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Öğe Bir Üniversite Hastanesi Tarafından Psödotümör Serebri Sendromu Tanısı Konan Hastaların Klinik ve Demografik Özellikleri(2017) Arslan, Demet; Arıkanoğlu, Adalet; Akıl, EşrefAmaç: Psödotümör serebri sendromu (PTSS) ventrikülomegali, intrakraniyal tümör veya kitle olmaksızın intrakraniyal basıncın (İKB) arttığı bir sendromdur. Bu çalışmada kliniğimizde PTSS tanısı ile takip edilen 34 hastanın yaş, cinsiyet dağılımı, semptomları, kraniyal manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları, etiyolojileri ve tedavileri tartışılmaktadır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada Ocak 2011 ile Ağustos 2016 tarihleri arasinda Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği`nde PTSS tanısı ile takip edilen 34 hasta gözden geçirildi. PTSS tanısı için revize edilmiş modifiye Dandy kriterleri kulanıldı.Bulgular: Olguların 31'inde (%91,2) baş ağrısı, 19'unda (%55,9) bulanık görme, 6'sında (%17,6) diplopi, 1'inde (%2,9) tinnitus, 1'inde (%2,9) yüzde uyuşma, 2'sinde (%5,9) vertigo yakınması vardı. Yirmi yedi hasta idiyopatik intrakraniyal hipertansiyon (İİH) olarak kabul edildi. Yirmi bir hastada (%61,8) etiyoloji saptanamadı. Altı hastada (%17,6) obezite, bunların 1 tanesinde yakın zamanda kilo alma öyküsü, 1 tanesinde de polikistik over sendromu saptandı. Yedi hastada sekonder PTSS düşünüldü. Sekonder sebepler olarak; 2 hastada (%5,9) Hashimoto tiroiditi, 1 hastada (%2,9), malignite nedeniyle all-trans retinoik asit kullanımı, 1 hastada (%2,9) koroid pleksus granülomu, 2 hastada (%5,9) sinüs trombozu, 1 hastada (%2,9) Ailesel Akdeniz Ateşi etiyolojik neden olarak saptandı.Sonuç: PTSS uzun yıllar önce tanımlanmış bir hastalık olamasına rağmen fizyopatolojisi ve kesin tedavisi hala netleşmemiştir. Tedavide en önemli amaç görme kaybının önlenmesi ve semptomların giderilmesidir. Patofizyolojinin aydınlatılmasıyla daha etkin tedavi yöntemleri geliştirilecektirÖğe Clinical and Demographic Features of Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome Diagnosed in a University Hospital(Turkish Neurological Soc, 2017) Arslan, Demet; Arikanoglu, Adalet; Akil, EsrefObjective: Pseudotumor cerebri syndrome (PTCS) is characterized by symptoms and signs of increased intracranial pressure without ventriculomegaly, intracranial tumor or mass. This study aimed to explore and analyze 34 patients with PTCS according to age, sex, symptoms of the disorder, cranial magnetic resonance images findings, etiology, and treatment. Materials and Methods: A total of 34 patients who were diagnosed as having PTCS and followed up between January 2011 and August 2016 by Dicle University Medical School Neurology Department were included in this study. PTCS was diagnosed in accordance with the modified Dandy criteria. Results: Thirty-four patients were identified as having PTCS. Twenty-one (91.2%) had headache, 19 (55.9%) had blurred vision, 6 (17.6%) had diplopia, 2 (5.9%) had vertigo, 1 (2.9%) had tinnitus, and 1 (2.9%) had numbness of the face. Twenty-seven patients were diagnosed as having idiopathic intracranial hypertension, 21 (61.8%) had no etiologic factors. Six (17.6%) patients were obese, one of whom had recently gained weight and another had polycystic ovary syndrome. Seven patients were thought to have secondary PTCS with the following etiologic factors: 2 (5.9%) patients had Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 1 (2.9%) had a history of all-trans retinoic acid intake due to a malignancy, 1 (2.9%) had choroid plexus granuloma, 2 (5.9%) had sinus venous thrombosis, and 1 (2.9%) had Familial Meditteranian Fever. Conclusion: Although PTCS was described many years ago, its physiopathology and exact treatment procedures are not clearly understood. The most important target of its treatment is to prevent loss of vision and improve symptoms. With a better understanding of its pathophysiology, effective treatment protocols will be developed.Öğe Comparison of Serum Malondialdehyde and Paraoxonase-1 Levels in Patients with Epilepsy with and without Status Epilepticus(Kafkas University, 2023) Dündar, Ahmet; Arslan, Demet; Uysal, Gülsüm Çelik; Yılmaz, AhmetAim: The underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in epilepsy are still not fully known. Paraoxonase (PON)-1 activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels are biomarkers used in the measurement of oxidative stress. Studies show that oxidative stress has a role in the pathophysiology of epilepsy. The aim of our study is to evaluate serum PON-1 activity and MDA levels in epilepsy patients with and without status epilepticus (SE). Materials and Method: The subjects included in the study were established in two groups. Group I: The patient diagnosed with status epilepticus (n=30), group II: 30 adult patients with epilepsy who were in the outpatient policlinic follow-up and were not in status were included in the study. Serum MDA levels and PON-1 activity were measured by spectrophotometric method in the biochemistry laboratory. Results: Serum MDA levels were found to be 86.8±32.4 nmol/ mL in patients with SE and 65.8±15.7 nmol/mL in patients without SE. Serum PON-1 activity was 180.8±28.3 U/L in patients with SE and 170.2±25.0 U/L in patients without SE. When patients with SE and patients without SE were compared, serum MDA levels were found to be higher than patients without SE and statistically significant (p0.05). Conclusion: The results of our study indicate that the oxidant/ antioxidant balance in the pathogenesis of status epilepticus has deteriorated in favor of oxidative stress and the antioxidant system cannot give an adequate response. Larger research should be conducted to evaluate the use of serum MDA levels as a biomarker.Öğe Echocardiographic Epicardial Fat Thickness and Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio Are Novel Inflammatory Predictors of Cerebral Ischemic Stroke(Elsevier Science Bv, 2014) Akil, Esref; Akil, Mehmet Ata; Varol, Sefer; Ozdemir, Hasan Huseyin; Yucel, Yavuz; Arslan, Demet; Akyuz, AbdurahmanBackground: The role of epicardial fat thickness (EFT) in ischemic stroke (IS) has not been previously investigated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate EFT and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) among patients with IS and to examine the relationship between these inflammatory markers and the incidence of IS. Methods: The cross-sectional design includes 38 patients with IS and 47 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Echocardiographic measurement of EFT was conducted according to previously published methods. An automated hematology analyzer was used to generate total and differential leukocyte counts from patient blood samples. Results: Mean EFT was 4.86 +/- .68 mm in the control group and 5.95 +/- 1.14 mm in the IS group. EFTwas significantly greater in the IS patients in relation to the control group (P < .001). Mean NLR was significantly greater among IS patients in relation to the control group (2.5 +/- .6 vs. 1.8 +/- .4, P < .001). No significant confounding factors were identified in the data set. Spearman's correlation analysis revealed a mild, but highly significant correlation between EFT and NLR (r = 5.293, P =.006). Conclusions: This study demonstrates for the first time the association between EFT and cerebral IS. Echocardiographic EFT was significantly correlated with NLR. NLR and echocardiographic EFT represent inexpensive and readily available clinical markers that maybe useful in estimating risk of IS.Öğe Effects of Ecballium elaterium on brain in a rat model of sepsis-associated encephalopathy(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Arslan, Demet; Ekinci, Aysun; Arici, Akgul; Bozdemir, Eda; Akil, Esref; Ozdemir, Hasan HuseyinDespite recent advances in antibiotic therapy, sepsis remains a major clinical challenge in intensive care units. Here we examined the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of Ecballium elaterium (EE) on brain, and explored its therapeutic potential in an animal model of sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) [induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)]. Thirty rats were divided into three groups of 10 each: control, sepsis, and treatment. Rats were subjected to CLP except for the control group, which underwent laparatomy only. The treatment group received 2.5 mg/kg EE while the sepsis group was administered by saline. Twenty-four hours after laparotomy, animals were sacrificied and the brains were removed. Brain homogenates were prepared to assess interleukin 1beta (IL-1 beta), interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and total oxidant status (TOS). Brain tissue sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) to semi-quantitatively examine the histopathologic changes such as neuron degeneration, pericellular/perivascular edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in the cerebral cortex. We found a statistically significant reduction in brain tissue homogenate levels of TNF-a 59.5 +/- 8.4/50.2 +/- 6.2 (p = 0.007) and TOS 99.3 +/- 16.9/82.3 +/- 7.8 (p = 0.01) in rats treated with EE; although interleukin 6 levels were increased in the treatment group compared to the sepsis group, this was not statistically significant. Neuronal damage (p = 0.00), pericellular/perivascular edema and inflammatory cell infiltration (p = 0.001) were also significantly lower in the treatment group compared to those in the sepsis group. These data suggest that Ecballium elaterium contains some components that exert protective effects against SAE in part by attenuating accumulation of proinflammatory cytokines, which may be important contributors to its anti-inflammatory effects during sepsis.Öğe The effects of needle deformation during lumbar puncture(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2015) Ozdemir, Hasan Huseyin; Demir, Caner F.; Varol, Sefer; Arslan, Demet; Yildiz, Mustafa; Akil, EsrefObjective: The aim of this study is to assess deformation of the tip and deflection from the axis of 22-gauge Quincke needles when they are used for diagnostic lumbar puncture (LP). Thus, it can be determined whether constructional alterations of needles are important for predicting clinical problems after diagnostic LP. Materials and Methods: The 22-gauge Quincke needles used for diagnostic LP were evaluated. A specially designed protractor was used for measurement and evaluation. Waist circumference was measured in each patient. Patients were questioned about headaches occurring after LP. Results: A total of 115 Quincke-type spinal needles used in 113 patients were evaluated. No deflection was detected in 38 (33.1%) of the needles. Deflection between 0.1 degrees and 5 degrees occurred in 43 (37.3%) of the needles and deflection >= 5.1 degrees occurred in 34 patients (29.6%). Forty-seven (41.5%) patients experienced post lumbar puncture headache (PLPH) and 13 (11.5%) patients experienced intracranial hypotension (IH). No statistically significant correlation between the degree of deflection and headache was found (P > 0.05). Epidural blood patch was performed for three patients. Deformity in the form of bending like a hook occurred in seven needles and IH occurred in six patients using these needles. Two of the needles used in three patients requiring blood patch were found to be bent. Conclusion: Deformation of needles may increase complications after LP. Needle deformation may lead to IH. In case of deterioration in the structure of the needle, termination of the puncture procedure and the use of a new needle could reduce undesirable clinical consequences, especially IH.Öğe Facial diplegia: etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation(Assoc Arquivos Neuro- Psiquiatria, 2015) Varol, Sefer; Ozdemir, Hasan Huseyin; Akil, Esref; Arslan, Demet; Aluclu, M. Ufuk; Demir, Caner F.; Yucel, YavuzObjective: Facial diplegia (FD) is a rare neurological manifestation with diverse causes. This article aims to systematically evaluate the etiology, diagnostic evaluation and treatment of FD. Method: The study was performed retrospectively and included 17 patients with a diagnosis of FD. Results: Patients were diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) (11), Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis (1), neurosarcoidosis (1), non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (1), tuberculous meningitis (1) herpes simplex reactivation (1) and idiopathic (1). In addition, two patients had developed FD during pregnancy. Conclusion: Facial diplegia is an ominous symptom with widely varying causes that requires careful investigation.Öğe Histopathological and Biochemical Effects of Ecballium elaterium on Sepsis-Induced Lung Injury(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2016) Demir, Melike; Taylan, Mahsuk; Kaya, Halide; Ekinci, Aysun; Arslan, Demet; Aslan, Emel; Keles, AysenurPurpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Ecballium elaterium (EE) on sepsis-induced lung injury. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 male rats were divided into three groups as follows: control, sepsis, and treatment groups (sepsis + EE) with each group containing 10 rats. A rat model of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) was used. In the treatment group, rats were injected intraperitoneally with 2.5mg/kg EE after CLP. Interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-, total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), and oxidative stress index (OSI) values after a 24-hr period were measured via cardiac puncture. Animals were harvested after the procedure and biochemical analysis was done and histopathological changes of the tissue sections of lungs were examined thereafter. Results: A statistically significant decrease was observed in the IL-6 (p < .05), TNF- (p < .05), and TOS (p < .01) levels in the sera of the treatment group compared to those of the sepsis group. Following the treatment, the TOS (p = .01) and OSI (p < .05) levels in the lung tissue of rats indicated a statistically significant decrease compared to those of the sepsis group. The histopathological follow-up undertaken after the administration of the EE treatment to septic rats showed significantly lower values of alveolar wall thickness (p < .001), interstitial edema (p = .018), and neutrophil infiltration (p = .047). Conclusion: EE treatment may have beneficial effects on sepsis-induced lung injury, and therefore has potential for clinical use.Öğe İdiopatik trombositopenik purpuralı bir olguda eltrombopag kullanımı ile ilişkili iskemik inme(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2016) Arslan, Demet; Kelkitli, EnginIdiopatik trombositopenik purpura (ITP) tedavisinde kullanılmakta olan eltrombopag gibi trombopoetin reseptör (TpoR) agonistlerinin iskemik serebrovasküler hastalık oluşturma riski nadir görülmektedir. 5 yıldır ITP tanısı ile takip edilen sağ hemiparezi ve afazi kliniği ile acil servise başvuran hastaya yapılan tetkikler sonucunda iskemik serebrovasküler hastalık tanısı konuldu. Olguda serebrovasküler hastalığın etyolojisi eltrombopag ile ilişkilendirildi. Bu olgunun nadir görülmesi nedeniyle literatür eşliğinde tartışıldı.Öğe The increase of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in Parkinson's disease(Springer-Verlag Italia Srl, 2015) Akil, Esref; Bulut, Aslihan; Kaplan, Ibrahim; Ozdemir, Hasan Huseyin; Arslan, Demet; Aluclu, Mehmet UfukThe role of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in Parkinson's disease (PD) has not been previously investigated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the serum level of carcinoembryonic antigen, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) among patients with Parkinson's disease and to examine the relationship between these inflammatory markers. The cross-sectional design includes 51 patients with Parkinson's disease and 50 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. We investigated the differences in hs-CRP, CEA, and NLR levels between these two groups. CEA was significantly higher in PD patients relative to the control group (mean 2.40 +/- A 1.51 vs. 1.72 +/- A 0.87 (ng/mL), respectively; p = 0.015). Mean NLR was significantly higher in PD patients relative to the control group (mean 3.1 +/- A 1.3 vs. 2.1 +/- A 0.32, respectively; p < 0.001). Serum level of hs-CRP was higher in PD patients than in control group (mean 1.04 +/- A 0.62 and 0.54 +/- A 0.31, respectively; p < 0.01). Correlation analysis revealed significant correlation between hs-CRP, CEA, and Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (p < 0.05). This study demonstrates for the first time the association between CEA, hs-CRP, NLR, and PD. We found CEA, hs-CRP, and NLR levels to be significantly higher in the PD patients than in the normal controls.Öğe Is There a Relationship between Consciousness and Epilepsy?(Edusoft Publishing, 2016) Bayram, Muhittin; Arslan, DemetThe aim of this article is to describe the relationship between consciousness and epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder which can be seen all over the world. It can be diagnosed by the brain's electrical activity (EEG). The determination of epileptic attacks by EEG signals is quite common in both clinical and research fields. During epileptic seizures, the brain dynamics that make up the graph consist of abnormalities in EEG signals. In this study, the relation between epilepsy and consciousness will be investigated by using wavelet entropy and artificial neural networks.Öğe Outcome of Long-Term Video-EEG Monitoring(Kare Publ, 2017) Arslan, DemetObjectives: Long-term video-electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring (VEM) is a diagnostic system used for many purposes, including the precise categorization of epileptic seizures, excluding non-epileptic seizures, and finding the seizure onset zone. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the importance of the use of VEM in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of epilepsy. Methods: Data of patients who were hospitalized in the video-EEG unit of Dicle University Neurology Department between 2012 and 2016 were retrospectively evaluated. The records of 245 patients that were of at least 24-hours duration were included in the study. Results: The mean duration of recording was 3.3 +/- 1.3 days. Clinically observed seizures were detected in 37.5% (n=92) of the patients. Of those, 21.2% (n=52) were evaluated as epileptic seizures and 16.3% (n=40) were defined as non-epileptic seizures. The proportion of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures was 14% (n=36). The mean length of the recording of the first seizure attack was 1.6 days. Interictal EEG abnormalities were found in 13.4% (n=33) of the patients. The mean duration of the disorder was 7.3 years. Conclusion: Medical history, physical examination, and routine EEG procedures can be misleading factors in the diagnosis of epilepsy. VEM is a crucial technique to differentiate diagnoses in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy and to precisely diagnose the seizure type and the epileptic syndrome.Öğe THE PLASMA LEVEL OF PARATHORMON AND HOMOCYSTEINE IN MIGRAINE PATIENTS; ANOTHER ASPECT ON MIGRAINE-STROKE ASSOCIATON(Carbone Editore, 2015) Varol, Sefer; Akil, Esref; Yunce, Muharrem; Kaplan, Brahim; Ozdemir, Hasan Huseyin; Arslan, Demet; Yilmaz, AhmetThe pathogenesis of migraine has been well studied and it is associated with oxidative stress, neurogenic inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have focused on the impact of the parathormone (PTH) and homocysteine levels in migrane patients. To determine migraine-stroke association, our study focused on the levels of PTH and homocysteine in the blood of migraine patients. Fifty five migraine patients in the presence or absence of aura were included. The patients in the migraine group were divided into subgroups: (I) migraine in the attack period (with and without aura) (n = 23), and (II) migraine in the interictal period (with and without aura) (n = 32). As a control, 30 healthy volunteers were also enrolled in the study. As a result, we found that PTH and homocysteine levels of the migraine patients were increased significantly when compared with healthy volunteers (p = 0.001). The PTH and homocysteine levels of the patients with aura were higher than patients without aura in the migraine group (p < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences between PTHIhomocysteine levels and migraine duration or migraine attack frequency (p > 0.05). There was a positive correlation between PTH and homocysteine levels in the migraine patients (p = 0.001, r = 0.49). To summarize, we found statistically significant increases in PTH and homocysteine blood levels of migraine patients versus healthy volunteers. These results may help to understand the pathogenesis of migraine ischemia, and potentially identify new prognostic markers for this condition.Öğe Santral Sinir Sistemi Tutulumunun Eşlik Ettiği Bir Miliyer Tüberküloz Olgusu(2016) Şenyiğit, Abdurrahman; Arslan, Demet; Demir, Melike; Yılmaz, Süreyya; Taylan, Mahşuk; Aslan, EmelTüberkuloz (TB), hala dünyada ve ülkemizde önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Yaygın TB'de nörolojik tutulum nadir de olsa görülebilmektedir. Nörotüberkülozda sıklıkla TB menenjit, daha az oranlarda intrakranyal tüberkülomlar da eşlik edebilir. Bu makalede, miliyer TB tanısı konduktan kısa bir süre sonra nörolojik semptomları gelişen hasta, menenjit ile birlikte daha nadir görülen intrakranyal tüberkülomların da eşlik etmesi nedeniyle sunulduÖğe Uzun Süreli Video-EEG Monitörizasyon Sonuçları(2017) Arslan, DemetAmaç: Uzun süreli video-EEG monitörizasyonu (VEM); epilepsi nöbetlerini sınıflamak, non-epileptik nöbetleri ayırt etmek ve nöbet başlangıç alanını saptamak gibi çok çeşitli durumlarda kullanılan faydalı bir tanı yöntemidir. Bu çalışmada epilepsi tanı ve ayırıcı tanısında VEM uygula-masının önemini vurgulamayı amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntem: Dicle Üniversitesi Nöroloji Kliniği Video EEG Ünitesi’nde 2012–2016 yılları arasında yatmış olan hastaların VEM raporları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. En az 24 saatlik kayıtlar dikkate alınarak toplam 245 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi.Bulgular: Ortalama kayıt süresi 3.3±1.3 gün idi. Doksan iki hastada (%37.5) klinik olarak nöbet gözlendi. Bunların 52’si (%21.2) epileptik, 40’ı (%16.3) non-epileptik nöbetler olarak değerlendirildi. Psikojen non-epileptik nöbet (PNEN) oranı %14 (36 hasta) olarak saptandı. İlk nöbetin kaydedilme zamanı ortalama olarak 1.6 gün idi. Otuz üç hastada (%13.4) interiktal EEG’de anormallik saptandı. Ortalama hastalık süresi 7.3 yıl idi. Sonuç: Epilepsi hastalarının tanısında öykü, muayene, rutin EEG ile sınırlı kalındığında yanılma ihtimalinin olabileceğini, tedaviye dirençli olgularda PNEN ayırıcı tanısı için, nöbet tipi ve epileptik sendromun kesin tanısı için VEM yapılmasının önemli olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.