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Öğe Comparison of load-bearing capacities of 3-unit fiber-reinforced composite adhesive bridges with different framework designs(International Scientific Information, Inc., 2018) Tacir, İbrahim H.; Dirihan, Roda S.; Polat, Zelal Seyfioğlu; Salman, Gizem Ön; Vallittu, Pekka; Lassila, Lippo; Ayna, EmrahBACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the load-bearing capacities of three-unit direct resin-bonded fiber-reinforced composite fixed dental prosthesis with different framework designs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty mandibular premolar and molar teeth without caries were collected and direct glass fiber-resin fixed FDPs were divided into 6 groups (n=10). Each group was restored via direct technique with different designs. In Group 1, the inlay-retained bridges formed 2 unidirectional FRC frameworks and pontic-reinforced transversal FRC. In Group 2, the inlay-retained bridges were supported by unidirectional lingual and occlusal FRC frameworks. Group 3, had buccal and lingual unidirectional FRC frameworks without the inlay cavities. Group 4 had reinforced inlay cavities and buccal-lingual FRC with unidirectional FRC frameworks. Group 5, had a circular form of fiber reinforcement around cusps in addition to buccal-lingual FRC frameworks. Group 6 had a circular form of fiber reinforcement around cusps with 2 bidirectional FRC frameworks into inlay cavities. All groups were loaded until final fracture using a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. RESULTS: Mean values of the groups were determined with ANOVA and Tukey HSD. When all data were evaluated, Group 6 had the highest load-bearing capacities and revealed significant differences from Group 3 and Group 4. Group 6 had the highest strain (p>0.05). When the fracture patterns were investigated, Group 6 had the durability to sustain fracture propagation within the restoration. CONCLUSIONS: The efficiency of fiber reinforcement of the restorations alters not only the amount of fiber, but also the design of the restoration with fibers.Öğe Comparison of the clinical efficacy of two different types of post systems which were restored with composite restorations(Baishideng Publishing Group Inc, 2018) Ayna, Buket; Ayna, Emrah; Celenk, Sema; Basaran, Emine Goncu; Yilmaz, Berivan Dundar; Tacir, Ibrahim Halil; Tuncer, Mehmet CudiAIM To compare the efficacy of resin composite restorations, retained with either polyethylene or zirconia-rich glass fiber posts. METHODS Sixty-two single rooted maxillary and mandibular central incisor teeth in forty-four patients (15 males and 29 females; age range 15-32 years) were restored either with an ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWP) fiber post (Bondable Reinforcement Ribbon, DENSE, Ribbond, Seattle, WA, United States) or a zircon-rich glass fiber post (Snowpost, Lot H 040; Carbotech, Ganges, France). Then, direct resin composite restoration (Clearfil AP-X, Kuraray) was performed for both post systems in tooth color suitable. Patients were recalled for routine inspections at 6 mo, 1, 2 and 3 years. RESULTS The restorations were assessed during each recall evaluation according to predetermined clinical and radiographic criteria (periapical lesion; marginal leakage and integrity; color stability; surface stain and loss of retention of the post or the composite buildup material). The follow-up data showed no significant difference in these criteria between polyethylene fibre posts and zirconia-rich glass fibre posts. CONCLUSION The efficacy of resin composite restorations, retained with either polyethylene or zirconia-rich glass fiber posts were similar, suggesting that both types of fiber post can be used successfully to help retain resin composite restorations.Öğe Comparison of the Load-bearing Capacities of Monolithic PEEK, Zirconia and Hybrid Ceramic Molar Crowns(Galenos Yayincilik, 2019) Tartuk, Bulent Kadir; Ayna, Emrah; Basaran, Emine GoncuObjective: Although polyether ether ketone (PEEK) shows high biocompatibility in prosthetic dentistry, there is inadequate information about its clinical applications and limits. The purpose of this study was to compare the load-bearing capacities of PEEK, hybrid ceramic and zirconia crowns, which were fabricated using computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM). Materials and Methods: Three groups (n=10) of high-resistance PEEK polymer, hybrid ceramic and zirconia were fabricated using CAD/CAM. A universal test machine was used to assume the fracture resistance of all specimens. The specimens were loaded until final fracture occurred and load at fracture was recorded. Fracture resistance data were statistically analyzed by Tukey honest significant difference multiple comparison test. Results: There was no significant statistical difference between PEEK group (2214 +/- 236 N) and hybrid ceramic group (2325 +/- 264 N) in relation to the load-bearing capacities (p>0.05), while zirconia group (3292 +/- 192 N) showed the highest values for fracture load. Conclusion: All three crown materials were successful against physiological occlusal forces. Regarding the limitations of this in vitro study, PEEK could be an alternative crown material for fixed dental prostheses.Öğe Dişsiz bireylerde protezlerin postural yüz yüksekliğine etkileri(1996) Altun, Suat; Ayna, Emrah; Beydemir, Köksal; Eskimez, ŞebnemDişsiz bireylerde, mandibular istirahat pozisyonu be¬lirlenmesinde, protezlerin takılmasının ve çıkarılması¬nın etkili olduğu bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışma, kliniğimize başvuran 52 dişsiz hastada, tam protez bitirilmeden ya¬pılmıştır. Tüm bireylerdeki istirahat yüz yüksekliği, bu¬run ucuna ve çenenin en uç noktasına konulan iki nok¬ta arasındaki mesafe milimetrik olarak ölçülerek bu¬lundu. Bu boyut, protez takılmadan, sadece alt protez, sadece üst protez ve her iki protez'takıldıktan sonra öl¬çüldü. En düşük yüz yüksekliği protezler ağızda bulun¬madığında (67.90 mm.), en yüksek yüz yüksekliği her iki protez ağızda iken (70.33 mm.) bulunmuştur.Öğe Effect of Different Esthetic Post-Core Materials on Color of Direct-Composite Restorations: A Preliminary Clinical Study(Int Scientific Literature, Inc, 2018) Ayna, Buket; Yilmaz, Berivan D.; Izol, Bozan S.; Ayna, Emrah; Tacir, Ibrahim HalilBackground: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of 2 different esthetic post materials on the final color of direct-composite restorations by using a digital technique under in vivo conditions. Material/Methods: We included 22 pulpless incisor teeth treated with conventionally cemented zirconia (n=11) and polyethylene fiber (n=11) posts in the study. Teeth were restored with a hybrid resin. The color of direct-composite restorations and contralateral control teeth was measured using a digital technique. The Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage, or CIE, L*a*b* and RGB color systems were investigated. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed for the CIE L*a*b* values. Color differences (DE) for the average L*,a*,and b* color parameters between every pair of groups were calculated (P>.05). Results: Significant differences were not found in the color difference luminosity (lum), R, G, B, and L* a* b* values between the zircon-rich glass fiber post (Z) and contralateral control teeth (Cz) (P>.05) and between the polyethylene fiber post (P) and contralateral control teeth (Cp) (P>.05). However, there was a statistically significant difference between the color a* values of the polyethylene fiber post (P) and contralateral control teeth (Cp) (p<0.05). Color differences (DE) between the zircon-rich glass fiber post (Z) and contralateral control teeth, and the polyethylene fiber post (P) and contralateral teeth were not statistically significant (P>.05). Conclusions: Definitive restorations were equally affected by the 2 materials. Both materials can be used reliably in clinical practice. However, further research that focuses on the effect of intraoral conditions is needed.Öğe Effects of different surface treatments on the compression-shear strength of CAD-CAM zirconia posts(Uluslararası Diş Araştırmaları Birliği, 2022) Eskitaşçıoğlu, Murat; Gündüz, Derya Toprak; Polat, Zelal Seyfioğlu; Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ayna, EmrahAim: Post systems are crucial for the treatment of endodontically treated teeth with excessive crown destruction. Currently, increase in esthetic demands has increased the use of tooth-colored post systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate compression-shear strength after the application of different resin cements and different surface treatments to zirconia post-cores produced by the CAD-CAM milling technique. Methodology: One hundred twenty crown parts of maxillary central incisors were cut using a 2-mm enamel–cement joint using a water-cooled diamond bur in an air turbine handpiece at 300,000 rpm. Root canals with the same diameter were prepared using Gates-Glidden drills and Snowpost system drills. According to the enlarged canal, zirconia posts were prepared by the CAD-CAM copy-milling technique, and the zirconia post surfaces were roughened by different techniques (hydrofluoric acid, Al2O3 partial abrasion, CoJet silica coating). The roughened posts were cemented to the tooth canal using three resin cements: 10- Methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (MDP)-containing cement, Bis-GMA-based resin, and resin-based adhesive. As the control group, the zirconia post surfaces with no application were fixed using three resin cements. The specimens were set down into 25u25x25 mm fabricated blocks with acrylic resin materials. Compression-shear strength tests of the prepared samples were conducted on the Instron Testing Machine by using appropriate equipment. Results: In summary, the combination of roughening techniques such as Al2O3 partial etching and CoJet silica coating using cement-containing MDP rendered the highest compression-shear strength. Conclusion: This in vitro study proposes the cementation of zirconia post-cores etched by Cojet silica coating and Al2O3 particles using MDP- containing resin cement.Öğe Endodontic and prosthetic treatment of teeth with periapical lesions in a 16-year-old-girl(Univ Sao Paulo Fac Odontologia Bauru, 2010) Ayna, Buket; Ayna, Emrah; Celenk, SemaThis paper reports the nonsurgical endodontic therapy using calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing and prosthetic treatment of 9 teeth with periapical lesions in a 16-year-old female patient. The periodontal treatment plan included oral hygiene instructions, mechanical debridement and gingivectomy in the maxillary incisors to improve gingival contouring. Root canal treatment was indicated for teeth 11-13, 21, 22, 42-45. After successive changes of a calcium hydroxide intracanal dressing during 6 weeks, the size of the periapical radiolucencies decreased and lesion remission occurred after root canal obturation. The endodontically treated teeth received a bondable polyethylene reinforcement fiber (Ribbond) in the prepared canal space and crown buildup was done with composite resin. Prosthetic rehabilitation was planned with single-unit metal-ceramic crowns and fixed partial dentures. Clinical and radiographic evaluation after 6 months showed successful results. The outcomes of this case showed that chronic periapical lesions can respond favorably to nonsurgical endodontic treatment in adolescent patients and that, with proper indication, polyethylene fibers can provide an effective conservative and esthetic option for reinforcing endodontically treated teeth undergoing prosthetic rehabilitation.Öğe Endodontik olarak tedavi edilmiş iki dişte fiber kompozit laminate post-core kullanımı:(İki vaka raporu)(2004) Ayna, Emrah; Çelenk, SemaSon yıllarda estetik, esneklik ve yenilenebilme özelliklerinden dolayı geleneksel post materyallere alternatif olarak geliştirilen yapılabilen güçlendirilmiş fiberler rapor edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, endodontik olarak tedavi görmüş kron fraktürlü maksiller kesicilerin fiber resin kompozit laminate post-core ile tedavi etmektir.Öğe Esthetic and functional reconstruction of patient with maxillary and mandibular bone loss due to traffic accident(2013) Ayna, Emrah; Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ünlü, Gülten; Özdemir, Eylem; Toprak, Derya GündüzDiş kaybından sonra kemik ve yumuşak doku kaybı en sık görülen sorunlardan biridir ve yapay dişlerin boyunun normalden uzun yapılmasına neden olur. Büyük miktarda kemik kaybında, implantı uygun poziyonda yerleştirmek için vertikal ve horizontal sırtların yükseltilmesinde bir miktar greft kullanılabilir. Ağız içi ve ağız dışı bölgelerden alınan otojen blok greftler olumlu sonuçlar vermektedir. Allogreftler ise genellikle, kemik sırtı yükseltme amacı ile kullanılır. Bu vakada trafik kazası sonucu maksiller ve mandibular kemik kaydına uğramış 21 yaşında erkek hastanın tedavisi anlatılmaktadır. Maksilla ve mandibulayı yükseltmek için bir allograft kullanılmıştır. 5 aylık iyileşme sürecinden sonra kemikte yeterli oluşum sağlanmış ve implantlar yerleştirilmiştir. 4 ay sonrada implant üstü protezler yapılmıştır.Öğe Evaluation of Repair Bond Strenght of Different Repair Methods and Systems to Zirconia Based Ceramics(2022) Ayna, Emrah; Deniz, İzgi Ayça; Altıntaş, EyyüpObjective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the bond strength of different repair systems by using composite resin and ceramic cementation repair methods to zirconia-based ceramics. Material and Method: All-ceramic blocks (IPS Empress II; Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) sized 4.00 mm in length, 5.4 mm in width, and 3.00 mm in height were fabricated by dental laboratory as thirty specimens. CAD/CAM zirconia blocks (n =40) (Prozir; SeramDent, Turkey) sized 5.00 mm in length, 5.4 mm in width and 13.0 mm in height by CEREC System were fabricated from fully sintered Y-TZP core. Zirconia specimens were randomly divided into seven groups for the following different intraoral repair systems(Clearfil, Cimara Zircon, Bisco) and a control group. Every ten specimens were repaired as same sized. Control group was fabricated by conventional firing as unbroken solid zirconia ceramic samples. Each specimen underwent 5000 cycles of thermocycling. The SBSt (Shear bond strength test) was performed by loading force on the repaired piece to record load-to-failure. Failure mode was evaluated using a digital microscope and SEM. SBSt data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test. Results: Clearfil and Cimara Zircon systems significantly increased the bond strength for composite resin method when compared with the Bisco system (respectively p <0.001, p =0.001). All-ceramic method significantly increased the bond strength when compared with the composite resin in Bisco system (p <0.001). Conclusion: Although the composite restoration method is effective for repair, the all-ceramic/zirconia repair method can be an option for repairing layered zirconia restorations.Öğe Evaluation of the Internal Accuracy of Molar Crowns Fabricated Using Digital and Conventional Impression Techniques(Galenos Yayincilik, 2018) Tartuk, Bulent Kadir; Ayna, Emrah; Basaran, Emine GoncuObjective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the internal gaps of 3 different full molar crowns prepared using digital and conventional impression techniques. Materials and Methods: A zirconia model with a prepared maxillary first molar was used as the base model. Sixty crown restorations were produced using zirconia, polyether ether ketone and hybrid ceramic from the same datasets. The specimens divided into 2 groups that were fabricated as follows: for the group conventional impression (CZ; CP; CH, n=10), vinyl siloxane ether impressions of the master model were made. For the group digital impression (DZ; DP; DH, n=10), digital impressions of the master model using intraoral scanner system were made. The internal accuracy of the frameworks were measured under a reflected stereo microscope by using the silicon replica technique. ANOVA and the Tukey-HSD multiple comparison tests were used. Results: There was no significant statistical difference between the conventional and digital impression techniques in relation to the internal fit (p>0.05). Group DH (81.74 mu m) showed the lowest values for internal fit, while group CZ (102.2 mu m) showed the largest. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this in vitro study, it was concluded that the marginal fit produced by the digital and conventional impression techniques showed the same values, and all the samples were measured at a clinically acceptable internal fit (<200 mu m).Öğe Influence of different power outputs of erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet laser and acid etching on shear bond strengths of a dual-cure resin cement to enamel(Springer London Ltd, 2011) Basaran, Emine Goncu; Ayna, Emrah; Basaran, Guvenc; Beydemir, KoksalThe purpose of the study was to determine if the irradiation of enamel with laser of different output powers might be viable alternatives to acid etching for the bonding of resin luting agents. Seventy-seven maxillary central incisors, extracted for periodontal reasons, were used. The enamel was etched with an erbium, chromium:yttrium-scandium-gallium-garnet (Er,Cr:YSGG) laser operated at one of six power outputs (0.5 W, 0.75 W, 1 W, 1.5 W, 1.75 W and 2 W) or with 38% phosphoric acid. Seventy teeth were used for the bond strength experiments, and the remaining seven (one specimen for each group) were used for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine the topography and morphology of the treated enamel surface. The acid-etched group yielded the highest mean of shear bond strength (13.5 +/- 2.8 MPa). The means of the shear bond strength for the teeth irradiated at 0.5 W, 0.75 W, 1 W, 1.5 W , 1.75 W and 2 W laser were 3.28 +/- 2.4 MPa, 5.44 +/- 3.4 MPa, 8.8 +/- 4.5 MPa, 10.2 +/- 4.0 MPa, 11.4 +/- 4.8 MPa and 11.9 +/- 4.3 MPa, respectively. Laser irradiation at 1.5 W, 1.75 W and 2 W produced a type III acid-etched pattern similar to that produced by acid etching. No significant enamel surface etching was obtained by 0.5 W or 0.75 W laser irradiation. Irradiation at 0.5 W and 0.75 W produced a type V acid-etched pattern. We concluded that the mean shear bond strength and enamel surface etching obtained with Er,Cr:YSGG laser (operated at 1.5 W and 1.75 W for 15 s) is comparable to that obtained with acid etching.Öğe Load bearing capacity of fiber-reinforced and unreinforced composite resin CAD/CAM-fabricated fixed dental prostheses(2013) Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ayna, Emrah; Vallittu, Pekka Kalevi; Lassila, Lippo Veli Juhana; 0000-0002-5183-7746Statement of problem It is unclear if fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses can be fabricated with physical properties that make them suitable for definitive prostheses. Purpose The purpose of this study was to compare the load bearing capacity of fiber-reinforced and unreinforced computer-Aided design/computer-Aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) fabricated fixed dental prostheses. Material and methods Fixed dental prostheses were fabricated with CAD/CAM from 3 experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks, 1 experimental composite resin block, and 1 commercially available composite resin block. The experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin was prepared by mixing dimethacrylate resin with filler particles of BaO silicate and E-glass fiber. Different ratios of resin, filler, and fiber were used to fabricate specimens measuring 15.5 ×19 × 39 mm, which were allocated to 5 different groups (n=8) and statically loaded until final fracture. Statistical analyses were calculated according to final fracture values. A 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey post hoc multiple comparison test were used (?=.05). Results All groups showed significantly different load-bearing capacities (P<.001). Experimental randomly oriented fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks revealed the highest load-bearing capacity (2163 ±246 N), whereas commercial composite resin blocks showed the lowest (1290 ±172 N). Conclusions Fixed partial dental prostheses consisting of experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks showed higher load-bearing capacities than did unreinforced composite resin blocks.Öğe LOAD BEARING CAPACITY OF FIBER-REINFORCED AND UNREINFORCED COMPOSITE RESIN CAD/CAM-FABRICATED FIXED DENTAL PROSTHESES(Mosby-Elsevier, 2013) Basaran, Emine Goncu; Ayna, Emrah; Vallittu, Pekka K.; Lassila, Lippo V. J.Statement of problem. It is unclear if fiber-reinforced fixed dental prostheses can be fabricated with physical properties that make them suitable for definitive prostheses. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to compare the load bearing capacity of fiber-reinforced and unreinforced computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) fabricated fixed dental prostheses. Material and methods. Fixed dental prostheses were fabricated with CAD/CAM from 3 experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks, 1 experimental composite resin block, and 1 commercially available composite resin block. The experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin was prepared by mixing dimethacrylate resin with filler particles of BaO silicate and E-glass fiber. Different ratios of resin, filler, and fiber were used to fabricate specimens measuring 15.5 x 19 x 39 mm, which were allocated to 5 different groups (n=8) and statically loaded until final fracture. Statistical analyses were calculated according to final fracture values. A 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey post hoc multiple comparison test were used (alpha=.05). Results. All groups showed significantly different load-bearing capacities (P<.001). Experimental randomly oriented fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks revealed the highest load-bearing capacity (2163 +/- 246 N), whereas commercial composite resin blocks showed the lowest (1290 +/- 172 N). Conclusions. Fixed partial dental prostheses consisting of experimental fiber-reinforced composite resin blocks showed higher load-bearing capacities than did unreinforced composite resin blocks. (J Prosthet Dent 2013;109:88-94)Öğe Load-bearing capacity of fiber reinforced fixed composite bridges(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2013) Basaran, Emine Goncu; Ayna, Emrah; Li, Sadullah Uctas; Vallittu, Pekka K.; Lassila, Lippo V. J.Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reinforcing effect of differently oriented fibers on the load-bearing capacity of three-unit fixed dental prostheses (FDPs). Materials and methods. Forty-eight composite FDPs were fabricated. Specimens were divided into eight groups (n = 6/group; codes 1-8). Groups 1 and 5 were plain restorative composites (Grandio and Z100) without fiber reinforcement, groups 2 and 6 were reinforced with a continuous unidirectional fiber substructure, groups 3 and 7 were reinforced with a continuous bidirectional fiber and groups 4 and 8 were reinforced with a continuous bidirectional fiber substructure and continuous unidirectional fiber. FDPs were polymerized incrementally with a handheld light curing unit for 40 s and statically loaded until final fracture. Results. Kruskal-Wallis analysis revealed that all groups had significantly different load-bearing capacities. Group 4 showed the highest mean load-bearing capacity and Group 7 the lowest. Conclusion. The results of this study suggest that continuous unidirectional fiber increased the mechanical properties of composite FDPs and bidirectional reinforcement slowed crack propagation on abutments.Öğe Load-bearing capacity of handmade and computer-aided design-computer-aided manufacturing-fabricated three-unit fixed dental prostheses of particulate filler composite(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2011) Basaran, Emine Goncu; Ayna, Emrah; Vallittu, Pekka K.; Lassila, Lippo V. J.Objective. To compare handmade and computer-aided design-computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM)-fabricated fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) composed of a particulate filler composite. Material and methods. Handmade FDPs were made of restorative composite (Z 100) and CAD-CAM-fabricated FDPs were made of commercial CAD-CAM blocks (VITA Temp) and two experimental CAD-CAM blocks of particulate filler composite. Experimental CAD composite A was prepared by mixing 31.2 wt.% of dimethacrylate resin with 68.7 wt.% of filler particles of barium oxide silicate (BaSiO2). Experimental CAD composite B was prepared by mixing 25.6 wt.% of dimethacrylate resin with 74.3 wt.% of filler particles of BaSiO2. Six groups were fabricated (n = 6 in each); FDPs were statically loaded until final fracture. Results. Experimental CAD composites A and B revealed the highest load-bearing capacity of the FDPs, while Z 100 showed the lowest. Conclusion. FDPs made of experimental CAD composite blocks showed higher load-bearing capacities than handmade commercial composites and commercial blocks.Öğe MICROLEAKAGE OF ENDODONTICALLY TREATED TEETH RESTORED WITH 3 DIFFERENT ADHESIVE SYSTEMS AND 4 DIFFERENT FIBER-REINFORCED POSTS(Mosby-Elsevier, 2012) Basaran, Emine Goncu; Ayna, Emrah; Halifeoglu, MeralStatement of problem. Despite recent advances in adhesive dentistry, fiber-reinforced post/resin cement/dentin adhesive combinations are not able to prevent microleakage. While studies have examined microleakage in endodontically treated teeth restored with posts and cores, microleakage among post and adhesive systems remains a concern. Purpose. This study compared the sealing properties of 4 adhesively luted post systems: glass fiber, quartz-glass fiber, zirconia-glass fiber and polyethylene fiber posts. Material and methods. Forty-eight permanent maxillary central incisors were divided into 4 groups (n=12). Post space was prepared and each post was adhesively luted with 1 of 3 systems: a 1-stage self-etch, a 2-stage total-etch, and a 3-stage total-etch adhesive. The specimens were separately immersed in freshly prepared 2% methylene blue solution for 1 week. The cleaned specimens were then embedded in autopolymerizing acrylic resin. The teeth were horizontally sectioned into apical, middle, and coronal portions. An occlusal view of each section was digitally photographed with a stereomicroscope. The methylene blue-infiltrated surface for each specimen was measured and data were collected with software. Dye penetration was estimated as the ratio of the methylene blue-infiltrated surface to the total dentin surface. Nonparametric data were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test (alpha=.05). The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compute multiple pairwise comparisons that identified differences among groups. Dentin-luting agent and post interfaces were evaluated with a scanning electron microscope. Results. Significant differences in adhesive and post systems were observed in all sectioned regions (P<.05). There were significant differences between the apical and coronal sections of each post type, and between the following pairs: middle versus coronal sections of zirconia-glass fiber and glass fiber posts and apical versus middle sections of quartz-glass fiber and polyethylene fiber posts (P<.05). No significant differences were found among post types. The variables of middle section and 3-stage adhesive produced significant differences in microleakage between the following post pairs: zirconia-glass fiber versus quartz-glass fiber, zirconia-glass fiber versus polyethylene fiber, and quartz-glass fiber versus polyethylene fiber (P<.05). Conclusions. The 3-stage adhesive and zirconia-glass fiber posts demonstrated the least microleakage. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:239-251)Öğe Microleakage of endodontically treated teeth restored with 3 different adhesive systems and 4 different fiber-reinforced posts(2012) Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ayna, Emrah; Halifeoǧlu, Fatma Meral; 0000-0002-5183-7746Statement of problem: Despite recent advances in adhesive dentistry, fiber-reinforced post/resin cement/dentin adhesive combinations are not able to prevent microleakage. While studies have examined microleakage in endodontically treated teeth restored with posts and cores, microleakage among post and adhesive systems remains a concern. Purpose: This study compared the sealing properties of 4 adhesively luted post systems: glass fiber, quartz-glass fiber, zirconia-glass fiber and polyethylene fiber posts. Material and methods: Forty-eight permanent maxillary central incisors were divided into 4 groups (n=12). Post space was prepared and each post was adhesively luted with 1 of 3 systems: a 1-stage self-etch, a 2-stage total-etch, and a 3-stage total-etch adhesive. The specimens were separately immersed in freshly prepared 2 methylene blue solution for 1 week. The cleaned specimens were then embedded in autopolymerizing acrylic resin. The teeth were horizontally sectioned into apical, middle, and coronal portions. An occlusal view of each section was digitally photographed with a stereomicroscope. The methylene blue-infiltrated surface for each specimen was measured and data were collected with software. Dye penetration was estimated as the ratio of the methylene blue-infiltrated surface to the total dentin surface. Nonparametric data were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test (?=.05). The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compute multiple pairwise comparisons that identified differences among groups. Dentin-luting agent and post interfaces were evaluated with a scanning electron microscope. Results: Significant differences in adhesive and post systems were observed in all sectioned regions (P<.05). There were significant differences between the apical and coronal sections of each post type, and between the following pairs: middle versus coronal sections of zirconia-glass fiber and glass fiber posts and apical versus middle sections of quartz-glass fiber and polyethylene fiber posts (P<.05). No significant differences were found among post types. The variables of middle section and 3-stage adhesive produced significant differences in microleakage between the following post pairs: zirconia-glass fiber versus quartz-glass fiber, zirconia-glass fiber versus polyethylene fiber, and quartz-glass fiber versus polyethylene fiber (P<.05). Conclusions: The 3-stage adhesive and zirconia-glass fiber posts demonstrated the least microleakage. (J Prosthet Dent 2012;107:239-251).Öğe Microtensile bond strength of root canal dentin treated with adhesive and fiber-reinforced post systems(Sociedade Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, 2019) Başaran, Güvenç; Başaran, Emine Göncü; Ayna, Emrah; Değer, Yalçın; Ayna, Buket Erol; Tuncer, Cudi Mehmetowadays, demand for esthetic restorations has risen considerably; thus, nonmetal esthetic posts made of either highstrength ceramics or reinforced resins, such as fiber-reinforced resin posts, have become more and more popular. Important characteristics of fiber-reinforced posts involve a modulus of elasticity similar to dentin and their ability to be cemented by an adhesive technique. A total of 36 maxillary incisors were divided into four groups. In this study, four adhesively luted fiber-reinforced (glass fiber, quartz glass fiber, zirconia glass fiber and woven polyethylene fiber ribbon) post systems were used. Post spaces were prepared by employing drills according to the protocol established for each group, and each post was adhesively luted with one of three adhesive systems. Three segments per root apical to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) were obtained by sectioning the root under distilled water with a carbon spare saw. The samples (total of 108 sections) were 2.0±0.1 mm in thickness and they were stored individually in black film canisters with sterile distilled water. In order to determine the bond strength, the bonding area of each specimen was measured, and specimens were attached to a device to test microtensile strength at a speed of 1 mm/min. The analyses revealed no statistically significant differences between the adhesive systems and fiber-reinforced posts. (P> 0.05). However, the coronal portion of the root dentin had the highest bond strength. Adhesive systems used along with fiber-reinforced resin posts demonstrated reliable bonding