Çetinçakmak, Mehmet GüliHattapoğlu, Salih2024-04-242024-04-2420181300-26942587-0351https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/yayin/detay/321885https://hdl.handle.net/11468/27989Objectives: To evaluate cervical ossification of posteriorlongitudinal ligament (OPLL) with computed tomography (CT)in the southeast of Turkey area.Materials and Methods: We retrospectively evaluated cervicalCT of 2610 patients in our databese (1806 males, 804 females;age range 1-100 years). OPLL was present in 135 patients.These 135 patients were evaluated according to the new CTclassification.Results: We show OPLL in 135 patients (90 [66.6%] males, 45[33.3%] females; mean age 56.84 ± 15.6 [range 26 -100] years).Using classification A, 84 (62.2%) patients had non-bridgeOPLL, while 51 (37.8%) had bridge OPLL. Using the axialclassification, 114 (84.5 %) patients had the central type and 21(15.5%) patients had lateral type OPLL.Conclusions: Our population has different OPLL featurescompared to previous studies. We believe that our study willcontribute a new data related to a different population in theliterature of OPLL prevalenceeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAssessing Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Ossification Using new CT Classification and Determining the Prevalence of Ossification ın Our Population Posterior Longitudinal Ligament OssificationAssessing Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Ossification Using new CT Classification and Determining the Prevalence of Ossification ın Our Population Posterior Longitudinal Ligament OssificationArticle252235238321885