Kiliç, AhmetUysal, Ersin2025-03-082025-03-0820242618-6136 study was supported by Dicle University (DÜBAP-14-FF-73 and DÜBAP FEN.17.029).Abstract This research was carried out to determine the reproduction, death and loss numbers of northern bald ibises living in Birecik (Şanlıurfa). The research was continued for 11 years. Northern bald ibises are an endangered species. Northern bald ibises breed freely in nature in Birecik. They are placed in cages at the end of June. They live in a cage for eight months. The reproductive ability of the population is high (2012-2022: 782 offspring). But the total number of the population is increasing very slowly. The number of offspring deaths is high (2012-2022: 267 dead offsprings). Mortality occurs in the first two weeks of the offsprings. Adult deaths and losses occur for different reasons (2012-2022: 246 adult individuals). Measures to be taken can prevent offspring deaths. There is a need for regulation in feeding and cage conditions. A second northern bald ibis breeding station should be established. In order to keep the population alive, it should be aimed to increase the number of northern bald ibises. Allowing northern bald ibises to migrate causes individuals to perish. Scientific methods need to be applied to accustom people to migration. Expert personnel (biologist or veterinarian) should be assigned to the station throughout the year.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNorthern Bald IbisGeronticus eremitanumber of offspringoffspring deathsadult lossesNORTHERN BALD IBIS POPULATION DYNAMICS-TÜRKIYE (2012-2022)Article10212614310.51477/mejs.1586327