Gezgin, Serap YiğitCandan, İlhanBaturay, ŞilanKılıç, Hamdi Şükür2022-09-072022-09-072022Gezgin, S. Y., Candan, İ., Baturay, Ş. ve Kılıç, H. Ş. (2022). Modelling of the solar cell based Cu2SnS3 thin film produced by spray pyrolysis. Middle East Journal of Science, 8(1), 64-76.2618-6136 (CTS) thin film has been produced for 30 ccm sulphur flux rate at 30 minutes annealing durations at 550 oC temperature.CTS thin film’s crystalline structure has been investigated and crystalline size, lattice parameters, dislocation density and microstrain, crystalline number have also been determined.The CTS thin film’s morphological and optical properties have been examined and thoroughly interpreted.Mo/CTS/CdS/AZO solar cell has been modelled based on CTS thin film produced at the present work, using SCAPS-1D simulation programme.Voc, Jsc, FF, conversion efficiency and photovoltaic parameters have been determined depending on neutral defect density at the interface, coefficient of radiative recombination, Auger electron/hole capture’s coefficient and operation temperature of CTS solar cell.As a consequence of simulation study, ideal efficiency of CTS solar cell has been determined to be 3.72 % and all the data obtained in this study have been presented, interpreted and concluded to be original results.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCTSSolar cellSCAPS-1DSimulationModelling of the solar cell based CU2SNS3 thin film produced by spray pyrolysisArticle816476110236810.51477/mejs.1105297