Bayram, LeylaGürsoy, SongülÖzaslan, Cumali2025-03-082025-03-082024Bayram, L., Gürsoy, S ve Özaslan, C. (2024). Effects of various soil tillage and herbicide applications on yield and weedsin chickpea production. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34(4), 690-699.1308-75761308-7584 effects of various tillage methods and herbicide applications on crop yield and broadleaf weeds in chickpea production were investigated. For this reason, a 3-year (2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 chickpea growing season) field experiment was conducted in Diyarbakır region, Türkiye. The experiments were laid out in split-plot design with three replications, in which tillage methods [moldboard plow+cultivator (MP+C), disc harrow+cultivator (DH+C) and cultivator (C)] were main plots, and herbicide applications [pre-emergence (Pre), post-emergence (Post), pre-emergence+post-emergence (Pre+Post), Weed-free check, weedy check] were sub-plots. The higher grain yield was observed under MP+C than DH+C and C treatments although the difference among tillage treatments was not significant in the 2020-21 and 2022-23 production seasons. Among the herbicide applications, the highest grain yield was found at the pre-emergence herbicide treatment following the weed-free check plots. When the treatments were evaluated in terms of their effects on weed observations, it was observed that tillage with moldboard plow and pre-emergence herbicide application were more effective in controlling weeds.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTillageHerbicideWeedYieldEffects of various soil tillage and herbicide applications on yield and weeds in chickpea productionArticle34469069910.29133/yyutbd.1522307