The relationship between coagulation factor XI levels and cardiac syndrome X in patients with diabetes mellitus
Cardiac syndrome X (CSX) is a characterized with normal epicardial coronary arteries and exertional angina pectoris. The aim of this study was to measure the levels of coagulation factor XI (F XI) and XII (F XII) to compare the intrinsic coagulation pathway activities in DM patients with and without CSX. A total of 50 Type 2 DM patients with CSX diagnosed by non-invasive tests accompanied with coronary angiography, and control group of 51 Type 2 DM patients matching with the CSX group in terms of age and sex were included in the study. F XII levels were tended to be higher in patient group than controls [107 ± 26 vs 99 ± 21 IU/dL; p = 0.124, respectively]. Moreover F XI levels were found to be significantly higher in CSX patient group compared to the controls [130 ± 23 IU/dL vs 118 ± 17 IU/dL; p = 0.005, respectively]. This study demonstrates that intrinsic coagulation pathway of DM patients with CSX is more active than those without CSX. It is also suggested that hypercoagulability may play an important role in the pathogenesis of CSX.