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Öğe A 32-year-old male with an ulcer with necrotic crusts on the right arm(2011) Çelen, Mustafa Kemal; Boşnak, Vuslat; Yeşilova, Yavuz; Ayaz, Celal; Tekin, Recep[Abstract Not Available]Öğe A 32-year-old male with an ulser with necrotic crusts on the right arm(Marmara Univ, Fac Medicine, 2011) Tekin, Recep; Yesilova, Yavuz; Boşnak, Vuslat; Celen, Mustafa Kemal; Ayaz, Celal[Abstract Not Available]Öğe A 6-year prospective surveillance study for healthcare associated infections in a neurology unit(Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, 2008) Geyik, Mehmet F.; Hosoglu, Salih; Aluclu, Mehmet U.; Celen, Mustafa K.; Ayaz, CelalObjective: To assess the epidemiology of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in a neurology unit in a university hospital. Methods: The study was carried out prospectively at Dicle University Hospital, Diyarbakir, Turkey (1050-bed) between 1st January 1999 and 31st December 2004. Active surveillance for HAIs was performed by the infection control team, using the criteria proposed by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System (NNIS) methodology. Results: During the 6-year follow up period, 219 HAIs episodes were detected in 203 patients out of 3323 in patients. The mean length of stay of patients with HAI was 28 5 days, while that of patients without infections was 11 +/- 1 days. Eighty-two patients died with HAIs, while 1330 died in the patients without infections. The overall incidence rates (HAI/100) and incidence densities (HAI/1000 days of stay) of HAIs were 6.6% and 4.4/1,000 patients-days. The most common HAIs by primary site were urinary tract infection (44.2%) and decubitus infection (30.4%). The most prevalent microorganisms were Escherichia coli (27%), Klebsiella species (14%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%), Enterobacter species (12%), coagulase-negative Staphylococci (10%) and Staphylococcus aureus (7%). Conclusion: The results may contribute to observe the magnitude and characteristics of HAIs and to plan and evaluate policies and guidelines of infection control in neurology units.Öğe The accuracy and validity of a weekly point-prevalence survey for evaluating the trend of hospital-acquired infections in a university hospital in Turkey(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2011) Ustun, Cemal; Hosoglu, Salih; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Parlak, Zafer; Ayaz, CelalObjective: To evaluate the validity of a weekly point-prevalence survey (WPS) by comparing it with a prospective-active incidence survey (PIS). Methods: WPS and PIS were conducted at a tertiary referral hospital between January and December 2006. Each Wednesday, an infection control team reviewed all clinical records of patients with hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) by WPS. Routine PIS was conducted with daily visits by the same team. The Rhame and Sudderth formula was used for converting the data between WPS and PIS. Results: During the study period, 1287 HAIs were detected in 37 466 patients by WPS. The mean observed prevalence and calculated prevalence were 5.42% and 5.45%, respectively. The reanimation intensive care unit (ICU) (49.4%) and burns unit (27.6%) had the highest prevalence rates. Pneumonia (0.94%) and urinary tract infections (0.37%) were the most frequent infections. Overall 602 HAIs were detected in 545 patients by PIS. The mean observed incidence and calculated incidence were 2.42/1000-admissions and 2.41/1000-admissions, respectively. The Critical care ICU (37.0/1000-admissions) and burns unit (24.8/1000-admissions) had the highest incidences of HAI. Pneumonia (0.64/1000-admissions) and urinary tract infections (0.37/1000-admissions) were the most frequent infections. Conclusions: This study confirms a close relationship between prevalence and incidence data. WPS may be a useful method for following HAIs when PIS cannot be performed. (C) 2011 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Acute hepatitis: a rare complication of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection(J Infection Developing Countries, 2010) Ulug, Mehmet; Celen, Mustafa Kemal; Ayaz, Celal; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Hosoglu, SalihInfectious Mononucleosis (IM), a benign lymphoproliferative disease, is the best known clinical syndrome caused by Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). It usually resolves over a period of weeks or months without sequelae but may occasionally be complicated by a wide variety of neurologic, hematologic, hepatic, respiratory, and psychological complications. In this report we describe a patient with acute hepatitis following EBV-IM in a previously healthy woman. A 26-year-old woman who presented with fever, generalized weakness, nausea, sore throat, yellowing of skin, and a generalized skin rash was admitted to our clinic. Tonsillar enlargement, pharyngeal erythema, palatal petechiae, lymphadenopathy, and jaundice were noted. Significant atypical lymphocytes (> 10%) were seen on the peripheral blood smear. Liver function tests such as ALT: 303 U/L, AST: 172 U/L, ALP: 193 U/L and total bilirubin: 7.3 mg/dl were elevated. Serological tests for EBV infection were consistent with acute infection (EBV virus capsid antigen was reactive with IgM and IgG antibodies). The Monospot test was also positive. On the seventh day, liver function tests and bilirubin had risen to peak level and platelets were decreased. The patient was managed supportively and her critical condition improved and was finally stabilized. Although the prognosis for IM is very favorable, a variety of acute complications may occur.Öğe Aerobik bakteriemi etkenlerinin izolasyonunda bactec 9240 sisteminin değerlendirilmesi(1999) Hoşoğlu, Salih; Demirel, Mahmut; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Kökoğlu, Ömer Faruk; Ayaz, CelalBACTEC 9240 otomatik kan kültürü sistemi; aerop bakterileri izolasyondaki başarısı, duyarlılığı ve spesifikliği yönüyle değerlendirilmek amacıyla retrospektif olarak incelendi. İncelenen 1118 örnekten 428'inde (% 38.3) üreme sinyali vardı ve bunların aerobik subkültürlerinin 410'unda (% 36.7) üreme oldu. On sekiz örnekte (% 1.6) ise yalancı pozitiflik vardı. Sistemin negatif olarak bildirdiği hiçbir örnekte subkültürlerde üreme olmadı. Sistemin duyarlılığı % 100.0, özgüllüğü 96.0 idi. Bu mikroorganizmaların 58'i (% 5.2) kontaminasyon olarak kabul edildi. Patojen kabul edilen 352 mikroorganizmanın 235'i (% 66.8) Gram-negatif, 114'ü (% 32.4) Gram-pozitif bakterilerdi ve üç örnekten (% 0.8) mantar izole edildi. En fazla izole edilen bakteriler Salmonella typhi (56), Staphylococcus aureus (44), Klebsiella pneumoniae (39) ve Escherichia coli (31) idi. BACTEC 9240; kullanışlı, duyarlı ve güvenilir bir sistem olarak kabul edilmiştir.Öğe Akut viral hepatit ve risk faktörleri(2004) Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Kökoğlu, Ömer Faruk; Uçmak, Hasan; Akalın, Şerife; Hoşoğlu, Salih; Ayaz, CelalAmaç: Akut viral hepatitlerin bulaşmasındaki risk faktörlerinin araştırılmasını amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Kliniği'ne yatırılarak tedavi edilen 201 akut viral hepatit olgusu risk faktörleri yönünden prospektif olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Hepatit A 'da 12 (% 27), hepatit E olgularında ise bir (% 14) oranında aile içi temas öyküsü saptandı. B hepatitli olgularda bulaşma yolu olarak 23'ünde (% 19) diş çekimi veya tedavisi, 17'sindc (% 14) şüpheli cinsel ilişki, 15'inde (% 13) sağlık çalışanı olmak, 11 'inde (% 9) ameliyat olmak, onunda (% 8) aile içi temas, beşinde (% 4) doğum, dördünde (% 3) kan nakli, üçünde (% 3) endoskopik girişim tespit edildi. Kırk sekiz (% 40) olguda muhtemel bir bulaşma yolu saptanamadı. C hepatitli altı hastanın ikisinde (%33) ameliyat, birinde (%17) cinsel temas, birinde (%17) doğum tespit edilirken, (%33) olguda olası bir bulaşma yolu tespit edilemedi. Sonuç: Viral hepatitlere ait risk faktörleri ve bulaşma yollan aydınlatılması akut viral hepatitlcre karşı alınacak önlemlerin etkinliğini artıracaktır.Öğe Alt göz kapağında şarbon(2011) Çaça, İhsan; Boşnak, Vuslat; Ayaz, Celal; Çelen, Mustafa Kemal; Tekin, RecepEsas olarak ot yiyen hayvanların hastalığı olan şarbon, insanlara enfekte hayvanlardan bulaşan bir zoonozdur. Bu hastalığın en sık görülen formu, olguların yaklaşık % 95’inde saptanan deri şarbonudur; alt göz kapağı tutulumu ise nadirdir. 17 yaşındaki kadın hastanın sağ alt göz kapağında kaşıntılı ve eritemli papül şeklinde başlayan ve daha sonra kapağın tamamına yayılan, ödemin de eşlik ettiği lezyon mevcuttu. Alınan materyalde zincir şeklinde Gram pozitif basiller görüldü, ancak kültürde üreme olmadı. Orbital bilgisayarlı tomografide periorbital bölgede yumuşak doku şişliği saptandı. Lezyonun tipik olması ve Gram pozitif basiller görülmesi ile hastaya deri şarbonu tanısı kondu. Hastanın başlangıç ve idame tedavisi için ampisilin/sulbaktam verildi. Hastanın iki hafta sonraki kontrolünde her hangi bir komplikasyon gelişmeden tamamen iyileştiği gözlendi. Periorbital şarbon olgularında tedaviye rağmen skatrisyel ektropion ve lagoftalmus benzeri komplikasyonlar gelişebilir. Erken tanı konulup antibiyotik tedavisine başlanması komplikasyon oluşumunu anlamlı derecede azaltabilir. Bu olgu sunumunda şarbon hastalığında nadir olarak görülen, alt göz kapağı şarbonlu bir olgu rapor edilmiş olup, tanı ve tedavi yaklaşımları değerlendirilmiştir.Öğe Antibiyotiklerin reçete edilmesine getirilen sınırlamanın antibiyotik tüketimine etkileri(Antibiyotik ve Kemoterapi Derneği, 2006) Çelen, Mustafa Kemal; Hoşoğlu, Salih; Eraydın, Hakan; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Ayaz, CelalDicle Üniversitesi Hastanesinde Sağlık Bakanlığı’nın 2003 Nisan ayında uygulamaya koyduğu antibiyotik kısıtlama politikası öncesi ve sonrası ardışık üç günlük antibiyotik kullanım yoğunluğu, maliyeti ve infeksiyon hastalıkları konsültasyon hizmetinin etkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Dicle Üniversitesi Hastanesi 1050 yataklı bölgesel sağlık hizmeti veren bir referans hastanesidir. DSÖ’nün tanımlamalarına göre kısıtlama öncesi ve sonrasında karbapenem, glikopeptid, piperasilin-tazobaktam ve amfoterisinB’nin ardışık üçer günlük “Antibiyotik tüketim indeksi” (ATİ) değeri hesaplanmıştır. Uygulama öncesi bütün antibiyotikler için ATİ 76.7 Tanımlanmış Gün Dozu (TGD)/100-Yatış Günü (YG) ve sonrası 76.6 TGD/100-YG olarak bulunmuş, önemli bir düşüş saptanmamıştır. Buna karşılık kullanımı kısıtlanan antibiyotiklerin ATİ değerlerinde belirgin bir düşüş saptanmış, kısıtlama öncesi ve sonrası ATİ değerleri meropenem için 2.5 TGD/100- YG’den 1.6’ya, teikoplanin için 1.4’den 0.8’e, vankomisin için 1.9’dan 1.2’ye, piperasilin-tazobaktam için 1.6’dan 0.6’ya ve amfoterisin-B için 0.5’ten 0.2’ye inmiştir. Üç günlük kısıtlama sonrası kullanılan antibiyotiklerin maliyetinden 1315 Amerikan doları tasarruf elde edilirken hastane infeksiyonu gelişiminde de artış görülmemiştir. Antibiyotiklerin reçete edilmesine getirilen sınırlamanın, gereksiz geniş spektrumlu antibiyotik kullanımını sınırlandırdığı ve ekonomiye doğrudan katkı sağladığı sonucuna varılmıştır.Öğe Approach to Treatment of Diabetic Foot Infection(Duzce Univ, 2012) Bozkurt, Fatma; Tekin, Recep; Celen, Mustafa Kemal; Ayaz, CelalBackground: Foot infections in diabetic patients and frequently require a multidisciplinary approach to solving a problem. Taking the form of cellulite, soft tissue necrosis and osteomyelitis may present risks for limb amputation. Bakterolojik analysis for this reason, treatment is very important. Aim: This study aimed to determine the active micro-organisms and their antibiotic susceptibilities. Methods: A total of 63 patients with Diabetic foot infection, who were admitted to the clinics of Dicle University Hospital between October 2006 and November 2007, were included into the study. Wagner classification metod used for wound classification. Deep tissue culture was maked for bacteriological analysis. For aerobic and anaerobic culture were rapidly sent to laboratory. Results: While 38 (60%) of patients, Wagner classification <= 2, Wagner classification >= 3 was 25 (40%) The most common isolated microorganisms are S. aureus (20 patients, 31.7%) and it was followed by Klebsiella spp. and Enterobacter cloaca. All Gr (-) isolates the most effective antibiotics against amikacin, meropenem, piperacillin-tazobactam and cefepime, respectively. They are the most resistant to the antibiotics ciprofloxacin and cefuroxime-axetil, respectively. Conclusion: An effective treatment for diabetic foot infections, determination of causative organisms and their antibiotic susceptibility is crucial to know the sensitivity shown in most of the time.Öğe Are sinus-track cultures reliable for identifying the causative agent in chronic osteomyelitis?(Springer, 2009) Ulug, Mehmet; Ayaz, Celal; Celen, Mustafa Kemal; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Hosoglu, Salih; Necmioglu, SerdarThe infection of bone that contains bone marrow called osteomyelitis, and is caused by different microorganisms. In this study, we aimed to determine the diagnostic value and accuracy of cultures of material from a sinus track compared with those of cultures of bone specimens that have been controversial. Prospective study was conducted at Hospital University of Dicle, a 1,090-bed university-based hospital located in DiyarbakA +/- r, Turkey. Between May 2005 and September 2006, sinus-track cultures were compared with those of bone cultures from 43 patients with chronic osteomyelitis. The patients' mean age was 30.6 +/- A 3.6 years, and 29 (67%) male and 14 (33%) female. Organisms isolated from bone cultures were Staphylococcus 69% (29/42), Escherichia coli 9.5% (4/42), Pseudomonas aeruginosa 9.5% (4/42), Proteus mirabilis 7% (3/42), respectively. Cultures of sinus track and bone specimens gave identical results in 38% of patients. The value of bone culture in the therapy of osteomyelitis must be emphasized; it is the only reliable means of determining the responsible agent, up on which the antibiotic therapy is based. The correlation between sinus track and bone cultures was 38%, i.e., failure in the treatment for 6 patients out of 10.Öğe Barsak kanaması ile seyreden bir tifo olgusu(2004) Gedik, Ercan; Ayaz, Celal; Çelen, Mustafa Kemal; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Uluğ, Mehmet; Eraydın, HakanTifoda rektal kanama nadir fakat morbidite ve mortalitesi yüksek bir komplikasyondur. Hikayesinden iki hafta önce arkadaş toplantısında çiğköfte ve marul yiyen 22 yaşındaki erkek hasta; Ateş, baş ağrısı, kuru öksürük ve iştahsızlık şikayeti ile yatırıldı. Yattığı sırada hematokriti (Htc) % 39,6 olan hastada Salmonella typhi enfeksiyonu düşünülerek siprofloksasin 500 mg. tablet 2x1 başlandı. Kan kültüründe S. typhi üredi. Masif rektal kanama gelişen hastanın Htc değeri % 23,9'a düşünce hastaya üç ünite kan verildi. Kanaması durmayan hasta genel cerrahi yoğun bakımına (GCYB) transfer edildi. Hastanın hematokrit değeri % 19,4'e düşünce acil olarak operasyona alındı. Hastanın tedavisi 21 güne tamamlanarak taburcu edildi. Enterostomi için ikinci operasyon planlandı.Öğe Brucellar epididymo-orchitis in southeastern part of Turkey: an 8 year experience(Elsevier Brazil, 2010) Celen, Mustafa Kemal; Ulug, Mehmet; Ayaz, Celal; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Hosoglu, SalihObjective: the different clinical and laboratory features and response to treatment of patients with acute brucellar epididymo-orchitis (BEO) reporting to the reference hospital in Southeastern Anatolia of Turkey. Material and methods: in this study, 27 male patients with brucellosis, who presented with epididymitis or epididymo-orchitis (EO) at the university hospital in Diyarbakir from 1998 to 2006, were included. They were compared with the other male patients. Positive blood culture or high agglutination titers of >= 1/160 and positive clinical manifestations of brucellosis were the main criteria for diagnosing brucellosis. Results: fourteen patients had unilateral EO. Leukocytosis was present in 10 patients; all of them had initial agglutination titers of >= 1/160 and 10 patients had a positive blood culture. All patients received combined therapy with streptomycin for the first 21 days (or oral rifampicin for 6-8 weeks) with doxycycline or tetracycline for 6-8 weeks. All showed improvement, fever subsided in 3-7 days, and the scrotal enlargement and tenderness regressed. Only one patient had a relapse within one year. Conclusion: in brucellosis-endemic areas, clinicians encountering EO should consider the likelihood of brucellosis. In this study, young age was the most common risk factor, and leukocytosis and high CRP level were the most common laboratory findings. Most cases were unilateral. All patients responded to medical management very well. Conservative management with combination antibiotic therapy was adequate for managing BEO. Conclusively, brucellosis must be considered as a cause of orchitis, especially in endemic regions like Turkey.Öğe BRUCELLOSIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM: A FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE(Carbone Editore, 2013) Dal, Tuba; Celen, Mustafa Kemal; Ayaz, Celal; Dal, Mehmet Sinan; Kalkanli, Sevgi; Mert, Duygu; Yildirim, NecmettinBrucellosis is a chronic granulomatous infection which is endemic in Mediterranean countries and Turkey. The aim of this study is to analyze the clinical, laboratory findings and therapeutic features in patients with brucellosis. A retrospective study was conducted with 91 patients who developed brucellosis between 2005 to 2009. The diagnosis was based on clinical findings compatible with brucellosis, serological tests positive, and/or isolation of Brucella species from blood, or other tissues. The mean age was 33 years (16-67 years). Sixty-threes of patients (69.2%) were male. Forty (44%) cases had an occupational history relevant for Brucella exposure and 85 (93%) cases consumption with contaminated animal product. The mean diagnostic delay was 15 days, much longer in focal brucellosis. A total of 77 (85 %) cases had acute brucellosis. The focal brucellosis complications were observed in 39 (42.8%) cases: osteoarticular involvement 32 (82%), epididymo-orchitis 4 (10%), and central nervous system involvement 3 (8%). Chronic brucellosis occurs in 3 (3.3%) cases. Clinical manifestations included non-specific symptoms such as fever (95%). sweats (90%), arthralgia and lower back pain (63%). Of the patients 84 (92%) had serological titre =1/160 and 28 (31%) blood cultures were positive. All of the patients were cured by antibiotic therapy (Doxycycline+rifampicin/streptomycine, streptomycine+rifampicin/Doxycycline, ceftiraxone/rifampicin). Relapse was observed in 5 (5.4%) patients. Brucellosis is an infection with multiple presentations. Its early diagnosis was mandatory to avoid severe complications.Öğe Brusellozlu hastalarda lumbosakral ağrının sintigrafik incelenmesinin tanıdaki değeri(1997) Usta, Tahsin; Kaya, Halil; Arıtürk, Sedat; Ayaz, CelalBel ağrısı tanımlayan ve klinik olarak sakro-ileit saptanan brusellozlu 28, bel ağrısı tanımlayan ancak klinik olarak sakro-ileit saptanmayan brusellozlu 10, toplam 38 hastaya, .subrapubik pelvis grafisi ve lumbosakral geç faz kemik sintigrafisi yapıldı. Sintigrafik olarak sakro-ileit tanısı için bilgisayar ile kantitatif işlemler yapılarak 1.4 ve üzeri pozitif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların 9'u (% 23.7) radyografi ile, 29'u (% 76.3) ise sintigrafi ile sakro-ileit tanısı aldı. Radyografi ve sintigrafi sonuçları ile karşılaştırıldığında aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p < 0.001). Sintigrafinin de brusellozun erken tanısında önemli bir yöntem olduğu sonucuna varıldı.Öğe A Case of Necrotizing Fasciitis due to Intramuscular Injection and Review of the Literature(Aves, 2009) Ulug, Mehmet; Celen, Mustafa Kemal; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Hosoglu, Salih; Ayaz, CelalNecrotizing fasciitis is a life-threatening soft-tissue infection characterized by progressive necrosis of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and fascia. A twenty-three year-old female patient presented with erythema and pain in the left thigh; both had started 15 days previously. Physical examination revealed swelling, warmth in the left thigh and pain related to passive movement. During follow up, the area involved developed echymotic bullous lesions which shortly spread to the perineal region. Despite appropriate antibiotic therapy and supportive management, the lesions progressed and surgical debridement was carried out. Deep wound and blood cultures revealed Staphylococcus aureus. Clearly, the mortality and morbidity can be decreased with clinical awareness, early diagnosis, effective surgical debridement, and intensive supportive care. In this study, we present a rare case of necrotizing fasciitis in an adult who had no predisposing factor and discuss its clinical manifestations and the best therapeutic choice for this potential life threatening disease, together with a review of the literature.Öğe A Case of Salmonellosis Caused by a Multidrug-Resistant Strain of Salmonella typhimurium(Doc Design Informatics Co Ltd, 2009) Ulug, Mehmet; Celen, Mustafa Kemal; Ayaz, CelalSalmonellosis occurs both in epidemic and endemic forms and remains a public health problem in developing countries. Non-typhoidal Salmonella are important foodborne pathogens that cause gastroenteritis, bacteremia, and subsequent focal infection. Resistant bacteria are especially problematic in a wide variety of immunocompromised individuals, including patients with malignancy, and those receiving corticosteroid therapy or treatment with other immunotherapy agents. In this study, a 21 year old female patient with tuberculous meningitis who developed salmonellosis due to Salmonella typhimurium was presented.Öğe A case report and literature review: osteomyelitis caused by community-associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(J Infection Developing Countries, 2011) Ulug, Mehmet; Ayaz, Celal; Celen, Mustafa KemalOsteomyelitis in adolescents is a serious disease with the potential for lifelong disability. The key to successful management is early diagnosis, including bone sampling for microbiological and pathological examination to allow targeted and long-lasting antibiotic therapy. Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequently isolated microorganism in these patients. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is usually considered a nosocomial pathogen, but increasingly it is acquired in the community. We present a case of acute osteomyelitis caused by community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) who had never been hospitalized and had no other known risk factors for MRSA. The changing epidemiology of MRSA became evident when infections occurred in previously healthy patients without established risk factors. MRSA infections have been increasingly reported in pediatric patients, but they are uncommon in adults. Skin and soft tissue infections remain the most common manifestations of CA-MRSA infections. Glycopeptides can be used as initial therapy and oral trimetoprim-sulfamethoxazole as sequential therapy for these patients.Öğe Clinical, laboratory, and radiological evaluation of 32 cases with tuberculous meningitis(Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi, 2019) Kalkan, İrem Akdemir; Acu, Ruşen; Çınar, Güle; Ayaz, Celal; Tekin, RecepIntroduction: Tuberculous meningitis is an important central nervous system infection, and it is the most severe clinical form of tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the frequently isolated microorganism, and it is associated with high morbidity and mortality among central nervous system infections. Despite all the advances in medicine, diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis is still a significant problem. In our study, we aimed to evaluate clinical, microbiological and radiological features of the patients with tuberculous meningitis in detail. Materials and Methods: The study was designed as a retrospective study. A total of 32 patients diagnosed on the basis of clinical, microbiological and radiological criteria with tuberculous meningitis were included into the study. Patients were exposed to computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging with the exception of two patients. Computed tomography scans were performed at the time of admission to the emergency department while magnetic resonance imagings were performed within the 48 hours after computed tomography scans. The data were analyzed with SPSS 24. Results: Eleven of the patients were diagnosed with gold standard methods. The pathogen microorganism was M. tuberculosis in all cases. The diagnoses of other patients were determined by clinical; microbiologic and radiologic estimations. Demographic findings-symptoms of the patients, laboratory findings-symptoms and the contribution of radiology to the diagnosis were evaluated. Particularly, when the contribution of radiology to the diagnosis was studied, it was found that especially magnetic resonance imaging was more useful than computed tomography. Conclusion: Central nervous system infections due to M. tuberculosis are frequently related to high morbidity and mortality. The gold diagnosis methods of the disease are; isolation of M. tuberculosis from the cerebrospinal fluid or seeing the microorganism in the fluid with EZN stain. Because of the low positivity rates in gold standard methods, radiologic methods such as magnetic resonance imaging can be used in tuberculous meningitis diagnosis.Öğe Çoklu antibiyotik direnci olan bir enterokok meninjiti olgusu(1998) Hoşoğlu, Salih; Demirel, Mahmut; Boşnak, Vuslat; Geyik, Mehmet Faruk; Ayaz, CelalEnterokok kökenli bir akut bakteriye! menenjit olgusu tanımlandı. On beş yaşında bir erkek çocuğu baş ağrısı, ateş ve bilinç kaybıyla başvurdu. Nörolojik muayenesinde ense sertliği, Kerning ve Brudzynski belirtileri pozitifti. Beyin omurilik sıvısı (BOS)'nın incelemesinde 15.000 $mu$l lökosit (% 96 nötrofil) vardı. Hastanın tedavisine günde 20 milyon ünite penisilin G ile başlandı. Hasta yatışından on saat sonra kaybedildi. Başvuruda alınan BOS kültüründen enterokok izole edildi, izole edilen bakteri glikopeptit antibiyotiklere dirençliydi.