Denli, MuzafferVural, AydinAlp, Simten Yesilmen2024-04-242024-04-2420192285-57502393-2260 aim of this study was to determine the effects of adding oregano essential oils (OEO) to diets on egg quality and egg shell contamination of laying hens kept in furnished cages. For this aim 300 Atak-S at 31 weeks old laying hens were randomly divided into two groups negative control (NC; basal diet) and oregano essential oils (OEO; basal diets plus 150 mg/kg oregano essential oils) for 6 months. Dietary inclusion of OEO significantly decreased E.coli and Coliform contamination on egg shell (P<0.05). In addition, including diet with OEO improved means of egg weight comparing to the control (P<0.05). However, no significant differences in the internal quality characteristics of eggs were observed between two groups during the all experimental period (P>0.05). Results of the study indicated that the adding OEO to diets plays an important role in decreasing egg shell bacterial contamination.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessFurnished CageEgg Shell ContaminationEgg QualityOregano Essential OilLaying HensTHE INFLUENCE OF OREGANO ESSENTIAL OIL ON EGG QUALITY AND EGG SHELL CONTAMINATION OF LAYING HENS KEPT IN FURNISHED CAGESTHE INFLUENCE OF OREGANO ESSENTIAL OIL ON EGG QUALITY AND EGG SHELL CONTAMINATION OF LAYING HENS KEPT IN FURNISHED CAGESArticle6224852WOS:000509121700007N/A