Close contacts examination and chemoprophylaxis care level of Diyarbakir no 1 tuberculosis control dispensary
The preventive chemothreapy is important for preventing of tuberculosis in the close contacts. This regard the close contacts of tuberculosis patients are evaluated carefuly. In this study we investigated retrospectively 1986 close contacts of 360 tuberculosis patients who registered Diyarbakir No. 1 Tuberculosis Control Dispensary. In the tuberculosis patients, the mean age 31.5±16.1 years, 218 (% 60.6) cases were male and 142 (% 39.4) cases were female. Examinations reasons of tuberculosis patients were as 280 (% 77.8) and 74 (% 20.6) individual examination and close contact examination, respectively. It was found that index cases were as % 75 of pulmonary tuberculosis and % 25 extra pulmonary tuberculosis. Pulmonary tuberculosis cases were as % 63.7 of smear positive % 36.3 of smear negative. In the close contacts, the mean age 20.2±16.9 years, 948 (% 47.8) cases were male and 1038 (% 52.2) cases were female. It was found that mean 5.51±2.96 close contacts per a tuberculosis patient were recorded. It was found that examination was not made in the 596 (% 30) cases of close contacts. The number of examinated cases of close contacts was 1390. Examination results in the examinated cases were as follows respectively: preventive chemothreapy was applied in 264 (% 18.9) of the cases; active tuberculosis disease were determinated in 32 (% 2.3) of the cases; BCG was applied in 92 (% 6.7) of the cases; second control examination was suggested in 14 (% 1.1) of the cases. Preventive chemothreapy should be applied in 631 (% 45.4) of the examinated close contacts according to National Tuberculosis Guideline. However, it was found that preventive chemothreapy was not applied. It was determinated that the examinated rate was decreased because of the index cases were uneducated and unemployed and the examinated rate was not decreased because of the index cases were uninsured. Conclusion: Some defects were established in the care of tuberculosis control dispensary. It is thought the defects can be corrected by means of the application National Tuberculosis Guideline and the increasing education activities.