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Öğe The Change in Luteal Blood Flow and Luteal Size after Beta Carotene and GnRH Injections in Early Pregnant Dairy Cows(Kafkas Univ, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2012) Ay, Serhan Serhat; Kucukaslan, Ibrahim; Kaya, Duygu; Mulazimoglu, Serkan Baris; Emre, Birten; Kacar, Cihan; Kalender, HakanThe aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of intramuscular injections of beta-carotene (beta C) and GnRH on luteal size (LS), luteal blood flow (LBF) and serum beta C concentrations in early pregnant cows. Twenty-nine Holstein-Friesian cows with a mature corpus luteum (>19mm) were randomly assigned to two groups: pc not received (beta C-; n=15) or received (beta C-; n=14). All cows were treated with PGF(2)alpha and inseminated twice, 48 and 72h after the treatment. Last Al was considered to be day 0. All cows received GnRH on day inseminations, 7 and 17. Different from the beta C-, the beta C+ group received beta C intramuscularly on day 7 and 17. In both groups, measurement of LS and LBF were performed on days 7, 10, 17,27 and 37 by transrectal B-mode and colour Doppler ultrasonography. Blood samples were collected on each examination day. Only cows that became pregnant were included in the statistical evaluation. The concentration o beta C in the beta C+ group was higher than in the beta C- at all examination days except day 17 (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between groups concerning the progesterone concentrations (P>0.05). The LS and LBF of beta C+ group on day 7 (P<0.05) and 27 (P<0.01) was higher than in the beta C- group and values increased significantly until day 37 (LS: P<0.05, LBF: P<0.01). We conclude that beta C injections significantly increased serum beta C concentrations, as well as LS and LBF.Öğe The Effects of Separate and Combined Use of PGF2? and GnRH Hormones and the Addition of Beta-Carotene on Fertility Parameters in Dairy Cows with Ovarian Cysts(Univ Fed Rio Grande Do Sul, 2018) Emre, Birten; Kucukaslan, Ibrahim; Agaoglu, Ali Reha; Ay, Serhan Serhat; Kaya, Duygu; Somali, Mustafa; Aslan, SelimBackground: Ovarian cysts are commonly observed pathologies, which interfere with normal cyclic activity and adversely affect fertility in cows. Beta-carotene is effective in the reduction of reproductive problems by inducing the natural defence mechanisms of the body. There are several methods that can be used for the treatment of ovarian cysts. The separate and combined use of GnRH and PGF2 alpha commonly uses in the treatment of ovarian cysts. Therefore, in the presented study the effects of Beta-carotene (beta c) addition for the treatment of ovarian cysts either with GnRH solely or GnRH and PGF2 alpha in combination on the fertility parameters of dairy cows were investigated. Materials, Methods & Results: Seventy-six Holstein Friesian cows having ovarian cysts diagnosed by ultrasonography (USG) were divided into three groups. Cows in Group I (GI, n = 27), were injected with GnRH (Buserelin acetate, 5 mL, im), PGF2 alpha (Tiaprost-trometamol, 5 mL, im) and beta c (20 mL/cow, into 4 regions by im route). In Group II (GII, n = 25) GnRH (Buserelin acetate, 5 mL, im) and PGF2 alpha (Tiaprost-trometamol, 5mL, im) were administrated while GnRH (Buserelin acetate, 5 mL, im) solely in Group III (GIII, n = 24). Cysts were monitored via USG, and blood samples were collected on the on day of treatment (day 0) and on the 7th and 14th days following the administrations. Cows shoving oestrous were inseminated and pregnancy diagnoses were performed on the 40th day following insemination. Treatment results showed that there were statistically no significant differences between GI and GII (P > 0.05). Only numerical difference obtained in time from therapy to pregnancy and overall pregnancy index (P > 0.05). Overall pregnancy rate (85 %), first service pregnancy rates (40 %) and overall pregnancy index (2.11) in GI were found significantly higher than GIII (53.3 %; 20 %; 4.12) [P < 0.05]. No significant difference was observed in progesterone (P4) levels between the groups (P > 0.05). It was found that pc administrations significantly increased beta C levels in GI than GII and GIII on the 7th and 14th days (P < 0.05). Discussion: One of the most common problems encountered in modern dairy production is the development of ovarian cysts. Treatments for ovarian cyst are numerous and variable, and have changed considerably over the years. In the present study, GnRH and PGF2 alpha were administered together as a combination, and as a result of this combined use, higher percentages were obtained for both pregnancy rate and fertility parameters in GI and GII, in comparison to the group administered with GnRH alone (GIII). Better outcome from combination therapy (GnRH and PGF2 alpha) may be due to the fact that luteal thickening in the walls of cysts was determined by ultrasonography, but P4 values were not identified immediately and the treatments were not categorized in accord with these values. No statistically significant differences were determined between GI and GII concerning the fertility parameters investigated, however numerical and proportional differences were observed. beta C levels were significantly higher on day 7 and 14 after treatment in GI which were administered beta C additionally to the treatment protocol for ovarian cysts. This statistical difference suggests that administration of beta c in combination therapy is also effective in the treatment of ovarian cysts. In conclusion, it was determined that high pregnancy rates were obtained by the combined treatment of ovarian cysts (GnRH + PGF2 alpha) and number of inseminations per conception were at desired limits. Better percentile and numerical fertility parameters were achieved in the group, which additionally received beta c, high numbers of infertility cases, beta c supplementation could be a viable option for treatment.Öğe Evaluation of vaginal smears, and progesterone and relaxin levels in pregnant, and overt and covert pseudopregnant bitches(2006) Alaçam, Erol; Özyurtlu, Nihat; Ay, Serhan SerhatBu çalışmada, köpeklerde gebelik, klinik ve klinik olmayan hayali gebelik olgularında fiziki değişiklikler, progesteron ve relaksin hormonu düzeyleri araştırıldı. Çalışmada 3-12 yaşlı ve 20 ± 2 kg ağırlığında, toplam 30 adet dişi köpek kullanıldı. Her grupta 10 dişi köpek değerlendirildi. Grup 1; gebeliğin son dönemindeki gebe köpekler, Grup 2 klinik hayali gebe ve Grup 3; diöstrusta (40-60 günler arası) hayali gebelik belirtisi göstermeyen dişi köpeklerden oluşturuldu. Klinik ve ultrasonografik muayenelerden sonra vaginal smear yapılarak gebelik ve siklik dönemleri belirlendi. Toplanan kan örneklerinde nitel relaksin ve nicel progesteron hormonu düzeyleri belirlendi. Grup 2 ve Grup 3'teki köpeklerin epitel hücrelerinin değerlendirilmesinde bazal, parabazal ve intermediyer hücrelerin süperfisiyel hücrelerden baskın olduğu belirlendi. Vaginal smear bulgularına göre Grup 2 ve Grup 3 arasında istatistiksel olarak benzerlik bulundu, buna ilaveten Grup 1 ve diğer gruplar arasında istatistiksel bir fark vardı. Grup 2 ve Grup 3'teki köpeklerde ortalama progesteron seviyesi benzer iken, Grup 1' deki progesteron seviyesi, Grup 2 ve Grup 3'e göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksekti (P < 0,01). ReproCHEK relaksin kiti ile yapılan değerlendirmelerde, gebe köpeklerde sonuçlar nitel olarak pozitif bulundu. Klinik ve klinik olmayan hayali gebe köpeklerden alınan tüm kan örneklerin sonuçlan ise negatif olarak saptandı. Gebe köpeklerde 40. günden sonra yüksek progesteron konsantrasyonu dikkate alınarak progesteron seviyesi ile gebelik teşhisi yapılabilir. Ancak, gebe köpeklerde 40. günden sonra progesteron konsantrasyonunun gebelik teşhisi açısından önemi düşüktür. Relaksin seviyesinin incelenmesi sonucu relaksinin yalnızca gebe köpeklerin kanında tespit edildiği görülmektedir. Gebe köpeklerde relaksin seviyesinde tespit edilen artış, klinik ve klinik olmayan hayali gebe köpeklerde görülmemektedir.Öğe İneklerde reprodüktif sürü idaresi programı kapsamında postpartum dönemin izlenmesi ve fertiliteye katkısı(2013) Kaya, Duygu; Ay, Serhan Serhat; Küçükaslan, İbrahim; Aslan, Selim; Ağaoğlu, Ali Reha; Gün, CanSunulan çalışmada, vücut kondisyon skoru (VKS) baz alınarak, düzenli yapılan postpartum (pp) kontrollerin ve tedavilerin sürü fertilitesi üzerine etkisi araştırıldı. Çalışmada 2-6 yaşlı, VKSsi 2.00-4.75 arasında olan 441 baş Holstein- Friesian ırkı inek, pp kontrolleri düzenli yapılan (GÇ; n=100) ve pp kontrolleri düzenli yapılmayan (GK; n=341) olmak üzere ikiye ayrıldı. Doğum anında ve pp 30 ve 45. gün kontrollerinde ineğin VKSsi, buzağının APGAR puanı, cinsiyeti ve doğum ağırlığı, doğumun niteliği (güç/normal) ve güçlük derecesi, yavru zarlarının atılma süresi, pp akıntının karakteri ve puerperal sorunlar kaydedildi. Yapılan düzenli kontrollerde belirlenen puerperal sorunlar uygun şekilde tedavi edildi. Çalışmada APGAR puanı en düşük (beş) olan buzağıların yaşama oranı da (%33.3) en düşük bulundu. Doğum güçlüğü dört olan hayvanların %77.8sinin VKS değerinin 3.25-4.75 arasında olduğu saptandı. Postpartum dönemde yüksek VKSli hayvanlarda (>3.50) endometritis (%46.6) ve subinvolüsyon (%66.7) oranlarının normal VKSli ineklerden (3.00-3.50) daha yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Postpartum kontrolleri düzenli yapılan grupta (GÇ) toplam gebelik oranı daha yüksek (P<0.05), doğum-ilk tohumlama aralığı ve doğum-gebe kalma aralığı daha kısa (P<0.001) bulundu. İnfertilite nedeniyle sürüden çıkarma oranı GÇde (%6.0) GKdan (%19.4) daha düşük bulundu (P<0.001). Sonuç olarak, işletmeye uygun şekilde reprodüktif sürü kontrol programının oluşturulup fertilite/infertilite kontrollerinin düzenli yapılmasının sürü reprodüktif performansını arttırdığı, herhangi bir pp sorun geliştiğinde yapılan kontrollerin ise reprodüktif performansı artırmada yeterli olmadığı ortaya koyuldu.Öğe Tarantula cubensis extract alters the degree of apoptosis and mitosis in canine mammary adenocarcinomas(Korean Soc Veterinary Science, 2015) Gultiken, Nilgun; Guvenc, Tolga; Kaya, Duygu; Agaoglu, Ali Reha; Ay, Serhan Serhat; Kucukaslan, Ibrahim; Emre, BirtenIn the present study, 13 clinical cases of canine mammary adenocarcinoma were evaluated in order to understand the effect of Tarantula cubensis extract (TOE) on tumor tissue. Punch biopsies were taken from the tumors before treatment with TOE. Subcutaneous injections of TOE were administered three times at weekly intervals (3 mL per dog). Between days 7 and 10 after the third injection, the tumor masses were extirpated by complete unilateral mastectomy. Pre- and post-treatment tumor tissues were immunohistochemically assessed. The expression of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl.2) was found to be higher in pre-treatment compared to post-treatment tissues (p <0.01) whereas Ki-67 expression was lower in post-treatment tissues (p < 0.01). No significant differences in fibroblast growth factor or vascular endothelial growth factor expression were observed between pre- and post-treatment tissues (p > 0.05). The apoptotic index was determined to be low before treatment and increased during treatment. These results suggest that TOE may be effective for controlling the local growth of canine mammary adenocarcinoma by regulating apoptosis.