Nur, Bilge GülsümOk, EvrenAltunsoy, MustafaAğlarcı, Osman SamiÇolak, MehmetGüngör, Enes2024-04-242024-04-242014Nur, B. G., Ok, E., Altunsoy, M., Ağlarcı, O. S., Çolak, M., Güngör, E. ve diğerleri. (2014). Evaluation of the root and canal morphology of mandibular permanent molars in a south-eastern Turkish population using cone-beam computed tomography. European Journal of Dentistry, 8(2), 154-159.1305-7456 The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the root and canal morphology of the mandibular first and second permanent molars in a Turkish population using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: CBCT images of mandibular first (n = 966) and second molar (n = 1165) teeth from 850 Turkish patients were evaluated. The root canal configurations were classified according to the method of Vertucci. The data were analyzed by Pearson's Chi-square test. Results: The majority of mandibular molars were two rooted with three canals; however, three roots were identified in 0.05% of the first molars and 0.01% of the second molars, and 100% of the additional root canals were of type I configuration. Mesial roots had more complex canal systems with more than one canal, whereas most distal roots had a type I configuration. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that CBCT scanning provides supplemental information about the root canal configurations of mandibular molars in a Turkish population. This study may help clinicians in the root canal treatment of mandibular molars.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCone-Beam computed tomographyMandibular permanent molarsRoot and canal morphologySouth-Eastern Turkish populationEvaluation of the root and canal morphology of mandibular permanent molars in a south-eastern Turkish population using cone-beam computed tomographyEvaluation of the root and canal morphology of mandibular permanent molars in a south-eastern Turkish population using cone-beam computed tomographyArticle821541592-s2.0-8489868271510.4103/1305-7456.130584Q1