Önder, HakanGüler, ŞükranTekbaş, GüvenBüyükkaya, AylaGümüş, HaticeEkici, FaysalÖnder, AkınBilici, Aslan2024-04-242024-04-242012Önder, H., Güler, Ş., Tekbaş, G., Büyükkaya, A., Gümüş, H., Ekici, F. ve diğerleri. (2012). An elderly patient with Bochdalek's hernia case that implies left-sided intratoracic renal ectopia. European Journal of General Medicine, 9(1), 64-66.1304-3889https://doi.org/10.29333/ejgm/82559https://hdl.handle.net/11468/23737Bochdalek hernia is a congenital disease characterized by protrusion of the abdominal organs into the thorax through the posterior defect in the diaphragma. The detection of incidental bochdalek hernia has increased because of the widespread use of the multidedector computed tomography. It is very rare in adult population. Intrathoracic kidney in bochdalek hernia is uncommon. In this paper, a 78 year-old man who had bochdalek hernia with a kidney in the left side of the thoracic region is presented.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBochdalek herniaDiaphragmatic herniaIntrathoracic kidneyAn elderly patient with Bochdalek's hernia case that implies left-sided intratoracic renal ectopiaAn elderly patient with Bochdalek's hernia case that implies left-sided intratoracic renal ectopiaYaşlı bir hastada intratorasik ektopik böbrek i̇le seyreden bochdalek hernisiYaşlı bir hastada intratorasik ektopik böbrek i?le seyreden bochdalek hernisiArticle9164662-s2.0-84866458881TRDizinIdYok10.29333/ejgm/82559N/A