Uludüz, Derya UğurluSahin, SevkiDuman, TaskinÖztürk, ŞerefnurYayla, Vildan AyşeAfşar, NazireNevzat, UzunerMidi, İpekÇınar, NilgünSungur, Mehmet AliDomaç, Füsun Maydaİnce, BirsenGöksan, BakiMısırlı, Cemile HandanBakar, MustafaKozak, Hasan HüseyinÇolakoǧlu, SenaKarahan, Ali YavuzGöksu, Eylem ÖzaydınÖzdağ, Fatih MehmetŞenol, Mehmet GüneyYürekli, Vedat AliAluçlu, UfukDemir, SerkanKüçükoğlu, HayriyeOruç, SerdarYesilot, NiluferKüsbeci, Özge YılmazNazlıel, BijenTokuç, Firdevs Ezgi UcanBektaş, HesnaTaşçılar, Fatma NidaAytaç, EmrahGökçe, MustafaÇaǧlayan, Hale Zeynep BaturTüfekçi, AhmetUzuner, Gülnur TekgölÖrken, Dilek NecioǧluYalın, Özgür OsmanUtku, UygarYılmaz, ArdaGenc, HamitÇabalar, MuratMilanlıoğlu, AyselEkmekçi, Hakan AhmetZeydan, BurcuBaybaş, SevimKablan, YükselGöksel, Başak KarakurumAçıkgöz, MustafaKurucu, HaticeDemirci, SedenGüneş, Taşkın2021-08-092021-08-092020Uludüz, D. U., Sahin, S., Duman, T., Öztürk, Ş., Yayla, V. A., Afşar, N. ve diğerleri. (2020). Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in Women: Subgroup Analysis of the VENOST Study. Stroke Research and Treatment, 2020, 8610903.2090-8105https://www.hindawi.com/journals/srt/2020/8610903/https://hdl.handle.net/11468/7266WOS:000570429300001PMID: 32953038ackground. Early diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) associated with reproductive health-related risk factors (RHRF) including pregnancy, puerperium, and oral contraceptive (OC) use can prevent severe neurological sequelae; thus, the symptoms must be documented in detail for each group. Methods. Out of 1144 patients with CVST, a total of 777 women were enrolled from a multicenter for the study of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (VENOST). Demographic, biochemical, clinical, and radiological aspects were compared for 324 cases with RHRF and 453 cases without RHRF. Results. The mean age of the RHRF (-) group (43.2 ± 13 years) was significantly higher than of the RHRF (+) group (34±9 years). A previous history of deep venous thrombosis (3%), isolated cavernous sinus involvement (1%), cranial neuropathy (13%), comorbid malignancy (7%), and its disability scores after 12 months (9%) were significantly higher in the RHRF (-) group. The RHRF (+) group consisted of 44% cases of puerperium, 33% cases of OC users and 23% of pregnant women. The mean age was found to be higher in OC users (38±9 years). A previous history of deep venous thrombosis was slightly higher in the pregnancy subgroup (4%). Epileptic seizures were more common in the puerperium group (44%). Conclusion. The results of our study indicate that the risk of CSVT increases parallel to age, OC use, and puerperium period. In addition, when considering the frequency of findings and symptoms, epileptic seizures in the puerperium subgroup of the RHRF (+) group and malignancies in the RHRF (-) group may accompany the CSVT. In daily practice, predicting these risks for the CSVT and early recognition of the symptoms will provide significant benefits to patients.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAdultArticleCerebral sinus thrombosisComorbidityComputer assisted tomographyControlled studyCranial neuropathyDeep vein thrombosisDigital subtraction angiographyDisabilityFemaleHumanMagnetic resonance venographyMajor clinical studyMalignant neoplasmNuclear magnetic resonance imagingOral contraceptive usePregnant womanPuerperiumReproductive healthRisk factorSeizureCerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in Women: Subgroup Analysis of the VENOST StudyCerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in Women: Subgroup Analysis of the VENOST StudyArticle20208610903WOS:0005704293000012-s2.0-850914399773295303810.1155/2020/8610903Q3N/A