The geomorphology of the Ilısu Dam impact area that lies within the province of Batman
Kozbe, G. ve Karadoğan, S. (2018). The geomorphology of the Ilısu Dam impact area that lies within the province of Batman. Feriha Baş, (Ed.), Ilısu Barajı Kurtarma Kazıları (Batman Museum, Ilısu Dam Excavation) içinde, (, BAtman: Batman MuseumAbstract
The research titled “The Geomorphology of Batman Province, Raman-Gercüş and Kıra
Mountain-Garzan Anticlines, Tigris River,Garzan Valley and Environs” was carried out
based on the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and
Museums’ letter dated 01.10.2014 (no: 190572) and approval on 01.10.2014 (no: 189745)
in accordance with the scope of the “Documentation and Salvage of Cultural Assets within
the Impact Area of the Ilısu Dam and HEPP Project”. The research was directed by the
Batman Museum Directorate under the scientifıc consultancy of Prof. Gülriz KOZBE,
Batman University, and the fıeld and scientifıc support of Assoc. Prof Sabri
KARADOĞAN, Dicle University. Other than those sites that could not be visited due to
compelling reasons, the physical scope of the research focused on the main body of the
Tigris River and nearby valleys, covering an area between Batman Stream in the west,
Kıra Mount in the north, Garzan Valley and Kendalan Anticlines in the east, and the axis
along West and East Raman-Gercüş and Hasankeyf in the south. A team1 of archaeologists,
art historians and geographers worked almost continuously for 15 months.