Uğurlu, PelinSatar, Elif İpekÜnlü, Erhan2024-11-062024-11-062024Uğurlu, P., Satar, E. İ. ve Ünlü, E. (2024). Toxic effects of commercial grade indoxacarb and endosulfan on Gammarus kischineffensis (Schellenberg, 1937) (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Chemosphere, 360, 1-11.0045-6535https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653524012803?via%3Dihubhttps://hdl.handle.net/11468/28919This study was designed to investigate the toxic effects of two frequently used commercial insecticides containing endosulfan and indoxacarb on a freshwater amphipod Gammarus kischineffensis. In this context, the 24, 48, 72 and 96 h LC50 values of these pesticides were determined for G. kischineffensis. Then the histopathological effects of these pesticides on the gill tissues of this species were evaluated. At the end of the study, the 96 h LC50 values of commercial-grade endosulfan and indoxacarb for G. kischineffensis were determined as 1.861 μg L−1 and 20.212 mg L−1, respectively. Histopathologically, the most common histopathological alterations in individuals exposed to sublethal concentrations of commercial-grade endosulfan and indoxacarb were pillar cell hypertrophy resulting in atrophy of the hemocoelic space and hemocytic infiltration. Considering these results, it can be said that commercial-grade endosulfan is extremely and indoxacarb is slightly toxic to G. kischineffensis.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAmphipodCommercial gradeEndosulfanGammarus kischineffensisGillHistopathological alterationIndoxacarbLC50 valueToxic effects of commercial grade indoxacarb and endosulfan on Gammarus kischineffensis (Schellenberg, 1937) (Crustacea: Amphipoda)Toxic effects of commercial grade indoxacarb and endosulfan on Gammarus kischineffensis (Schellenberg, 1937) (Crustacea: Amphipoda)Article3601112-s2.0-8519434714138801905Q1