Besen, Dilek BüyükkayaAydın, NalanBektaş, BelginVatansever, ÖzgülSürücü, Hamdiye Arda2022-08-102022-08-102018Besen, D. B., Aydın, N., Bektaş, B., Vatansever, Ö. ve Sürücü, H. A. (2018). Tip 2 diyabeti olan bireylere verilen eğitimin (sohbet haritasına dayalı) ayak bakım davranışlarına ve diyabetik ayak risk faktörlerine etkisi. Turkiye Klinikleri Cardiovascular Sciences, 30(2), 58-68.1306-7656 The most common cause of amputations in diabetes patients is the foot ulcer. The most prevalent factors leading to ulcer include neuropathy, deformity and traumas. Defining the foot risk factors for all diabetes patients and giving related education constitute the most important way of preventing foot ulcer. The purpose of the present study was to examined the influence of education given with the method of Conversation Map (Diabetes conversations) on Type-2 diabetes individuals' diabetic foot behaviors and on the diabetic foot risk factors. Material and Methods: The study was carried out using the descriptive method with the records of diabetes individuals who were all registered to a diabetes education center of a university hospital and who took education with the method of conversation maps. Within the scope of the study, four training sessions based on conversation maps were held with diabetes patients. In the study, the 12th-month foot care behaviors of individuals before and after the education process and the diabetic foot risk factors were compared. Results: The results revealed a significant change over time-before and after the education process-between the 12th-month foot care behaviors of diabetes individuals who took group education with the conversation map method with respect to foot care efficiency, foot care frequency, and with respect to the diabetic foot risk factors of temperature and humidity. Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrated that the map-based program had positive influence on the patients' diabetic foot behaviors. For the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the education given based on the conversation map, future studies could be carried out with larger research samples using the randomized controlled design. Copyrighttrinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessConversation mapDiabetic footFoot care behaviorsGroup educationTip 2 diyabeti olan bireylere verilen eğitimin (sohbet haritasına dayalı) ayak bakım davranışlarına ve diyabetik ayak risk faktörlerine etkisiInfluence of education given to type 2 diabetes patients (Based on Conversation Map) on their foot-care behaviors and on diabetic foot risk factorsArticle30258682-s2.0-8505509107330962110.5336/cardiosci.2018-62474Q4