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Öğe Dental simanlar(Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2018) Elmas, M. Saygın; Başaran, Emine GöncüDental simanlar diş hekimliğinde önemli materyaller arasında yer alır. Restorasyonları ve ortodontik ataçmanları dişe yapıştırmak, kavite astar maddesi olarak pulpayı korumak ve restoratif materyal olarak diş hekimliği pratiğinde sıklıkla kullanılır. Bu farklı uygulamalar için farklı fiziksel özellikte ve klinik manipülasyona uygun materyaller geliştirilmesine gereksinim duyulmuş ve bu duruma cevap verebilmek için yeni uluslararası standartlar geliştirilmiştir. Dental simanlar, restorasyonu yapışacağı yüzeye kimyasal, mekanik, mikromekanik veya bunların kombinasyonları şeklinde birleştirir. İdeal bir siman, gerilme ve basınca karşı yüksek dirence sahip olmalı, restorasyon ve diş aralığına gelen streslere karşı simanın kırılma dayanıklılığı iyi olmalıdır. Ayrıca manipülasyonu kolay ve biyouyumlu olmalıdır. Bu litaratür derlemesinin amacı dental simanların genel özellikleri, kullanım amaçları, içerikleri hakkında bilgiler paylaşmaktır.Öğe Diş hekimliğinde kullanılan bağlanma dayanımı test metotlar(Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2021) Elmas, Saygın; Başaran, Emine Göncü; İzgi, Ayça DenizGünümüz diş hekimliğinde, materyallerin yapışma kuvvetlerinin miktarını ölçmek için çeşitli metotlar geliştirilmiştir. Bağlanmadayanımı testleri bu amaç için yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte birçok bağlanma dayanımı test metodu vardır. Buyöntemlerin her birinin avantajları ve dezavantajları vardır. Mikro çekme ve mikro makaslama testleri daha hassas sonuçlarverebilir, ancak daha karmaşık test kurulumlarına ihtiyaç duydukları için bazı dezavantajlar meydana gelmektedir ve bu testyöntemlerinde standardizasyonun sağlanması zordur. Bu nedenle bağlanma dayanım testlerinin kendi aralarında kıyaslanmasızordur. Bağlanma dayanımı test metotları kullanılırken, testi yapan kişinin test cihazlarının standardizasyonunu bilmesi vestandardizasyon sorunlarının çözümünü yapabilmesi gerekmektedir.Öğe Effects of different surface treatments on the compression-shear strength of CAD-CAM zirconia posts(Uluslararası Diş Araştırmaları Birliği, 2022) Eskitaşçıoğlu, Murat; Gündüz, Derya Toprak; Polat, Zelal Seyfioğlu; Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ayna, EmrahAim: Post systems are crucial for the treatment of endodontically treated teeth with excessive crown destruction. Currently, increase in esthetic demands has increased the use of tooth-colored post systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate compression-shear strength after the application of different resin cements and different surface treatments to zirconia post-cores produced by the CAD-CAM milling technique. Methodology: One hundred twenty crown parts of maxillary central incisors were cut using a 2-mm enamel–cement joint using a water-cooled diamond bur in an air turbine handpiece at 300,000 rpm. Root canals with the same diameter were prepared using Gates-Glidden drills and Snowpost system drills. According to the enlarged canal, zirconia posts were prepared by the CAD-CAM copy-milling technique, and the zirconia post surfaces were roughened by different techniques (hydrofluoric acid, Al2O3 partial abrasion, CoJet silica coating). The roughened posts were cemented to the tooth canal using three resin cements: 10- Methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (MDP)-containing cement, Bis-GMA-based resin, and resin-based adhesive. As the control group, the zirconia post surfaces with no application were fixed using three resin cements. The specimens were set down into 25u25x25 mm fabricated blocks with acrylic resin materials. Compression-shear strength tests of the prepared samples were conducted on the Instron Testing Machine by using appropriate equipment. Results: In summary, the combination of roughening techniques such as Al2O3 partial etching and CoJet silica coating using cement-containing MDP rendered the highest compression-shear strength. Conclusion: This in vitro study proposes the cementation of zirconia post-cores etched by Cojet silica coating and Al2O3 particles using MDP- containing resin cement.Öğe Esthetic and functional reconstruction of patient with maxillary and mandibular bone loss due to traffic accident(2013) Ayna, Emrah; Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ünlü, Gülten; Özdemir, Eylem; Toprak, Derya GündüzDiş kaybından sonra kemik ve yumuşak doku kaybı en sık görülen sorunlardan biridir ve yapay dişlerin boyunun normalden uzun yapılmasına neden olur. Büyük miktarda kemik kaybında, implantı uygun poziyonda yerleştirmek için vertikal ve horizontal sırtların yükseltilmesinde bir miktar greft kullanılabilir. Ağız içi ve ağız dışı bölgelerden alınan otojen blok greftler olumlu sonuçlar vermektedir. Allogreftler ise genellikle, kemik sırtı yükseltme amacı ile kullanılır. Bu vakada trafik kazası sonucu maksiller ve mandibular kemik kaydına uğramış 21 yaşında erkek hastanın tedavisi anlatılmaktadır. Maksilla ve mandibulayı yükseltmek için bir allograft kullanılmıştır. 5 aylık iyileşme sürecinden sonra kemikte yeterli oluşum sağlanmış ve implantlar yerleştirilmiştir. 4 ay sonrada implant üstü protezler yapılmıştır.Öğe Finite elements analysis of stresses formed in core and spongious bone tissue by restored implanted fixed prostheses with Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and fiber-reinforced composite(Uluslararası Diş Araştırmaları Birliği, 2021) Çelik, Hidayet; Başaran, Emine Göncü; Zengingül, Ali İhsanAim: This study uses the finite element analysis method to compare the effects of different abutments and prosthetic materials on stress distribution in the rehabilitation of maxillary anterior tooth deficiencies with fixed implanted prostheses. Methodology: In our study, two titanium implant models with a diameter of 4.1 mm and a length of 10 mm were designed for the maxillary central and canine teeth regions. 3D models of the prosthetic restorations were created with PEEK and fiber-reinforced composite and two different abutment materials (titanium and zirconia). After meshing the materials used with cortical and cancellous bone, Poisson ratio and young module values were loaded into the program. Maxillary central and canine to the palatal surface of the tooth, 2 mm below the incisal edge; a 178 N force was applied in both the vertical and 45° oblique directions, and analysis was performed. The distributions of the highest compression and tensile stress values in peri-implant cortical and cancellous bone were examined, and the results were compared. Results: Material with low elastic modulus caused higher stress accumulation in the cortical and cancellous bone tissue around the implant during oblique force application. In all study groups, the maximum stress values observed in the cancellous and cortical bone during oblique force application were significantly higher than those observed during vertical force application. Thus, different prosthetic materials had different effects on stress distribution in periimplant cortical and cancellous bone tissue, and the highest stress accumulations were in the peri-implant cortical bone. Conclusion: Different prosthetic materials had different effects on stress distribution in peri-implant cortical and cancellous bone tissue.Öğe Immediate loading and Hind's technique(Dicle University, 2024) Akyüz, Faris; İstanbulluoğlu, Saadet Nur; Başaran, Emine GöncüImmediate loading aims to rapidly restore the patient’s aesthetics, function, and phonation by placing a temporary prosthesis on dental implants immediately after or shortly following the surgical procedure. The goal of immediate loading with a temporary prosthesis during the same session as tooth extraction is to preserve or enhance both hard and soft tissues. Temporary restorations are a key step in guiding the design of permanent prosthetic restorations. Clinical studies support the successful outcome of immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets. This case presentation discusses immediate loading and Hind’s technique in the anterior region. Due to mobility issues, it was deemed appropriate to extract teeth numbered 11, 21, and 22. Immediate implant placement was decided for the 11 and 22 regions. On the same day, prosthetic rehabilitation was provided with a temporary prosthesis on the implants. After three months, the temporary prosthesis was removed, an impression was taken using Hind’s technique to match the shaped emergence profile, and the permanent prosthesis was fabricated. The immediate loading of the implants prevented the patient from experiencing a period of edentulism, facilitated soft tissue healing, and established the emergence profile for the permanent restorations. It was observed that the tissues shaped with Hind’s technique were transferred to the laboratory more accurately, resulting in more precisely fabricated permanent restorations. Immediate implant loading provides more aesthetics, fonetic and predictable treatment. The immediate implant placement protocol not only shortens the overall treatment time and minimizes the number of surgical interventions but also maximizes the utilization of the existing bone to achieve optimal primary stability for the implant.Öğe Immediate loading and Hind’s technique(Dicle Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2024) Akyüz, Faris; Başaran, Emine Göncü; İstanbulluoğlu, Saadet NurImmediate loading aims to rapidly restore the patient’s aesthetics, function, and phonation by placing a temporary prosthesis on dental implants immediately after or shortly following the surgical procedure. The goal of immediate loading with a temporary prosthesis during the same session as tooth extraction is to preserve or enhance both hard and soft tissues. Temporary restorations are a key step in guiding the design of permanent prosthetic restorations. Clinical studies support the successful outcome of immediate implant placement into fresh extraction sockets. This case presentation discusses immediate loading and Hind’s technique in the anterior region. Due to mobility issues, it was deemed appropriate to extract teeth numbered 11, 21, and 22. Immediate implant placement was decided for the 11 and 22 regions. On the same day, prosthetic rehabilitation was provided with a temporary prosthesis on the implants. After three months, the temporary prosthesis was removed, an impression was taken using Hind’s technique to match the shaped emergence profile, and the permanent prosthesis was fabricated. The immediate loading of the implants prevented the patient from experiencing a period of edentulism, facilitated soft tissue healing, and established the emergence profile for the permanent restorations. It was observed that the tissues shaped with Hind’s technique were transferred to the laboratory more accurately, resulting in more precisely fabricated permanent restorations. Immediate implant loading provides more aesthetics, fonetic and predictable treatment. The immediate implant placement protocol not only shortens the overall treatment time and minimizes the number of surgical interventions but also maximizes the utilization of the existing bone to achieve optimal primary stability for the implant.Öğe Investigation of Color Selection Criteria Determined by Dentists in Different Titles and Study Centers(Harran University, 2023) Başarır, Hidayet Çelik; Eratilla, Veysel; Zengingül, Ali İhsan; Başaran, Emine GöncüAim: Color selection is an important factor in dentistry in terms of aesthetics and natural appearance. However, different dentists and practice centers may have different approaches to color selection processes. The aim of this study is to investigate how color selection criteria in prosthetic treatments are determined by dentists with different titles in different work centers. Material and Methods: The study obtained approval from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Dicle University Faculty of Dentistry (2019/44) and was conducted in September 2019 as a voluntary survey among academics and dentists nationwide. The study consisted of a total of 14 questions, two of which were demographic data and 12 were multiple-choice questions. Results: The study was completed with a total of 437 participants, including 213 males and 224 females. The participants had an average age of 30.6, and 50.6% of them worked in university hospitals. The remaining participants worked in oral and dental health centers, community health centers, state hospitals, private clinics owned by themselves, or private clinics owned by another dentist. In addition, 43.7% were general practitioners, 27.7% were dental students, 17.8% were research assistants, 7.8% were specialist dentists, and 3% were faculty members. The data were evaluated using SPSS 22 (statistical package for the sciences version 22.0) program. The chi-square test was used to evaluate categorical data. Statistical analysis was performed and interpreted for the study data (pÖğe Load bearing capacity of fiber-reinforced and unreinforced composite resin CAD/CAM-fabricated fixed dental prostheses(2013) Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ayna, Emrah; Vallittu, Pekka Kalevi; Lassila, Lippo Veli Juhana; 0000-0002-5183-7746Statement of problem It is unclear if fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses can be fabricated with physical properties that make them suitable for definitive prostheses. Purpose The purpose of this study was to compare the load bearing capacity of fiber-reinforced and unreinforced computer-Aided design/computer-Aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) fabricated fixed dental prostheses. Material and methods Fixed dental prostheses were fabricated with CAD/CAM from 3 experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks, 1 experimental composite resin block, and 1 commercially available composite resin block. The experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin was prepared by mixing dimethacrylate resin with filler particles of BaO silicate and E-glass fiber. Different ratios of resin, filler, and fiber were used to fabricate specimens measuring 15.5 ×19 × 39 mm, which were allocated to 5 different groups (n=8) and statically loaded until final fracture. Statistical analyses were calculated according to final fracture values. A 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey post hoc multiple comparison test were used (?=.05). Results All groups showed significantly different load-bearing capacities (P<.001). Experimental randomly oriented fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks revealed the highest load-bearing capacity (2163 ±246 N), whereas commercial composite resin blocks showed the lowest (1290 ±172 N). Conclusions Fixed partial dental prostheses consisting of experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks showed higher load-bearing capacities than did unreinforced composite resin blocks.Öğe Microleakage of endodontically treated teeth restored with 3 different adhesive systems and 4 different fiber-reinforced posts(2012) Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ayna, Emrah; Halifeoǧlu, Fatma Meral; 0000-0002-5183-7746Statement of problem: Despite recent advances in adhesive dentistry, fiber-reinforced post/resin cement/dentin adhesive combinations are not able to prevent microleakage. While studies have examined microleakage in endodontically treated teeth restored with posts and cores, microleakage among post and adhesive systems remains a concern. Purpose: This study compared the sealing properties of 4 adhesively luted post systems: glass fiber, quartz-glass fiber, zirconia-glass fiber and polyethylene fiber posts. Material and methods: Forty-eight permanent maxillary central incisors were divided into 4 groups (n=12). Post space was prepared and each post was adhesively luted with 1 of 3 systems: a 1-stage self-etch, a 2-stage total-etch, and a 3-stage total-etch adhesive. The specimens were separately immersed in freshly prepared 2 methylene blue solution for 1 week. The cleaned specimens were then embedded in autopolymerizing acrylic resin. The teeth were horizontally sectioned into apical, middle, and coronal portions. An occlusal view of each section was digitally photographed with a stereomicroscope. The methylene blue-infiltrated surface for each specimen was measured and data were collected with software. Dye penetration was estimated as the ratio of the methylene blue-infiltrated surface to the total dentin surface. Nonparametric data were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test (?=.05). The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compute multiple pairwise comparisons that identified differences among groups. Dentin-luting agent and post interfaces were evaluated with a scanning electron microscope. Results: Significant differences in adhesive and post systems were observed in all sectioned regions (P<.05). There were significant differences between the apical and coronal sections of each post type, and between the following pairs: middle versus coronal sections of zirconia-glass fiber and glass fiber posts and apical versus middle sections of quartz-glass fiber and polyethylene fiber posts (P<.05). No significant differences were found among post types. The variables of middle section and 3-stage adhesive produced significant differences in microleakage between the following post pairs: zirconia-glass fiber versus quartz-glass fiber, zirconia-glass fiber versus polyethylene fiber, and quartz-glass fiber versus polyethylene fiber (P<.05). Conclusions: The 3-stage adhesive and zirconia-glass fiber posts demonstrated the least microleakage. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:239-251).Öğe Microtensile bond strength of root canal dentin treated with adhesive and fiber-reinforced post systems(Sociedade Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, 2019) Başaran, Güvenç; Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ayna, Emrah; Değer, Yalçın; Ayna, Buket Erol; Tuncer, Cudi Mehmetowadays, demand for esthetic restorations has risen considerably; thus, nonmetal esthetic posts made of either highstrength ceramics or reinforced resins, such as fiber-reinforced resin posts, have become more and more popular. Important characteristics of fiber-reinforced posts involve a modulus of elasticity similar to dentin and their ability to be cemented by an adhesive technique. A total of 36 maxillary incisors were divided into four groups. In this study, four adhesively luted fiber-reinforced (glass fiber, quartz glass fiber, zirconia glass fiber and woven polyethylene fiber ribbon) post systems were used. Post spaces were prepared by employing drills according to the protocol established for each group, and each post was adhesively luted with one of three adhesive systems. Three segments per root apical to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) were obtained by sectioning the root under distilled water with a carbon spare saw. The samples (total of 108 sections) were 2.0±0.1 mm in thickness and they were stored individually in black film canisters with sterile distilled water. In order to determine the bond strength, the bonding area of each specimen was measured, and specimens were attached to a device to test microtensile strength at a speed of 1 mm/min. The analyses revealed no statistically significant differences between the adhesive systems and fiber-reinforced posts. (P> 0.05). However, the coronal portion of the root dentin had the highest bond strength. Adhesive systems used along with fiber-reinforced resin posts demonstrated reliable bondingÖğe Sabit protezlerde altyapı materyalleri ve sınıflandırmaları(Selçuk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, 2021) Çelik, Hidayet; Başaran, Emine Göncü; Zengingül, Ali İhsan; Koçoğlu, HaticeProtetik diş hekimliğinde eksik dişlerin tedavisi için yapılan sabitprotezlerde çeşitli altyapılara sahip restorasyonlar kullanılmıştır.Bunlardan en çok tercih edilen metal altyapılı seramikrestorasyonlardır. Metal alt yapılı porselen sistemlerinin sahipolduğu avantajların dışında bazı dezavantajlar da mevcuttur. Sabitprotetik restorasyonlarda bu eksiklikleri gidermek için metaldesteksiz porselen sistemleri geliştirilmiştir. Metal-seramikrestorasyon sınıflaması standardize edilip, Amerikan DişhekimleriBirliği (ADA)’nın tüm soy metal alaşımlar için kabul ettiği sınıflamakabul edilirken tam seramik sistemler için birden fazla sınıflamamevcuttur.Konvansiyonel metal seramik sistemlerdeki dezavantajlar,araştırmacıları farklı restorasyon arayışlarına yöneltmiştir. Estetik,alerjik sebepler ve dişeti sağlığı dikkate alındığında, elektro kaplama sistemi ve tam seramik sistemler günümüzdekonvansiyonel sisteme iyi alternatif oluşturmaktadırlar. Ni-Cralaşımlar, yüksek gerilme direnci, yüksek sertlik, düşük maliyet vedüşük yoğunluk gibi avantajlarıyla en çok tercih edilen alaşımlardırama kontrol edilemeyen oksit tabakası oluşumu, alerjik reaksiyonve döküm zorluğu gibi dezavantajları da mevcuttur. Döküm altınalaşımlar ise döküm netliği, iyi fiziksel özellikler, biouyumluluk gibiavantajlarına karşın maliyetinin yüksek olması nedeniyle sık tercihedilmemektedirler. Elektro-kaplama sistemi, altın alaşımlarlakarşılaştırıldığında daha düşük maliyete sahip olması ve üretimkolaylığı avantajları vardır.Estetik ve biyouyumluluk gibi özelliklerinden dolayı zirkonya, sabitbölümlü protezlerde sıklıkla tercih edilmektedir. Mekanik ve fizikselözelliklerinin kemik ve dentine benzerliğinden dolayı Polieter EterKeton dişhekimliğinde birçok alanda kullanılmaktadır. Fiber ile güçlendirilmiş rezin tutuculu köprüler, ekonomik olarakdaha kapsamlı tedavileri karşılayamayan ve uzayan tedaviprotokollerini kaldıramayan hastalarda, hasta başı tedavilerinde,uzun vadeli geçici sabit parsiyel protezlerde, başarılı bir şekildeuygulanmaktadır. Yapılan protetik tedavilerde; altyapı seçimi içinuygun endikasyonlar ve kontrendikasyonlar göz önündebulundurularak kullanılacak materyal değerlendirilmelidir.Öğe Scanning electron microscopy assessment of the load-bearing capacity of cad/cam-fabricated molar crowns(Sociedade Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, 2020) Başaran, Emine Göncü; Aktaş, Güliz; Vallittu, Pekka Kalevi; Lassila, Lippo Veli Juhana; Tuncer, Cudi MehmetAlthough fiber-reinforced composites are commonly used in dental practice, whether fiber-reinforced crowns and fixed partial dentures can be used as definitive prostheses remains to be determined. This study used scanning electron microscopy to evaluate the load-bearing capacity of non-reinforced and fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) molar crowns prepared by computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). The crowns were fabricated from three empirical FRC blocks, one empirical composite block, and one commercial ceramic block. The FRC resin was prepared by mixing BaO silicate particles, E-glass fiber, and dimethacrylate resin. Specimens were divided into five groups (n = 10), differing in the amounts of filler, resin, and fiber. Crowns were statically loaded until fracture. One-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post hoc multiple comparison tests were used for statistical analyses. The groups showed significant differences in load-bearing capacity; empirical bidirectional FRC resin blocks had the highest capacity, while commercial ceramic blocks had the lowest capacity. Molar crowns formed from FRC resin blocks had higher load-bearing capacity compared to non-reinforced composite resin and ceramic blocks. These results show that fiber reinforcement increased the load-bearing capacity of molar crowns.