Basbag, SemaEkinci, RemziGencer, Oktay2024-04-242024-04-2420082148-9297 research was conducted at the Dicle University Faculty of Agriculture Experimental Area of Field Crops. The objectives of the study were to investigate the heterotic effects of earliness and agronomical and quality characters on F-1 and F-2 generations of cotton plant. In 2003, F-1 generation, and in 2004 F-2 generation were obtained, and in 2005, F-1 and F-2 generations were grown with parents in randomized block design with three replications. The highest heterosis was observed in the monopodial branch (-58.33%), and number of first sympodial branch (-30.85%), height of first sympodial branch (-13.87%), date of first square (-13.87%). However, the highest F-2 depression and F-2 deviations were determined the same characters.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCottonHeritabilityYieldQualityHeterosisHeterotic Effects and Analyses of Correlation Relating to Some Characters on CottonHeterotic Effects and Analyses of Correlation Relating to Some Characters on CottonArticle142143147WOS:00026244990000810.1501/Tarimbil_0000000504N/A