Posterior Chamber Lens Implantation With Scleral Fixation in Children With Traumatic Cataract
Purpose: To evaluate the outcomes of posterior chamber lens implantation with scleral fixation (SF-PCIOL) in children with traumatic cataract. Methods: Twenty-four eyes of 24 cases were included. All patients had corneal or corneoscleral lacerations that were primarily repaired. Traumatic cataract subsequently developed and SF-PCIOL was performed due to insufficient posterior capsule support. Results: The average age of the patients was 5.8 years (range: 4 to 10 years). All cases had SF-PCIOL implanted via internal route using triangular double scleral flaps made of 9-0 polypropylene after a complete anterior vitrectomy. Average follow-up was 14.6 +/- 4.3 months range: 11 to 18 months). Visual acuity was increased at the last visit in 23 (96%) patients. Common postoperative complications were fibrinous reaction in 6 (25%) patients, transient intraocular pressure increase in 4 (17%) patients, membrane formation requiring removal in 1 (4%) patient, transient intraocular hemorrhage as vitreous hemorrhage in 1 (4%) patient, and retinal detachment in 1 (4%) patient after the postoperative second month. Conclusion: SF-PCIOL is an effective and reliable method in patients with pediatric traumatic cataract who had insufficient posterior capsule support.