Ucar, Eyyup HakanKose, MehmetKirbas, MesutBozkaya, FarukAtli, Mehmet Osman2024-04-242024-04-2420230798-2259https://doi.org/10.52973/rcfcv-e33298https://hdl.handle.net/11468/20055This study investigated the plasma profile of Pregnancy Associated Glycoproteins (PAGs) after lambing in Konya Merino ewes using specific cattle pregnancy test kit. A total of 16 Konya Merino ewes were used as a material. Four groups were set up, ewes birthing a male lamb (SM group, n=4), a female lamb (SF group, n=4), twin male lambs (TM group, n=4) or twin female lambs (TF group, n=4). Blood plasma samples were taken on days 0 (lambing day), 3, 7, 10, 14 and then weekly until day 35. All samples were analysed using a bovine pregnancy test kit to detect of PAGs level. It was determined that there was a strong negative correlation between PAGs levels in peripheral blood and days after lambing (r2=0.969; P<0.01). However, no relationship was found between PAGs level and lamb gender or birth type. In conclusion, plasma PAGs level decreases rapidly in Konya Merino ewes regardless of lamb gender and birth type. Moreover, the results showed that the plasma profile of PAGs after lambing in Konya Merino ewes can be monitored with a bovine commercial ELISA-based pregnancy test kit, and the test results can be used in decisions and assessments based on the levels of PAG molecules.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKonya MerinoPregnancy Associated GlycoproteinsPostpartum PeriodPlasma profile of Pregnancy Associated Glycoproteins during Postpartum period in Konya Merino ewes lambing single and twinPlasma profile of Pregnancy Associated Glycoproteins during Postpartum period in Konya Merino ewes lambing single and twinArticle332WOS:00106970350003010.52973/rcfcv-e33298N/A