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Öğe Chemical Composition of the Essential Oils of some Achillea Species Growing Wild in Turkey(Friends Science Publ, 2010) Toncer, Ozlem; Basbag, Sema; Karaman, Sengul; Diraz, Emel; Basbag, MehmetNative Achillea plants (A. biebersteinii, A. aleppica, A. tenuifolia, A. magnifica, A. cucullata) were collected from nine localities of Southeastern and Eastern of Turkey during the flowering period. The essential oils of five Achillea species were obtained by hydrodistillation and analysed by GC-MS. Generally the principal constituents of the oils were 1,8 cineol+ascaridol, camphor, isoascaridol, 1,8 cineol and camphor as A. biebersteinii, A. aleppica, A. tenuifolia, A. magnifica, A. cucullata, respectively. Chemical composition of essential oils of Achillea species are highly variable, which may be due to the differences in their chemical polymorphic structure and environmental conditions. (C) 2010 Friends Science PublishersÖğe Determination of herbage quality and mineral matter in some pastures of the Sivrice District of Elazig Province in Turkey(Polish Society Magnesium Research, 2024) Kaya, Funda Karakan; Basbag, MehmetInvestigating the herbage quality and mineral composition of pastures is crucial for understanding the nutritional dynamics of grazing ecosystems. This study analyzed the quality of herbage and mineral content in four unique natural pasture regions of the Sivrice District (Nazar Lake) in Elazig Province between 2022 and 2023. The average values determined in dry herbage over two years are as follows: crude protein content in leguminous plants was (CP) 21.21%, acid detergent fibre (ADF) 18.21%, and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) 33.89% of the sample consists of digestible dry matter (DDM) with a content of 74.71% and a dry matter intake (DMI) of 3.58%. The relative feed value (RFV) is 207.79%, while the potassium (K) content is 2.71%, magnesium (Mg) is 0.32%, calcium (Ca) is 2.66%, and phosphorus (P) is 0.42%. In grasses, the crude protein (CP) content is 13.75%, acid detergent fibre (ADF) is 27.49%, neutral deter-- gent fibre (NDF) is 51.30%, with DDM of 67.49%, DMI of 2.37%, RFV of 124.32%, and K, Mg, Ca, and P contents of 2.54%, 0.20%, 0.54%, and 0.40%, respectively. In other plant families, the CP content is 18.30%, ADF is 25.22%, NDF is 35.21%, with DDM of 69.26%, DMI of 3.47%, RFV of 187.10%, and K, Mg, Ca, and P contents of 2.66%, 0.32%, 1.46%, and 0.32%, respectively. The two-year study indicated that all the pastures studied were in generally good condition in terms of herbage quality, but Pasture-4 (Surek village) had higher values than the other pastures in terms of HP, ADF, NDF, DDM, DMI, RFV, Ca and Mg, especially in legumes and plants belonging to other families; and Pasture-3 (Guney village) had higher values than the other pastures in terms of the same characteristics in grasses.Öğe Determination of some agronomical and quality properties of wild alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) clones in Turkey(Wfl Publ, 2009) Basbag, Mehmet; Demirel, Ramazan; Avci, MustafaThis research was carried out to determine some agronomical and quality properties of alfalfa clones in Turkey. Research material included 11 alfalfa clones, collected from Southeastern and Eastern Regions of Turkey and syn DU (as control). There were statistically significant differences among alfalfa clones for all agronomical properties which were investigated (P <= 0.01). At the end of research, agronomical properties of alfalfa clones ranged for plant height 43.2-73.2 cm, leaf width 4.33-14.21 mm, leaf length 13.58-30.03 mm, stem thickness 1.86-4.76 mm, green herbage yield 108.3-258 g plant(-1) and dry herbage yield 21.7-56.6 g plant(-1). Quality properties of alfalfa clones ranged for acid detergent fiber (ADF) 16.8-33.3%, digestible dry matter (DDM) 63.0-75.8%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) 20.3-35.2%, crude ash 8.0-18.6% and crude protein 17.3-23.2%.Öğe DETERMINING QUALITY TRAITS OF SOME CONCENTRATE FEEDSTUFFS AND ASSESSMENTS ON RELATIONS BETWEEN THE FEEDS AND THE TRAITS USING BIPLOT ANALYSIS(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2021) Basbag, Mehmet; Sayar, Mehmet Salih; Cacan, Erdal; Karan, HalilThe study was conducted to determine quality traits of some concentrate feedstuffs. For this purpose, commonly used eight concentrate feedstuffs samples were subjected to laboratory analyzes with three replications. According to the analysis results the means of investigated traits were ranged as follow; dry matter contents (DM) 87.29-92.13%, crude ash contents (CAC) 1.57-7.21%, organic matter contents (OM) 81.35-89.01%, crude protein contents (CP) 7.07-45.94%, crude oil contents (CO) 0.89-9.07%, crude cellulose contents (CS) 3.40-39.50%, metabolic energy values (ME) 3112.1-3265.3 kcal/kg, nitrogen-free extract (NFE) 28.50-72.95%, calcium contents (CA) 0.20-1.48%, magnesium contents (MG) 0.02-0.37%, phosphor contents (P) 0.27-0.50%, potassium contents (K) 0.36-2.60%, acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents 9.12 - 44.03%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents 11.12-62.88%, digestible dry matter (DDM) contents 54.60-80.24%, dry matter intake (DMI) 1.91-13.16% and relative feed value (RFV) values 80.77-809.68. Additionally, biplot analysis revealed that there were positive relationship among ADF, NDF, CS, CO and DM traits. Accordingly; safflower meal (1) and cottonseed meal (2) went ahead for these traits. Similarly, positive relationship was determined among ME, RFV, DDM, DMI, NFE and K traits. Exclusively, the ground corn grain (3) was found superior for the important traits, so it was found as having best quality feedstuff.Öğe THE EFFECT DIFFERENT ROW SPACINGS SEEDING RATES AND DROUGHT ON THE FORAGE YIELD AND RELATED TRAITS IN FORAGE PEA(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2022) Sayar, Mehmet Salih; Basbag, MehmetThis study was conducted to determine the effect of different row spacings (RS) and seeding rates (SR) on the forage yield and related traits of forage pea (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.). The field experiments of the research were established according to the Split Plots in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications under the rainfed conditions of Bismil, district of Diyarbakir province, Turkey, during two consecutive growing seasons (2019-20 and 2020-21). In the experiments, four row spacings, placed in the main plots, and four seeding rates, placed in the sub-plots, were tested, thus sixteen combination treatments were studied. Due to the great climatic variation between the growing seasons, statistically highly significant (P < 0.01) differences were detected between the growing seasons in terms of all the investigated traits. And the means of the results determined in rainy growing season (2019-20) were found to be higher than those obtained in the dry growing season (2020-21) in terms of all of the investigated traits. Additionally, the means of the investigated traits changed among the row spacing and seeding rate treatments as follows; days to 50% flowering 137.3-144.0 days, natural plant height 53.33-81.00 cm, main stem height 74.50-148.80 cm, main stem numbers per plant 1.12-2.16 stems plant(-1), main stem thickness 3.42-5.56 mm, fresh forage yield 10.15- 45.57 t ha(-1) and dry forage yield 2.65-9.87 t ha(-1). By considering all the means of the investigated traits in the two growing seasons, the biplot analysis results revealed that the investigated traits were divided into three groups, and fresh forage and dry forage yield traits took part in the same group. In terms of the two forage yield traits, 20 cm row spacing and 100 seeds m(-2) treatment was found as the best combination treatment. Hence, when forage yield of forage pea is targeted, that treatment should be preferred.Öğe THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CUTTING TIMES ON FORAGE QUALITY TRAITS OF ALFALFA (Medicago sativa L.) GENOTYPES AND EVALUATIONS WITH BIPLOT ANALYSIS(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2022) Sayar, Mehmet Salih; Basbag, Mehmet; Cacan, Erdal; Karan, HalilThis study was conducted to determine the effect of different cutting times on the forage quality traits of twenty-four alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes. For this reason, a field trial was established according to separated plots in randomized blocks design with three replications in ecological conditions of Diyarbakir province, Turkey, in 2020. The three plant maturity stages were determined as cutting times. These stages were respectively the pre-flowering, 10% flowering and full flowering periods of alfalfa genotypes. Results of the study revealed that statically highly significant (P<0.01) differences were determined among the cutting times for all of the investigated traits. And the investigated traits had ranges as follow among the cutting times and the alfalfa genotypes; dry matter content (DM) 22.33-31.36%, crude protein content (CP) 14.67-25.87%, acid detergent fiber (ADF) content 25.77-44.10%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content 35.40-51.27%, digestible dry matter (DDM) content 54.55-68.85%, dry matter intake (DMI) 2.34-3.40%, metabolizable energy (ME) 8.09-10.84 MJ/kg DM and relative feed value (RFV) 98.98-181.26. Additionally, it was determined that digestibility and consumption status of alfalfa forages decreased with delaying of cutting times. Biplot analysis revealed that when all of the forage quality traits and forage dry matter content were evaluated together, 2nd cutting time, 10% flowering period, was determined as the most appropriate forage harvesting time for alfalfa genotypes. It also showed that there were highly significant (P<0.01) and positive relations among CP, DDM, DMI, ME and RFV traits, and Iside (16), Emiliana (9), Elci (8) and Bilensoy (3) alfalfa cultivars came to fore in terms of the five important forage quality traits.Öğe EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT ROW SPACINGS AND SEEDING RATES ON CONTENT OF IMPORTANT MACRO-MINERALS IN FORAGE PEA(Polish Society Magnesium Research, 2023) Sayar, Mehmet Salih; Basbag, Mehmet; Tarhan, AbbasThis study was conducted to determine the effects of row spacings (RS) and seeding rates (SR) on the macro-mineral content of forage pea (Pisum sativum spp. arvense L.). For this purpose, field experiments were established in line with the Split Plots in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. According to the results, the content of the investigated macro-minerals ranged in the tested the row spacings, seeding rates and the growing seasons as follows: calcium (Ca) content 15.03 g kg-1 to 16.67 g kg-1, magnesium (Mg) content 2.40 g kg-1 to 3.40 g kg-1, phosphorus (P) content 3.74 g kg-1 to 4.74 g kg-1 and potassium (K) content 22.81 g kg-1 to 31.48 g kg-1 of forage dry matter (DM). It has been determined that these concentrations of minerals are sufficient for animal needs. Additionally, variance analysis showed that the Mg content of forage pea increased significantly (P<0.01) in the dry growing season, whereas the P and K content of forage pea decreased in the same growing season. Furthermore, a biplot analysis of the data from the two growing seasons showed that 20 cm RS was the best row spacing for reaching the highest Ca, P and K content, while 30 cm RS was found as the best spacing for the highest Mg content in forage pea. Additionally, 150 seed m-2 SR was the ideal seeding rate for obtaining the highest Ca and Mg content in the forage pea.Öğe Effects of different temperatures and duration on germination of caper (Capparis ovata) seeds(Triveni Enterprises, 2009) Basbag, Mehmet; Toncer, Ozlem; Basbag, SemaCaper seed has poor germination because of the seed coat dormancy. Germination of caper seeds are complex traits affected by a wide range of internal and environmental influences. The effects of temperature preconditioning and period on germination of Capparis ovate were examined. Experiments were conducted in order to investigate germination behaviour of caper seeds subjected to different temperature and duration. The experiment revealed that the different temperature treatments were effective on mean germination percentage. The highest mean germination were obtained at 0 degrees C 29.52% and 10 degrees C with 27.17% and the lowest mean germination were obtained at control seeds with 8.39%. Dry heat treatments effected germination rate, but it was not enough for removing germination obstacle of caperseed completely.Öğe Evaluating Agronomic Performance and Investigating Molecular Structure of Drought and Heat Tolerant Wild Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Collection from the Southeastern Turkey(Springer/Plenum Publishers, 2017) Basbag, Mehmet; Aydin, Ali; Sakiroglu, MuhammetDrought is a major stress factor for agricultural production including alfalfa production. One way to counterbalance the yield losses is the introgression of drought tolerant germplasm into breeding programs. As an effort to exploit such germplasm, 16 individual plants were selected from the Southeastern Turkey from their natural habitat and clonally propagated in field trials with an ultimate goal to use the germplasm as parents for releasing a synthetic cultivar. Forage yield and forage quality traits were evaluated and molecular genetic diversity among genotypes were determined using inter simple sequence repeat markers. Genotypes showed a variation from growth habit to yield and quality traits indicating sufficient phenotypic variation for diverse breeding efforts (for grazing or harvesting) and long term selection schemes. A large amount of genetic variation was observed even with a limited number of marker and genotypes. However, no pattern of spatial genetic structure was observed for the scale of the study when genetic variation is linked to the geographic origin. We conclude that ex situ natural variation provides a wealth of germplasm that could be incorporated into breeding programs aiming to improve drought tolerance. We also suggest an extensive collection of seeds/plant tissue from unique plants with desirable traits rather than putting more efforts to create a spatial germplasm sampling efforts in narrow regions.Öğe FORAGE YIELD AND FORAGE QUALITY TRAITS OF SAINFOIN (Onobrychis viciifolia SCOP.) GENOTYPES AND EVALUATIONS WITH BIPLOT ANALYSIS(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2022) Sayar, Mehmet Salih; Hang, Yavuz; Basbag, MehmetThe study was conducted to determine forage yield and forage quality traits of some sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) genotypes in ecological conditions of Southeastern Anatolian Region, Turkey. Fort this reason, a fixed field trial was carried out during three consecutive years (2009, 2010, 2011) in the research area of GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center (GAP IARTC) Diyarbakir, Turkey. The combined variance analysis over the three years showed that there has been highly significant (P < 0.01) differences among the years and the genotypes in terms all of the investigated traits. However, the genotype x year interaction was found statistically significant (P < 0.01) only for fresh forage and dry matter yield traits. Additionally, the three-year averages, the investigated traits were ranged in the following intervals among the genotypes; Fresh forage yield (FFY): 18.09-37.70 t ha(-1), Dry matter yield (DMY): 4.74-9.63 t ha(-1), Acid detergent fiber (ADF): 29.49%-32.70%, Digestible dry matter (DDM): 63.43%-65.93%, Neutral detergent fiber (NDF): 39.47%-43.21%, Dry matter intake (DMI): 2.81%-3.06% of animal live weight, Crude protein content (CPC): 14.02%-15.74% and Relative feed value (RFV) 139.9-156.7. The results of biplot analysis proved that Lutfibey and Ozerbey-03 sainfoin cultivars were found more superior than the other sainfoin genotypes in terms of important forage yield and forage quality traits in the Southeast Anatolia Region.Öğe GENOTYPE ENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS AND STABILITY ANALYSIS FOR DRY-MATTER YIELD AND SEED YIELD IN HUNGARIAN VETCH (Vicia pannonica CRANTZ.)(Soc Field Crop Sci, 2013) Sayar, Mehmet Salih; Anlarsal, Adem Emin; Basbag, MehmetThis study was conducted to determine genotype environment interactions and the stability status of twelve Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) genotypes in terms of dry-matter yield and seed yield under the ecological conditions of the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. The experiments were performed in five locations in the region during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 growing seasons. The experiments were performed according to a complete randomized block design with three replications. Genotype environment interactions were found to be highly significant (P < 0.01) for dry-matter yield and seed yield, indicating that the Hungarian vetch genotypes' dry-matter yield and seed yield were significantly affected by the year and condition of the location. The stability of the genotypes was estimated using the mean yield of genotypes (x(i)), regression coefficient (bi), regression deviation mean square (S(2)d(i)), determination coefficient (R-2), and regression line intercept (a). Stability analysis indicated that although the most stable genotype was the Ege Beyazi-79 cultivar in terms of dry-matter yield, the Oguz-2002 cultivar was the most stable in terms of seed yield.Öğe IDENTIFICATION OF CERTAIN AGRICULTURAL TRAITS AND INTER-TRAIT RELATIONSHIPS IN THE HELIANTHEMUM LEDIFOLIUM (L.) MILLER VAR. LASIOCARPUM (WILLK) BORNM.(Pakistan Botanical Soc, 2018) Basbag, Mehmet; Cacan, Erdal; Sayar, Mehmet Salih; Karan, HalilThis study was conducted to determine certain plant traits and inter -trait relationships in the Helianthemum ledifolium (L.) Miller var. lasiocarpum (Willk.) Bornm. which is grown naturally in the protected area at the campus of Dicle University in 2015 and 2016. Two-year average of the research showed that the plant height was 30.04 cm, the number of main stem per plant was 1.02, the main stem diameter was 1.24 mm, the number of branch per plant was 1.06, the capsule number per plant was 4.04, the capsule diameter was 7.21 mm, the seed number per capsule was 158.5, the seed weight per capsule was 0.065 g, the thousand seed weight was 0.421 g, the seed yield per plant was 0.265 g and the germination rate was 0.5%. According to analysis results belonging to dry forage of the plant, the crude protein ratio was determined as 18.79%, ADF ratio as 26.23%, NDF ratio as 49.21%, calcium ratio as 1.14%, magnesium ratio as 0.04%, phosphor ratio as 0.42% and potassium ratio as 3.79%. The correlation analysis results showed that positive and highly significant relation was found between seed yield per plant and plant height, branch number per plant, capsule number per plant, number of seeds per capsule, seed weight per capsule traits. To increase seed yield in Helianthemum genotypes, exclusively that traits should be taken into account. Results of the study indicated that forage of Helianthemum ledifolium (L.) Miller var. lasiocarpum (Willk.) Bornm had sufficient digestibility and nutrient contents for livestock. But, it is recommended that new investigations should be carried out in order to determine the content of harmful substances in the forage of these plants for safely using the forages in the livestock feeding.Öğe Investigation of the effect of mixture of broiler chick feed and alfalfa flour on the nutritional value of broiler chick feed(Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisleri Derneği, 2024) Basbag, Mehmet; Çaçan, Erdal; Şireli, Halit DenizThis study aims to investigate the effect of adding alfalfa flour to broiler chicken feed on its nutritional value. Commercial broiler chicken feed obtained from the market and alfalfa flour derived from the Başbağ alfalfa variety were used in the study. Mixtures of alfalfa flour and broiler chicken feed were examined at ratios ranging from 5% to 50%. The impact of these mixtures on quality parameters such as dry matter, crude protein, ADF, NDF rates, as well as energy parameters like digestible energy, metabolizable energy, and some macro-element contents was evaluated. The analyses revealed that both the pure forms of alfalfa flour and broiler chicken feed, as well as their mixtures, had a statistically significant effect on the investigated properties. While the lowest acid detergent insoluble fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent insoluble fiber (NDF) ratios were obtained from pure broiler chicken feed, the highest dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), digestible dry matter (DDM), digestible energy (DE), metabolic energy (ME), dry matter intake (DMI), relative feed value (RFV), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) values were obtained from samples containing 5% alfalfa flour in addition to pure broiler chicken feed. Therefore, the addition of 5% alfalfa flour to broiler chicken feed is considered advantageous. Additionally, it was observed that the addition of alfalfa flour led to an improvement in the calcium and magnesium content of the broiler chicken feedÖğe RANGELAND IMPROVEMENT AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES IN THE SOUTHEASTERN ANATOLIA REGION OF TURKEY(Univ Agriculture, Fac Veterinary Science, 2015) Sayar, Mehmet Salih; Han, Yavuz; Basbag, Mehmet; Gul, Ismail; Polat, TahirThe purpose of this study was to examine applied rangeland improvement and management studies carried out from 2004 to 2011 in six provinces of the Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. The aims of the studies were to (1) protect and conserve rangeland soil and water resources, (2) improve and strengthen weakened rangeland vegetation, and (3) increase hay yields and grazing capacities of the rangelands. Additionally, one of the most important goals of these studies was to enhance the cultivation of forage crops in cultivated areas in order to decrease the adverse effects of overgrazing and to supply quality roughage for livestock. To achieve these objectives, different rangeland improvement methods and rangeland management strategies were applied in 40 different rangelands in the region. The results indicated that the average sufficient rangeland area per animal unit was 1.99 ha, whereas the value recorded prior to these studies was 4.80 ha.Öğe Yonca Unu İlave Edilen Süt Sığırı Kesif Yeminin Kimyasal Yapısının Değişimi Üzerine Bir Araştırma(Hakkari Üniversitesi, 2023) Basbag, Mehmet; Çaçan, Erdal; Şireli, Halit DenizSüt sığır kesif yemine ilave edilen yonca ununun, kesif yemin besleme değeri üzerindeki etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla bu çalışma yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada yonca unu ile kesif yemin yalın halleri ile bunların belli oranlarda karışımları çalışma konusu olarak belirlenmiştir. Yonca unu ile kesif yemin yalın halleri ve karışımlarının, incelenen özelliklerden ham protein, ADF, sindirilebilir kuru madde, sindirilebilir enerji, metabolik enerji, fosfor, potasyum, kalsiyum, magnezyum, Ca/P ve K/(Ca+Mg) oranları üzerindeki etkisinin istatistiksel olarak önemli, NDF, kuru madde tüketimi ve nispi yem değeri üzerindeki etkisinin ise önemsiz olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada en düşük ADF oranı ile en yüksek sindirilebilir kuru madde, sindirilebilir enerji ve metabolik enerji değerleri saf halde kesif yem, saf halde yonca unu ve 95 g kesif yem ile 5 g yonca unu karışımından elde edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla süt sığır kesif yemine %5 oranında yonca ununun ilave edilmesi avantajlı olduğu ve masrafları düşüreceği ön görülmektedir. Ayrıca süt sığır kesif yemine yonca ununun ilave edilmesi, kesif yemi potasyum, kalsiyum ve magnezyum açısından zenginleştireceği ve yemin Ca/P ile K/(Ca+Mg) oranlarını da düşürdüğü görülmüştür.