Application of Modified BCR Sequential Extraction Method for the Fractionation and ICP-OES Determination of Copper in Asphaltite Combustion Waste
Asphaltite is derived from petroleum-origin solid fossil fuel. It contains many elements in different forms which may change during the combustion process. This study presents a modified BCR sequential extraction method for the fractionation of copper (Cu) in asphaltite combustion waste (ACW) into four forms (exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable, and residual) and determination by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The 327.393 nm line was used because it offers highest detectability and is free from major spectral interferences. A two-stage microwave acid digestion program was used for preparation of the samples. The total Cu concentration in the ACW was 104.56 mg kg(-1) dry weight (d.w). The most abundant copper fraction in the studied ACW samples was found as residual fraction of Cu (59.94 mg kg(-1) d.w.). The relative abundances of the remaining Cu fractions in ACW were as follows: exchangeable + water- and acid-soluble (19.07 mg kg(-1) d.w.) > oxidizable (17.49 mg kg(-1)' d.w.) > reducible (7.65 mg kg(-1) d.w.). The results were found to be in good agreement with the certified values. The advantages of the technique include a high degree of automation, good reproducibility, and short analysis time, which makes it the method of choice for the fractionation of Cu.