Deveci, E.Soker, S.Turgut, A.Aktas, A.Ayaz, E.Sak, S.Seker, U.2024-04-242024-04-2420130393-63842283-9720, vessel wall plays a stabilizing role in the regulation of blood flow in the microcirculation. The purpose of this study is based on non-diabetic pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes pregnancies to investigate the morphological structure of pericyte cells. In this study, as a control group human placental tissues from normotensive pregnancies was collected from diabetic wome at 28-35 weeks of gestation. Pericytes with smooth alpha-actin positive cells, endothelial cells, and painted like a belt was surrounded. Pericytes, capillary plexus and endothelial cells of large vessels in the mesenchyme around the middle shows desmin positive reaction. Placental micro vessels examined by transmission electron microscopy showed many pericytes. Placentas of gestational diabetes group, heterochromatin nucleus hypertrophy, dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria cristae in length, shortening was observed thickening of the filamentary structure. The contractile function of the barrier formed by endothelial cells, pericytes and can increase the contractions were consideredeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessGestational DiabetesPericyte CellsAlpha Smooth ActinDesminTHE IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL AND ULTRASTRUCTURAL EVALUATION OF PERICYTES IN HUMAN FULL TERM PLACENTAS OF GESTASYONAL DIABETES MELLITUSTHE IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL AND ULTRASTRUCTURAL EVALUATION OF PERICYTES IN HUMAN FULL TERM PLACENTAS OF GESTASYONAL DIABETES MELLITUSArticle294697700WOS:000330151200016Q4