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Öğe Determining the effect of an electromagnetic field generated by a high voltage power line on rat spermatogonia cells(Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2018) Yavaş, Mehmet Cihan; Akpolat, Veysi; Deveci, Engin; Bilgin, Hakkı Murat; Kaplan, İbrahim; Şeker, Uğur; Yıldız, İsmail; Alkış, Mehmet Eşref; Çelik, Mustafa Salih; Akdağ, Mehmet ZülküfAbstract:Objective: Purpose of the study was to research the effect of an electromagnetic field created by a high voltage line onthe testes tissue and the serum biochemistry of Wistar albino male rats. At the same time, in the study also examinedthe protective effects of melatonin and ganoderma lucidum.Methods: In the study, 64 rats were divided into eight equal groups (n: 8). In experiments lasting 26 and 52 days, thefollowing groups were used: High voltage (HV), HV + Ganoderma lucidum (GI), HV + Melatonin (MEL), and Shamcontrol.MEL (10 mg/kg) was administered intraperitoneally and GI (20 mg/kg) as oral lavage. Extremely lowfrequency electric (80.3 V/m) and magnetic fields (2.48 µT) were applied for eight hours per day. Results: The biochemical results of the study show an increase in total oxidant status (TOS) and oxidative stress index(OSI) level and a decrease in total antioxidant status (TAS) level in the 26 and 52 day high voltage groups, comparedto the control group. In the high voltage groups, the nitric oxide (NO) value increased with the increase of theexposure period. Testicular mass (p>0.05), TAS, TOS, OSI and NO (p<0.05) were found at 26 days of comparison.Testicular weight, TAS, TOS, OSI (p<0.05), and NO (p>0.05) were found in 52 day comparisons. In routinehistopathology data, we detected effects on both the 26 and 52 day HV groups, such as degeneration in spermatic cellsand full structural deterioration and increasing hyalinisation. We also detected an step up in the ligament cell in thetubular field for the 52-day test groups. In melatonin added group, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positivecells were more active. TUNEL assay analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the the 26 dayexperiment groups (p>0.05), but that there was a significant dissimilarity between the 52 day experiment groups(p<0.05).Conclusions: In our study, the oxidative effect of created by a high voltage results in changes in serum biochemistry ofrats and a number of degenerative deterioration in the histological structure of testes. Aslo, it is shown that theoxidative effect created by a high voltage has negative effects on the creation of spermatogonia. GI partly protectsagainst these effects, while melatonin is more effective in this regard.Öğe The effects of high voltage transmission line on humans(1992) Çelik, Mustafa Salih; Daşdağ, S.; Akdaǧ, Zülküf; Kaya, Halil; Aydınol, Belkıs; Tekeş, Selahattin; Balcı, K.; Akşen, Feyzan; Kaya, Abdurrahman; Sert, C.; 0000-0003-1211-9677; 0000-0003-2005-6100In this study, we investigated the effects of High Voltage Transmission Lines (HVTL) on people who work and live in such areas. The study was carried out on 51 persons from 15 to 50 years of age ex-posed to electric field. First, we gave out a questionnaire to everybody under investigation. We established that these people most often suffer from headache, irritability, fatigue, stress and shock. Secondly, we determined 23 parameters of their blood serum. The levels of ALP, Na, Cl, total protein, albumin, Group Specific Component, ceruloplasmin and albumin/globulin ratio were found especially significant.Öğe The effects of long-term exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on bone formation in ovariectomized rats(Wiley, 2012) Çelik, Mustafa Salih; Gür, Ali; Akdağ, Zülküf; Akpolat, Veysi; Güven, Kemal; Çelik, Yusuf; Saraç, Aysegül Jale; Otçu, Selçuk; 0000-0002-2435-7800; 0000-0002-0181-3746; 0000-0003-2849-4033The effects of long-term extremely low-frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) exposure on bone formation and biochemical markers were investigated in ovariectomized rats. Sixty mature female SpragueDawley rats were randomly divided into four different groups (n?=?15): (i) unexposed control (CTL); (ii) ovariectomized only (OVX); (iii) non-ovariectomized, exposed (SHAM?+?ELF-MF); and (iv) ovariectomized, exposed (OVX?+?ELF-MF). The third and fourth groups were exposed to 1.5?mT ELF-MF for 4?h a day for 6 months. Bone mineral density (BMD) was determined using dual energy X-ray absorption (DEXA) measurements. The formation and resorption of bone were evaluated using bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP), osteocalcin, osteoprotogerin, and N-telopeptide. After 6 months of ELF-MF therapy, BMD values were significantly lower in the OVX group and higher in the OVX?+?ELF-MF and SHAM?+?ELF-MF groups than they were before therapy (P?Öğe Investigation of The Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on SerumParaoxonase (PON1)(2021) Kaplan, İbrahim; Çelik, Mustafa Salih; Yavaş, Mehmet Cihan; Akdağ, Mehmet ZülküfINTRODUCTION: The widespread use of electrical devices inthe society and being in close contact with these devices causeboth anxiety and affect public health. The aim of this study is toinvestigate whether high voltage induced electromagnetic fieldexposure on different days affects serum paraoxanase 1activity of rats. METHODS: The study included 24 adult male wistar albinorats, weighing 320 grams on average. They were randomlygrouped into 3 as n: 8. Group 1: Sham-control, Group 2: 26days High voltage (HV) and Group 3: 52 days HV. The rats inthe 26-day and 52-day experimental groups (Groups I, II)received electric and magnetic fields for 8 hours each day. RESULTS: We found a decrease in paraoxonase (PON1)activity in the 26- and 52-day high-voltage exposure groupcompared to the control group. A statistically significant(p=0.000) change was found between the groups. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: :Our study suggests thatthe exposure to high voltage line may cause a reduction ofparaoxonase 1 activity. We've noticed that short-termexposures, compared to long-term ones, may lead to lowerparaoxonase 1 activity. Therefore, our study also points to theimportance of further research in this regard.Öğe Neurologic and biochemical findings and CD4/CD8 ratio in people occupationally exposed to RF and microwave(1992) Daşsağ, S.; Balcı, K.; Çelik, Mustafa Salih; Batun, Sabri; Kaplan, Abdurrahman; Bolaman, Zahit; Tekeş, Selahattin; Akdaǧ, Zülküf; 0000-0003-1211-9677In this study, we investigated the biological effects of RF (Radio Frequency) and microwave in terms of neurological and biochemical findings, and CD4/CD8 ratio in people that work at broadcasting and television transmitter stations. The study was carried out on 26 people from 20 to 49 years of age, occupationally exposed to nonionizing radiation. First we gave out a questionnaire consisting of 12 questions to everybody under investigation. Secondly, we determined the levels of ALT, AST, LDH, ALP, CK, phosphorus, total protein, albumin cholesterol, uric acid, urea, creatinin, Na, K, and NSE (Neuron Specific Enolase), and also CD4/CD8, albumin/globulin ratios and percentage of serum proteins. The results obtained in this study were statistically compared to a control group.Öğe The protective effects of vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin E+ glutathion on the sperm number, sperm form and testes of irradiated rats(2000) Akdağ, Zülküf; Deniz, Mustafa; Ketani, Aydın; Çelik, Mustafa Salih; Sert, CemilBu çalışmada, X-lşınlarının neden olduğu hasarlara karşı, Vitamin C, Vitamin E ve Vitamin E+Glutathion karışımının koruyucu etkileri araştırıldı. 200-220 gr ağırlığında, toplam 50 Wistar Albino rat beş gruba ayrılarak kullanıldı. Lgrup sham grubu, 2. grup yal¬nızca ışınlanan grup, 3,4,5. gruplar radioprotektif ajan verilen ve sonradan ışınlanan deney gruplarıydı. Rafları radyasyona maruz bırakmazdan önce 3. gruba Vit C(400mg/kg/gün), 4.gruba Vit E (400 mg/kg/gün), 5.gruba Vit E+glutathion (400+400 mg/kg/gün) 15 gün süreyle verildi. Tüm deney guru¬pları ve kontrol gurubu 8.9 Gy X-lşınına maruz bırakıldı. Radyasyona maruz bırakıldıktan bir gün sonra tüm raflar sakrifiye edildi. Sertoli ve Leydig hücreleri, spermatogonia hücre histopatolojisi ve sperm hücrelerinin anormalliği kontrol edildi. Yalnızca ışınlanmış grupta, Leydig ve spermatogonia hücre sayısında azalma, Sertoli hücre sayısında artış gözlendi. Deney gruplarında Sertoli hücre sayısındaki artış devam ederken, Leydig ve spermatogonia hücre sayısında azalma gözlendi. Kontrol grubuna kıyasla, yalnızca ışınlanmış grupta sperm sayısı ve anormalliğinde belirgin bir değişim gözlendi. Ancak, bu değişimler yalnızca ışınlanmış gruba kıyasla, Vitamin C, Vitamin E ve Vitamin E+Glutathion uygulanan gruplarda gözlenmedi.Öğe Whole body exposure of rats to microwaves emitted from cell phone does not affect the testes(Wiley, 2003) Daşdağ, Süleyman; Akdaǧ, Mehmet Zülküf; Akşen, Feyzan; Yılmaz, Fahri; Başhan, Mehmet; Daşdağ, M. Mutlu; Çelik, Mustafa Salih; 0000-0003-1211-9677; 0000-0001-7965-6229; 0000-0002-1228-9548The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of radiofrequency radiation emitted from cellular phones on the lipid composition, malondialdehyde concentration, p53 immune reactivity, sperm count, morphology, histological structure of testes, and on rectal temperature of rats exposed to microwave radiation emitted from cellular phones. Sixteen Spraque-Dawley rats were separated into two groups of eight, sham exposed (control) and experimental. The rats were confined in plexiglas cages specially designed for this study, and cellular phones were placed 0.5 cm under the cages. For the experimental group, cellular phones were activated 20 min per day (7 days a week) for 1 month. For the control group, the cellular phones were placed beneath the cages for 20 min a day, but the phones were turned off. Rectal temperatures were measured weekly. For 250 mW radiated power, the whole body average SAR (rms) is 0.52 W/kg and 1 g averaged peak SAR (rms) is 3.13 W/kg. The Mann-Whitney U-test was used for statistical comparisons of groups. No statistically significant alteration in any of the endpoints was noted. This study found no evidence suggesting an adverse effect of cell phone exposure on measures of testicular function or structure. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.