Cutaneous and scalp metastases of pancreatic carcinoma: Case report
Pancreatic carcinomas are very rapidly progressing tumors. Approximately 50% patients with newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer have many kinds of metastases. The most frequent sites of metastasis of the pancreatic carcinomas are the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, adrenal glands, kidneys and bones. Cutaneous metastases from pancreatic adenocarcinomas are very rare, far less common sites of pancreatic metastases are the scalp and skull metastases. The most common site of cutaneous metastasis is the umbilicus, there are scant reports of pancreatic cutaneous metasta sis at nonumbilical areas. In the literature, togetherness of cutaneous, scalp and skull metastases have not usually been reported and in our interesting case, we present these rare metastases together. Copyright © 2011 by Türkiye Klinikleri.