Analysis of cancer cases from Dicle University Hospital; ten years' experience Analysis of cancer cases
Aim: Cancer is the most common mortality and morbidity reason in the world. In Turkey cancer prevalence is high, and the treatment is expensive. The most important step in preventing and treating cancer is an early diagnosis. We aimed to contribute to the literature by specifying the common cancer types and etiological factors present in Diyarbakir region. Material and Method: Archived biopsy reports of patients diagnosed with malignant cancers after histopathological evaluation were studied retrospectively. The cases were dated between 2001 and 2010 and were all taken from the Dicle University Medical Faculty Hospital. Results: In total, 3624 cases were examined according to age, gender, year, location, and pathological diagnosis. Of the patients, 41.7% of the cases were female, and 58.3% were male. The average age of the patients was 54.8 years, and the most frequent age of cancer occurring were between 51-60 years (26.7%). In the pathological results distribution, the years that had the most cancer cases were 2006 and 2007. In general, the most frequent cancer location was lung (11.9%). In terms of specific types of cancers, the most frequent type was adenocarcinoma (24.1 %). Discussion: The most common type in both genders was adenocarcinoma, and it was found that the most common cancer location was the lung. Our study found that cancer was common in older age groups. We tried to determine the most frequent cancer types in the area by using data from Diyarbakir region.