Tatar, Ali MuratSireli, H. DenizTutkun, Muhittin2024-04-242024-04-2420172285-57502393-2260 replacement rate in cattle breeding has an important effect on the profitability of breeding as well as the success of the breeding program. Culling decisions play an important role whether the herd replacement rate is high or low. The replacement rate in cattle breeding has an important effect on the profitability of breeding as well as the success of the breeding program. Removal decision from herd will play an important role whether the replacement rate high or low. The reasons for culling were reported as low milk yield (29-36%), reproductive problem (15-27%), mastitis (18-23%) and other causes (25%). On the other hand, voluntary and involuntary culling rate are shown as 43,7% is 56.3% respectively. This rewiev focussed on evaluating the reasons for culling of cows, replacement rate, herd life and productive life in dairy cattle enterprises.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessCattleCullingProductive LifeLongevityREASONS FOR CULLING AND REPLACEMENT RATE IN DAIRY CATTLEREASONS FOR CULLING AND REPLACEMENT RATE IN DAIRY CATTLEArticle604951WOS:000413674700007N/A