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Öğe Comparison of the anti-diabetic and nephroprotective activities of vitamin E, metformin, and Nigella sativa oil on kidney in experimental diabetic rats(Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, 2023) Ayaz, Hayat; Kaya, Seval; Şeker, Uğur; Nergiz, YusufObjective(s): In this study, we aimed to evaluate and compare the nephroprotective and possible anti-diabetic effects of vitamin E, metformin, and Nigella sativa. Materials and Methods: Thirty male Wistar Albino rats were randomly divided into control, experimental diabetes (DM), vitamin E + DM, Metformin + DM, and N. sativa + DM. For experimental diabetes induction, IP 45 mg/kg streptozotocin was administered. Rats in vitamin E + DM, Metformin + DM, and N. sativa + DM received 100 mg/kg vitamin E, 100 mg/kg metformin, and 2.5 ml/kg N. sativa oil for 56 days. After the experiment, all animals were sacrificed, and blood and kidney samples were collected. Results: The blood urea level of the DM group was significantly higher (P[removed]0.05) but significantly different from the DM group (P[removed]0.05). Bcl-2 immunopositivity density was highest in the N. sativa group, similar to the control group in terms of percentile area (P>0.05). Conclusion: When all three treatment methods were compared in terms of their effectiveness in alleviating DM and DN, it was determined that the most successful result was obtained with N. sativa oil.Öğe Deneysel Diyabetik Sıçanlarda Metformin, E Vitamini ve Çörek Otu Yağının Karaciğer Dokusu Üzerine Hepatoprotektif Etkilerinin Karşılaştırılması(Harran Üniversitesi, 2022) Ayaz, Hayat; Kaya, Seval; Nergiz, YusufÖZET Amaç: Amacımız, diyabetik ratlarda gelişen karaciğer hasarına karşı Metformin, E vitamini ve Çörek otu yağının hepotoprotektif etkilerini karşılaştırmaktır. Materyal ve Metod: 30 adet Wistar Albino rat, Kontrol (n:6), Diyabet (n:6), Diyabet + Çörek Otu Yağı (n:6), Diyabet + E Vitamini (n:6) ve Diyabet + Metformin (n:6) olarak 5 gruba ayrıldı. Diyabeti indüklemek amacıyla tek doz 45 mg/kg Streptozotosin (STZ) intraperitoneal yolla uygulandı. Diyabet + E vitamini grubuna 100 mg/kg/gün E vitamini, Diyabet + Metformin grubuna 100 mg/kg/gün metformin ve Diyabet + Çörek otu yağı grubuna 2.5 ml/kg/gün çörek otu yağı oral yollarla uygulandı. Karaciğer dokularından elde edilen parafin kesitler Hematoksilen-Eozin, Masson Trikrom ve PAS boyaları ile boyandı. Bulgular: Diyabet grubu karaciğer kesitlerinde vakuolizasyon, piknotik çekirdek, sinüzoidlerde dilatasyon, azalan glikojen içeriği ve konjesyon izlendi. Metformin grubunda hasar bulgularında kısmen ve E vitamini grubunda ise minimal iyileşme görüldü. Çörek otu yağı grubunun bulguları ise kontrol grubuna benzerdi. Sonuç: Diyabette gelişen karaciğer hasarına karşı çörek otu yağının etkili olabileceği belirlendi.Öğe Deneysel diyabette metformin, E vitamini ile çörek otu yağının karaciğer ve böbrek dokusu üzerine etkisinin araştırılması(Dicle Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020) Ayaz, Hayat; Nergiz, YusufAmaç: Diyabetik ratların, böbrek ve karaciğer dokularında meydana gelen hasara karşı çörek otu yağı, metformin ve E vitaminin etkilerini incelemeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Toplam 30 rat 5 eşit gruba bölündü. Kontrol grubu, Diyabetik grup: Diyabet oluşturmak amacıyle tek doz 45 mg/ kg streptozosin (STZ), enjekte edildi. STZ uygulamasından 72 saat sonra kan glukoz düzeyleri ölçülerek 250 mg/dl üzerinde olan sıçanlar deneye alındı, Vitamin E grubu: Diyabetik ratlara 100 mg / kg dozunda vitamin E verildi, Metformin grubu: Diyabetik ratlara 100 mg / kg dozunda metformin verildi, Çörek otu grubu: Diyabetik ratlara 2.5 ml / kg dozunda çörek otu yağı verildi. 8 haftalık deney sonunda biyokimyasal analizler için kan örnekleri alınarak karaciğer ve böbrek dokuları disseke edildi. Histopatolojik incelenen dokular rutin parafin doku takibine alındılar. Parafin kesitleri Hematoksilen-Eozin, PAS ve Masson trikrom ile boyanıp ışık mikroskobunda incelenip mikrografları çekildi. Bulgular: Diyabetik grubu böbrek kesitlerinde, tübüller atrofi, nekrozis, ödem, fırçamsı kenar kaybı izlendi. Metformin ile vitamin E grubu böbrek kesitlerinde nefropatik lezyonların kısmen düzeldiği izlendi. Çörek otu grubu böbrek kesitlerinde glomerüler yapı ve tübüllerin kontrol grubuna yakın bir yapı gösterdiği izlendi. Diyabetik grubu karaciğer kesitleri, kontrol grubuyla kıyaslandığında, vakolizasyon, piknotik çekirdek ve sinüzoidlerde dilatasyon saptandı. Metformin ve vitamin E grubu karaciğer kesitlerinde, hiperemi ve vakolizasyonda azalma görüldü. Çörek otu grubun karaciğer kesitlerinde histolojik düzelme izlendi. Sonuç: Diyabetik sıçanlarda oluşan böbrek ve karaciğer lezyonlarının tedavisinde metformin ile E vitamini kısmen yararlı fakat, çörek otu yağının daha etkili olduğu kanaatine varıldı.Öğe The effects of ellagic acid on experimental corrosive esophageal burn injury(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024) Keşim, Dilek Aygün; Aşır, Fırat; Ayaz, Hayat; Korak, TuğcanThis study aimed to investigate the antioxidant effect of Ellagic acid (EA) on wound healing in sodium hydroxide (NaOH)-induced corrosive esophageal burn injury. The interaction networks and functional annotations were conducted using Cytoscape software. A total of 24 Wistar albino rats were divided into control, corrosive esophageal burn (CEB) and CEB + EA groups. Burn injury was created by 20% NaOH and 30 mg/kg EA was per oral administered to rats. At the end of the 28-day experimental period, Malondialdehyde (MDA) content was measured. Esophageal tissue samples were processed for histological staining. The EA–target interaction network was revealed to be involved in regulating crucial cellular mechanisms for burn wound healing, with epidermal growth factor (EGF) identified as a central mediator. An increase in animal weight in the CEB + EA group was observed in the EA-treated group after CEB injury. Burn injury increased MDA content, but EA treatment decreased its level after CEB injury. Stenosis index, collagen degeneration, inflammation, fibrosis and necrosis levels were increased after CEB injury. EA treatment improved histopathology in the CEB + EA group compared to the CEB group. The expression of EGF was decreased in the CEB group but upregulated in the EA-treated group, suggesting a potential involvement of EA in cellular processes and tissue regeneration. EA, through its antioxidative and tissue regenerative properties, significantly contributes to alleviating the adverse effects of CEB injury, promoting wound healing.Öğe Investigation of Bax and Phospho-Tau Protein Expression in Preeclampsia Placenta(Harran Üniversitesi, 2023) Kaya, Seval; Aşır, Fırat; Ayaz, Hayat; Ağaçayak, Elif; Deveci, EnginBackground: Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication with a high morbidity and mortality rate.BAX is a proapoptotic protein and in recent years, 14-3-3 tau proteins are considered as key regulators of many processes, such as apoptosis. In this study, we investigated the expression of phospho-tau and Bax in preeclampsia apoptosis immunohistochemically. Materials and Methods: 25 healthy and 25 preeclamptic pregnant placentas were included in the study. Placental samples were fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin. Routine paraffin wax tissue protocol was used. Results: According to histological micrograf, the trophoblastic cells in the villi were normal in the control group. Mild dilatation in blood vessels was seen. Hyalinized and necrotic areas in chorionic villi and an increase in fibrinoid tissue in root villi were detected in preeclampsia sections. Phospho-tau and Bax primary antibodys were used for immunohistochemical evaluation. The sections from of the preeclampsia group were highly positive for syncytiotrophoblasts and villous connective tissue. It was also statistically different from the control group (p<0.05). Conclusions: When we evaluate the results shows that Phospho-tau and Bax may be determinant proteins in the apoptosis pathway of preeclampsia.Öğe Investigation of Bax and Phospho-Tau Protein Expression in Preeclampsia Placenta(2023) Kaya, Seval; Aşır, Fırat; Ayaz, Hayat; Ağaçayak, Elif; Deveci, EnginBackground: Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication with a high morbidity and mortality rate.BAX is a proapoptotic protein and in recent years, 14-3-3 tau proteins are considered as key regulators of many processes, such as apoptosis. In this study, we investigated the expression of phospho-tau and Bax in preeclampsia apoptosis immunohistochemically. Materials and Methods: 25 healthy and 25 preeclamptic pregnant placentas were included in the study. Placental samples were fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin. Routine paraffin wax tissue protocol was used. Results: According to histological micrograf, the trophoblastic cells in the villi were normal in the control group. Mild dilatation in blood vessels was seen. Hyalinized and necrotic areas in chorionic villi and an increase in fibrinoid tissue in root villi were detected in preeclampsia sections. Phospho-tau and Bax primary antibodys were used for immunohistochemical evaluation. The sections from of the preeclampsia group were highly positive for syncytiotrophoblasts and villous connective tissue. It was also statistically different from the control group (p<0.05). Conclusions: When we evaluate the results shows that Phospho-tau and Bax may be determinant proteins in the apoptosis pathway of preeclampsia.