp and Kayser Stream and Tigris River are different. Success rate of classifying the groups according to the discriminant analysis of meristic characteristics of C. kais individuals appeared as 70.6%. Kulp and Kayser Stream from the locality groups showed similarity. It is determined that there is high variation between the locality groups belonging the samples of C. kais according to the morphometric and meristic characteristics.Öğe The reproductive biology of Carasobarbus luteus and Capoeta trutta in the Tigris River, Turkey(Soc Francaise D Ichtyologie, 2016) Bilici, Serbest; Unlu, Erhan; Cicek, Tarik; Satici, OmerThis study was carried out to determine the reproductive characteristics of two species of Cyprinidae, Longspine scraper, Capoeta trutta (Heckel, 1843) and Mesopotamian himri, Carasobarbus luteus (Heckel, 1843) in the Tigris River of Turkish part. A total of 307 C. luteus (138 females and 169 males) and 394 C. trutta (269 females and 125 males) specimens were analyzed. The sex ratio for C. luteus and C. trutta was 1:1.22 females (44.95%) to males (55.05%) and 1:0.47 females (68.27%) to males (31.73%), respectively. The reproduction period was between May and July for both species. The water temperature at this period was between 21.4 degrees C and 31 degrees C. Results indicated that the age at first maturity in C. luteus was three years for both males and females, and in C. trutta, three years for females and two years for males. The mean estimated fecundity was 5843 +/- 3554 for C. luteus and 5285 +/- 3105 for C. trutta. Maximal egg diameter for C. luteus and C. trutta were 1.61 +/- 0.45 mm and 0.91 +/- 0.41 mm, respectively.Öğe SIZE AND SHAPE ANALYSIS OF TWO CLOSE CYPRINIDAE SPECIES BY GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRIC METHODS(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2017) Bilici, Serbest; Kaya, Alaettin; Cicek, Tarik; Unlu, ErhanIn this study, the differences between C. macrostomus and C. kais species that are similar to each other were investigated in terms of their size (CS) and shape by landmark-based geometric morphometric methods. There was no difference in size between the two species. However, the difference was significant between them in shape. The head of C. macrostomus is longer in height while its dorsal fin is located a bit forward and caudal peduncle is wider compared to C. kais. On the other hand, the body depth of C. kais is greater and its lateral line end is shorter. Considering the geometric morphometric differences, these two species can be identified and distinguished easily.Öğe Surface structures of gill, scale and erythrocyte of Anabas testudineus exposed to sublethal concentration of cypermethrin(Elsevier Science Bv, 2014) Velmurugan, Babu; Seluanayagam, Mariadoss; Cengiz, Elif Ipek; Bilici, Serbest; Satar, AliThe present study was undertaken to assess the toxicity of sublethal concentrations (0.015, 0.030 and 0.045 ppm) of cypermethrin on the gills, scales and erythrocytes of Anabas testudineus for 21 days. The morphological changes on the gills, scales and erythrocytes of the A. testudineus were observed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM studies on all the three treated groups revealed several kinds of gills, scales and erythrocytes alterations and modifications with abnormal morphology. Gill alterations included highly active mucous cells, epithelial hyperplasia, fusion of secondary lamellae and epithelial lifting. The scales showed damaged lepidonts. Abnormal erythrocytes (shrunken cells), oozed out cytoplasmic content and lobopodial projections were observed in the erythrocytes of fish after exposure to cypermethrin. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe A SURVEY ON SCALE OF Capoeta umbla (Heckel, 1843) BY GEOMETRIC MORPHOMETRIC METHODS DEPEND ON GENDER, AGE AND SEASON VARIATIONS(2016) Gender, Depend On; Kaya, Alaettin; Bilici, Serbest; Çiçek, TarıkBu çalışmada Dicle Nehri'nden toplam 82 (67??, 15??) Capoeta umbla türüne ait balıklardan yanal çizginin ve dorsal yüzgecin arasındaki alandan alınan ve yaş tespiti yapılan pullardan bir tanesi Canon SX7 model binokülerde 40X büyütmede binokülere takılı Olympus dijital kamera ile fotoğrafları çekilmiş ve tpsDig ver. 2.26 programı kullanılarak 6 landmark alınmıştır. MorphoJ ver. 1.06d ve PAST 3.11 programları kullanılarak ANOVA (Varyans Analizi), PCA (Temel Öğeler Analizi), CVA (Kanonik Varyans Analizi) ve DFA (Ayrışım Fnonksiyonu ) analizleri yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda boyut (CS: Centroid Size) ANOVA bakımından cinsiyet ve yaş grupları arasında fark yeterli (p<0.05) bulunmuş ancak şekil ANOVA bakımından gruplar arasında fark (p>0.05) bulunmamıştır. CVA ve DFA sonucu II-IV, II-V yaş grupları ve sonbahar-kış ve sonbahar-ilkbahar grupları arasında Mahalanobis mesafesi yeterli düzeyde (p<0.05) farklı bulunmuştur.Öğe Variation in the shape and size of the scale of the Tigris bream (Acanthobrama marmid, Heckel, 1843) from the Tigris River, Türkiye attributed to Seasonality, Age and Sex: A geometric morphometric study(Universidad del Zulia, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 2024) Bilici, Serbest; Kaya, Alaettin; Dörtbudak, Muhammed Yaşar; Çiçek, Tarık; Ünlü, ErhanIn this study, the Tigris bream Acanthobrama marmid individuals (44 females and 31 males) were captured from the Tigris River. The scale size (as centroid size) and shape were analyzed separately using 2– dimensional geometric morphometric methods. Procrustes ANOVA revealed significant differences in scales size between sexes, while no difference in shape was observed. Groups based on season and age showed significant differences in both size and shape. Female individuals had larger scale sizes than males, with the scales of the Autumn group being larger than those of the Spring and Summer groups. Scale size also increased with age groups. PCA analysis showed variation in the first five components when examined by age, season, and gender. CVA and DFA results indicated significant differences in shape between different age groups and seasonal groups, but no significant differences between sexes were observed.