Çolak, Mehmet2022-10-242022-10-242019Çolak, M. (2019). A radiographic evaluation of impacted third molar teeth of patients in the South-east of Turkey: a retrospective study. International Dental Research, 9(3), 127-132.2146-1767https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/yayin/detay/330900https://hdl.handle.net/11468/10663https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/yayin/detay/330900Aim: The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate theradiographs of the region of the third molar teeth in adults who presentedwith various complaints. The impaction status of these teeth wasexamined according to the positions shown, gender and the jaw.Methodology: A retrospective evaluation was made of the panoramicradiographs of a total of 664 patients, comprising 341 males and 323females with a mean age of 23.96 years (range, 17-35 years). Theimpaction status and position were examined in a total of 1331 thirdmolar teeth; 456 maxillary and 875 mandibular.Results: Of the 875 mandibular third molar teeth, 545 were seen to bein a vertical position, 234 were mesioangular, 54 distoangular, 32horizontal and 10 buccoangular. Of the 456 maxillary third molar teeth,322 were seen to be in a vertical position, 71 were mesioangular, 47distoangular, 5 horizontal and 11 buccoangular.In the examination of the impaction status of the third molar teeth, therewas seen to be more impaction of teeth in the mandible than in themaxilla. The most frequent impaction position of maxillary third molarteeth was vertical (70.61%) followed by mesioangular (15.57%), and inmandibular teeth, the most frequent impaction postion was vertical(62.28%) followed by mesioangular (26.74%).Conclusions: In conclusion, it can be said that when third molar teethare impacted which may cause pathologies, the negative effects of thesemust be taken into consideration.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessThird molarImpaction statusIncidenceA radiographic evaluation of impacted third molar teeth of patients in the South-east of Turkey: a retrospective studyA radiographic evaluation of impacted third molar teeth of patients in the South-east of Turkey: a retrospective studyArticle9312713233090010.5577/intdentres.2019.vol9.no3.6