Candan, İlhanGezgin, Serap YiğitGündoğdu, YaseminGümgüm, Hadice Budak2022-11-162022-11-162021Candan, İ., Gezgin, S. Y., Gündoğdu, Y. ve Gumgum, H. B. (2021). Biosensor properties of plasmonic silver nanoparticles produced by the pld mechanism. Middle East Journal of Science, 7(2), 112-122.2618-6136 metal nanoparticles (NPs), such as Ag, Au, Cu NPs, attract great interest due totheir notable applications in biological, and chemical sensing. Researchers have studied the plasmonicmetal NPs which have exceptional optical properties in a large spectral region. Metal NPs form aunique surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peak that is in the electromagnetic spectrum’s visible part. The peak of SPR firmly depends on the NP’s size, shape, dielectric constant, and medium that theparticle is in. Light interacts with nanoparticles that are smaller than the wavelength of incident lightin localized surface resonance. That leads Localised Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) in which anoscillating local plasma around the NP with a certain frequency form. The LSPR detection is the mostcommon method for wavelength shift measurement. Since analyte absorption causes a significant change on the value of local dielectric constant, the LSPR peak shifts. It is known that biologicalmolecules such as proteins and antibodies can sensitively be detected while they affect the localdielectric environment. Therefore, Ag or Au based metal NPs can be used as a sensor with the help ofLSPR wavelength shift technique. Among the metal NPs, Ag has a relatively higher refractive indexsensitivity. Moreover, Ag NPs generate measurements that are more precise since they have a shaperLSPR peak. In our work, we produce plasmonic Ag NPs with various sizes and spherical shapes bymaking use of the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) mechanism. Subsequently, we have investigate theLSPR peaks of these NPs via the UV-Vis spectroscopy. Additionally, biosensor properties of plasmonicAg NPs are investigated by binding Protein A molecules to surface of the NPs. It is significant to mentionhere that we obtain an LSPR wavelength shift, which has a value around 100 nm/RIU.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPlasmonic nanoparticlesSilver nanoparticlesLSPRPLDPlasmonic sensorBiosensor properties of plasmonic silver nanoparticles produced by the pld mechanismBiosensor properties of plasmonic silver nanoparticles produced by the pld mechanismArticle7211212250751110.51477/mejs.1013013