Cultural possibilities of some economically important geophytes under semi-arid ecological conditions of the south-east Anatolia, Turkey
Turkey, hosts a variety of around 11000 plant species including indigenous bulbous plants of importance. There is lack of scientific research regarding their unique pharmacological compounds and cultivation techniques. Flower industry as cut flowers, indoor, outdoor and garden plants is becoming more important in modern-day Turkey. There is need to develop techniques for multiplication of flowering geophythes by encouraging scientific research and protecting them from extinction by introduction into new areas. The study reports cultivation possibilities of some important Turkish bulbous plants, Sternbergia clusiana, Fritillaria imperialis, F. Persica, Crocus sativus, Amaryllis sp., Galanthus woronovii, Hyacinthus orientalis, Iris sp., Narcissus tazetta, N. pseudonarcissus and Tulipa sp. widely exported abroad under and conditions of Diyarbakyr, south-eastern Anatolian Turkey. Analysis of results for various growth parameters showed that all of these plant species could be successfully cultivated and grown under and conditions profitably with good economic outturn.